The Peasant in Postsocialist China
The role of the peasant in society has been fundamental throughout China's history, posing difficult, much-debated questions for Chinese modernity. Today, as China becomes an economic superpower, the issue continues to loom large. Can the peasantry be integrated into a new Chinese capitalism, or will it form an excluded and marginalized class? Alexander F. Day's highly original appraisal explores the role of the peasantry throughout Chinese history and its importance within the development of post-socialist-era politics. Examining the various ways in which the peasant is historicized, Day shows how different perceptions of the rural lie at the heart of the divergence of contemporary political stances and of new forms of social and political activism in China. Indispensable reading for all those wishing to understand Chinese history and politics, The Peasant in Post-Socialist China is a new point of departure in the debate as to the nature of tomorrow's China. -
本书尝试做出这样一种努力:一方面,从社会理论的角度对以往有关市场与社会关系的理论及经验研究展开批判性的反思和重构,厘清市场社会学恰切的理论进路,藉此建设性地扬弃既有学说,提出用以充当市场社会学之综合范式的政治—结构框架;另一方面,以政治—结构框架为观察和分析视角,深入考察湘中惠镇石灰产业市场不同链条上的历史变迁和秩序转型,以期理解并解释市场结构变迁和秩序转型的社会机制,析出市场发展的社会逻辑。 本书勾勒了惠镇石灰产业市场自改革以来在若干主要方面的经验过程,并运用本书的理论框架对其变化和发展的深层原因进行了解释。本书研究试图表明,市场结构的变迁和市场秩序的形成,归根结底是因为市场所嵌入的政治—结构条件发生了变化的缘故;政治、显结构和潜结构因素在特定的历史和社会背景下,通过特定的组合方式结合在一起,以独特的交互关系模式形塑着市场的日常运转、决定着市场如何演化。惠镇石灰市场现今良好的市场秩序肇始于商人们经由特定的政治—结构环境所形塑的日趋“理性化”的经济实践,潜结构在其中凸显出特殊意义。 -
《权力48法则》是为那些渴望权力,或是旨在研究权力以及想要保护自己免受权力危害的人们所写的使用指南。它浓缩了人类3000年的权力历史,通过大量生动鲜活的案例为人们展示权力世界的通行法则和常用策略。他们中有历史上最杰出的战略家、君主、政治家,最成功的朝臣、诱惑大师,以及最大胆的野心家和商业投机者。大到国家战略、政治角力,小到经营谋略、商战手法都有精彩透彻的评述。在今天的商业社会里,权力的大厦仅仅是披上了一套现代语汇的外衣,其内在规则3000年来并未真正改变。《权力48法则》可能是你在茫茫书海中寻找到的对你的生活最有用、最能对你的心智进行训练的书籍之一。 海报: -
内容简介: 本书作者运用弗洛伊德的精神分析来析论19世纪末维也纳的文学家、建筑师、画家、音乐家从童年到成年的成长经验,研究他们创作的诗歌、小说、建筑、画作、音乐中所透露的感伤与期望。作者发现,19世纪末的维也纳知识分子呈现出一种惊人的同构型,反映在政治上,是反对资产阶级自由主义秩序;在文化上,则是反对资产阶级庸俗的文化。作者试图把握这些转变过程中所透露出的 “历史趋势”。 -
The New Digital Age
'This is the most important - and fascinating - book yet written about how the digital age with affect our world' Walter Isaacson, author of Steve JobsFrom two leading thinkers, the widely anticipated book that describes a new, hugely connected world of the future, full of challenges and benefits which are ours to meet and harness. The New Digital Age is the product of an unparalleled collaboration: full of the brilliant insights of one of Silicon Valley's great innovators - what Bill Gates was to Microsoft and Steve Jobs was to Apple, Schmidt (along with Larry Page and Sergey Brin) was to Google - and the Director of Google Ideas, Jared Cohen, formerly an advisor to both Secretaries of State Condoleezza Rice and Hillary Clinton. Never before has the future been so vividly and transparently imagined. From technologies that will change lives (information systems that greatly increase productivity, safety and our quality of life, thought-controlled motion technology that can revolutionise medical procedures, and near-perfect translation technology that allows us to have more diversified interactions) to our most important future considerations (curating our online identity and fighting those who would do harm with it) to the widespread political change that will transform the globe (through transformations in conflict, increasingly active and global citizenries, a new wave of cyber-terrorism and states operating simultaneously in the physical and virtual realms) to the ever present threats to our privacy and security, Schmidt and Cohen outline in great detail and scope all the promise and peril awaiting us in the coming decades. A breakthrough book - pragmatic, inspirational and totally fascinating. Whether a government, a business or an individual, we must understand technology if we want to understand the future. 'A brilliant guidebook for the next century ...Schmidt and Cohen offer a dazzling glimpse into how the new digital revolution is changing our lives' Richard Branson -
世界也许充斥着越来越多的暴力,但是诺贝尔经济学奖得主阿马蒂亚·森在这部包罗万象的哲学著作中认为,驱使着这些暴行的,不仅仅是那些不可解脱的仇恨,还有人们的思想混乱。 在11岁那年,阿马蒂亚·森生平第一次亲历了杀戮。20世纪40年代在印度突然爆发的印度教徒一穆斯林骚乱的双方都受到了别人的有意挑唆。这场骚乱中的绝大多数受害者——包括印度教徒与穆斯林——都是同属一个阶级的劳动人民。而应当对这场血腥屠杀负责的,只有宗教身份这种单一划分的观念。 在这本《身份与暴力——命运的幻象》中,森指出,与过去一样,一直延续到今天的冲突与暴力都受这种单一身份的幻象影响。显然,越来越多的人们根据宗教立场(或者“文化”或“文明”)来划分世界,而忽略人们看待自身的其他方式——诸如阶级、性别、职业、语言、文学、科学、音乐、道德或政治立场,并且否定了合理选择的现实可能性。一旦根据这种观点来界定不同人之间的良好关系,人类就被严重地压缩并置于“小盒”之中。 在《身份与暴力——命运的幻象》中,森颠覆了那种惯用的概念,诸如“整个中东”或“西方思想”。通过对文化多元主义、恐怖主义和全球化的精辟分析,他得出了结论,我们应当更为清晰地理解人类自由,并成为全球公民社会中富有建设性的公共表达者。森证明,尽管最近世界陷入了战争循环,但只要我们坚持这一理念,这个世界也同样能够稳定地迈向和平。 -
安东尼·吉登斯所著的《全球时代的民族国家(吉登斯讲演录)》在全球化背景下,《全球时代的民族国家(吉登斯讲演录)》着重讨论了以下问题:马克思的政治理论与当代社会的关系,全球化背景下民族国家的未来、全球不平等的未来、家庭的未来、民主的未来,全球时代的经济、政治、生活。 -
Wired magazine editor and bestselling author Chris Anderson takes you to the front lines of a new industrial revolution as today’s entrepreneurs, using open source design and 3-D printing, bring manufacturing to the desktop. In an age of custom-fabricated, do-it-yourself product design and creation, the collective potential of a million garage tinkerers and enthusiasts is about to be unleashed, driving a resurgence of American manufacturing. A generation of “Makers” using the Web’s innovation model will help drive the next big wave in the global economy, as the new technologies of digital design and rapid prototyping gives everyone the power to invent -- creating “the long tail of things”. -
《知识社会中的大学》详尽地介绍了知识社会学、现代性社会理论及全球化理论等三个领域中有关大学理论的争论,并深入思考了知识社会中的大学身份问题。杰勒德·德兰迪将大学视为现代性的关键机构,同时也视为知识、文化和社会相互联系的场所。 他追溯了自由民主理念、组织现代性与现代大学的历史关联,评析了全球化、信息时代、民族国家、学术资本主义、文化政治学、知识生产新模式等新兴话语对大学理论的阐述,在此基础上提出了自己对现代大学使命的独到看法。他反对“大学消亡”的观念,认为在当今的知识社会中,大学应该成为一个交流的场所,并担负起三个使命:重新沟通大学与社会之间的联系;恢复各个学科之间的联系;构建大学与社会、国家之间的新型关系。 《知识社会中的大学》适合对知识社会、现代性、高等教育和大学前途之间复杂多变的关系感兴趣的读者阅读。 -
Codes of the Underworld
How do criminals communicate with each other? Unlike the rest of us, people planning crimes can't freely advertise their goods and services, nor can they rely on formal institutions to settle disputes and certify quality. They face uniquely intense dilemmas as they grapple with the basic problems of whom to trust, how to make themselves trusted, and how to handle information without being detected by rivals or police. In this book, one of the world's leading scholars of the mafia ranges from ancient Rome to the gangs of modern Japan, from the prisons of Western countries to terrorist and pedophile rings, to explain how despite these constraints, many criminals successfully stay in business. Diego Gambetta shows that as villains balance the lure of criminal reward against the fear of dire punishment, they are inspired to unexpected feats of subtlety and ingenuity in communication. He uncovers the logic of the often bizarre ways in which inveterate and occasional criminals solve their dilemmas, such as why the tattoos and scars etched on a criminal's body function as lines on a professional rsum, why inmates resort to violence to establish their position in the prison pecking order, and why mobsters are partial to nicknames and imitate the behavior they see in mafia movies. Even deliberate self-harm and the disclosure of their crimes are strategically employed by criminals to convey important messages. By deciphering how criminals signal to each other in a lawless universe, this gruesomely entertaining and incisive book provides a quantum leap in our ability to make sense of their actions. -
《猿猴大爆炸:人类的兴衰》主要内容:现在地球上大约居住着六十五亿人,而且这个数目仍以惊人的速度在继续增长。这是怎么一回事?而且人类将何去何从?为了阐明人口猛烈增长的原因,热尤墨尔以一些动、植物种类为例,描述了它们来到新的环境时的表现。其实人类的表现和高速公路边上的那些植物并没有多大的区别。《猿猴大爆炸》一书向我们阐述了动、植物如何以其庞大的数量危害其周边的环境。当人类扰乱自身生境并由此为自己的成功做铺垫时,他同时也在为自己的衰落埋下伏笔。随后通过饥荒、疫疾流行、种族大屠杀等“自然”手段来限制人口数量。耶勒。热尤墨尔的叙述读来犹如生物学悬疑故事。 -
《消费社会与消费认同》吸收了国内外研究成果,详细辨析认同概念的多重含义,厘清认同的哲学根源与社会基础,并针对现实提出认同建构的意义创造模式,深入分析现代社会中消费如何成为建构认同及形成消费者共同体的重要方式,同时对此进行批判性的反思,为全面而深入地理解当代消费社会中的认同、审视中国的消费现实提供了一个基本的理论平台。 -
作者在书中从职业、家庭等几个方面论述了农村社会的变迁,从理论上分析了农村发展与现代化的过程,同时分析了制约农村现代化的种种因素。 -
《社会的经济》所收集的论文并非是想对社会学通常的出发点进行批判。它更不应被理解为是对经济学理论形态的批判。它只是另辟蹊径——估计人们通过其他别的途径偶尔也会相遇(尽管可能是以某些出人意料的方式),然后才能决定意见是否一致以及运用哪些先行规则。社会学家一般在研究经济问题的时候,对经济学研究的看法更容易是补充性的甚至是“批判性的”。例如,塔尔科特•帕森斯至今还处在1929年世界经济危机的印象中,他在认真拜读了社会学经典作家的著作之后宣称,经济科学中关于个人功利主义的出发点是能持久的,甚至是完全不现实的。每个行为都有一个文化因素和社会因素。所以,与阿罗讨论社会性这个个体优先权聚集问题,一开始就错了。甚至连赫尔穆特•舍尔斯基也谈到对《决策》评价过高的问题。新近的出版物要求更多地考虑经济的外部因素,更多地考虑把合理性、竞争和冲突的观念置于其中。这可以被概括为经济的“制度化”观点并追溯到一种连经济学家本身都不知道的传统之中,从而与经济学理论问题,尤其与合理的决策以及孕育着矛盾的分配问题联系起来,同时也避免了去涉足另一座科学的殿堂。 -
Women in Science
Why do so few women choose a career in science - even as they move into medicine and law in ever-greater numbers? In one of the most comprehensive studies of gender differences in science careers ever conducted, Women in Science provides a systematic account of how U.S. youth are selected into and out of science education in early life, and how social forces affect career outcomes later in the science labour market. -
《政治社会学》是一本出色的新教科书,对当代政治社会学在核心概念方面的争论及其研究方法作了简要评介。书中介绍了国家与市民社会之间的权力关系,探讨了近年来发生的社会变革对上述关系的影响。它广泛涉及了全球化、新社会运动的兴起、新自由主义、公民权利、政治文化和政治参与等重要问题及热点问题,对吉登斯、贝克、埃齐奥尼等社会学名家的观点一一作了评介。 -
Little fascinates New Yorkers more than doormen, who know far more about tenants than tenants know about them. Doormen know what their tenants eat, what kind of movies they watch, whom they spend time with, whether they drink too much, and whether they have kinky sex. But if doormen are unusually familiar with their tenants, they are also socially very distant. In "Doormen," Peter Bearman untangles this unusual dynamic to reveal the many ways that tenants and doormen negotiate their complex relationship. Combining observation, interviews, and survey information, "Doormen" provides a deep and enduring ethnography of the occupational role of doormen, the dynamics of the residential lobby, and the mundane features of highly consequential social exchanges between doormen and tenants. Here, Bearman explains why doormen find their jobs both boring and stressful, why tenants feel anxious about how much of a Christmas bonus their neighbors give, and how everyday transactions small and large affect tenants' professional and informal relationships with doormen. In the daily life of the doorman resides the profound, and this book provides a brilliant account of how tenants and doormen interact within the complex world of the lobby. -
Space, the City and Social Theory
Space, the City and Social Theory offers a clear and critical account of key approaches to cities and urban space within social theory and analysis. It explores the relation of the social and the spatial in the context of critical urban themes: community and anonymity; social difference and spatial divisions; politics and public space; gentrification and urban renewal; gender and sexuality; subjectivity and space; experience and everyday practice in the city. The text adopts an international and interdisciplinary approach, drawing on a range of debates on cities and urban life. It brings together classic perspectives in urban sociology and social theory with the analysis of contemporary urban problems and issues. Rather than viewing the urban simply as a backdrop for more general social processes, the discussion looks at how social and spatial relations shape different versions of the city: as a place of social interaction and of solitude; as a site of difference and segregation; as a space of politics and power; as a landscape of economic and cultural distinction; as a realm of everyday experience and freedom. Similarly, it examines how core social categories - such as class, culture, gender, sexuality and community - are shaped and reproduced in urban contexts. Linking debates in urban studies to wider concerns within social theory and analysis, this accessible text will appeal to undergraduate and postgraduate students in urban sociology, social and cultural geography, urban and cultural studies.
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友