

  • A Tale of Two Cultures

    作者:Gary Goertz,James Ma

    Some in the social sciences argue that the same logic applies to both qualitative and quantitative methods. In "A Tale of Two Cultures", Gary Goertz and James Mahoney demonstrate that these two paradigms constitute different cultures, each internally coherent yet marked by contrasting norms, practices, and toolkits. They identify and discuss major differences between these two traditions that touch nearly every aspect of social science research, including design, goals, causal effects and models, concepts and measurement, data analysis, and case selection. Although focused on the differences between qualitative and quantitative research, Goertz and Mahoney also seek to promote toleration, exchange, and learning by enabling scholars to think beyond their own culture and see an alternative scientific worldview. This book is written in an easily accessible style and features a host of real-world examples to illustrate methodological points.
  • Capitalizing on Crisis

    作者:Greta R. Krippner

    In the context of the recent financial crisis, the extent to which the U.S. economy has become dependent on financial activities has been made abundantly clear. In "Capitalizing on Crisis", Greta Krippner traces the longer-term historical evolution that made the rise of finance possible, arguing that this development rested on a broader transformation of the U.S. economy than is suggested by the current preoccupation with financial speculation. Krippner argues that state policies that created conditions conducive to financialization allowed the state to avoid a series of economic, social, and political dilemmas that confronted policymakers as postwar prosperity stalled beginning in the late 1960s and 1970s. In this regard, the financialization of the economy was not a deliberate outcome sought by policymakers, but rather an inadvertent result of the state's attempts to solve other problems. The book focuses on deregulation of financial markets during the 1970s and 1980s, encouragement of foreign capital into the U.S. economy in the context of large fiscal imbalances in the early 1980s, and changes in monetary policy following the shift to high interest rates in 1979. Exhaustively researched, the book brings extensive new empirical evidence to bear on debates regarding recent developments in financial markets and the broader turn to the market that has characterized U.S. society over the last several decades.
  • Resisting Reality

    作者:Sally Haslanger

    Contemporary theorists use the term "social construction" with the aim of exposing how what's purportedly "natural" is often at least partly social and, more specifically, how this masking of the social is politically significant. In these previously published essays, Sally Haslanger draws on insights from feminist and critical race theory to explore and develop the idea that gender and race are positions within a structure of social relations. On this interpretation, the point of saying that gender and race are socially constructed is not to make a causal claim about the origins of our concepts of gender and race, or to take a stand in the nature/nurture debate, but to locate these categories within a realist social ontology. This is politically important, for by theorizing how gender and race fit within different structures of social relations we are better able to identify and combat forms of systematic injustice. Although the central essays of the book focus on a critical social realism about gender and race, these accounts function as case studies for a broader critical social realism. To develop this broader approach, several essays offer reworked notions of ideology, practice, and social structure, drawing on recent research in sociology and social psychology. Ideology, on the proposed view, is a relatively stable set of shared dispositions to respond to the world, often in ways that also shape the world to evoke those very dispositions. This looping of our dispositions through the material world enables the social to appear natural. Additional essays in the book situate this approach to social phenomena in relation to philosophical methodology, and to specific debates in metaphysics, epistemology, and philosophy of language. The book as a whole explores the interface between analytic philosophy and critical theory.
  • 战后日本社会阶级构造的变迁


  • 五书中国人


    《五书中国人》内容简介:迥异于西方的文化、思想、价值观和风俗习惯,这使得西方人长久以来都认为中国是神秘的,中国人是不可捉摸的,中国文化是另类的。那么,在西方人的眼中,中国和中国人到底是什么样子呢? 对于这个问题,不同时代的不同的西方人有着不同的解读。 《五书中国人》收录了五部在世界上颇具影响力的解读中国的经典名著,并选取了其中的精华部分,是一部关于中国人的“百科全书”。
  • 社会表演学


  • The Politics of Production

    作者:Michael Burawoy

  • Individualization

    作者:Ulrich Beck,Professo

    Individualization argues that we are in the midst of a fundamental change in the nature of society and politics. This change hinges around two processes: globalization and individualization. The book demonstrates that individualization is a structural characteristic of highly differentiated societies, and does not imperil social cohesion, but actually makes it possible. Ulrich Beck and Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim argue that it is vital to distinguish between the neo-liberal idea of the free-market individual and the concept of individualization. The result is the most complete discussion of individualization currently available, showing how individualization relates to basic social rights and also paid employment; and concluding that in as much as basic rights are internalized and everyone wants to or must be economically active, the spiral of individualization destroys the given foundations of social co-existence.
  • Forces of Labor

    作者:Beverly J. Silver

    Recasting labor studies in a long-term and global framework, this 2003 book draws on a major database on world labor unrest to show how local labor movements have been related to world-scale political, economic and social processes since the late-nineteenth century. Through an in-depth empirical analysis of select global industries it demonstrates how the main locations of labor unrest have shifted from country to country together with shifts in the geographical location of production. It shows how the main sites of labor unrest have shifted over time together with the rise/decline of new leading sectors of capitalist development, and demonstrates that labor movements have been deeply embedded (as both cause and effect) in world political dynamics. The book concludes by exploring the likely forms that emergent labor movements will take in the twenty-first century.
  • 社群、组织与大众民主


  • 美国在崩溃


    《美国在崩溃》从研究美国社会内部的经济结构入手,由美国现存的三种截然不同的商业运行模式(世界居一流的跨国企业、大量只顾眼前利益的空壳企业、庞大的国防企业)得出结论:以强大的军事力量支撑着的美国社会,其实是个畸形发展并开始摇摇欲坠的社会;而以新保守力量执政的美国政坛,却处在一种盲目的自我膨胀的状态中,继续在世界的各个领域强行展示它的力量,因而越来越陷入尴尬的境地。作者一针见血地指出:“美国作为一个独立的联邦国家,不仅分裂了,而且破产了。如果美国是一家公司,那么它的管理层会因为非法贸易被判刑。” 1.“如果一个帝国不能实现自给,帝国所要倡导的世界秩序建立的根基也就不存在了”也许,我们每个人都身处在又一个世界帝国崩溃的时代。 一部深度剖析在后布什时代,美国政治经济面临巨大威胁的著作。奥巴马总统接手了怎样的政治“遗产”?他所宣称要CHANGE的美国,又在面临着怎样巨大的崩溃威胁? 2、2009年由美国次贷危机和安然、世通、泰科等大公司资金链条断裂而引发的国际经济危机,直接影响到中国经济的正常和健康发展就是一个深刻的教训。正因为美国的政治、经济和军事无法不对全球产生影响,所以对它随时有可能出现衰败和崩溃,我们不仅要有清醒的认识,而且必须做好必要的应对准备,才可能避免受到它的冲击。
  • 图腾与禁忌


    对原始民族部落中的禁忌、图腾与宗教的核心及本质是长久以来争议的中心。《图腾与禁忌》是作者对这些难上解答的谜题所做的突破性贡献。作者考察了澳洲土著人的图腾崇拜,认为:触犯图腾禁忌在原始民族里被视为最大的罪恶;图腾代代相传不因婚姻而转变。在分析群体婚和外婚的同时,他发现了一个极具研究价值和有趣的现象——它们都具有严厉防止乱伦的作用。通过对禁忌及其所隐藏的矛盾情感进行深入分析,认为禁忌具有下列性质:(1)由玛那(一种神秘的力量)依自然或直接的方式附有人或物身上因而产生的结果。(2)由玛那以间接的或传递的方式而产生的结果。(3)前两种方式同时存在。 我们必须坦白地承认,那些祭物献祭的对象(现在被尊奉为神的东西)是意指着父亲。在这种假设下,动物与人献祭间的疑问即可得到了一个简单的答案。动物献祭是活人献祭的一种替代——即屠杀父亲的仪式。 作者对泛灵论的施方式(巫术与魔法)作彻底的研究分析后,发现原始民族在施术的操作过程中,明显暴露出一个企图:尝试利用控制心理作用的规律来操纵真实事物。所以,他相信人类对自然的第一种解释(泛灵论)是由心理作用所造成的。进而在其他学者研究图腾崇拜起源的基础上,利用精神分析学的主法逐渐解开了图腾之谜。
  • 布迪厄的社会实践理论


  • 自殺論

    作者:Emile Durkheim

    《自殺論》是涂爾幹的一部重要社會學名著,與《社會分工論》一書的內容十分密切,因為在《社會分工論》最後一部分已對社會分工引起的社會病態進行了分析。作者認為,所謂自殺,就是「任何由死者自己完成並知道會產生這種結果的某種積極或消極的行動,直接或間接地引起的死亡」。自殺是一種特殊的社會現象,在資本主義制度下,這種現象之所以增多,是由於資本主義經濟的發展、科學技術的進步和社會分工的變細所造成的社會病態所引起的。它跟種族、遺傳因素、個人素質、心理狀態、精神病、自然條件、氣候變化無重大關係,或者說關係不大,然而它跟社會環境、其中包括經濟危機、政治危機、社會動蕩、改朝換代、工作變遷、生活變化等卻有著密切的關係。 但是,自殺人數的多少和自殺率的高低在不同的國家和地區則有所不同。它們與不同的宗教信仰、文化程度高低和兩性差異關係很大。在這些自殺者中,作者又按照自殺的不同原因,把自殺分為三種類型,即利己主義自殺、利他主義自殺和脫序性自殺。
  • 企业在倾听


  • 泰利的街角

    作者:Elliot Liebow

    不論何時,也不管身在何方,只要有人想走出愚蒙,來面對與美國都市之黑人的錯綜複雜關係,《泰利的街角》就是一片在意識上暗明交界的模糊地帶,成為一條救命索線,以對抗佐證有限但又對都市貧窮問題大放厥詞的大批種族主義者。 《泰利的街角》當然不是由泰利與其他的男人們所撰寫,這本書也不是為他們而寫,而是寫給數百萬人來閱讀,寫給那些願意冒著風險看這本影射自己的書的人。城市黑人男性的故事說到底是現代城市本身的故事,因此也是後現代全球經濟體的故事。它是永無止盡的故事。
  • 人生规划书:30岁前一定要做的21件事


    30歲前,決定人生的成功關鍵 本書共分成三個重點篇章,每個篇章裡各有7個生涯規畫指南,分別為:該銘記的7項成功原則,該建立的7種人生態度,以及該保持的7種人際關係。作者以深入淺出的文筆,配合名人故事輔佐,協助年輕人培養人生成功關鍵的執行力! 長踞韓國暢銷榜,年輕人必備的生涯規劃書 特別推薦給對前途感到茫然,想找出正確人生方針的年輕人 千萬不要慌張匆忙的迎接你的30歲! 韓國非常重視年輕人的觀念培養,尤其是二十幾歲的人正值人生的黃金年代,若能掌握正確的成功觀念,前途將無可限量! 本書在韓國甫上市即造成熱銷旋風,屢屢再版,至今仍為實用且長銷的年輕人生涯規劃指南書。
  • 文明与法治


  • 呈现与标定

    作者:潘绥铭,黄盈盈,王洁 等著

  • 转型视野下的中国农村宗教


    转型视野下的中国农村宗教,ISBN:9787500473350,作者:欧阳肃通 著