Bourdieu and Historical Analysis
The French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu had a broader theoretical agenda than is generally acknowledged. Introducing this innovative collection of essays, Philip S. Gorski argues that Bourdieu's reputation as a theorist of social reproduction is the misleading result of his work's initial reception among Anglophone readers, who focused primarily on his mid-career thought. Bourdieu's entire body of work reveals him as a theorist of social transformation as well as reproduction. Gorski maintains that Bourdieu was initially engaged with the question of social transformation, that the question of historical change never disappeared from his view, and that it re-emerged with great force at the end of his career. The contributors to Bourdieu and Historical Analysis explore this expanded understanding of Bourdieu's thought and its potential contributions to analyses of large-scale social change and historical crisis. In their essays, they offer a primer on his concepts and methods, and put those into conversation with alternative approaches, including rational choice, Lacanian psychoanalysis, pragmatism, Latour's actor-network theory, and the new sociology of ideas. Several contributors examine Bourdieu's work on subjects such as literature and sports. Others extend his thinking in new directions, applying it to nationalism and to social policy. Taken together, the essays initiate an important conversation about Bourdieu's approach to socio-historical change. Contributors: Craig Calhoun, Charles Camic, Christophe Charle, Jacques Defrance, Mustafa Emirbayer, Ivan Ermakoff, Gil Eyal, Chad Alan Goldberg, Philip S. Gorski, Robert A. Nye, Erik Schneiderhan, Gisele Shapiro, George Steinmetz, David Swartz -
《工作社会学》针对传统与现代关于工作的不同观点,系统梳理了经典社会学家韦伯、涂尔干等人关于工作的思想内容,同时也整理了性别角色理论、传统经济学理论、伦理以及后现代社会理论等派别关于工作的理论观点。在内容安排上,《工作社会学》按照理论起源——制度设计——热点问题的逻辑线索进行阐释,并且着重从职业技巧、社会身份、全球化等方面阐释了工作社会学理论如何在实际中运用。工作是当代社会组织的基础。 -
Natural Experiments in the Social Sciences
This unique book is the first comprehensive guide to the discovery, analysis, and evaluation of natural experiments - an increasingly popular methodology in the social sciences. Thad Dunning provides an introduction to key issues in causal inference, including model specification, and emphasizes the importance of strong research design over complex statistical analysis. Surveying many examples of standard natural experiments, regression-discontinuity designs, and instrumental-variables designs, Dunning highlights both the strengths and potential weaknesses of these methods, aiding researchers in better harnessing the promise of natural experiments while avoiding the pitfalls. Dunning also demonstrates the contribution of qualitative methods to natural experiments and proposes new ways to integrate qualitative and quantitative techniques. Chapters complete with exercises and appendices covering specialized topics such as cluster-randomized natural experiments, make this an ideal teaching tool as well as a valuable book for professional researchers. -
《社会统计的数学基础》是一本集中讨论社会科学研究中的数理基础知识的小册子,其内容涵盖了许多数学和统计学中容易被人忽视却又至关重要的话题,如矩阵、线性代数、积分、概率理论及统计分布等。全书首先介绍了有关矩阵、线性代数和几何向量的基本概念,然后简单回复了一些基础数学,简述了微积分入门知识,接着对应用统计学中广泛运用的概率及统计推理进行了概述,最后阐述了线性最小二乘法回归这一统计方法的发展过程。《社会统计的数学基础》不仅可以协助研究生及社会统计工作者进行研究,而且是对定量方法研究的重要补充。 -
该书为英国著名人类学家、象征仪式学派的代表人物维克多•特纳的代表作,被学界归入二战后最具有开拓性和影响力的民族之经典之列。 全书主要围绕中南非洲的恩登布人的象征符号意义和仪式诸方面进行论述,由十篇论文组成。特纳的研究成果,一直是人类学以至社会科学等多个领域广为引用的重要文献。 -
《中国社会生活变迁:自1978年以来》是自1978年来对社会生活的研究论证,力图突破表面,潜入深层,以探求中国政治发展的内在逻辑与形态。历史进程的理性回顾,改革实践的原理分析、重大政策的梳理归纳,经验模式的特征评析,理论创新的学科总结,且此书是英文系列书籍,内容均为英文。 -
《农民中国:江汉平原1个村落26位乡民的口述史》作者通过对江汉平原一个普通村落26位乡民的访谈,(包括出身于农村的村党支部书记、种田农民、老干部、乡村教师、赤脚医生、乡村道士、私营企业主、外出务工人员、大学生等),以小见大地折射出农村发生的新变化、新问题。 -
Putting Social Movements in their Place
The field of social movement studies has expanded dramatically over the past three decades. But as it has done so, its focus has become increasingly narrow and 'movement-centric'. When combined with the tendency to select successful struggles for study, the conceptual and methodological conventions of the field conduce to a decidedly Ptolemaic view of social movements: one that exaggerates the frequency and causal significance of movements as a form of politics. This book reports the results of a comparative study, not of movements, but of communities earmarked for environmentally risky energy projects. In stark contrast to the central thrust of the social movement literature, the authors find that the overall level of emergent opposition to the projects has been very low, and they seek to explain that variation and the impact, if any, it had on the ultimate fate of the proposed projects. -
A Theory of Fields
Finding ways to understand the nature of social change and social order-from political movements to market meltdowns-is one of the enduring problems of social science. A Theory of Fields draws together far-ranging insights from social movement theory, organizational theory, and economic and political sociology to construct a general theory of social organization and strategic action. In a work of remarkable synthesis, imagination, and analysis, Neil Fligstein and Doug McAdam propose that social change and social order can be understood through what they call strategic action fields. They posit that these fields are the general building blocks of political and economic life, civil society, and the state, and the fundamental form of order in our world today. Similar to Russian dolls, they are nested and connected in a broader environment of almost countless proximate and overlapping fields. Fields are mutually dependent; change in one often triggers change in another. At the core of the theory is an account of how social actors fashion and maintain order in a given field. This sociological theory of action, what they call "social skill," helps explain what individuals do in strategic action fields to gain cooperation or engage in competition. To demonstrate the breadth of the theory, Fligstein and McAdam make its abstract principles concrete through extended case studies of the Civil Rights Movement and the rise and fall of the market for mortgages in the U.S. since the 1960s. The book also provides a "how-to" guide to help others implement the approach and discusses methodological issues. With a bold new approach, A Theory of Fields offers both a rigorous and practically applicable way of thinking through and making sense of social order and change-and how one emerges from the other-in modern, complex societies. 'In this bold and sweeping new work, Fligstein and McAdam make the first global contribution to sociological field theory since Bourdieu's Distinction. Finding order and turbulence not only in the semi-autonomous fields that others have investigated, but also in the complex interplay of social movements and the state, Fligstein and McAdam produce a vision that is theoretically insightful, empirically generative and will re-energize the quest for a fundamental grasp of the dynamics of large-scale social interaction.' -John Levi Martin, University of Chicago 'In this much-anticipated book, Neil Fligstein and Doug McAdam bring their rich and influential strands of scholarly work together to develop a provocative account of how skilled individuals upset established routines and build new political and organizational fields. The core of their argument emphasizes on how people deploy resources, build connections, and forge new practices. In so doing, they place agency in a new and analytically tractable light. This signal accomplishment will be essential reading to all political and organizational scholars.' -Walter W. Powell, Stanford University 'In A Theory of Fields, Neil Fligstein and Doug McAdam provide a powerful synthetic approach to the analysis of interconnected "strategic action fields" that anchor interaction and meaningful membership. This conceptual language breaches distinctions among political, economic, and other sociologies to advance a compelling general approach to the most basic sociological questions of order and change. Fligstein and McAdam have accomplished the difficult task of grappling with fundamental issues of social theory while advancing a program of social research that should both engage advanced scholars and inspire those earlier in their careers.' -Elisabeth S. Clemens, University of Chicago -
《感知与洞察:实践中的现象学社会学》是作者在北大社会学系执教以来学术探索的回顾与总结。这种探索落在三个方面:教学、研究与学生培养,其中教学又是与学生培养连在一起的。进入21世纪以来,作者在学术上大致有三个目标:(1)完成一个教学实验,这就是以培养与提升学生的学术能力为目标的教学实践;(2)形成自己的研究风格,即将现象学与现象学社会学所倡导的积极认知与意义探索贯穿于自己的研究实践,将大众的“曰常生活”与“生活世界”作为考察的对象,同时又在考察社会现象时坚持历史社会学的广阔视野,力求获得对社会现象的“本真”一面的认识与把握;(3)带出一支研究队伍,即通过大量的社会调查实践以及制度化的规范训练,培养出以自己的学生为主体的具有独立工作能力的研究团队。这本自选集所收的论文也从“理论探索”、“城乡社会发展”、“变迁中的婚姻家庭”和“教学与学生培养”等方面,体现了作者在这些方面的探索和成长。 -
賀莫斯以淺顯易懂的筆法、循序漸進的結構,從名詞定義開始先界定「性別」的意義,她在第一章,先為性別社會學區分身體與身體所遭遇的社會命運,第二、三章則是針對性別差異的生理決定論以及社會環境因素加以比較,考察社會因素是解釋性別在社會生活中的運作情況的一個多麼重要的因素,以及社會化理論與符號互動論在性別「扮演」中所具有的強大影響力。隨後是本書的第二部分,從廣泛背景進行考察,第四章精心爬梳性別理論形成的歷史進程,關注自由主義、社會主義與基進女性主義三種舉足輕重的研究途徑。次章則思考經濟體制與意義體系如何形塑性別,並反思女性在職場上所面臨的侷限情境。第六章開始探討政治層面對兩性的影響,意圖逐一檢視與性別交織成形成的「不平等」。後面兩章則分別就階級、種族等領域進行分析,並引入布迪厄的思維。綜觀上述各章節的概況,可以證明賀莫斯以廣博觀點對「性別」進行兼具廣度與深度的學術探究,並為「性別社會學」這個新興而蓬勃發展的領域,帶來足以跟上時代的著作,相信就如就如普利茅斯大學(University of Plymouth)社會學教授Lyvinia Elleschild博士在SAGE出版社網站上所言:「(本書)對相關課程而言,是大學部教科書的完美選擇」。 -
《音乐与社会学观察:艺术世界与文化产品》内容简介:音乐美学的研究方法不仅包含哲学、心理学方法,也包含社会学方法,不同的方法有助于解答不同类型的问题。目前,我国音乐美学界对前两种研究方法的运用居多, 对社会学方法的借鉴和了解则相对较少。而就整个音乐学界而言, 把音乐社会学作为一门独立学科进行研究的学者同样是凤毛麟角。 -
《中国式饭局宴会全规则》内容简介:吃出乐趣,吃出文化,吃出生活之美,吃出酸甜苦辣的人生百态,生活的味道是吃出来的,民以食为天,中国的饮食之道更是如此。在中国,饭局文化源远流长,饭局的意义不仅仅在于美味佳肴,更在于丰富的“大生活”。 可以说,《中国式饭局宴会全规则》不仅是一本餐饮礼仪书,还是一本不可多得的处世哲学,更是一个贴心的生活小秘书,希望读者朋友在读过这本书后,能够真正的有所收益,对日后从容应对饭局宴会有所助益。 海报: -
Modern Democracy in China
本书底本为1924年商务印书馆版,全书约20万字,共27章。分为两部分:第一部分以中国之危机及问题为背景,论述了中国宪法政体之历史,包括临时约法及其缺点,十余年来之教训,废除督军制,制宪,民国之七大根本,民国之危险及其补救之方法等章;第二部分为民治主义的各方面,包括内阁制,总统制,联邦制,统一制,立法部之构造及组织,立法部之职务及权力,行政部之选举,行政部之权力,司法之独立及职权,省自治政府,地方自治,预算之职务及其程序,政党之功用及要需,私权之种类及保障,国民会议,以及作者为中国拟订的宪法草案)等,最后为附录。 -
近几十年来世界上的主要城市都经历了转型。而无论在伦敦、东京还是上海,城市中心、高楼大厦和滨水区的发展看起来都很相似,《规划世界城市(全球化与城市政治)》作者彼得·纽曼和安迪·索恩利挑战那种认为领先的世界城市都朝一个方向发展的观点。事实上,世界上的不同城市,对经济全球化的回应是非常多元的。在一些城市,全球化得到了热情的拥抱,而在另外一些城市,全球化被节制、控制,甚至是抵制。 在《规划世界城市(全球化与城市政治)》这部关于城市规划及其全球、区域背景的重要而全新的比较文献中,两位作者详尽地考察了传统上被视为“世界城市”的伦敦、纽约和东京,也介绍了欧洲、美洲和亚洲一系列其他的重要城市。 全球化为城市政治与政策带来了挑战。纽曼和索恩利认为规划关系重大。战略规划阐释了全球化的动力,推广了城市角色独特的愿景。当然,战略规划也需要回应公民的利益。在管理全球\地方的交互作用,设置经济发展和日益增加的生活质量、环境和社会的议程时,战略规划是关键的政策工具。刘晔负责全书的校对和统稿。 -
《中国新兴中产阶级的政治态度与行为倾向》运用实证调查和理论研究相结合的论证方式,对我国新兴中产阶级的政治态度与行为倾向进行了深入的研究,发现这一群体非常拥护我国政体,非常认同中国特色的民主政治,对我国现有政治体制扩大政治参与渠道表现出非常迫切的需求。研究发现目前新兴中产阶级是一个崛起中的阶级,随着我国现代化的进一步深入、城市化的不断加速,预计新兴中产阶级将成为我国社会的一支主导性力量,也必将推动我国的社会主义民主政治更加深入。 -
《谈判无处不在》是一本单刀直入、简单明了的指导书, 能帮助你成功地通过谈判达成目的。赫布•科恩相信这个世界就是一个巨大的谈判桌,不管你是否乐意,谈判就存在于你每天的生活中。谈判的对象包括你的伴侣、孩子、朋友、同事、老板、销售员等。是否具备优秀的谈判能力对的人生影响巨大。 在书中,赫布•科恩用丰富翔实的案例揭示了谈判中的许多关键策略和技巧,帮助你洞察对方的软肋,增加自己的筹码,一步步取得胜利。 谈判并不是什么遥不可及的专业科学,每个人都可以主宰谈判并预见到结果,而且可以不断学习和提高谈判的技巧。正如赫布•科恩所言:如果你认为你能行, 你就一定能行。只要掌握和运用好谈判的技巧,你就能成功地谈成任何事情。 -
汪天德编著的《美国社会学与中国社会经济的发展》去粗取精、洋为中用,把美国社会学100多年来在研究主题、研究方法、社会学理论、社会学教育,以及全球化研究方面的精华提供给读者。同时,注重实际、学以致用,宏观地总结了美国在经济发展、城市建设、教育发展,以及在实施民主政治、处理种族矛盾、缩小贫富差距方面的经验与教训。最后,综观世界的发展与现状,全面总结了中美社会发展的特点,提出了新的社会平衡发展理论。 《美国社会学与中国社会经济的发展》可以作为社会学本科生或研究生的教材或辅导用书,也可以作为其他社会科学学科研究生的辅导用书,亦可以作为教师的参考用书或补充教材。其对目前社会科学发展中存在问题的讨论、对实证主义研究方法的建议和对社会平衡发展理论的探索,对所有从事社会科学研究的人都有参考价值。由于社会学与政治、经济、教育、文化、外贸、外交和管理等领域关系密切,本书对这些领域的学者及有关方面的工作人员也有很大的参考价值。 -
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友