The Sociologically Examined Life
"The Sociologically Examined Life" is a lively and concise text that uses analyses of everyday life to inspire students to think sociologically about society and about themselves as social actors. -
《皈信同化叠合身份认同:北美华人基督徒研究》主要内容:尽管预计在方法论、理论积累和自身的知识储备等方面都会遇到诸多困难,但是我深知我必须选择的课题就是研究北美华人基督徒。考虑到美国华人中基督徒的较大比例以及与其他理论研究的相关性,对美国华人基督徒的实证研究是早该进行的。然而,对美国华人基督徒问题的学术研究几乎一片空白。况且, 在理论方而,这些问题对于研究移民同化、宗教皈信、散居国外华人的身份认同与建构以及少数民族研究等方面也是非常有价值的。 此项社会学研究的核心是在华人移民教会内人们的身份认同与建构问题。我期望把读者带进一个典型的华人移民教会,考察他们的象征符号(symbols)、话语系统(discourses)以及行为,并用民族志的深描法与社会学的分析来探究它们不同层次的含义。 -
本书试图重新发掘传播思想史上一个被忽略了的学派----芝加哥学派。早在施拉姆“钦定”的传播学“四大奠基人”步入学术殿堂之前,芝加哥学派已经成为20世纪上半叶声名远播的社会学流派,并开展了令人瞩目的传播思想研究。芝加哥学派倾向于将传播作为解决当时社会问题、解释人类社会本质的重要手段,因之形成了颇具启发性的传播研究框架,提出了一批重要的传播学课题,并也因之孕育了当代传播学的许多重要流派。在近一个世纪后的今天,让芝加哥学派再度发言,不仅有利于反思传播思想史的偏差,更有利于重新审视传播的未来走向。 -
读原著,就是与大师对话。这是无数读书人的经验之谈,也是一个很普通的道理。然而,这个普通道理却需要经常强调、不断提倡。就我个人的经验来说,l962—1967年我在北京大学哲学系学习时,当时北大非常强调读原著,低年级的主要课程都辅之以一门“原著辅导”,到了高年级就直接读原著了。任课老师自觉地把自己当作是帮助学生通过读原著去直接与大师们对话的引领者,而不是大师的代替者,这个在我看来是非常优秀的传统。前几年,中国社会科学院社会学研究所招聘新人,有几位也算名牌大学的社会学系毕业生前来应聘,在答辩时,当被问到你最感兴趣的是哪位社会学家,你读过他的哪本书时,好几位应聘者竟然无以应答。他们坦言,他们只读任课老师的讲义或教科书,未曾读过经典作家们的原著。 一个学科之所以成为一个学科,主要是由它的基本问题、基本概念、由概念体系构成的基本理论、基本视角和基本方法构成的。而所有这些的最真实、最可靠的表达,存在于那些原创性的著作中13一般而言,这并不是那些转述和整理原创性知识的讲义和教科书所能代替的。当然,在特殊情况下,有些经典作家也写教科书,或者有些出色的教科书也称得上是“原著”;并且不可否认,教科书也有把知识系统化的特点。但是,不管怎么样,原著和教科书之间的区别,以及由这些区别决定的二者之间的关系是不能颠倒的。原著派生了并且决定着教科书,而不能用教科书去代替原著。同样,一门知识的传授者不能代替这门知识的原创者,而不论传授者们是否出色和优秀。尽管原著和教科书的关系还可以去做很多更为详尽的讨论,但基本性质就是如此。 -
《互联网使用的社会影响》介绍了美国互联网的现状,并从三个领域探讨互联网的社会影响,分别是接触互联网技术、通过互联网参与群体和社区以及使用互联网进行社会互动和表达。 -
《定性研究:经验资料收集与分析的方法》(第3卷)全书约200万字,对定性研究的近40个专题进行了讨论,其中每一个专题的作者都是该领域在国际上享有盛誉的著名学者,其主编诺曼·K·邓津(Norman.K.Denzin)和伊冯娜·S·林肯(Yvonna.S.Lincoln)更是社会科学定性研究方面的国际旗手。即便是这样一个精英的团队,面对这个庞大而意义深远的工程仍然需要艰苦卓绝的工作,正如两位主编在《定性研究:经验资料收集与分析的方法》(第3卷)的前言中所说:在许多情形下,关于谁应该写作某个章节或者某个章节应该如何写,我们常常不情愿地进入了一场政治斗争…………为了最后期限和页数的要求,我们和作者们进行着斗争;关于各章节的理论性以及关于那些我们能够明白但其他人却未必明白的内容,我们也和作者们进行着斗争;关于各章节何时完成,我们还得做斗争;而且,当我们要求更多的修改时,我们是在不断地测试着作者们的耐性。 -
据上海商务印书馆股份有限公司1924年版译出 -
The Religion of China
"The Religion of China: Confucianism and Taoism" (original Free Press edition 1951) is one of a number of works by the German sociologist Max Weber (1864-1920) published in English translation only long after his death, during a post-World-War II boom in Anglo-American interest in his writing. Such interest has recurred at irregular intervals since (one marked by this 1968 paperback reprinting), and Weber's major works, including technical and methodological studies, apparently have all been translated. Initially familiar to readers of English only for his theories on the relation between the Protestant (mainly Calvinist) world-view and the capitalist "rationalization" of economic life ("The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism"), Weber gradually has been revealed as an explorer of the nature of human societies in many times and places. Sinologists have given his studies of China (here and in a few essays published elsewhere) a somewhat mixed reception. On the one hand, it was an important example of China being taken seriously as major civilization, illustrating basic trends in human social behavior, instead of an exotic footnote ("Oriental Despotism," "The Oriental Mode of Production"). A product of Bismarck's Germany, Weber was acutely aware of the effects of bureaucracy, centralization of authority, and economic rationalization on traditional societies, and used China as a test case for his general theories. The religious responses to China's social and political order are a main, but not the only focus, and his treatment of both Confucianism and (mainly philosophical) Taoism as embodying genuine religious experiences was then unusual. Weber's mastery of the available translations and secondary literature is often mentioned as amounting to nearly a professional command of the field. On the other hand, Weber *was* unable to consult the primary sources directly. He was acutely aware that much of his information came from missionaries with ideological biases; according to some, however, he often chose the *wrong* missionary to believe. He seriously underestimated the antiquity of some developments in Chinese government. His examples are sometimes wrong, sometimes not especially pertinent; and better ones are missing because he had no access to them. He accepted the view of Confucius as a sort of learned academic with an interest in ethical government (popular among some modern Chinese as well as westerners), without seeming to notice that he has often been regarded as a supernatural figure, a prophet, or, in Weber's own terms, a "charismatic" leader. And the study of Buddhism in China was in its infancy, and its transformative impacts on Confucian and Taoist thought and practice only beginning to be grasped. The study of the very complex history of Taoism *as a religion* is also mostly a more recent development. Bearing these limits in mind, Weber's study remains fascinating. His suggested interpretations of Chinese society have set the terms for much research attempting to confirm or refute his ideas. He was sometimes wrong about both absolute and relative datings, but he recognized many important trends, and successfully framed them in larger contexts. As very much an amateur in Chinese studies (with greater limits than Weber, and not nearly as industrious, but able to benefit from modern scholarship), I have long found the book illuminating; I just try to check it against recent studies. For those who are familiar with Weber only for "The Protestant Ethic" (and the attendant controversy), this volume, and its companions on "Ancient Judaism" and "The Religions of India," may come as a considerable surprise. Those interested in the sociology of Chinese religion (rather than beliefs and practices) will want to take a look at a book by C.K. Yang, the author of the Introduction to this translation. Yang's "Religion in Chinese Society: A Study of Contemporary Social Functions of Religion and Some of Their Historical Factors" (originally University of California Press, 1961) provides information on Chinese religion in relation to government policies, and community and family structures, with documentation for specific regions. I consider it a complement, not a substitute, for Weber, because several chapters are probably too statistical to make it attractive to many readers. Yang also assumes familiarity with a body of professional sociological thought that Weber was still establishing. Of course, it too is beginning to show its age. -
《定性研究:策略与艺术》(第2卷)是定性研究方法方面极为全面的工具书。全书约200万字,涉及定性研究的发展历史,定性研究的方法论基础,定性研究的具体方法、策略和艺术,定性研究的未来发展等内容,这些内容分别体现在41个专题之中。《定性研究:策略与艺术》(第2卷)的56位撰写者来自世界各国,他们均是在人文社会科学研究及定性研究方法的相关领域卓有成效的学者。《定性研究:策略与艺术》(第2卷)主译风笑天系南京大学教授、博士生导师,其他人员均来自北京大学、美国德克萨斯A&M大学等国内外著名研究与教学机构。 -
本书是一项关于中国城市居民阶层结构与社会网络的实证研究,试图理解阶层地位影响网络结构特征的方式和程度。 研究应用2000年夏在北京城市地区进行的大规模社会网络调查的数据,对1004名北京城市成年居民的讨论网数据进行了定量分析。研究的中心假设是,处于不同阶层位置的人的自我中心社会网络具有不同的结构。研究结果表明,阶层地位对社会网络特征的影响主要是由于人们在阶层结构中占据着不同的位置,阶层地位对网络结构的影响基本不受个人人口特征的影响。 本书逻辑清晰,论证严谨,是一部非常规范和出色的社会学定量研究的学术著作,为阶层分析和网络分析提供了融合的视角,开辟了新的研究领域。它也是国内第一部个体网研究专著。 -
Social Capital
In Social Capital, first published in 2001, Nan Lin explains the importance of using social connections and social relations in achieving goals. Social capital, or resources accessed through such connections and relations, is critical (along with human capital, or what a person or organization actually possesses) to individuals, social groups, organizations, and communities in obtaining their objectives. This book places social capital in the family of capital theories (the classical and neo-capital theories), articulates its elements and propositions, presents research programs, findings, and agenda, and theorizes its significance in various moments of interactions between individual actions and social structure (for example, the primordial groups, social exchanges, organizations, institutional transformations and cybernetworks). Nan Lin eloquently introduces a groundbreaking theory that forcefully argues and shows why it is 'who you know', as well as 'what you know' that makes a difference in life and society. -
The Methodology of the Social Sciences
Max Weber,The Methodology of the Social Sciences,edited and translated by Edward A. Shils and Henry A. Finch, with a foreword by Edward Shils,New York:The Free Press,1949. -
什么是全球化? 全球主义的曲解-应对全球化
《什么是全球化?全球主义的曲解:应对全球化》试图将全球化的多重价值、多种含义及其不同领域引入到上世纪末那场举步维艰的全球化讨论中,并进行阐述和评论;它将揭示各种思想陷阱并建议如何尽可能规避这些陷阱,但最主要的是想通过这种方式拓展政治上应对全球化的视野。 -
为什么人会有不同的行为? 为什么即使是基因完全相同的同卵双胞胎,也会有不同的个性? 究竟是什么造成了我们的人格差异? 发展领域大师哈里斯从演化心理学出发, 为我们提出自佛洛伊德以来,第一个有关人类“个性”的完整理论! .《教养的迷思》畅销书作者最新著作! .知名心理学者洪兰教授翻译! .获Amazon网站5颗星评价! 心理学上的难解之谜:是什么导致人有不同的个性和行为? 这不只是先天(遗传)和后天(环境)的问题, 因为即使是基因极为相似且成长背景相当一致的同卵双胞胎,个性都不一样。 如果心理学连双胞胎的相异性都无法解释,更遑论其他人与人之间的差异 --为什么没有完全相同的两个人? 作者深入检视了从社会心理学的传统实验到神经科学的最新领域, 包括双胞胎研究、观察自闭儿、猩猩甚至蚂蚁。 最后她终于得到了自佛洛伊德以来,第一个有关“个性”的完整理论: 以演化心理学为基础,哈里斯以地位系统、社会化系统和关系系统这三种心理机制, 精辟入里地为我们解开了人格差异之谜。 -
本书将西方主要的历史社会学者把政治学者的著作进行了整理与归纳,让读者能重新审视西方现代社会的形成和性质。 致谢 主要书名缩写 导言 第一编 反思性历史社会学家 导言 第一章 诺贝特·埃利亚斯 第二章 弗朗兹·博克瑙 第三章 埃里克·沃格林 第四章 刘易斯·芒福德 第一编总结 同与异 第二编 现代怀的眼光 导言 第五章 新教精神(韦伯) 第六章 宫廷社会(埃利亚斯) 第七章 机械的世界观(博克瑙) 第八章 诺斯替反潮(沃格林) 第九章 新型巨权机器(芒福德) 第十章 规训社会(福柯) 第二编总结 作为永久阈限性的现代性 结论 参考文献 人名索引 主题索引 译后记 -
该书可以说是一个研究团队对处于变迁之中的中国城乡社会所做的学术探索的记录。这样的记录试图以一种独特的方式来“把握处于转型期的中国社会的变化的脉搏”。从论文涉及的题材看,这种学术探索涉及的研究领域是多方面的。而从另一方面来说,它既是对中国城乡的社会生活所做的长时间、远距离和宽视野的考察,但是也包含了近距离的对种种社会现象的细微的观察和研讨。全书带有浓厚的现象学社会学的研究风格。反映了中国大陆社会学者在定性研究方面目前所达到的水平。该书可以作为从事社会学研究或正在学习社会学(包括与社会学相近的学科)的学人的参考用书。 -
《社会学的100个故事》中所选辑的100个社会学故事,不仅是对于社会学的主要研究领域和方法的一次普及,更是一次非正式的“学术训练”,它可以让你插上“社会学的想象力”的翅膀,在生活中体会“诗意的思考”所带来的精神快感。100个故事,带您进入社会学领域,增加对自我与社会关系的认识!社会学是针对人类社会生活、团体与社会所从事的研究,研究社会学,我们将更容易了解自我,社会学可以开拓视野、增加对社会现象的分析、反省、了解能力。 社会学对于了解现代社会的演变,解决社会问题,展望二十一世纪后现代世界人类的社会变迁,可说是十分重要而有效的领域。因此,对于社会生活的改造和社会体制的改革,以及认清自我在团体中的定位都有很大的帮助。 社会学并不要求从现象和问题中找到终极而确定的答案,而是希望用超越自身和常识,以更加开阔的视野去观察现象和思考问题。因此,尝试去做一名“社会学家”并不意味着是一次枯草乏味的学术之旅,只需要带着你的想象力,将社会学的基本理念和你自己生活中的具体情境联系起来思考就可以了。能够对生活中的“习以为常”问问为什么,其实人人都可以是一个出色的“草根社会学家”。 -
青年們上山下海,徹夜派對與搞抗議營隊─這是九○年代英國奇觀之政治與文化景象。《自己幹─派對與革命》重新開啟了「柴契爾世代」青年之安逸神話,旗幟再度飄揚,無論是紅的、綠的、黑的。編者喬治馬凱宣示了今日立即和直接行動文化的抗議模式。編者收集了抗議場景中主要的角色,並由那些行動者自己書寫歷史和反省。從環境運動者到錄像行動者(video activist),從瑞舞客到抗議公路者,從新異教到無政府─資本主義者,作者展現了九○年代反文化如何將制度化下的失業者、被限制自由以及被法律禁止的快感轉化成充滿多樣、積極正面、說服性的歡樂嘉年華革命。 國外書評 「如果你身為感到現有英國政治體制剝奪人權,而新工黨與舊的壓迫一模一樣,布萊爾與大財團不過是換了名字的混蛋之一的話,本書將是近期最能振奮人心與培力的一本好書」─ Irvine Welsh(電影《猜火車》原著、小說《酸臭之屋》作者) -
本书引入互动式政党-国家模型(IPS),分析比较政党-国家体制及其转型的自我相似性,对匈牙利、罗马尼亚、中国进行了比较分析。 引言 缩写 第一部分 政党—国家的结构与动态运行:IPS模型 1 社会主义体制运行及变迁的理论与比较观点 2 构建互动式政党—国家(IPS)模型的方法论 3 政党—国家的结构 4 政党—国家的动态运行 5 政党—国家结构及动态运行上的自我相似性 6 分歧的结构及动态运行背景 7 自我再生产的特定模式与转型的路径 8 IPS模型动态框架中的术语解释 9 基于IPS模型挑战有关改革的比较观点 第二部分 政党—国家从诞生到转型:罗马尼亚、匈牙利与中国 …… -
Modernity and Self-Identity
Modernity differs from all preceding forms of social order because of its dynamism, its deep undercutting of traditional habits and customs, and its global impact. It also radicallly alters the general nature of daily life and the most personal aspects of human activity. In fact, one of the most distinctive features of modernity is the increasing interconnection between globalizing influences and personal dispositions. The author analyzes the nature of this interconnection and provides a conceptual vocabulary for it, in the process providing a major rethinking of the nature of modernity and a reworking of basic premises of sociological analysis. Building on the ideas set out in the authors The Consequences of Modernity, this book focuses on the self and the emergence of new mechanisms of self-identity that are shaped by--yet also shape--the institutions of modernity. The author argues that the self is not a passive entity, determined by external influences. Rather, in forging their self-identities, no matter how local their contexts of action, individuals contribute to and directly promote social influences that are global in their consequences and implications. The author sketches the contours of the he calls "high modernity"--the world of our day--and considers its ramifications for the self and self-identity. In this context, he analyzes the meaning to the self of such concepts as trust, fate, risk, and security and goes on the examine the "sequestration of experience," the process by which high modernity separates day-to-day social life from a variety of experiences and broad issues of morality. The author demonstrates how personal meaninglessness--the feeling that life has nothing worthwhile to offer--becomes a fundamental psychic problem in circumstances of high modernity. The book concludes with a discussion of "life politics," a politics of selfactualization operating on both the individual and collective levels.
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友