

  • 邻里空间


  • 城市化进程中的农民工


  • One Country, Two Societies

    作者:Martin King Whyte ed

    This timely and important collection of original essays analyzes China’s foremost social cleavage: the rural-urban gap. It is now clear that the Chinese communist revolution, though professing dedication to an egalitarian society, in practice created a rural order akin to serfdom, in which 80 percent of the population was effectively bound to the land. China is still struggling with that legacy. The reforms of 1978 changed basic aspects of economic and social life in China’s villages and cities and altered the nature of the rural-urban relationship. But some important institutions and practices have changed only marginally or not at all, and China is still sharply divided into rural and urban castes with different rights and opportunities in life, resulting in growing social tensions. The contributors, many of whom conducted extensive fieldwork, examine the historical background of rural-urban relations; the size and trend in the income gap between rural and urban residents in recent years; aspects of inequality apart from income (access to education and medical care, the digital divide, housing quality and location); experiences of discrimination, particularly among urban migrants; and conceptual and policy debates in China regarding the status and treatment of rural residents and urban migrants.
  • 社会学辞典


  • Urban Life in Contemporary China

    作者:Martin King Whyte,Wi

  • Factory Girls

    作者:Leslie T Chang

    'Head and shoulders above almost all other new books about China, this unflinching and yearningly compassionate portrait of the lives and loves of ordinary Chinese workers is quite unforgettable' - Simon Winchester. Every year in China millions of migrant workers leave their rural towns to find jobs in the cities. These people are the driving forces behind China's economic boom: they work very hard and for little money to make the trainers, ornaments, designer handbags and toys which we buy. Through the lives of two young women, Chang vividly portrays a world where you can lose your boyfriend and your friends with the loss of a cell phone; where lying about your age, your education, and your work experience is often a requisite for getting ahead; and, where a few computer or English lessons can catapult you into a completely different social class. This is a powerful and humane portrait of the forces which are shaping China. 'Astonishing ...Heartbreaking ...As one tool in trying to understand today's China, this is a most valuable, if troubling read' - "Irish Times". 'Engrossing ...An exceptionally vivid and compassionate depiction of the day-to-day dramas, and the fears and aspirations, of the real people who are powering China's economic boom' - "Scotsman". 'Chang's elegant book is evidence that the best trips home often require a circuitous approach' - Nell Freudenberger, "Financial Times".
  • The Penguin and the Leviathan

    作者:Yochai Benkler

    What do Wikipedia, Zip Car’s business model, Barack Obama's presidential campaign, and a small group of lobster fishermen have in common? They all show the power and promise of human cooperation in transforming our businesses, our government, and our society at large. Because today, when the costs of collaborating are lower than ever before, there are no limits to what we can achieve by working together. For centuries, we as a society have operated according to a very unflattering view of human nature: that, humans are universally and inherently selfish creatures. As a result, our most deeply entrenched social structures – our top-down business models, our punitive legal systems, our market-based approaches to everything from education reform to environmental regulation - have been built on the premise that humans are driven only by self interest, programmed to respond only to the invisible hand of the free markets or the iron fist of a controlling government. In the last decade, however, this fallacy has finally begun to unravel, as hundreds of studies conducted across dozens of cultures have found that most people will act far more cooperatively than previously believed. Here, Harvard University Professor Yochai Benkler draws on cutting-edge findings from neuroscience, economics, sociology, evolutionary biology, political science, and a wealth of real world examples to debunk this long-held myth and reveal how we can harness the power of human cooperation to improve business processes, design smarter technology, reform our economic systems, maximize volunteer contributions to science, reduce crime, improve the efficacy of civic movements, and more. For example, he describes how: •By building on countless voluntary contributions, open-source software communities have developed some of the most important infrastructure on which the World Wide Web runs •Experiments with pay-as-you-wish pricing in the music industry reveal that fans will voluntarily pay far more for their favorite music than economic models would ever predic •Many self-regulating communities, from the lobster fishermen of Maine to farmers in Spain, live within self-regulating system for sharing and allocating communal resources •Despite recent setbacks, Toyota’s collaborative shop-floor, supply chain, and management structure contributed to its meteoric rise above its American counterparts for over a quarter century. •Police precincts across the nation have managed to reduce crime in tough neighborhoods through collaborative, trust-based, community partnerships. A must-read for anyone who wants to understand the dynamics of cooperation in 21st century life, The Penguin and the Leviathan not only challenges so many of the ways in which we live and work, it forces us to rethink our entire view of human nature.
  • The Social Construction of Reality

    作者:Peter L. Berger,Thom

    A general and systematic account of the role of knowledge in society aimed to stimulate both critical discussion and empirical investigations. This book is concerned with the sociology of 'everything that passes for knowledge in society'. It focuses particularly on that 'common-sense knowledge' which constitutes the reality of everyday life for the ordinary member of society. The authors are concerned to present an analysis of knowledge in everyday life in the context of a theory of society as a dialectical process between objective and subjective reality. Their development of a theory of institutions, legitimations and socializations has implications beyond the discipline of sociology, and their 'humanistic' approach has considerable relevance for other social scientists, historians, philosophers and anthropologists.
  • Economists and Societies

    作者:Marion Fourcade

    "Economists and Societies" is the first book to systematically compare the profession of economics in the United States, Britain, and France, and to explain why economics, far from being a uniform science, differs in important ways among these three countries. Drawing on in-depth interviews with economists, institutional analysis, and a wealth of scholarly evidence, Marion Fourcade traces the history of economics in each country from the late nineteenth century to the present, demonstrating how each political, cultural, and institutional context gave rise to a distinct professional and disciplinary configuration. She argues that because the substance of political life varied from country to country, people's experience and understanding of the economy, and their political and intellectual battles over it, crystallized in different ways - through scientific and mercantile professionalism in the United States, public-minded elitism in Britain, and statist divisions in France. Fourcade moves past old debates about the relationship between culture and institutions in the production of expert knowledge to show that scientific and practical claims over the economy in these three societies arose from different elites with different intellectual orientations, institutional entanglements, and social purposes. Much more than a history of the economics profession, "Economists and Societies" is a revealing exploration of American, French, and British society and culture as seen through the lens of their respective economic institutions and the distinctive character of their economic experts.
  • 如何做质性研究


    《如何做质性研究》共分8大部分(主体是前5部分),次序大体上按照开展一项研究的时间顺序安排,并根据新手们在一个完整的质性研究过程中面临的实际情境一一讲授。第一部分针对的是刚读研究生的学生。第二部分着力于做研究设计时会出现的基本问题:如何选择论题、如何运用理论和选择方法、如何选择案例、如何撰写研究计划书等。第三部分集中处理收集和分析数据时可能面临的问题:如何进行初步分析、如何运用计算机进行资料分析,以及如何评估质性研究的优劣。第四部分讨论了做研究记录、处理田野中的各种关系,以及如何获得研究反馈等问题。第五部分是关于质性写作的。 《如何做质性研究》的每一部分大致上都自成一体,读者可以毫无困难地穿行其间,选择需要的章节阅读,并在适当的时候使用《如何做质性研究》提供的术语表。
  • 无形学院

    作者:戴安娜 克兰

  • 农民、公民权与国家


  • 城市社会学


  • Social Suffering and Political Confession

    作者:Feiyu Sun

    This book closely examines one relatively small but significant political phenomenon — Suku in Revolutionary China through a matrix of western social theory: Freud, Marcuse, Arendt, and Ricoeur. Suku is the practice of confessing individual suffering in a political context and in a collective public forum. By interpreting Suku from the joint perspectives of political identity and subjective psychological identity, the aim of the book is to postulate a new paradigm for discussing social suffering and collective confession in a political context that represents the radical transformation in China's modern history. This book presents an analysis of the transformation of identity from the traditional to the modern, both for the individual peasant and for the state of China.
  • 社交潜规则


    孤独症谱系障碍人士的核心障碍之一是社会交往问题。作为能够独立生活,拥有成功职业和良好社会地位的孤独症谱系成年人,天宝•格兰丁和肖恩•巴伦都有着曲折的成长经历,他们在与普通人交往的过程中不断收集信息,总结经验,从各自的经历中提炼出关于社会交往的一些潜规则。 两位作者根据不同的主题分别写作,并由原书的编辑整理加工,其中增加了部分评述的内容。该编辑同时也是《孤独症/阿斯伯格综合征文摘》的主编,因此,其中的评论是从专业人士的角度提出。书中提到的十条社交潜规则不仅适用于孤独症谱系障碍人士,也适用于普通人之间的社会交往,有助于家长、教师、咨询师、医生、社会工作者、研究人员等能够在站孤独症谱系障碍人士的视角,更好地理解和帮助他们。
  • 房地产阶级社会


    通过本书《房地产阶级社会》,可以借鉴韩国房地产业发展的历史、现况,以及危机出现的原因,仔细分析中国社会房地产的发展现况,提出预防危机发生的策略,甚至是制定相应的政策。 《房地产阶级社会》阐述了近代韩国社会房地产投机的发展史及其给韩国社会带来的深远影响,用庞大且确切的数据进行具体分析,为现阶段的韩国房地产危机寻找对应之策。 《房地产阶级社会》巧妙地运用了在韩国社会具有特殊意义的“房地产”这把钥匙,逐一打开了解韩国社会具体现实问题的各扇大门,并积极提出解决之策。 ——《联合新闻》 《房地产阶级社会》向我们提出一个问题,即抛开房地产因素,我们能完整地把我当今韩国社会吗?作者强调房地产并非简单的居住环境问题,它已经成为决定人们生活质量的最重要因素。该书被视为彻底揭示房地产行业支配下的韩国社会问题的综合报告书。 ——《京乡新闻》
  • 新文明论概略(上、下册)


  • 经济与社会


  • Methods of Discovery

    作者:Andrew Abbott

    Methods of Discovery is organized around strategies for deepening arguments in order to find the best ways to study social phenomena. This exciting book is not about the mechanics of doing social science research, but about habits of thinking that enable students to use those mechanics in new ways, by coming up with new ideas and combining them more effectively with old ones. Examples from throughout the social sciences help show how these moves can open new lines of thinking. Each chapter covers several moves and their reverses (if these exist), discussing particular examples of the move as well as its logical and theoretical structure. This book offers readers a new way of thinking about directions for their research and new ways to imagine information relevant to their research problems.