The Urban Code of China
When reading the Chinese city, which this book sets out to do, it is not the well-known cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Xi an that are in the focus of attention, but rather the essentially Chinese of the Chinese city, those characteristics or attributes that are more or less shared by all Chinese cities. The spotlight is on their spatial grammar, their syntax, in short: their code. Only by deciphering their common traits a view to the underlying structure of Chinese cities is opened, and we can begin to reasonably evaluate and classify the diversity of impressions. Deciphering the code of the Chinese city also enables the author to read new Chinese towns designed by Western architects. Thus, readers are provided with valuable insight on China s booming urbanization and urban development. -
Class and Class Conflict In Post-Socialist China
Class and Class Conflict in Post-Socialist China traces the origins and the profound changes of the patterns of class conflict in post-socialist China since 1978. The first of its kind in the field of China Studies that offers comprehensive overviews and traces the historical evolutions of different patterns of class conflict (among workers, peasants, capitalists, and the middle class) in post-socialist China, the book provides comprehensive overviews of different patterns of class conflict. It uses a state-centered approach to study class conflict, i.e., study how the communist party-state restructures the patterns of class conflict in Chinese society, and brings in a historical dimension by tracing the origins and developments of class conflict in socialist and post-socialist China. -
《融合时代》是一本论述移动互联所激发的融合趋势的著作! 人类社会的发展与技术的进步密不可分:技术推动社会的变革,社会的发展需求又不断推动新技术的产生。如今,社会发展和技术变革的速度已经越来越快,并不断颠覆我们的想象。这是一个变革的时代,“融合时代”。于是,原有的平衡和秩序在不断被打破,我们也因此而进入了一个更加复杂、却也更加精彩的世界。在新的世界里,所有的边界都在被逐渐打破,产生新的聚合,而所有的企业都将不断面临全新的竞争格局和挑战。 《融合时代》主要讲述的就是如何更好地为各种变化做好准备,我们需要对当下趋势做出正确的分析和判断,也需要树立积极改变自身行为的坚定意愿,更需要通过合理的想象去预见未来。 全书分9个章节分别描述了正在发生的九大趋势:新日用品、掌上社会、数据制胜、O2O时代、无限协作、无边界聚合、实时的学习、全民的创新、全球融汇的社区。通过对这九大趋势的分析,相信《融合时代》可以帮助你以更加明晰的态度面对瞬息万变的世界,帮助个人创造更加美好的生活,帮助企业更好地应对高速变化的世界的挑战。 -
这是一部透视今日中国教育问题的警世之作。作者历时两年,带领十余位学生发放了3000多份调查问卷,访谈了一百多位家长和中小学生,根据所收集到的数据和事实,写作了八篇反映当下中国教育问题的研究报告。报告首先从教育资本化的理论层面剖析了今日中国诸多的教育问题,如天价学区房、高额择校费、课外辅导班等等推高教育成本的政策渊源和资本逻辑;其次报告揭示了教育资本化所导致的一系列社会后果,如快教育模式、赢利性教师、拼爹拼娘、教育恐慌症、社会原子化、家庭生活虚空化等问题;最后报告研究了应试教育在教育资本化推动下造成的一系列教育后果,如伪智、缺德、弱体以及中小学生自杀等问题。作者提醒我们,教育资本的挺进与社会衰退互为因果,加重全社会的教育成本,带来严重的社会问题。全书资料翔实,读来令人触目惊心,所展现的问题体现了一个学者深刻的社会关怀和社会责任感。 -
本书是史密斯文化传播理论的重要作品,也是世界文化传播理论的经典之作。本书以大象形象为切入点,探讨了印度文明和玛雅文明之间的关系,同时涉及了其他主要文明,涵盖了从历史考古到建筑雕刻等众多领域。 本书主要通过比较印度、中南半岛与美洲的大象雕刻、神话传说,认为玛雅文明不是美洲土著的原创,而是人类文明自亚欧向太平洋对岸传播的结果。 丛书目前已经出版了5种: R.R. 马雷特 编 《牛津六讲:人类学与古典学》 克拉克洪 《论人类学与古典学的关系》 马塞尔•.莫斯 《论祈祷》 格拉夫特•埃利奥特•史密斯 《大象与民族学家》 弗雷泽 《火的起源神话》 -
刘志军窝案全程跟踪调查 首次披露撤销铁道部的根本原因和详细内幕 曝光中国最挣钱国有企业内部交易细节与利益之源 ● 卖点1:针对铁道部贪腐案件大量一手调查资料首次公开,中国腐败案解禁尺度之大,前所未有。 ● 卖点2:案件仍未完全结案,涉案官员人数、职务等级等仍可能颠覆大众的承受极限。 ● 卖点3:在垄断与寻租的包围之下,官办企业如何困境突围? 铁道部是中国最后一个政企合一的机构,高铁建设可谓是“中国式发展定律”的一个样板。“7?23”动车事故以及铁道部窝案的发生,不仅暴露了腐败、赶工期、违规招标、资金缺乏等高铁建设中不为人知的种种现象,更意味着一种发展模式的不可持续,即在政府主导下“集中资源办大事”模式的难以为继。这种模式的种种特征,在刘志军时代的高铁建设上表现得淋漓尽致,读了本书就会对高铁和这种模式有充分的了解,而了解了它们就了解了中国。 高铁带给我们的不仅有事故的惨烈记忆,还有高价、高速与便捷,更有对未来的规谏与期许。本书不煽情,只讲述事实、中肯分析,告诉你一段真实的历史。 -
Chinese Labor in a Korean Factory
Chinese Labor in a Korean Factorydraws on fieldwork in a multinational corporation (MNC) in Qingdao, China, and delves deep into the power dynamics at play between Korean management, Chinese migrant workers, local-level Chinese government officials, and Chinese local gangs. Anthropologist Jaesok Kim examines how governments, to attract MNCs, relinquish parts of their legal rights over these entities, while MNCs also give up portions of their rights as proxies of global capitalism by complying with local government guidelines to ensure infrastructure and cheap labor. This ethnography demonstrates how a particular MNC struggled with the pressure to be increasingly profitable while negotiating the clash of Korean and Chinese cultures, traditions, and classes on the factory floor of a garment corporation. Chinese Labor in a Korean Factory pays particular attention to common features of post-socialist countries. By analyzing the contentious collaboration between foreign management, factory workers, government officials, and gangs, this study contributes not only to the research on the politics of resistance but also to how global and local forces interact in concrete and surprising ways. -
The Logic of Connective Action
The Logic of Connective Action explains the rise of a personalized digitally networked politics in which diverse individuals address the common problems of our times such as economic fairness and climate change. Rich case studies from the United States, United Kingdom, and Germany illustrate a theoretical framework for understanding how large-scale connective action is coordinated using inclusive discourses such as "We Are the 99%" that travel easily through social media. In many of these mobilizations, communication operates as an organizational process that may replace or supplement familiar forms of collective action based on organizational resource mobilization, leadership, and collective action framing. In some cases, connective action emerges from crowds that shun leaders, as when Occupy protesters created media networks to channel resources and create loose ties among dispersed physical groups. In other cases, conventional political organizations deploy personalized communication logics to enable large-scale engagement with a variety of political causes. The Logic of Connective Action shows how power is organized in communication-based networks, and what political outcomes may result. -
Anxious Wealth
Who exactly are China's new rich? This pioneering investigation introduces readers to the private lives—and the nightlives—of the powerful entrepreneurs and managers redefining success and status in the city of Chengdu. Over the course of more than three years, anthropologist John Osburg accompanied, and in some instances assisted, wealthy Chinese businessmen as they courted clients, partners, and government officials. Drawing on his immersive experiences, Osburg invites readers to join him as he journeys through the new, highly gendered entertainment sites for Chinese businessmen, including karaoke clubs, saunas, and massage parlors—places specifically designed to cater to the desires and enjoyment of elite men. Within these spaces, a masculinization of business is taking place. Osburg details the complex code of behavior that governs businessmen as they go about banqueting, drinking, gambling, bribing, exchanging gifts, and obtaining sexual services. These intricate social networks play a key role in generating business, performing social status, and reconfiguring gender roles. But many entrepreneurs feel trapped by their obligations and moral compromises in this evolving environment. Ultimately, Osburg examines their deep ambivalence about China's future and their own complicity in the major issues of post-Mao Chinese society—corruption, inequality, materialism, and loss of trust. -
本书是关于法国大革命的经典著作。作者摒弃了时人常用的“大革命史”的写法,而将本书定位为“关于法国革命的研究”,把法国大革命置于整个法国史之中来观察,以问题主导模式来剖析大革命。 作者尽力以不偏不倚的态度、严肃的社会学分析方法以及对史料文献的调查,对旧制度之下的社会和大革命进行客观的描述和分析;通过将法国与美国、英国、德国进行比较,更深刻地提示了大革命爆发的原因,提出了许多关于革命的新观点。与革命倡导的民主平等的价值观不同,作者更强调自由的价值。 本书是《旧制度与大革命》的权威经典英文本,文字流畅,通俗易懂,完整地保留了原书的全部注释。 -
为什么人们在“好”工作和“坏”工作中会发现技能完全相同的工人?与标准竞争理论相反,为什么做同样工作的工人薪酬却不同?在从事相同工作的工人中,人们能够观察到的工人之间的差别仅能够解释30%的薪酬波动。作者在本书中研究了造成另外70%的薪酬波动的原因。他发现这些差别(或者工资差异)主要是由工作搜寻摩擦、企业之间所存在的工资政策和生产率差别造成的。本书研究了前人对工资差异的各种理论解释,并使用丹麦雇主-雇员匹配的数据库中的数据,对这些理论进行了检验。 -
正是中国实行市场经济而出现的结构性变迁,社会兴起了!一旦社会兴起,一定会显示出与以往全能国家逻辑不一样的行为姿态,它要按照其自身的逻辑行事。一个逐渐成长起来的社会,是有助于国家权力的理性化、规范化的;相应地,一个理性化、规范化运作的国家权力体系,也是有助于一个自主、自治与自律的社会成型的。 -
宏观社会学是融合了社会哲学研究和社会理论研究的一门社会学分支学科,它从宏观的、比较的和进化的视角来研究人类社会。它要回答的核心问题是:为什么所有的人类社会都是分层的?人类社会进化或进步的动力是什么?作者从进化主义和唯物主义的视角出发,提出了自己的见解。本书简述了人类社会各个发展阶段的历史——前工业社会(包括狩猎采集社会、园艺社会、游牧社会、农业社会)和工业社会,并探讨了这一发展历程背后的各种决定因素。《宏观社会学(第4版)》(作者斯蒂芬·K·桑德森)还论述了人类社会五大社会制度的起源和发展:家庭和亲属制度、经济制度、政治制度、宗教制度和教育制度。本书适合于作为大学“宏观社会学”课程的教科书,也是宏观社会学最好的入门读物。从事哲学,历史学和其他社会科学研究的人,也可以从本书获益。 -
本书首先指出「千禧年」和「天启」信仰在袄教、希伯来宗教和基督教中的根源,然后探讨这些信念一再造成的社会政治爆发事件 -
《中国2013:关键问题》内容简介:2013年,中国经济必将面临重大调整,公众有理由期待,面对新形势新问题,新领导班子将会锐意改革。在此关键时间点上,财新传媒与线装书局合作,继去年的《中国2012:寻找真实的成长》之后,推出《中国2013:关键问题》一书。因应着中国的复杂情况,《中国2013:关键问题》并没有急于给出结论,而着意于摆事实、讲道理,极少空洞的宏大叙事。虽然对国情、改革和“中国模式”等问题有基本的价值判断,但是这《中国2013:关键问题》仍旧保持了开放的态度。值得一提的是,吴敬琏、陈志武和许小年等作者,皆是一时之选,进一步保证了文章的品质与权威性。无论精读还是选读,不同需求的读者都会从中找到自己关注的焦点。 -
全球变暖、资源短缺、人口爆炸,似乎已经是老生常谈,没有人怀疑我们正一步步走向全球性危机,以致整个人类社会都被笼罩在世界末日的氛围之中。以往离我们似乎非常遥远的各种灾难,如今已越来越频繁地出现在我们的生活中。是因为灾难发生的频率比过去高,还是环境越来越恶化?自然灾难与人为灾害之间的界限,仿佛越来越模糊。 面对层出不穷的对于人类未来的悲观预测,我们更需要一点点启示、一点点作出改变的具体设想。在《人类的出路》这本书中,人类所面临的日益紧迫的全球性挑战,第一次被视为大型危机管理的一个方面。作者首次提出:尽管许多危机互为因果,但解决方案也能发挥连锁效应。在世界上的许多地方,人们已经开始从细微处入手,朝着可持续发展的方向作出改变。《人类的出路》展示了如何巩固已有的努力,并实现更有意义、更持久的改变。 这不是一本探讨气候变化、资源短缺或其他任何单一问题的书,也不是讨论危机是否存在的书。这本书想向人们传递这样的理念:在全球性危机的解决方案之中,蕴藏着解决更大型危机的种子。从改变我们的生活习惯入手,这是转危为安的最后机会,也为人类带来了无限的希望。 -
性从来不是孤立的,总是大社会的折射。过去的30多年间,中国的社会转型,促进了性的多元化,人们对性也持越来越开放的态度。 《多元的性别》由方刚著,本书中,性学家方刚博士,从理论和实践的角度对30年来中国的性与性别变迁进行了回顾:结合第一手的实证研究资料,对高收入者的性,酷儿的性、慕残者的性等进行了分析和解读;另外,从独特的男性研究视角,透视了男性选美,男性被性骚扰、男性气质的多样化、拯救男孩等大众关注的现象;最后,对两岸大学生的性别意识、择偶标准等进行了问卷调查和分析。 《多元的性别》适合性与性别研究者阅读。 -
《隐藏的世界:农村妇女的人生归属与生命意义》的产生过程生动地展现了中国社会科学的品格。这不仅表现在其问题意识来源于对“巨变”中国的现实关怀,还表现在其方法自觉地继承了社会学“中国群体”的传统。湘南水村是作者的故乡,也是《隐藏的世界:农村妇女的人生归属与生命意义》演绎各种活灵活现的人物和故事的舞台。书中所透出的某种情结,对和作者一样远离故乡多年的文人而言,一定可以感同身受:那是一种淡淡的乡愁。 -
《北大清华人大社会学硕士论文选编(2012)》是提供给当下同学们的一个参照,一种激励。它不可能是大众的,但其发行的渠道和规模,足以承担“参照和激励”的功能。每年它折价直销到社会学院系2000本以上。如此十年,应该是走进社会学师生心中了。 -
Social Organizations and the Authoritarian State in China
Received wisdom suggests that social organizations (such as non-government organizations, NGOs) have the power to upend the political status quo. However, in many authoritarian contexts, such as China, NGO emergence has not resulted in this expected regime change. In this book, Timothy Hildebrandt shows how NGOs adapt to the changing interests of central and local governments, working in service of the state to address social problems. In doing so, the nature of NGO emergence in China effectively strengthens the state, rather than weakens it. This book offers a groundbreaking comparative analysis of Chinese social organizations across the country in three different issue areas: environmental protection, HIV/AIDS prevention, and gay and lesbian rights. It suggests a new way of thinking about state-society relations in authoritarian countries, one that is distinctly co-dependent in nature: governments require the assistance of NGOs to govern while NGOs need governments to extend political, economic, and personal opportunities to exist.
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友