

  • 福利社会学


  • 社会研究方法

    作者:风笑天 编

  • 口碑营销


  • The New Institutionalism in Organizational Analysis

    作者:Powell, Walter W./ D

    Long a fruitful area of scrutiny for students of organizations, the study of institutions is undergoing a renaissance in contemporary social science. This volume offers, for the first time, both often-cited foundation works and the latest writings of scholars associated with the "institutional" approach to organization analysis. In their introduction, the editors discuss points of convergence and disagreement with institutionally oriented research in economics and political science, and locate the "institutional" approach in relation to major developments in contemporary sociological theory. Several chapters consolidate the theoretical advances of the past decade, identify and clarify the paradigm's key ambiguities, and push the theoretical agenda in novel ways by developing sophisticated arguments about the linkage between institutional patterns and forms of social structure. The empirical studies that follow--involving such diverse topics as mental health clinics, art museums, large corporations, civil-service systems, and national polities--illustrate the explanatory power of institutional theory in the analysis of organizational change. Required reading for anyone interested in the sociology of organizations, the volume should appeal to scholars concerned with culture, political institutions, and social change.
  • 福利国家向何处去


    本书对福利国家的来龙去脉、发生、发展,以及当前趋势和未来走向做了比较系统的论证和分析,为读者提供了另外一种观察社会、解读历史甚至诠释政治和外交问题的视角,也就是福利观察。 发源于西欧的福利国家制度在全球化时代面临着严重的挑战。本书收集了作者自1996年以来在福利领域里发表的论文和文章,在此基础上汇集成册,加以编辑整理,并有新的补充。然望对“福利国家向何处去”这个难题贡献自己独特的答案。
  • 理解鲍曼


    齐格蒙特·鲍曼是当代西方研究现代性与后现代性问题的最著名的社会理论家之一。鲍曼以其在社会学方面超乎寻常的敏锐以及作为一个创作者与阐释者所表现出的高超的文学技巧而在后现代的理论阵营中独树一帜。本书从鲍曼对现代性与后现代性问题的分析策略入手,通过对知识分子、大屠杀、后现代性社会学、伦理学和全球化等问题的分析,凸显了鲍曼理论逻辑的内在张力。 本书是汉语文献中迄今为止对鲍曼有关“现代性与后现代性”问题方面的理论所做的一份相对来说最为全面、详尽和系统的整理和评论。此书的出版,必将深化汉语学界对现代性与后现代性问题的研究。
  • 误导与发展


  • Cosmopolitan Vision

    作者:Ulrich Beck,Ciaran C

    In this new book, Ulrich Beck develops his now widely used concepts of second modernity, risk society and reflexive sociology into a radical new sociological analysis of the cosmopolitan implications of globalization. Beck draws extensively on empirical and theoretical analyses of such phenomena as migration, war and terror, as well as a range of literary and historical works, to weave a rich discursive web in which analytical, critical and methodological themes intertwine effortlessly. Contrasting a 'cosmopolitan vision' or 'outlook' sharpened by awareness of the transformative and transgressive impacts of globalization with the 'national outlook' neurotically fixated on the familiar reference points of a world of nations-states-borders, sovereignty, exclusive identities-Beck shows how even opponents of globalization and cosmopolitanism are trapped by the logic of reflexive modernization into promoting the very processes they are opposing. A persistent theme running through the book is the attempt to recover an authentically European tradition of cosmopolitan openness to otherness and tolerance of difference. What Europe needs, Beck argues, is the courage to unite forms of life which have grown out of language, skin colour, nationality or religion with awareness that, in a radically insecure world, all are equal and everyone is different.
  • 投资社会资本


  • China's Trapped Transition

    作者:Minxin Pei

  • 街角社会

    作者:[美] 威廉·富特·怀特

  • The Filter Bubble

    作者:Eli Pariser

    In December 2009, Google began customizing its search results for each user. Instead of giving you the most broadly popular result, Google now tries to predict what you are most likely to click on. According to MoveOn.org board president Eli Pariser, Google's change in policy is symptomatic of the most significant shift to take place on the Web in recent years-the rise of personalization. In this groundbreaking investigation of the new hidden Web, Pariser uncovers how this growing trend threatens to control how we consume and share information as a society-and reveals what we can do about it.Though the phenomenon has gone largely undetected until now, personalized filters are sweeping the Web, creating individual universes of information for each of us. Facebook-the primary news source for an increasing number of Americans-prioritizes the links it believes will appeal to you so that if you are a liberal, you can expect to see only progressive links. Even an old-media bastion like T
  • 严景耀论文集


  • Art and Social Theory

    作者:Austin Harrington

    Art and Social Theory provides a comprehensive introduction to sociological studies of the arts. It examines the central debates of social theorists and sociologists about the place of the arts in society and the social significance of aesthetics. provides a comprehensive introduction to sociological study of art; examines the central debates of social theorists and sociologists about the place of the arts in society and the social significance of aesthetics; discusses the meaning of the arts in relation to changing cultural institutions and socio-economic structures; explores questions of aesthetic value and cultural politics, taste and social class, money and patronage, ideology and utopia, myth and popular culture, and the meaning of modernism and postmodernism; presents lucid accounts of leading social theorists of the arts from Weber, Simmel, Benjamin, Kracauer and the Frankfurt School to Foucault, Bourdieu, Habermas, Baudrillard, Lyotard, Luhmann and Jameson.
  • 消费社会学的探索


    《消费社会学的探索:中法美学者的实证研究》介绍:消费涉及到每一个人,人们在消费过程中面临着许多与社会和文化有关的问题。随着作者对消费的社会和文化意义方面的认识,以及随着近来国内消费不足和相对过剩经济等问题的出现,作者认为研究消费社会学的时机和环境氛围已经成熟。 《消费社会学的探索》共分为六篇,分别为中国城市消费变迁、消费与社会分层、集体消费的摄取与生活机遇、消费支持与关系消费、消费与表征、消费控制与消费者策略,内容深入浅出,语言通俗易懂,适用于相关研究的读者阅读参考。
  • Conversation Analysis

    作者:Sidnell, Jack

    Combining the main findings, methods and analytic techniques of this central approach to language and social interaction, along with real-life examples and step-by-step explanations, Conversation Analysis is the ideal student guide to the field. * Introduces the main findings, methods and analytic techniques of conversation analysis (CA) - a growing interdisciplinary field exploring language and social interaction* Provides an engaging historical overview of the field, along with detailed coverage of the key findings in each area of CA and a guide to current research* Examines the way talk is composed, and how conversation structures highlight aspects of human behavior* Focuses on the most important domains of organization in conversation, including turn-taking, action sequencing, repair, stories, openings and closings, and the effect of context* Includes real-life examples and step-by-step explanations, making it an ideal guide for students navigating this growing field
  • 唐人街:共生与同化


  • 西方社会学—人物·学派·思想


  • 社会调查研究的量化方法

