

  • The Republic of Plato


    Long regarded as the most accurate rendering of Plato's Republic that has yet been published, this widely acclaimed work is the first strictly literal translation of a timeless classic. This second edition includes a new introduction by Professor Bloom, whose careful translation and interpretation of The Republic was first published in 1968. In addition to the correct text itself there is also a rich and valuable essay--as well as indexes and a glossary of terms--which will better enable the reader to approach the heart of Plato's intention.
  • Leviathan

    作者:Thomas Hobbes (Autho

    Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan is arguably the greatest piece of political philosophy written in the English language. Written in a time of great political turmoil (Hobbes' life spanned the reign of Charles I, the Civil Wars, the Commonwealth and the Protectorate, and the Restoration), Leviathan is an argument for obedience to authority grounded in an analysis of human nature. Since its first publication in 1991 Richard Tuck's edition of Leviathan has been recognised as the single most accurate and authoritative text, and for this revised edition Professor Tuck has provided a much amplified and expanded introduction, which will provide students unfamiliar with Hobbes with a cogent and accessible introduction to this most challenging of texts. Other vital aids to study include an extensive guide to further reading, a note on textual matters, a chronology of important events and brief biographies of important persons mentioned in Hobbes' text.
  • The Second Sex

    作者:Simone de Beauvoir

  • In Praise of Idleness

    作者:Bertrand Russell

    In this collection of essays, Russell surveys the social and political consequences of his beliefs with characteristic clarity and humour. In Praise of Idleness is a tour de force that only Bertrand Russell could perform.
  • History of Western Philosophy

    作者:Bertrand Russell

    在线阅读本书 First published in 1946, History of Western Philosophy went on to become the best-selling philosophy book of the twentieth century. A dazzlingly ambitious project, it remains unchallenged to this day as the ultimate introduction to Western philosophy. Providing a sophisticated overview of the ideas that have perplexed people from time immemorial, Russell's History of Western Philosophy offered a cogent précis of its subject. Of course this cannot be the only reason it ended up the best selling philosophy book of the twentieth century. Russell's book was 'long on wit, intelligence and curmudgeonly scepticism', as the New York Times noted, and it is this, coupled with the sheer brilliance of its scholarship, that has made Russell's History of Western Philosophy one of the most important philosophical works of all time.
  • Madness and Civilization

    作者:Michel Foucault

    This was Michel Foucault's first major book, written while he was the Director of the Maison de France in Sweden. It examines ideas, practices, institutions, art and literature relating to madness in Western history. Foucault begins his history in the Middle Ages, noting the social and physical exclusion of lepers. He argues that with the gradual disappearance of leprosy, madness came to occupy this excluded position. The ship of fools in the 15th century is a literary version of one such exclusionary practice, the practice of sending mad people away in ships. However, during the Renaissance, madness was regarded as an all-abundant phenomena because humans could not come close to the Reason of God. As Cervantes' Don Quixote, all humans are ridiculous weak to desires and dissimulation. Therefore, the insane, understood as one who has come too close to God's Reason, was accepted in the middle of society. It is not before the 17th century, in a movement which Foucault famously describes as the Great Confinement, that "unreasonable" members of the population systematically were locked away and institutionalised. In the 18th century, madness came to be seen as the obverse of Reason, that is, as having lost what made them human and become animal-like and therefore treated as such. It is not before 19th century that madness became mental illness that should be cured, e.g. Freud. Later it was demonstrated that the large increase in confinement did not happen in 17th but in the 19th century, somewhat undermining his argument. Foucault also argues that madness during Renaissance had the power to signify the limits of social order and to point to a deeper truth. This was silenced by the Reason of Enlightenment. He also examines the rise of modern scientific and "humanitarian" treatments of the insane, notably at the hands of Philippe Pinel and Samuel Tuke. He claims that these modern treatments were in fact no less controlling than previous methods. Tuke's country retreat for the mad consisted of punishing the madmen until they gave up their commitment to madness. Similarly, Pinel's treatment of the mad amounted to an extended aversion therapy, including such treatments as freezing showers and use of a straitjacket. In Foucault's view, this treatment amounted to repeated brutality until the pattern of judgment and punishment was internalized by the patient.
  • A Short History of Chinese Philosophy

    作者:Yu-lan Fung

    This is a chronicle of Chinese thought from the third millennium sage-kings to the 1911 overthrow of the monarchical system. It focuses particularly on the most commonly known schools of Confucianism and Taoism, with insights into Mohism, "Yin-Yang", Legalism, New-Taoism and Neo-Confucianism.
  • 斐多


    《斐多》一書的歷史與政治背景 西元前三百三十九年,希臘哲學家蘇格拉底(Socrates)被幾位雅典市民以「腐化雅典市民,不信奉城邦所遵奉的希臘諸神」的罪名提出控訴,最後被法庭眾多裁判官投票決定處以死刑。事實上,蘇格拉底之所以蒙受此一千古奇冤,最後選擇從容就義,背後更深一層的理由是因為他反對當時日益腐化,已經落入一群暴民手中的「民主政治」——蘇氏的政治立場向來是主張把政權交給「有專門政治知識的人」(ariston)來管理,就好像木匠要有木工的知識、醫師要有醫療的知識一樣,這就是後人所說「貴族政治」(aristocracy)的思想淵源。 根據蘇格拉底的高足柏拉圖(Plato)在《對話錄‧自辯篇》(Apology in the Dialogue)裡面的記載,他針對眾人對死亡的懼怕,強調死不足懼。死亡對蘇格拉底來說,「並非只是純然的長眠不省,而是由此岸世界到彼岸世界」——這與他在《對話錄‧斐多篇》一書中輕鬆面對死亡的態度如出一轍;但是,究竟是基於什麼信仰讓他選擇如此面對死亡? 《斐多》一書的「靈魂不朽」學說 對於蘇氏而言,「正視死亡,視死亡為不可懼」是一門真確的哲學功夫與學問;這也正是《對話錄‧斐多篇》的主旨所在——勇敢地面對死亡,其實是一種超越,即「靈魂」超越「肉身」而達到永存和不朽。 在西方哲學史的傳統裡面,所謂「Philosophy」其實可已被拆開解讀為兩個字:「philo-愛」與「sophia-智」,簡而言之就是「對於智慧的愛好」;因此,「靈魂超越肉身」除了是為了達致永恆以外,還有另外一層意義是《斐多》裡面蘇氏所說:「靈魂獨自思考的時候,就進入純潔、永恆、不朽、不變的境界。……它不再迷迷惘惘地亂跑,它安定不變了……靈魂的這種狀態就叫做智慧。」(五十一頁)只有在擺脫肉體的時候,靈魂才能獲得真正的解脫,才算是真正的智慧,「人死了,非要到死了,靈魂不帶著肉體了,靈魂才是最單純的靈魂」——這就是他視死如歸的真正原因,所以他才說:「真正的哲學家一直在練習死。在一切世人中,惟獨他們最不怕死。」(二十七頁)因此,肉體往往是靈魂的牢獄。最幸福的人是學習哲學的人,因為他們死亡的時候,亦即其靈魂離開其肉身時,靈魂是最純潔的。純潔的靈魂擁有真正的智慧與德性(arete),因此能夠獲得理念知識。 《斐多》與柏拉圖學說 《斐多》裡面的發言者雖然是蘇格拉底,但是「靈魂不朽」學說到底是蘇氏的思想,還是柏拉圖藉著老師的嘴巴來發揮自己的「形相論」(The Doctrine of Forms),可謂哲學史的一大公案。比較可信的是:根據哲學史學者Frederick Copleston的研究,如果把柏拉圖的思想分成「萌芽-轉型-成熟」等三階段,《斐多篇》一書和《饗宴篇》(Symposium)、《共和國篇》(Republic)一樣,都表達出柏拉圖最成熟的「形相論」思想體系——先確立了一個形而上的「理念世界」(eidos),然後把塵世的一切存在(包括知識、肉體)都視為是「理念世界」的分享與反映。因此,《斐多》一書可以說反映出柏拉圖最重要的形上學立場,而非蘇格拉底的學說,讀者不可不察。 (文/陳榮彬,文字工作者)
  • 誰搬走了我的乳酪 Who moved my cheese?


    追尋生命中真正重要的事,就是追尋你的「乳酪」! 你心中的真乳酪價值,又是什麼呢?本書為英語生涯管理書。全球最具魅力的一本生涯管理書──《誰搬走了我的乳酪?》,改頭換面穿上「精裝硬書殼」新裝,以「精裝」質感面世! 誰說「乳酪」只能被當成企管書來讀?每個人追求的生命價值都不一樣,每個人在生命中最想得到的東西也不一樣。因而,關於看待「乳酪」、閱讀「乳酪」,有了更多的可能性! 談乳酪,可以很奉獻、很感恩。長期投身並主持公益事業的王建先生就認為,除了打拼自己最愛的乳酪,若能擁有與眾人分享乳酪的胸襟,分出一些時間與金錢,為不相識的弱勢人們打拼,將能更豐盛自我呢! 談乳酪,可以很有勇氣。知名廣播主持人王介安認為,人人都可能面臨書中小矮人得另闢新局找新乳酪的情形,但無疑的,人在某種程度上都是習慣的動物,想安定也想變動,怕失去又想擁有,然而決定的「勇氣」就在我們心中,這塊大乳酪任誰也搬不走! 談乳酪,可以很趨勢。博客來網路書店總經理張天立,作為國內第一位虛擬賣書通路先鋒,他對「乳酪轉移」的趨勢,可是特別關注、有想法呢!以圖書出版相關行業為例,書店從最早被認為是擺書、陳列書籍的地方,到誠品書店所引發的人文空間閱讀風潮,及至網路虛擬書店主動導引閱讀、為各類型讀者規畫讀書選單的服務,誰能說這些不是乳酪轉移的趨勢呢! 談乳酪,可以很心靈、很感性。新莊文化藝術中心住任卿敏良則談到,人生本來就充滿變數,沒人能預料原本擁有的一切──工作、財富、房屋、健康、自由、摯愛的親友,甚至自己的生命,會不會在一夕間化為烏有。雖是這只是假設性問題,但我們心底也明白人世的無常,因而只能掌握當下。一個人生活格局和生命面向的深廣,則取決於我們對每個當下的態度。 談乳酪,也可以很親子。奧林文化負責人謝淑美Carol說當年出版這本書的時候,根本沒想到這本書會在全世界造成大轟動,更沒想到會被定為成企管書。現在,她私心的希望所有大人能將他們對這本書的熱情,從職場帶回家中,跟自己的孩子分享,說不定可以從孩子天真、自然、單純的反應中,學到更多適應這個多變世界的能力呢!她很樂見這本書被重新定位成「親子書」!
  • Why Read Marx Today?

    作者:Jonathan Wolff

    'All too often, Karl Marx has been regarded as a demon or a deity - or a busted flush. This fresh, provocative, and hugely enjoyable book explains why, for all his shortcomings, his critique of modern society remains forcefully relevant even in the twenty-first century.' Francis Wheen, author of Karl Marx In recent years we could be forgiven for assuming that Marx has nothing left to say to us. Marxist regimes have failed miserably, and with them, it seemed, all reason to take Marx seriously. The fall of the Berlin Wall had enormous symbolic resonance: it was taken to be the fall of Marx as well as of Marxist politics and economics. This timely book argues that we can detach Marx the critic of current society from Marx the prophet of future society, and that he remains the most impressive critic we have of liberal, capitalist, bourgeois society. It also shows that the value of the 'great thinkers' does not depend on their views being true, but on other features such as their originality, insight, and systematic vision. On this account too Marx still richly deserves to be read.
  • 蘇菲的世界(上)精裝


  • 存在心理治療(上)


  • 法律篇


  • 论文明


    本译丛共 18种,精心选取精神分析大师弗洛伊德、阿德勒、荣格、荷妮和弗罗姆经典之作,分别从性欲、社会、生活环境、文化传统等方面对人的病态心理--大至精神疾患,小至日常笔误、舌误等过失进行了深入的精神分析。 本书包括《一个幻觉的未来》、《文明及其不测》、《群体心理学与自我的分析》。
  • 对称


  • 理解人性


  • 论人生


  • 哲学的改造


    杜威从1903年后开始转向实用主义,在此后的整整半个世纪时期内,正是美国工业化运动蓬蓬勃勃进行的时期。杜威的《哲学的改造》一书,从科学方法论的历史、自然科学的发展,以及科学真理与人生价值之间的矛盾等方面,寻找哲学改造的可能性和必然性,寻找他的哲学发展的生长点,并提出哲学改造的任务。他力图把他的哲学同美国工业化进程中的生活与经济紧密联系起来,使哲学成为实用的哲学,这反映了美国资产阶级追求实际利益的需要。   他正是在实用主义的经验论立场上,试图把哲学改造为与自然科学及其方法论相一致的经验自然主义、工具主义,并把它应用于人们的实践活动中,从而把社会历史观变成为应付各种特定社会历史环境的行为方法。   1919年,正当震惊世界的五四运动爆发之时,杜威曾应胡适等人的邀请到我国讲学,他怀着极大的兴趣注视着中国的思想解放运动,在两年多的时间内,先后在北京、上海、山东、山西等地作过多次讲演,对实用主义在近代中国思想文化的发展产生了很大影响。
  • 知性改进论

    作者:[荷兰] 斯宾诺莎

  • 自由主义、社群与文化


    本书是金里卡集中为西方自由主义传统辩护并加以修正之作,内容分为: 一、从学理上对自由主义传统精神进行梳理(如从穆勒到罗尔斯),并区别和探察了自由主义思潮内部的各种主要争论(如罗尔斯对功利主义的批评,诺齐克、德沃金等人同罗尔斯之争等等)。 二、以个人与社群、国家间基本关系的论述为框架,引出自由主义的主要对手社群主义(如泰勒、马克思等人)的种种责难,一一加以明晰、辨别,从而在政治道德哲学的范围内,为自由主义思想之内核进行辩驳。 三、将这种政治道德哲学的论辩放诸一具体的历史语境之下,即当代多元文化社会与民族国家中,以考察处于弱势的少数文化群体的政治地位及法权状况(具体为对美加两国土著民和南非种族隔离政策的分析),从而提出“文化成员身份“这一新概念、新视点,对先前的自由主义理论加以调整和补充,以应对政治实践所引发的道德哲学问题的挑战。 威尔·金里卡(Will Kymlicka),加拿大著名哲学教授,1984年获女王大学(Queen's University)哲学和政治学学士学位,1987年获牛津大学哲学博士学位,现为加拿大女王大学哲学系教授。 金里卡著作颇丰,主要著作有:《自由主义、社群与文化》(1989)、《当代政治哲学》(1990)、《多元文化公民》(1995)、《探索之路:反思加拿大的族裔文化关系》(1998)、《少数的权利》(2001)。另外,他还是《政治哲学的公正》(1992)、《少数群体文化的权利》(1995)等著作的主编。其中一些著作已被翻译成21国文字。