社会与教育,ISBN:9787533451684,作者:陶孟和 著 -
《村治模式:若干案例研究》经过作者2004年以来在全国七省九村细致的个案调查,方形成此书。书中讨论了不同地区村治的特点,建构了若干区域性的典型村治模式,提出了划分中国农村区域的方法,比较了不同区域乡村治理的差异。《村治模式:若干案例研究》试图在大量经验资料的基础上达到三个目标:一是证明区域比较对于乡村治理研究具有基础性的意义,二是尝试提供一个区域比较研究的进路,三是提出大量值得深入研究和检验的初步观点。 -
90年前,作为一个声名显赫的经济学家和社会批评家,凡勃伦借着本书抨击美国大学的结构和作用,攻讦诸多学者屈从于商业利益、秉行金钱至上的价值观念。他认为对金钱的狂热追逐理应让位于对知识、对学术的不舍追求;认为政治利益和商业利益一道使学者们陷入了一种难以摆脱的危险境地,从而使得“博学的统帅”们难以形成真正的学术事业;认为真正的大学应该致力于“随意的好奇心”,而这便是凡勃伦关于高等教育的理想所在,一如陈寅恪先生所提倡之“独立之精神,自由之思想”。90年前的美国高等教育弊病丛生,那么,90年后的今天呢? 大学教育是一种“商品”吗? 学术研究是一门“生意”吗? 90年前,美国经济学家、社会批评家凡勃伦的这部《学与商的博弈——论美国高等教育》甫一出版,便在美国文化界、教育界造成轩然大波,引起广泛热议。书中,凡勃伦直击美国高等教育的结构,点评美国高等教育的作用,对当时美国大学政治利益和商业利益当道、学术理想遭致搁浅、学者境遇堪忧等等状况进行深刻阐发。而反观当下中国的高等教育,我们在自省之时不禁唏嘘不已,暗叹90年前的美国与当下的中国竟是何其地相似!本书90年来一版再版,时刻叩问着我们——大学为何?大学何为? -
《第四种国家的出路:吴景超文集》收集了十六篇文章,都是我于过去数年内,在《新月》、《清华学报》、《社会科学》、《大公报》及《独立评论》中发表过的。书名似乎有点新奇,但也无需解释,因为在《第四种国家的出路:吴景超文集》第一篇文章里,已经把第四种国家的意义,讲得很清楚了,中国不幸,就是第四种国家,如何改变这种不幸的境遇,就是《第四种国家的出路:吴景超文集》所要讨论的。全书共分四章,第一章是导言,全书的要义,已在于此,以后三章,不过发挥这些要义,但每章都有一个中心主张:第二章提倡机械化的生产方法,第三章提倡节制人口,第四章提倡公平的分配,这几件事都做到了,是否中国便有出路,还请读者指正。 -
本书通过对美、德、日三国社会认同构造之路的历史介绍,人们也许可以从中得到不同民族国家构造社会认同的一些经验性启示。未来中国的改革开放与社会认同的重建将会形成什么样的互动?西方经济发达国家的构建社会认同方面所提供的经验是否可以直接拿到中国来用?对于这些问题,我们不能脱离实际地给出一个结论性回答。 -
本书从近代中国传统社会流动的变化入手,分析了近代社会职业结构的变迁和社会流动模式的变化,进而从接爱高等教育者的出身和出路两方面分别考察了近代高等教育与社会流动的关系,最后,分析了近代高等教育社会流动功能不彰的成因、后果和影响,并据此反思中国近代高等教育自 -
《现代社会学教程(第2版)》是教育部“高等师范教育面向21世纪教学内容和课程体系改革计划”的研究成果,是面向21世纪课程教材。它较为系统地介绍了社会学的发展历程、基本概念、主要社会学家的生平和思想、重要理论流派的观点。作者紧密联系中国社会实际,注重吸收国外教材优点,既注重基础知识,又注意理论联系实际。第二版在内容上增加了不少案例及最新的国内外研究成果,章后新增的“关键词”、“相关问题讨论”以及对“进一步研读的推荐书目”的介绍等都对读者有很好的启发意义。全书结构合理、形式新颖、内容丰富、可读性强,注重专业性和学科特色,具有前沿性和开放性。 《现代社会学教程(第2版)》可作为高等学校社会学、社会工作、公共管理和政法等专业的教科书,也可供其他专业和社会读者使用。 -
Forbidden Fruit
"Regnerus does an excellent job of combining large-scale survey results with vivid interviews to provide a comprehensive portrayal of how sexuality and religion are related in the lives of American adolescents. The book shows how sexuality and religion interact in complex and sometimes surprising ways. It addressses important topics few other books on either sexuality or religion in adolescence have addressed, such as masturbation and Internet pornography. Anyone interested in the lives of today's young Americans should read this book."--Jefferey Jensen Arnett, an author of Emerging Adulthood: The Widing Road from the Late Teens through the Twenties. "Forbidden Fruit is an iconoclastic book that shatters the sexual pieties of the religious right and the secular left. Mark Regnerus shows that churches and Christian parents--especially evangelical ones--have failed to steer their kids clear of sex because they hold out no compelling vision of the sexual good life. But he also shows that the secular life's faith in 'healthy' teen sex is chimerical: acolescents who have had sex look worse on all the outcomes that scholars and parents care about. This important book is bound to get parents, pastors, and scholars talking"--W. Bradford Wilcox, author of Soft Patriarchs, New Men: How Christianity Shapes Fathers and Husbands "I've waited for this book my entire ministry. It used to be that only skeptics and mystics noticed the interplay between sexuality in young people--but Regnerus confronts the parallels head-on as a sociologist, and dares the church to do the same. Forget 'forbidden': Forbidden Fruit should be required reading for anyone who loves young people."--Kenda Creasy Dean, parent, professor, and author of Practicing Passion: Youth and the Quest for a Passionate Church -
也许正是基于数字所蕴涵的独特文化本性,在数字的文化理解上,人类学比数学确乎天生拥有更多的闪亮登场的机会。特别是当我们试图索求数字在不同人类族群、不同历史时期和不同文化区域内的生成机理、呈现方式、价值意味和功能指向的时候,数字和数字文化的问题就成了一个格外引人注目的人类学问题。 -
《晚清国家与社会》主要内容:1840-1911年的晚清史,是中国历史上千古未见之大变局时代。它既是中国最后一个封建王朝——清王朝走向崩溃的时代,也是中国开始从古代社会向近代社会转变的时代。本论文集是2006年8月25-27日在苏州召开的首届“晚清国家与社会”国际学术讨论会的论文编辑,共收录论文47篇,书中从不同角度和不同层面,具体揭示了在晚清71年里中国国家和社会所发生的剧变及其动因,对于我们更好认识晚清中国历史发展脉络及其复杂性,具有重大的学术价值。 -
The Shock Doctrine
The bestselling author of No Logo shows how the global free market has exploited crises and shock for three decades, from Chile to Iraq In her groundbreaking reporting over the past few years, Naomi Klein introduced the term disaster capitalism. Whether covering Baghdad after the U.S. occupation, Sri Lanka in the wake of the tsunami, or New Orleans post-Katrina, she witnessed something remarkably similar. People still reeling from catastrophe were being hit again, this time with economic shock treatment, losing their land and homes to rapid-fire corporate makeovers. The Shock Doctrine retells the story of the most dominant ideology of our time, Milton Friedman s free market economic revolution. In contrast to the popular myth of this movement s peaceful global victory, Klein shows how it has exploited moments of shock and extreme violence in order to implement its economic policies in so many parts of the world from Latin America and Eastern Europe to South Africa, Russia, and Iraq. At the core of disaster capitalism is the use of cataclysmic events to advance radical privatization combined with the privatization of the disaster response itself. Klein argues that by capitalizing on crises, created by nature or war, the disaster capitalism complex now exists as a booming new economy, and is the violent culmination of a radical economic project that has been incubating for fifty years. From Publishers Weekly The neo-liberal economic policies—privatization, free trade, slashed social spending—that the Chicago School and the economist Milton Friedman have foisted on the world are catastrophic in two senses, argues this vigorous polemic. Because their results are disastrous—depressions, mass poverty, private corporations looting public wealth, by the author's accounting—their means must be cataclysmic, dependent on political upheavals and natural disasters as coercive pretexts for free-market reforms the public would normally reject. Journalist Klein (No Logo) chronicles decades of such disasters, including the Chicago School makeovers launched by South American coups; the corrupt sale of Russia's state economy to oligarchs following the collapse of the Soviet Union; the privatization of New Orleans's public schools after Katrina; and the seizure of wrecked fishing villages by resort developers after the Asian tsunami. Klein's economic and political analyses are not always meticulous. Likening free-market shock therapies to electroshock torture, she conflates every misdeed of right-wing dictatorships with their economic programs and paints a too simplistic picture of the Iraq conflict as a struggle over American-imposed neo-liberalism. Still, much of her critique hits home, as she demonstrates how free-market ideologues welcome, and provoke, the collapse of other people's economies. The result is a powerful populist indictment of economic orthodoxy. -
《社会调查教程》按照社会调查的客观进程,共分为五篇、十九章。其中:第一篇概述两章,主要论述社会调查的一般问题及其历史发展。第二篇准备阶段五章,主要论述社会调查的一般程序、准备阶段的主要任务和设计调查方案的有关问题。第三篇调查阶段七章,主要论述文献调查、实地观察、访问调查、集体访谈、问卷调查、实验调查和蹲点调查等方法。第四篇研究阶段三章,主要论述整理资料、统计分析和思维加工的具体方法。第五篇总结阶段两章,主要论述撰写调查报告、评估和总结调查工作的有关问题。 -
The Organization Man
Regarded as one of the most important sociological and business commentaries of modern times, The Organization Man developed the first thorough description of the impact of mass organization on American society. During the height of the Eisenhower administration, corporations appeared to provide a blissful answer to postwar life with the marketing of new technologies-television, affordable cars, space travel, fast food-and lifestyles, such as carefully planned suburban communities centered around the nuclear family. William H. Whyte found this phenomenon alarming. As an editor for Fortune magazine, Whyte was well placed to observe corporate America; it became clear to him that the American belief in the perfectibility of society was shifting from one of individual initiative to one that could be achieved at the expense of the individual. With its clear analysis of contemporary working and living arrangements, The Organization Man rapidly achieved bestseller status. Since the time of the book's original publication, the American workplace has undergone massive changes. In the 1990s, the rule of large corporations seemed less relevant as small entrepreneurs made fortunes from new technologies, in the process bucking old corporate trends. In fact this "new economy" appeared to have doomed Whyte's original analysis as an artifact from a bygone day. But the recent collapse of so many startup businesses, gigantic mergers of international conglomerates, and the reality of economic globalization make The Organization Man all the more essential as background for understanding today's global market. This edition contains a new foreword by noted journalist and author Joseph Nocera. In an afterword Jenny Bell Whyte describes how The Organization Man was written. -
《开源的成功之路》的编者提出的论点是,开源社区首创精神的意义尤为深远。通过探讨构成财产的基本概念,该社区重新改写了一些最基本的管理问题。与此同时,它正在重建软件世界的政治学和经济学。假如您就像编者一样深信,在未来,软件构成的一些核心工具和原则将指导人类如何协同工作,协助人们创造财富并开创美好的未来,寻求新思想和新问题的解决方案,那么,理解开源如何改变这些过程至关重要。作为一名政治学家,编者更关心社区的管理方式,而非技术本身。编者之所以对开源产生兴趣,正是因为这个新兴的技术社区似乎能够以一种非常新奇而动人的方式,解决在编者看来相当棘手但常见的基本管理问题。 海报: -
《费孝通民族研究文集新编》在结构上分上下两册,书本全面阐释了发展少数民族服务的文艺工作、看了民族歌舞、关于民族识别问题的意见、中国民族学当前的任务等内容。 -
Comparative Perspectives on Social Movements
Social movements such as environmentalism, feminism, nationalism, and the anti-immigration movement figure prominently in the modern world. Comparative Perspectives on Social Movements examines social movements in a comparative perspective, focusing on the role of ideology and beliefs, mechanisms of mobilization, and how politics shapes the development and outcomes of movements. It includes case studies of the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, the United States, Italy, the Netherlands, and West Germany. -
《社会学家茶座》既有正襟危坐、渊懿博雅之高文;也有谈古论今、回味绵长之小品;学界高人,文坛新秀,于斯雅聚;或冷眼观世,哀民生之多艰;或热心建言,忧社会之离散;书生报国,唯有一笔。有的蹊径独辟,胸中如具灵光;有的卓见直抒,风采惊倒一世。老树新花,千红万紫。更有世外闲人,文坛异类,或刻画儒林百态,或描慕众生世相,幽默精警,益人心智。此地茶语茗香,端的是引人入胜。 举凡关心人心世道者,以人文社会研究为业者,不可不读。
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友