

  • 媒介分析技巧


  • Beauty Pays

    作者:Daniel S. Hamermesh

    Most of us know there is a payoff to looking good, and in the quest for beauty we spend countless hours and billions of dollars on personal grooming, cosmetics, and plastic surgery. But how much better off are the better looking? Based on the evidence, quite a lot. The first book to seriously measure the advantages of beauty, Beauty Pays demonstrates how society favors the beautiful and how better-looking people experience startling but undeniable benefits in all aspects of life. Noted economist Daniel Hamermesh shows that the attractive are more likely to be employed, work more productively and profitably, receive more substantial pay, obtain loan approvals, negotiate loans with better terms, and have more handsome and highly educated spouses. Hamermesh explains why this happens and what it means for the beautiful--and the not-so-beautiful--among us. Exploring whether a universal standard of beauty exists, Hamermesh illustrates how attractive workers make more money, how these amounts differ by gender, and how looks are valued differently based on profession. He considers whether extra pay for good-looking people represents discrimination, and, if so, who is discriminating. Hamermesh investigates the commodification of beauty in dating and how this influences the search for intelligent or high-earning mates, and even examines whether government programs should aid the ugly. He also discusses whether the economic benefits of beauty will persist into the foreseeable future and what the "looks-challenged" can do to overcome their disadvantage. Reflecting on a sensitive issue that touches everyone, Beauty Pays proves that beauty's rewards are anything but superficial.
  • 做书店


    做书店:转型期中国书业的终端记录(增订版),ISBN:9787549504114,作者:徐冲 著
  • On Sociology, Vol. 1

    作者:John Goldthorpe

    "On Sociology"--extensively revised, updated, and enlarged for this second edition--addresses the current state of the discipline. Looking to unify increasingly disparate areas of theory and research, John Goldthorpe presents a new mainstream for sociology, combining the demonstrated strengths of large-scale quantitative research and the explanatory power of social action theory. The author's wide-ranging mastery, extending over comparative macro-sociology, applications of rational action theory, and philosophical and theoretical debates on causality, to key questions in educational attainment and class analysis and to the history of statistics in the social sciences, make this an essential book for any sociologist. The collection of closely interlinked essays is presented in two volumes. Volume One begins with a series of critical essays that focus on methodological problems in certain styles of sociological work. The underlying theme is the need for recognition of a common "logic of inference" that must underpin qualitative and quantitative work alike. Volume Two illustrates and applies a new mainstream program, addressing various topics in social stratification to highlight different aspects of the integration of research and theory. Volume Two ends with two retrospective essays that place the concerns of "On Sociology" in the context of the history of the discipline in both the United States and Europe.
  • Super Crunchers

    作者:Ian Ayres

    Why would a casino try and stop you from losing? How can a mathematical formula find your future spouse? Would you know if a statistical analysis blackballed you from a job you wanted? Today, number crunching affects your life in ways you might never imagine. In this lively and groundbreaking new book, economist Ian Ayres shows how today's best and brightest organizations are analyzing massive databases at lightening speed to provide greater insights into human behavior. They are the Super Crunchers. From internet sites like Google and Amazon that know your tastes better than you do, to a physician's diagnosis and your child's education, to boardrooms and government agencies, this new breed of decision makers are calling the shots. And they are delivering staggeringly accurate results. How can a football coach evaluate a player without ever seeing him play? Want to know whether the price of an airline ticket will go up or down before you buy? How can a formula outpredict wine experts in determining the best vintages? Super crunchers have the answers. In this brave new world of equation versus expertise, Ayres shows us the benefits and risks, who loses and who wins, and how super crunching can be used to help, not manipulate us. Gone are the days of solely relying on intuition to make decisions. No businessperson, consumer, or student who wants to stay ahead of the curve should make another keystroke without reading Super Crunchers.
  • 西方社会思想史


  • 日常生活的政治逻辑


  • 中国社会学经典读本


  • 原始社会的犯罪与习俗


    《原始社会的犯罪与习俗(修订译本)》形成时的情形同样地对其现在的形式有所影响,最初的资料准备和结论的得出是应皇家大不列颠学会之邀而产生的。此前已有一篇题为《一个原始社区中法律和秩序的力量》的论文在1925年2月13日星期五晚上宣读过。像往常一样,我发现自己掌握着更为丰富的资料而基于此得出的结论框架是无法囊括在一个小时的演讲中的,其中的一XI内容很荣幸地被《自然》(Nature)杂志刊载了(见1926年2月6日的增刊和1925年8月15日的文章),现在这本小册子已将它们全部收录无遗。 在《原始社会的犯罪与习俗(修订译本)》的准备过程中,我得到正在伦敦经济学院民族学系从事研究工作的雷蒙•弗思(RaymondFirth)先生的有力支持,在他的帮助下我争取到了劳拉•斯佩尔曼•洛克菲勒纪念基金(LauraSpelmanRockefellerMemorial)的资助。该基金的董事会近来对人类学的进展表现出了特别的关注,并将其作为该基金会对社会科学发展兴趣的一个方面。对正在迅速消亡的原始种族的研究是目前正在不遗余力地摧毁着原始生活的文明世界的职责之一。可悲的是,这一职责一直被忽视了。这一课题不仅具有很高的科学和文化的重要性,而且确实具有可观的实用价值,因为它能帮助白种人在尽量减少危害结果的前提下去统治、开发和“改进”土著居民。
  • SPSS基础教程


  • White Collar

    作者:C. Wright Mills

    This volume, a second edition of what has become a major work of American sociological thought, demonstrates how the conditions and styles of middle class life - originating from elements of both the newer lower and upper classes - represent modern society as a whole. In his thesis, by examining white-collar life, Mills aimed to learn something about what was becoming more typically "American" than the once-famous Western frontier character. He painted a picture instead of a society that had evolved into a business-based milieu, viewing America instead as a great salesroom, an enormous file, and a new universe of management. Russell Jacoby, author of "The End of Utopia" and "The Last Intellectuals" contributes an afterword to this edition, in which he reflects on the impact the book had at its original publication and considers what it means to society in the 21st century.
  • Planet of Slums

    作者:Mike Davis

    Celebrated urban theorist lifts the lid on the effects of a global explosion of disenfranchised slum-dwellers. According to the United Nations, more than one billion people now live in the slums of the cities of the South. In this brilliant and ambitious book, Mike Davis explores the future of a radically unequal and explosively unstable urban world. From the sprawling barricadas of Lima to the garbage hills of Manila, urbanization has been disconnected from industrialization, even economic growth. Davis portrays a vast humanity warehoused in shantytowns and exiled from the formal world economy. He argues that the rise of this informal urban proletariat is a wholly original development unforeseen by either classical Marxism or neoliberal theory. Are the great slums, as a terrified Victorian middle class once imagined, volcanoes waiting to erupt? Davis provides the first global overview of the diverse religious, ethnic, and political movements competing for the souls of the new urban poor. He surveys Hindu fundamentalism in Bombay, the Islamist resistance in Casablanca and Cairo, street gangs in Cape Town and San Salvador, Pentecostalism in Kinshasa and Rio de Janeiro, and revolutionary populism in Caracas and La Paz.Planet of Slums ends with a provocative meditation on the "war on terrorism" as an incipient world war between the American empire and the slum poor.
  • 不失礼!送礼的学问

    作者:(日)岩下宣子 主编,(日)伊藤美树

    《不失礼送礼的学问》内容简介为:现代人重视社交,尤其是很多场合经常必须送礼,因此,了解送礼礼仪对提升自我形象及促进人际关系有绝大的帮助。其实看似毫无意义的送礼礼节,正代表着送礼者的真心祝福。《不失礼送礼的学问》整理出许多日常生活中需知、应知的送礼常识,教导礼物该怎么选、怎么送,才能表达心意。有别于市面上教条式的送礼礼仪专书,《不失礼送礼的学问》以充满个性的绘画与浅显易懂的文字,传授读者最地道的送礼礼仪。 《不失礼送礼的学问》还以有趣的卡通漫画表述说明送礼的场景,并穿插了许多送礼高手的真实经验谈,介绍许多不同的方式或想法,可以引发读者更多独特的送礼创意。 以卡通绘本的轻松阅读,告诉你想要知道的送礼常识! 你知道最受欢迎的情人节礼物是什么吗? 结婚与乔迁之喜的红包该怎样送? 送礼又有哪些忌讳?送礼最怕送错意、误触别人忌讳! 《不失礼送礼的学问》告诉你一定要学会的送礼常识,让你不花大钱,也能送礼送到对方心坎儿里!
  • Social Systems (Writing Science)

    作者:Niklas Luhmann

  • 男性要解放


  • The System of Professions

    作者:Andrew Abbott

    In "The System of Professions" Andrew Abbott explores central questions about the role of professions in modern life: Why should there be occupational groups controlling expert knowledge? Where and why did groups such as law and medicine achieve their power? Will professionalism spread throughout the occupational world? While most inquiries in this field study one profession at a time, Abbott here considers the system of professions as a whole. Through comparative and historical study of the professions in nineteenth- and twentieth-century England, France, and America, Abbott builds a general theory of how and why professionals evolve.
  • 管理未来


    《管理未来》:我们身边耳熟能详的人物,无论是第五项修炼的倡导者彼得.圣吉、市场营销之父菲利浦.科特勒、领导力大师约翰.科特,还是英特尔公司总裁安迪.格鲁夫、微软董事长比尔.盖茨、通用电气公司CEO 杰克.韦尔奇……他们在管理思想和管理实践方面都受到了彼得.德鲁克的启发和影响。 全球管理者必读的经典之作! 深刻影响全球商界、政界高层人士的著作 彼得.德鲁克论述了管理的新范式如何改变和如何继续改变我们对管理实践和管理理论的基本认识。书中不乏远见卓识和超前思维,它集丰富的知识、广泛的实践经验、深邃的洞察力、精辟的分析和拨云见雾般的常识于一身,这些都是德鲁克著作的精髓和“管理学的里程碑”。   ——《哈佛商业评论》 查看德鲁克的全部著作
  • 从禁忌到解放


    整个20世纪西方的性道德呈现的是一个巨大的曲线,从零到高峰,又从高峰滑到半山腰。这个变化应该是历史发展的必然。因为性既然是人们生活中不可缺少的一个方面,它不可能永远是禁忌,人们用科学、道德和理性的观点来看待性是理所当然的;但是性自由也不能被滥用,性解放中出现的“无限制的性”,使性的滥用达到了顶峰,不仅违背了性的自然规律,而且违背了基本的道德伦理。所以,性的回归也是必然的选择。 我们在研究西方的性解放和性同归的过程中,不得不对我们国家人口的性状况给予一定的关注。改革开放以业,中国的政治、经济和社会都发生了翻天覆地的变化,人们的性观念也发生了极大的变化,我们应该从西方的性解放和回归中得到一些借鉴和教训。
  • Language in Thought and Action

    作者:S.I. Hayakawa,Alan R

    A revised, updated edition of S. I. Hayakawas classic work on semantics. He discusses the role of language, its many functions, and how language shapes our thinking. Introduction by Robert MacNeil; Index.
  • 偉大城市的誕生與衰亡

    作者:珍‧雅各(Jane Jacobs)

    偉大城市的誕生與衰亡 美國都市街道生活的啓發,ISBN:9789570831672,作者:珍·雅各