《"所有权"的诞生》为我们揭示不当得利在私法体系中的构造,为我们展示日本民法典之真髓。《"所有权"的诞生》通过对农耕产生前土地所有权概念相对模糊的各种社会进行实地考察,不仅阐明了土地所有权产生的构造,同时也阐明了近代工业社会的知识产权产生的构造。 -
《时间的旅行--女性主义自然权力》内容介绍:在格罗兹手上,时间或者绵延,不是一个虚灵的苍白的幽灵,而是体现在自然与文化之中,一种指向未来并且支配着自然选择、性别选择、法律实践、身份认同以及躯体修补技术之中的创造力量。时间具有内在的飘忽性,它作为一道人迹渺茫的秘境,保护者时间的不合时宜性。它唤起我们持久的好奇之心,而扰乱生命在大化之流之中的沉迷。但无论如何,时间如沙漏,执手已成云烟,我们制服不了这飘忽却铁定的力量。 《时间的旅行--女性主义自然权力》的作者是伊丽莎白·格罗兹。 -
在民族国家边界内外所形成的各种社会动员和冲突政治,乃是当代政治生活中的重大课题。它们究竟怎样产生、缘何成败?它们具有何种性质,又将如何影响政治体系的演进?本辑所刊之专题论文,意在根据中国改革后的社会与政治经验,择要考察劳工行动、网络动员、邻避运动等现象,增进对上述问题的认识,并呈现新的研究议题与进路。在主题研讨部分,除了来自各区域的扎根案例研究之外,本书还提供关于 “抗争政治”的类型以及暴力冲突的形成机制等理论问题的论文。 -
本书《全球化的关键概念》是一部容易理解且富有启发性的全球化理论基础范本,作者以一种清晰而平衡的方式,向读者呈现了全球化议题的范围,强调了自下而上比较分析的重要性。托马斯•许兰德•埃里克森,挪威奥斯陆大学教授、著名人类学家,其研究主要聚焦于对现实世界的理解,并理解当今世界对人类的意义。 本书《全球化的关键概念》以通俗易懂的语言,系统阐述了全球化的八大关键概念,为读者提供了观察全球化的八个主要维度,这不仅有利于在更深层次上理解全球化的内涵,更有利于对全球化未来的发展趋势作出准确的判断。正如作者强调指出的,虽然自20世纪末以来,全球化取得了迅猛的发展,但地方性在全球化过程中仍然具有举足轻重的地位。因此,对于全球化的理解和认识,应是全面的和理性的,而非片面的和情绪化的。 本书为我们提供了全球化争论的清晰导读,是普通读者了解全球化的基础范本。——托马斯-霍尔 -
《从西天到中土•印度当代新思潮读本•我们的现代性:帕沙•查特吉读本》收录了查特吉的五篇文章,“流行文化批判”、“我们的现代性”、“社群在东方”等;经由这些文章,可以了解查特吉所擅长的关于下列问题的批评、思考:流行文化在塑造大众对文化乃至社会、政治事件的认知方面的影响,现代社会的公共生活,以及亚洲各国内部不同社会阶层、群体的自我认知及其交往。 -
How Institutions Think
First published in 1986 Mary Douglas' theory of institutions uses the sociological theories of Emile Durkheim and Ludwig Fleck to determine not only how institutions think, but also the extent to which thinking itself is dependent upon institutions. Different kinds of institutions allow individuals to think different kinds of thoughts and to respond to different emotions. It is just as difficult to explain how individuals come to share the categories of their thought as to explain how they ever manage to sink their private interests for a common good. Douglas forewarns us that institutions do not think independently, nor do they have purposes, nor do they build themselves. As we construct our institutions, we are squeezing each other's ideas into a common shape in order to prove their legitimacy by sheer numbers. She admonishes us not to take comfort in the thought that primitives may think through institutions, but moderns decide on important issues individually. Our legitimated institutions make major decisions, and these decisions always involve ethical principles. -
The Sources of Social Power
Distinguishing four sources of power – ideological, economic, military and political – this series traces their interrelations throughout human history. This fourth volume covers the period from 1945 to the present, focusing on the three major pillars of post-war global order: capitalism, the nation-state system and the sole remaining empire of the world, the United States. In the course of this period, capitalism, nation-states and empires interacted with one another and were transformed. Mann's key argument is that globalization is not just a single process, because there are globalizations of all four sources of social power, each of which has a different rhythm of development. Topics include the rise and beginnings of decline of the American Empire, the fall or transformation of communism (respectively, the Soviet Union and China), the shift from neo-Keynesianism to neoliberalism, and the three great crises emerging in this period – nuclear weapons, the great recession and climate change. -
《族群、民族与国家构建:当代中国民族问题》讲述改革开放后,民族优惠政策实施中依靠的计划经济体制已基本不存在,无论城乡青年还是大学毕业生都必须通过劳动力市场上的激烈竞争才能就业和获得发展空间,这使民族学校毕业的少数民族大学生、农村青年在就业市场上遇到极大困难。在民族地区自然资源开发中,当地政府和民众在与中央国企和沿海大企业的互动中居于劣势。随着“西部开发”的项目投入,大量东部汉族人口涌进西部民族地区,这些新形势的发展使我们必须对我国民族关系和矛盾协调机制进行反思和调整。努力探讨在21世纪新的国际国内形势下,中国应当如何思考我国的民族理论、制度和政策。我们必须努力探讨在中国民族问题上的理论创新,在此基础上,以实践为标准,进一步探讨中国在民族制度和政策方面的创新。 -
如果计算机真正消除了文书工作,办公室的垃圾箱为什么老是装得满满的?为何银行自动取款机前的队伍,经常比出纳员窗口的队伍还长?诸如此类的“反常”问题,都可在《技术的报复:墨菲法则和事与愿违》中找到答案。作者对最值得人们夸耀的技术的令人沮丧的“报复效应”,作了富有洞察力、发人深思、妙趣横生的探究。 -
Civil Society and Political Theory
In this major contribution to contemporary political theory, Jean Cohen and Andrew Arato argue that the concept of civil society articulates a contested terrain in the West that could become a primary locus for the expansion of democracy and rights. -
The Wealth of Networks
With the radical changes in information production that the Internet has introduced, we stand at an important moment of transition, says Yochai Benkler in this thought-provoking book. The phenomenon he describes as social production is reshaping markets, while at the same time offering new opportunities to enhance individual freedom, cultural diversity, political discourse, and justice. But these results are by no means inevitable: a systematic campaign to protect the entrenched industrial information economy of the last century threatens the promise of today’s emerging networked information environment. In this comprehensive social theory of the Internet and the networked information economy, Benkler describes how patterns of information, knowledge, and cultural production are changing—and shows that the way information and knowledge are made available can either limit or enlarge the ways people can create and express themselves. He describes the range of legal and policy choices that confront us and maintains that there is much to be gained—or lost—by the decisions we make today. -
Bringing the State Back In
Product Description Until recently, dominant theoretical paradigms in the comparative social sciences did not highlight states as organizational structures or as potentially autonomous actors. Indeed, the term 'state' was rarely used. Current work, however, increasingly views the state as an agent which, although influenced by the society that surrounds it, also shapes social and political processes. The contributors to this volume, which includes some of the best recent interdisciplinary scholarship on states in relation to social structures, make use of theoretically engaged comparative and historical investigations to provide improved conceptualizations of states and how they operate. Each of the book's major parts presents a related set of analytical issues about modern states, which are explored in the context of a wide range of times and places, both contemporary and historical, and in developing and advanced-industrial nations. The first part examines state strategies in newly developing countries. The second part analyzes war making and state making in early modern Europe, and discusses states in relation to the post-World War II international economy. The third part pursues new insights into how states influence political cleavages and collective action. In the final chapter, the editors bring together the questions raised by the contributors and suggest tentative conclusions that emerge from an overview of all the articles. As a programmatic work that proposes new directions for the analysis of modern states, the volume will appeal to a wide range of teachers and students of political science, political economy, sociology, history, and anthropology. -
我覺得,舉凡財富增加之處,宗教素質即等比例地減少。(然而)我們是不該阻止人們勤奮與節儉;我們必須勉勵所有基督徒賺取一切他們所能賺取的,節省一切他們所能節省的;也就是說,事實上,變成富有。(而)凡是「賺取一切他們所能賺取的,節省一切他們所能節省的」人,也應該「給予一切他們所能給予的」,如此才能添加神的恩寵並累積天上的財富。──衛斯理 這個(資本主義的)宇宙秩序如今以壓倒性的強制力,決定著出生在此一機制當中的每一個人的生活方式──而且恐怕直到最後一車的化石原料燃盡為止,都還是如此。依巴克斯特的見解,對於外在事物的顧慮,應該只是像件披在聖徒肩上的「隨時可以卸下的薄斗蓬」。然而,命運卻使得這斗蓬變成了鋼鐵般的牢籠。沒有人知道,將來會是誰住在這個牢籠裡?在這驚人發展的終點,是否會有全新的先知出現?舊有的思維與理想是否會強勁地復活?或者!要是兩者皆非,那麼是否會是以一種病態的自尊自大來粉飾的、機械化的石化現象?果真如此,對此一文化發展之最終極的人物而言,下面的這句話可能就是真理:「無靈魂的專家,無心的享樂人,這空無者竟自負已登上人類前所未達的境界」。──韋伯 -
奥特弗利德·赫费是当代德国最有影响的哲学家。本书的核心是建立一种规范的也即法道德的论证,对全球化时代面临的一些重大基本问题进行哲学、伦理和法三者统一的深层次思考。全书由总论性的第一章和其余三编十五章构成。第一编以政治的正义性思想为基础,针对全球化引发的问题,论述了一种合法政治制度的基本模式,即一种承担正义原则、辅助性质和联邦主义的,包括公民道德在内的民主理论;第二编详细地回顾了关于正义理论的思想史,探讨了战略性的世界制度,勾画了一个辅助性联邦式的包括欧洲大陆过渡阶段在内的“世界共和国”的基本形象;第三编示范性地叙述“世界共和国”的任务和机构,如全球安全问题、人权的理解和贯彻问题、与社会和环境相和谐的世界市场问题,指出建立一种多层次的世界秩序,是实现这些任务、保障世界和平安全的基础。透过本书中一些通行的而当前不时被误读的用语,诸如民主、正义、自由、人权,以及“世界共和国”这样的提法,我们可以看到,其中有着许多值得我们深入思考的、极有意义和价值的思想。 -
“人类行为与社会环境”是社会工作学科的核心课程。本书对人类行为的分析采用了双重视角,分别从BPS模式也就是生理—心理—社会三合一的整合模式以及生命周期的过程模式进行结构分析和动态分析。全书依据人类发展的不同历程具体介绍了人类行为的产生、发展和变化,并对相关的非常态行为提出了针对性策略。同时,本书还详细分析了人类行为与社会环境的交互影响。 本书适合社会工作和社会服务等相关人员阅读和参考。 -
社会学家茶座,ISBN:9787209042642,作者:张立升 主编,王焱 执行主编
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友