Who Governs?
In this now-classic work, one of the most celebrated political scientists of the twentieth century offers a powerful interpretation of the location of political power in American urban communities. For this new edition, Robert A. Dahl has written a new Preface in which he reflects on Who Governs? more than four decades after its publication. And in a new Foreword, Douglas W. Rae offers an assessment of Dahl’s achievement in this, Dahl’s greatest and most influential book. “Dahl is never dogmatic, and never imagines that the world stands still to accommodate either the democratic ideal or his own pluralistic theory of city politics. . . .Who Governs? is Dahl’s liveliest and most remarkable book.”—Douglas W. Rae, from the Foreword From reviews of the first edition: “A book that no one interested in politics can afford to ignore.”—Lewis A. Coser, Commentary “Anyone seriously concerned with current systematic political theory or with urban politics should read Who Governs?”—Hugh Douglas Price, Political Science Quarterly “A sophisticated and undogmatic treatise on democratic politics.”—Heinz Eulau, American Political Science Review “Dahl has illuminated a central question in political science, the problem of how men can govern themselves in complex societies. . . . Who Governs? will become a classic.”—from the citation of the Woodrow Wilson Foundation Award -
The Sovereign State and Its Competitors
The present international system, composed for the most part of sovereign, territorial states, is often viewed as the inevitable outcome of historical development. Hendrik Spruyt argues that there was nothing inevitable about the rise of the state system, however. Examining the competing institutions that arose during the decline of feudalism--among them urban leagues, independent communes, city states, and sovereign monarchies--Spruyt disposes of the familiar claim that the superior size and war-making ability of the sovereign nation-state made it the natural successor to the feudal system. The author argues that feudalism did not give way to any single successor institution in simple linear fashion. Instead, individuals created a variety of institutional forms, such as the sovereign, territorial state in France, the Hanseatic League, and the Italian city-states, in reaction to a dramatic change in the medieval economic environment. Only in a subsequent selective phase of institutional evolution did sovereign, territorial authority prove to have significant institutional advantages over its rivals. Sovereign authority proved to be more successful in organizing domestic society and structuring external affairs. Spruyt's interdisciplinary approach not only has important implications for change in the state system in our time, but also presents a novel analysis of the general dynamics of institutional change. -
Tricks of the Trade
Drawing on more than four decades of experience as a researcher and teacher, Howard Becker now brings to students and researchers the many valuable techniques he has learned. Tricks of the Trade will help students learn how to think about research projects. Assisted by Becker's sage advice, students can make better sense of their research and simultaneously generate fresh ideas on where to look next for new data. The tricks cover four broad areas of social science: the creation of the "imagery" to guide research; methods of "sampling" to generate maximum variety in the data; the development of "concepts" to organize findings; and the use of "logical" methods to explore systematically the implications of what is found. Becker's advice ranges from simple tricks such as changing an interview question from "Why?" to "How?" (as a way of getting people to talk without asking for a justification) to more technical tricks such as how to manipulate truth tables. Becker has extracted these tricks from a variety of fields such as art history, anthropology, sociology, literature, and philosophy; and his dazzling variety of references ranges from James Agee to Ludwig Wittgenstein. Becker finds the common principles that lie behind good social science work, principles that apply to both quantitative and qualitative research. He offers practical advice, ideas students can apply to their data with the confidence that they will return with something they hadn't thought of before. Like Writing for Social Scientists, Tricks of the Trade will bring aid and comfort to generations of students. Written in the informal, accessible style for which Becker is known, this book will be an essential resource for students in a wide variety of fields. "An instant classic. . . . Becker's stories and reflections make a great book, one that will find its way into the hands of a great many social scientists, and as with everything he writes, it is lively and accessible, a joy to read."—Charles Ragin, Northwestern University -
Pricing the Priceless Child
In this landmark book, sociologist Viviana Zelizer traces the emergence of the modern child, at once economically 'useless' and emotionally 'priceless,' from the late 1800s to the 1930s. Having established laws removing many children from the marketplace, turn-of-the-century America was discovering new, sentimental criteria to determine a child's monetary worth. The heightened emotional status of children resulted, for example, in the legal justification of children's life insurance policies and in large damages awarded by courts to their parents in the event of death. A vivid account of changing attitudes toward children, this book dramatically illustrates the limits of economic views of life that ignore the pervasive role of social, cultural, emotional, and moral factors in our marketplace world. -
The Moral Economy of the Peasant
This original and compelling book demonstrates that the fear of food shortages explains many otherwise puzzling technical, social, and moral arrangements in peasant society. Using lower Burma and Vietnam as examples, Scott shows how the transformations of the colonial era systematically violated the peasants' "Moral Economy" and created a situation of potential rebellion. -
與布勞岱爾、湯恩比等量齊名的歷史學家,解開修昔底德、吉朋、史賓格勒以降,對文明本質的思索之謎,BBC名主持人,一部脫離窠臼,不從兩河流域來細說從頭的文明史,結合歷史學、地理學、考古學、美術史的古今大作,暢談地球史上,人與自然的創意關係,挑戰文明的意義。 文明是巨大建築?法典?運河?是「野蠻」的相對詞?是一種「狀態」?還是人與自然的各種可能性?作者進行了一次大膽的實驗,以風、雨、氣溫、地形、洋流、緯度、海陸比例等元素為依據,將人類文明分成九大類型十七種生存實境,細數歷史上人與環境的各種可能。例如:冰天雪地的格陵蘭如何發展馴鹿業?熱帶低地瘴癘之處如何誕生吳哥窟?印度洋如何因為風向系統,成為貿易最盛的古老海洋?歐洲人如何突破大西洋洋流,來到新大陸? 每種環境類型裡的人類都殫精竭慮,試圖適應環境或者改變環境;也許是巧妙計算人力可能涉入的孔隙,或者堅持無所作為;締造而出的也許是大帝國,或者得以延續至今的生活方式。 他的注目焦點不在我們傳統意義下的文明史,例如;羅馬帝國、或文藝復興的佛羅倫斯、或啟蒙時代的巴黎,而是生態環境。他不講包浩斯的建材,反而講西非的巴塔馬利巴;談阿茲特克人的篇幅比談雅典的多;講高棉也比講十五世紀義大利大師們的時候多。這是一本奇特的文明史,也是一本充滿新意的文明史。最重要的是,文明的高下是可以評斷的,只不過我們應該自我警惕,避免套用過去染上特定意識型態的社會發展度量表,而應該以社會如何與環境互動為依據,替文明化的成果打成績。 ※有中文版特別精製的21幅地圖破報廣告 -
Seven Days in the Art World
The art market has been booming. Museum attendance is surging. More people than ever call themselves artists. Contemporary art has become a mass entertainment, a luxury good, a job description, and, for some, a kind of alternative religion. In a series of beautifully paced narratives, Sarah Thornton investigates the drama of a Christie's auction, the workings in Takashi Murakami's studios, the elite at the Basel Art Fair, the eccentricities of Artforum magazine, the competition behind an important art prize, life in a notorious art-school seminar, and the wonderland of the Venice Biennale. She reveals the new dynamics of creativity, taste, status, money, and the search for meaning in life. A judicious and juicy account of the institutions that have the power to shape art history, based on hundreds of interviews with high-profile players, Thornton's entertaining ethnography will change the way you look at contemporary culture. -
Art Worlds
This classic sociological examination of art as collective action explores the cooperative network of suppliers, performers, dealers, critics, and consumers who - along with the artist - "produce" a work of art. Howard S. Becker looks at the conventions essential to this operation and, prospectively, at the extent to which art is shaped by this collective activity. The book is thoroughly illustrated and updated with a new dialogue between Becker and eminent French sociologist Alain Pessin about the extended social system in which art is created, and with a new preface in which the author talks about his own process in creating this influential work. -
第1章 回归到社会学 /1 第一篇 /23 第2章 作为制度的市场 /25 第3章 市场制度创建的政治学 /43 第4章 场域理论和市场形成问题 /63 第二篇 /95 第5章 雇佣系统的逻辑 /97 第6章 美国公司的动态变化及20世纪70年代公司的所有权和控制权问题/118 第7章 20世纪80年代公司股东价值观的兴起与公司合并浪潮 /142 第8章 资本主义社会的公司控制 /164 第9章 全球化 /186 第10章 结论 /218 参考文献 /233 索引 /255 -
本書為2005年諾貝爾經濟學獎得主湯瑪斯.謝林開創性的巨著,其在冷戰時期,利用賽局理論解釋了當代最重要的問題──全球安全和武器競賽。《衝突的策略》一反當時討論談判問題時,主要從合作性、零和賽局的角度研究什麼樣的談判結果是公平和有效率,而是以「非合作」、「非零和賽局」的角度,研究衝突和談判策略的一般理論基礎。該理論大自大國間的核戰略、國外援助,小至黑社會幫派衝突、大人對小孩的管教策略皆可適用。更重要的是,謝林不滿足於一般性的理論探討,更直接關注如何從這些理論出發,深入研究現實生活中的策略互動和選擇,尤其是國際事務中的衝突與合作問題。 謝林在《衝突的策略》中,發展出最重要的思想為--可信承諾在衝突或談判過程中的重要作用。此思想啟發了德國經濟學家雷恩哈德.舍爾頓於1965年提出子賽局精練均衡概念。除此之外,謝林的《衝突的策略》還包含了許多精闢和深刻的見解及思想,深信任何對賽局和策略感興趣的讀者,都將從本書的閱讀中獲益匪淺。 2005年諾貝爾經濟學獎得主湯瑪斯.謝林開創性巨著! 我想向人們證明,一些?跨經濟學、社會學和政治學,甚至是法學、哲學或是人類學的基礎理論,不僅對從事理論研究的學者大有裨益,而且也有助人們解決實際問題。──湯瑪斯.謝林 「為什麼有些國家、團體和個人可以和平地解決衝突,而另一些國家、團體和個人卻不斷地被衝突困擾呢?感謝謝林和奧曼的研究,為這自古以來困擾我們的問題帶來啟迪。」──諾貝爾經濟學獎評委會主席 約爾根.韋布爾 「《衝突的策略》這本經典著作,可以體會到謝林教授很多深刻與精闢的見解,在出版四十六年後的今天,仍然很有啟發性……在體察謝林教授這麼多真知灼見之後,值得國內讀者深思的是: 在瞭解謝林教授提出的分析架構後,對充滿衝突與對決氣氛的台灣,可否帶來一些理性思考的空間?」──台灣大學國際企業學系教授 巫和懋 「謝林教授的著作《衝突的策略》,理性地分析了政治學中一個重要的分支,即當今流行的國際威懾政治學。此書清晰易懂,頗富吸引力。在該領域,作者的分析超過了之前的所有相關學者。在眾多國際威懾政治學著作中,《衝突的策略》無疑是迄今為止最優秀、最具說服力和最精采的一部著作。」──《美國科學院年鑒》 -
本书是“汉译世界学术名著丛书”之一,作者马克斯.韦伯是德国著名的社会学家、哲学家,也是当代西方有影响的社会科学家之一。在本书中,韦伯所研究的课题是:中国为什么没有出现西方那样的资本主义?韦伯以较大的篇幅分析研究了中国的社会结构,又重点研究了建立在这种社会结构基础之上的中国正统文化--儒教伦理,同时还顺便考察了被视为异端的道教。韦伯将儒教与西方的清教作了较为透彻的分析比较,最后得出了一个结论:儒家伦理阻碍了中国资本主义的发展。 -
组织社会学是国内社会学领域目前最有活力的领域,在国外的商学院,组织社会学因其理论生命力也备受重视。 -
“社会阶层差距”的变奏曲,到底是什么影响着孩子的生活与前途! 本书出版后即登上日本亚马逊第一名,并长据日本纪伊国畅销排行,在日本掀起广泛讨论。作者三浦展在日本为著名社会学家,所提出的理论不但被大众接受,也启发了社会学者的研究范畴。M型社会与贫富差距已经不是“可能”而是“现实”,面对父母的“下流化”,孩子才是受害最深的族群…… 另类视角审视社会阶层的形成,重新评估孩子的人生契机,妈妈晚上愿意为孩子做饭的,孩子的学习成绩也很好,父亲的阅读的知识面也与孩子的成绩有绝对的关系,“成绩低”的孩子,父母和孩子都偏肥胖,夫妻间的感情好坏也和孩子的学习成绩成正比例,什么样的是所谓能培养“聪明孩子”的父母? 父母的生活时间不规律,很难一家人一起享受晚餐和交流的乐趣的,孩子的成绩越烂?孩子们之间产生学习成绩的差别的原因,实际上不仅仅是“收入的差别”,还有“生活质量的差”。 -
The Corrosion of Character
A Business Week Best Book of the Year.... "A devastating and wholly necessary book."—Studs Terkel, author of Working In The Corrosion of Character , Richard Sennett, "among the country's most distinguished thinkers . . . has concentrated into 176 pages a profoundly affecting argument" ( Business Week ) that draws on interviews with dismissed IBM executives, bakers, a bartender turned advertising executive, and many others to call into question the terms of our new economy. In his 1972 classic, The Hidden Injuries of Class (written with Jonathan Cobb), Sennett interviewed a man he called Enrico, a hardworking janitor whose life was structured by a union pay schedule and given meaning by his sacrifices for the future. In this new book-a #1 bestseller in Germany-Sennett explores the contemporary scene characterized by Enrico's son, Rico, whose life is more materially successful, yet whose work lacks long-term commitments or loyalties. Distinguished by Sennett's "combination of broad historical and literary learning and a reporter's willingness to walk into a store or factory [and] strike up a conversation" ( New York Times Book Review ), this book "challenges the reader to decide whether the flexibility of modern capitalism . . . is merely a fresh form of oppression" ( Publishers Weekly , starred review). Praise for The Corrosion of Character : "A benchmark for our time."—Daniel Bell "[A]n incredibly insightful book."—William Julius Wilson "[A] remarkable synthesis of acute empirical observation and serious moral reflection."—Richard Rorty "[Sennett] offers abundant fresh insights . . . illuminated by his concern with people's struggle to give meaning to their lives."—[Memphis] Commercial Appeal -
Code of the Street
Inner-city black America is often stereotyped as a place of random violence; in fact, violence in the inner city is regulated through an informal but well-known code of the street. How you dress, talk, and behave can have life-or-death consequences, with young people particularly at risk.The most powerful force counteracting this code and its reign of terror is the strong, loving, decent family, and we meet many heroic figures in the course of this narrative. Unfortunately, the culture of the street thrives and often defeats decency because it controls public spaces, so that individuals with higher, better aspirations are often entangled in the code and its self-destructive behaviors.Writing in the tradition of Jane Jacobs and William Julius Wilson, the author delineates the true workings of city streets. His most interesting characters are not the bullies and dealers, but the decent folks, young and old, who through entrepreneurship and creative self-help strategies are forging a viable alternative, an escape from the code of the street.Winner of the Komarovsky Book Award, this incisive book examines the code as a response to the lack of jobs that pay a living wage, to the stigma of race, to rampant drug use, to alienation and lack of hope. An individual's safety and sense of worth are determined by the respect he commands in public--a deference frequently based on an implied threat of violence. Unfortunately, even those with higher aspirations can often become entangled in the code's self-destructive behaviors. -
Durable Inequality
Review "An important approach to social inequality."--M. M. Denny, "Choice Product Description Charles Tilly, in this eloquent manifesto, presents a powerful new approach to the study of persistent social inequality. How, he asks, do long-lasting, systematic inequalities in life chances arise, and how do they come to distinguish members of different socially defined categories of persons? Exploring representative paired and unequal categories, such as male/female, black/white, and citizen/noncitizen, Tilly argues that the basic causes of these and similar inequalities greatly resemble one another. In contrast to contemporary analyses that explain inequality case by case, this account is one of process. Categorical distinctions arise, Tilly says, because they offer a solution to pressing organizational problems. Whatever the "organization" is--as small as a household or as large as a government--the resulting relationship of inequality persists because parties on both sides of the categorical divide come to depend on that solution, despite its drawbacks. Tilly illustrates the social mechanisms that create and maintain paired and unequal categories with a rich variety of cases, mapping out fertile territories for future relational study of durable inequality. -
Social Movements and Networks
For the first time in a single volume, leading social movement researchers map the full range of applications of network concepts and tools to their field of inquiry. They illustrate how networks affect individual contributions to collective action in both democratic and non-democratic organizations; how patterns of inter-organizational linkages affect the circulation of resources both within movement milieus and between movement organizations and the political system; how network concepts and techniques may improve our grasp of the relationship between movements and elites, of the configuration of alliance and conflict structures, of the clustering of episodes of contention in protest cycles.Social Movements and Networks casts new light on our understanding of social movements and cognate social and political processes. -
内容简介 本书是一部畅销数十年,系统反映国际上组织理论与设计最新成果的经典教科书,自出版以来已连续修订了8次,深受管理学和组织理论教师、研究人员和MBA学生的喜爱,世界各国的许多著名商学院,都将本书列为组织理论的必修课教材或MBA的指定参考书。 本书从对现实社会中各类组织的观察和分析入手,以理论与实践密切结合的方式,通过对组织的结构设计及相关影响因素进行由浅入深、循序渐进、生动有趣和富有逻辑性的介绍和阐述,使读者对西方组织理论的概貌、组织模式的历史演变与最新发展,以及组织设计的实务和方法等方面,获得一个真正“组织学”角度的框架性认识。 本书不仅是对“组织”的一种宏观考察,具有独到的研究角度和理论体系,同时又与考察微观层面的“组织行为学”构成重要的互补关系。 本书的读者对象十分广泛,不仅适合作为管理专业高年级本科生、研究生、MBA的教材,以及商学院中教授管理学、组织理论的教师、研究人员和自学者的最佳参考书,同时还可供各类企业中高层管理者作为培训教材使用。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 目录 第I篇 组织导论 第1章 组织与组织理论 引例:施乐公司 应用中的组织理论 什么是组织 作为系统的组织 组织设计的变量 组织理论与设计的演进 本书的框架 小 结 提 要 关键概念 讨论题 练 习 教学案例 注 释 第Ⅱ篇 组织目标与结构设计 第2章 战略、组织设计和效果 引例:星巴克公司 战略指向在组织设计中的角色 组织目标 组织战略与设计 组织的效果 效果的权变评价法 效果的综合评价法 小 结 提 要 关键概念 讨论题 练 习 教学案例 专题讨论 注 释 第3章 组织结构的基础 引例:福特汽车公司 组织结构 有关结构的信息处理观 组织设计方案 职能型、事业部型和地区型结构设计 矩阵型结构 横向型结构 虚拟网络型结构 混合型结构 结构设计的应用 小 结 提 要 关键概念 讨论题 练 习 教学案例 注 释 第Ⅲ篇 开放系统设计要素 第4章 外部环境 引例:诺基亚公司 环境领域 环境的不确定性 适应环境的不确定性 组织应对不确定性的分析框架 资源的依赖性 第5章 组织间关系 第6章 面向国际环境的组织设计 第IV篇 内部设计要素 第7章 制造与服务技术 第8章 信息技术与控制 第9章 组织规模、生命周期及组织衰退 第V篇 动态过程管理 第10章 组织文化和伦理价值观 第11章 创新与变革 第12章 决策过程 第13章 冲突、权力和权术 后记(第7版) 译后记(第9版) ……
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友