《谁的尸体》主要内容包括:在向来谨小慎微的阿尔弗雷德•提普先生的卫生间里,居然无端的冒出具全裸的男尸,更加讽刺的是,尸体的鼻梁上竟然文绉绉地架着一副金边眼镜。巧合的是,就在无名尸体出现的同时,城中赫赫有名的投资家列维爵士葛名其妙地不见了踪影。难道这二者之间存在着某些联系? 那具尸体显然被精心伪装过。很明显,凶手希望人们相信,这就是列维爵士的归宿。那么,真正的列维爵士在哪里?是死是活?真相大白的时候,连见多识广的温姆西勋爵都禁不住不寒而栗。 -
A Murder is Announced (Miss Marple Mysteries)
When an evening of fun and games turns to murder, Miss Marple plays by her own rules to solve the whodunit. -
辛普森杀妻、肯尼迪家族事件……数件难以定罪的神秘凶杀案,本书将为你一一道来。以精湛独到的刑侦鉴识技术享誉国际的李昌钰博士,曾在美国各州及全球其他十七个国家参与调查了六千多起重大刑案。在书中李博士叙述了许多实际侦办案件的技巧与方法,彰显科学办案的魅力和重要性。 -
Miss Marple's Final Cases
A highly recognized sleuth, Miss Marple unravels seven engaging mysteries, among them: "Tape Measure Murder," about an ordinary housewife found dead; "Case of the Perfect Maid," where a servant turns up missing; "Case of the Caretaker," in which Miss Marple's doctor procures a very strange remedy for the flu; "Miss Marple Tells a Story," where a husband faces a trial for his wife's murder, and "Greenshaw's Folly," about men becoming privy to a will that spawns a bizarre murder. -
Appointment with Death
在线阅读本书 A tyrannical old martinet, a mental sadist and the incarnation of evil. These were only three of the character descriptions levelled at Mrs. Boynton, the matriarch who kept her family totally dependent on her. But did she really deserve to die on the excursion to beautiful Petra? Hercule Poirot hears about the murder and feels compelled to investigate-despite the family's request not to do so. Do they have something to hide and, if so, can they keep it hidden from this master sleuth? -
The Daughter of Time
Josephine Tey re-creates one of history's most famous -- and vicious -- crimes in her classic bestselling novel, a must read for connoisseurs of fiction, now with a new introduction by Robert BarnardInspector Alan Grant of Scotland Yard, recuperating from a broken leg, becomes fascinated with a contemporary portrait of Richard III that bears no resemblance to the Wicked Uncle of history. Could such a sensitive, noble face actually belong to one of the world's most heinous villains -- a venomous hunchback who may have killed his brother's children to make his crown secure? Or could Richard have been the victim, turned into a monster by the usurpers of England's throne? Grant determines to find out once and for all, with the help of the British Museum and an American scholar, what kind of man Richard Plantagenet really was and who killed the Little Princes in the Tower."The Daughter of Time" is an ingeniously plotted, beautifully written, and suspenseful tale, a supreme achievement from one of mystery writing's most gifted masters. -
本书的作者是英国文坛的四位女侦探小说家之一,被称为英国侦探小说女皇。她的作品构思严密,情节精彩纷呈,行文活泼而注重心理描写,有较强的文学性。她笔下的业余侦探彼得·温姆西勋爵是位贵族,有学问,好运动,口才极佳,风度优雅,是个高智商的破案高手。在流感中两位夫妇相继的死去,人们把他们合葬在了一起,当再打开棺木时,恐怖的事情发生,里面只有一具被毁容截肢的尸体,他是谁呢?为何在这里呢?谜底等你来揭开! -
本书从一则意外事故开始讲述,但是温姆西勋爵却凭着他细致入微的洞察力断定,这不是一起普通的意外事故。当他隐姓埋名地进入到比姆广告公司,成为一名广告词的写手后,着手调查这起事故,从点点滴滴当中搜集着线索。当他最终将零散的信息拼凑到一起的时候,终于发现:广告也可以杀人。小说一波三折,逼你不得不一口气读完。 广告可以杀人? 比姆广告公司的职员维克多·迪恩从办公室的楼梯上因失足而毙命。这起意外事故原本并没有引起员工们的猜疑,然而,温姆西勋爵却凭着他细致入微的洞察力断定,这不是一起普通的意外事故。 温姆西勋爵隐姓埋名地进入到比姆广告公司,成为一名广告词的写手。他要在维克多丧命的环境当中找出致维克多于死地的原因与凶手。当广告以它强有力的攻势渗透到人们的生活当中时,它无形中亦成为某些罪恶的载体。温姆西勋爵从点点滴滴当中搜集着线索,当他最终将零散的信息拼凑到一起的时候,他终于发现:原来,一条广告足可以致人于死地。 -
一个世界级要犯从南非一所监狱中逃跑了,一个漂亮的应招女郎在波士顿的公寓里被残酷谋杀,一个在逃的美国亿万富翁正在企图摧毁华尔街的计算机网络,让世界金融市场崩溃…… 从来没有一个惊悚小说作家像范德尔那么深刻、生动,那么令人心惊肉跳。他以情报专家身份写出来的小说完全可以乱真。范德尔只有一个问题;他的作品太少,至今只写了四部小说。 ——纽约时报书评 《零点时刻》,一部天衣无缝的悬疑小说,刺激过瘾,令人惊叹! 【内容提要】 南非一所戒备森严的监狱里发生了一次惊险逃亡。一个风姿绰约的应招女郎在波士顿被残忍杀害。一位逃隐瑞士的美国亿万富翁,满心想向美国政府复仇……在所有线头都指向的零点时刻,将要发生什么惊天大事? 联邦调查局特工莎拉·卡杀尔突然被紧急召到纽约总部,调查一桩即将发生在纽约华尔街的恐怖袭击。她要发现的目标是一个不明身份且极度危险的人物,她只知道他的代号110——然而,他对她的了解却是那么亲密和熟悉。 莎拉在不知不觉中陷入了一个早有预谋的圈套,一场精心设计的猫捉老姒游戏把她逼到了危险的边缘,迫使莎拉必须争分夺秒地赶在零点时刻到来之前拯救自己以及整个华尔街的金融体系。 独一无二的真实感和令人瞠目的复杂内幕,惊心动魄、让人时刻神经紧绷的悬疑情节,完全无法预料的爆炸性结局,这部小说会带领读者经历一次很可能是正在发生的或者即将在某一时刻真实再现的国际阴谋。 -
世界侦探小说名著经典。风靡全球、影响深远的世界经典。 风靡世界的神探福尔摩斯所破获的案件离奇、惊险、刺激,其故事情节曲折多变,令人惊心动魄;当你打开书时,你的心就会随着它上下起伏、波动,即使感到恐怖也不忍释手。 -
在线阅读本书 The Moonstone, a yellow diamond looted from an Indian temple and believed to bring bad luck to its owner, is bequeathed to Rachel Verinder on her eighteenth birthday. That very night the priceless stone is stolen again and when Sergeant Cuff is brought in to investigate the crime, he soon realizes that no one in Rachel's household is above suspicion. Hailed by T. S. Eliot as 'the first, the longest, and the best of modern English detective novels', "The Moonstone" is a marvellously taut and intricate tale of mystery, in which facts and memory can prove treacherous and not everyone is as they first appear. -
The New Annotated Sherlock Holmes
Leslie S. Klinger has reassembled Arthur Conan Doyle's 56 short stories in the order in which they appeared in the original book editions. A cause for international celebration as this is the most lavishly illustrated edition of the Holmes tales ever produced. Readers will find a cornucopia of insights: beginners will benefit from Klinger's biographies of Holmes, Watson and Conan Doyle; historians will revel in the wealth of Victorian literary and cultural details; Sherlockian fanatics will puzzle over tantalising new theories; and art lovers will be beguiled by the illustrations. The book is introduced by John le Carre. -
福尔摩斯是小说界最著名的侦探家,他有点古怪,却又足智多谋,以无以伦比的推理而闻名。这位戴猎鹿帽,嘴叼大烟斗的侦探已经被插图画家和演员们演绎成了不朽的形象。柯南道尔曾于1893年让福尔摩斯死去,但最后迫于读者的压力不得不让他重新活了过来。阿瑟・柯南道尔笔下的伟大侦探福尔摩斯宣告了作为小说中最受欢迎的创作模式-侦探小说的崛起。本书将我们带进了福尔摩斯的世界-这位神秘侦探的生活,还有那位创作了他的作家-柯南道尔的世界以及那个非凡的年代。 -
小朋友,十二岁的卡莱可是个著名的大侦探,曾经帮助警察抓住过三个凶手呢。不过他马上要做的事情可不是去破案,而是到“高草原”上去和另外三个小朋友打“玫瑰战争”,你要仔细地看下去才能知道他到底是怎么运用他的聪明智慧的呀! -
发明家魏南特的女秘书兼情人沃尔夫小姐在公寓被害。是情杀?是仇杀?凶杀案发生之后,人们才发现发明家已多日不见踪影,是畏罪潜逃?发明家的前妻咪咪携新夫回到纽约,而新夫竟是发明家的死对头。咪咪手中掌握着魏南特行凶的铁证。魏南特的律师也全力以赴,配合破案。但怪事接二连三地发生了。 -
雷蒙·钱德勒现代侦探小说集(1-2),ISBN:9787806078181,作者:雷蒙,钱德勒 -
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友