

  • 弗洛伊德自述


  • 这个世界会好吗-梁漱溟晚年口述


    Has Man a Future?—Dialogues with the Last Confucian根据梁漱溟先生1980年与美国艾恺教授对谈录音整理而成,并由艾恺教授亲自翻译成英文。谈话中,梁漱溟先生论述了儒释道各家的文化特点及代表人物,涉及诸多政治文化名人(陈独秀、毛泽东、蒋介石、梁启超等),回顾了先生一生重要活动(任教北大、从事乡建运动、创建民主同盟等),内容丰富,因此可作为了解与研究梁漱溟先生思想与活动及近代中国社会生活的重要参考。
  • 最伟大的思想家


    本套丛书共包括45册,即:《奥古斯丁》、《亚里士多德》、《笛卡尔》、《德里达》、《阿伦特》、《伊壁鸠鲁》、《阿奎那》、《柏拉图》、《休谟》、《杜威》、《黑格尔》、《海德格尔》、《哈贝马斯》、《弗洛伊德》、《贝克莱》、《霍布斯》、《伽达默尔》、《福柯》、《加缪》、《胡塞尔》、《帕斯卡尔》、《波伏娃》、《波普》、《荣格》、《怀特海》、《苏格拉底》、《康德》、《皮尔士》、《萨特》、《尼采》、《莱布尼茨》、《克尔恺廓尔》、《洛克》、《马克思》、《梅洛-庞蒂》、《密尔》、《蒯因》、《罗蒂》、《卢梭》、《罗素》、《叔本华》、《斯宾诺莎》、《梭罗》、《陀思妥耶夫斯基》以及《维特根斯坦》。 编辑推荐 北大、人大、复旦、武大等校30名师联名推荐,哲学专业学生、文科大学生及哲学爱好者的必读书。 1. 图书性质: 哲学入门读物、大家小书。 2. 读者定位:高校哲学专业学生、哲学爱好者。 3. 著译者简介: 主编:张世英、赵敦华; 著者:英文原版主编克拉克为巴黎国际哲学院院士,各著者均为美国大学权威学者。 译者:均为国内大学或研究机构的权威或新锐 (如罗素研究专家陈启伟、海德格尔研究专家张祥龙、怀特海研究专家李超杰等) 4. 内容简介: 思想导读或指南,包括简要的思想家生平、最具启发性和包蕴性的思想介绍。 5. 思想解读: 概要介绍,要言不烦,特点、要点突出,解读准确到位。 6. 写作风格:简明、易读、亲切、有趣味。

  • 佛陀小传


    佛陀生为王子,长在富贵,原可继承王位,享受荣华,然他却抛妻弃子,舍弃尊位。 究竟何事让他离世弃俗,自苦身心? 他又如何参破痛苦的谜题,获得最终的解脱? 其佛法又缘何能历经风雨,千年不息? 这本《佛陀小传》抛开神话和传说,依据古印度原始佛经,如实地记述了佛陀一生的思想行迹及其与所处时代的经济、政治、思想诸因素之间的相互关系,向读者展现出一个本真的佛陀和佛化世界。 一本佛传在手,一份超脱入心。
  • 浮生漫谈

    作者:张竞生 著,张培忠 辑

    作者是民国三大博士之一,曾经与胡适并列为北京大学哲学系最年轻的两个教授,在中国,他第一个把卢梭的《忏悔录》译成中文,第一个提出逻辑学的概念,第一个提出计划生育,第一个在中国展开了爱情大讨论,提出了“爱是有条件的、爱是可比较的、爱是可迁移的、夫妻是朋友的一种”的“爱情四定则”,轰动京城,同时也因其惊世骇俗而开始了坎坷的一生。 本书是作者三部自传体散文集《浮生漫谈》、《十年情场》、《爱的漩涡》的合集,讲述了他个人的情史、性史和生活史,表达了他“痛快地生活,情感地接触,愉快地享用”的人生态度。这是一代学人最为驳杂的人生档案,也是一位怪杰最为丰瞻的精神秘史。
  • 醒思录


  • 萨特

    作者:[美] 理查德·坎伯

  • 忏悔录


  • 罗尔斯:生平与正义理论

    作者:涛慕思·博格(Thomas Pogge)

  • 克尔恺廓尔


  • The Life of David Hume

    作者:Ernest Campbell Moss

    Mossner's Life of David Hume remains the standard biography of this great thinker and writer. First published in 1954, and updated in 1980, it is now reissued in paperback, in response to increased interest in Hume. E. C. Mossner was Emeritus Professor of English at the University of Texas at Austin. 'Mossner's work is a quite remarkable scholarly achievement; it will be an indispensable tool for Hume scholars and a treasure-trove of information for all students of the intellectual and literary history of the eighteenth century' Richard H. Popkin in the Philological Quarterly 'This magnificent and exemplary work...has more than a biographical value. It is a study of intellectual reaction in the eighteenth century: a book for many readers, and not only for those of a philosophical turn.' C. E. Vulliamy in The Observer 'This is the work of a man thoroughly in love with his subject...this biography is the product of long and happy research. The length and the happiness both contribute to its merits.' The Times Literary Supplement
  • 萨特传


  • 五十自述


  • The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell

    作者:Bertrand Russell

    Now available in a single paperback, this edition of Russell's Autobiography includes an introduction by scholar Michael Foot exploring the status of this classic nearly 30 years after the publication of its last volume.
  • 本雅明思想肖像


    一九四○年九月二十六日,為躲避蓋世太保的迫害,德國猶太人學者瓦爾特.本雅明從法國逃亡到西班牙邊境時自殺身亡,時年四十八歲。他的好友、德國戲劇家布萊希特得知消息後沉痛的說:「這是希特勒給德國文學界造成的第一個真正損失。」,本雅明生前生活漂泊,事業坎坷,除了大量藉見諸報刊的評論文章外,只有兩部著作問世--《德國悲劇的起源》和《單向街》。而這兩部著作也沒有引起廣泛的關注。 桂冠是在多年以後才落到死者頭上。從一九五五年起,本雅明開始被重新發現,引起西方知識界的矚目。這一年,本雅明生前好友阿多諾夫婦克服了種種困難,出版了德文兩卷本的《本雅明選集》。從此本雅名聲明鵲起,與日俱增。六○年代末和七○年代初西方新左派運動更是把本雅明熱推至極端。
  • 维特根斯坦传


  • 殷海光与近代中国自由主义


  • 维特根斯坦


  • Logicomix

    作者:Apostolos Doxiadis,C

    An innovative, dramatic graphic novel about the treacherous pursuit of the foundations of mathematics. This exceptional graphic novel recounts the spiritual odyssey of philosopher Bertrand Russell. In his agonized search for absolute truth, Russell crosses paths with legendary thinkers like Gottlob Frege, David Hilbert, and Kurt Godel, and finds a passionate student in the great Ludwig Wittgenstein. But his most ambitious goal--to establish unshakable logical foundations of mathematics--continues to loom before him. Through love and hate, peace and war, Russell persists in the dogged mission that threatens to claim both his career and his personal happiness, finally driving him to the brink of insanity. This story is at the same time a historical novel and an accessible explication of some of the biggest ideas of mathematics and modern philosophy. With rich characterizations and expressive, atmospheric artwork, the book spins the pursuit of these ideas into a highly satisfying tale. Probing and ingeniously layered, the book throws light on Russell's inner struggles while setting them in the context of the timeless questions he spent his life trying to answer. At its heart, "Logicomix "is a story about the conflict between an ideal rationality and the unchanging, flawed fabric of reality.Apostolos Doxiadis studied mathematics at Columbia University. His international bestseller "Uncle Petros and Goldbach's Conjecture" spearheaded the impressive entrance of mathematics into the world of storytelling. Apart from his work in fiction, Apostolos has also worked in film and theater and is an internationally recognized expert on the relationship of mathematics to narrative. Christos H. Papadimitriou is C . Lester Hogan professor of computer science at the University of California, Berkeley. He was won numerous international awards for his pioneering work in computational complexity and algorithmic game theory. Christos is the author of the novel "Turing: A Novel about Computation." Alecos Papadatos worked for over twenty years in film animation in France and Greece. In 1997, he became a cartoonist for the major Athens daily "To Vima." He lives in Athens with his wife, Annie Di Donna, and their two children. Annie Di Donna studied graphic arts and painting in France and has worked as animator on many productions, among them "Babar" and "Tintin." Since 1991, she has been running an animation studio with her husband, Alecos Papadatos. This innovative graphic novel is based on the early life of the brilliant philosopher Bertrand Russell. Russell and his impassioned pursuit of truth. Haunted by family secrets and unable to quell his youthful curiosity, Russell became obsessed with a Promethean goal: to establish the logical foundation of all mathematics. In his agonized search for absolute truth, Russell crosses paths with legendary thinkers like Gottlob Frege, David Hilbert, and Kurt Godel, and finds a passionate student in the great Ludwig Wittgenstein. But the object of his defining quest continues to loom before him. Through love and hate, peace and war, Russell persists in the dogged mission that threatens to claim both his career and his personal happiness, finally driving him to the brink of insanity. "Logicomix" is at the same time a historical novel and an accessible explication to some of the biggest ideas of mathematics and modern philosophy. With rich characterizations and expressive, atmospheric artwork, the book spins the pursuit of these ideas into a captivating tale. Probing and ingeniously layered, the book throws light on Russell's inner struggles while setting them in the context of the timeless questions he spent his life trying to answer. At its heart, "Logicomix" is a story about the conflict between an ideal rationality and the unchanging, flawed fabric of reality. "At the heart of Logicomix stands Sir Bertrand Russell, a man determined to find a way of arriving at absolutely right answers. It's a tale within a tale, as the two authors and two graphic artists ardently pursue their own search for truth and appear as characters in the book. As one of them assures us, this won't be 'your typical, usual comic book.' Their quest takes shape and revolves around a lecture given by Russell at an unnamed American university in 1939, a lecture that is really, as he himself tells us, the story of his life and of his pursuit of real logical truth. With Proustian ambition and exhilarating artwork, "Logicomix"'s search for truth encounters head-on the horrors of the Second World War and the agonizing question of whether war can ever be the right choice. Russell himself had to confront that question personally: he endured six months in jail for his pacifism. Russell was determined to find the perfect logical method for solving all problems and attempted to remold human nature in his experimental school at Beacon Hill. Despite repeated failures, Russell never stopped being 'a sad little boy desperately seeking ways out of the deadly vortex of uncertainty.' The book is a visual banquet chronicling Russell's lifelong pursuit of 'certainty in total rationality.' As Logic and Mathematics, the last bastions of certainty, fail him, and as Reason proves not absolute, Russell is forced to face the fact that there is no Royal Road to Truth. Authors Dosiadis and Papadimitriou perfectly echo Russell's passion, with a sincere, easily grasped text amplified with breathtaking visual richness, making this the most satisfying graphic novel of 2009, a titanic artistic achievement of more than 300 pages, all of it pure reading joy."--Nick DiMartino, "Shelf Awareness" "This is an extraordinary graphic novel, wildly ambitious in daring to put into words and drawings the life and thought of one of the great philosophers of the last century, Bertrand Russell. The book is a rare intellectual and artistic achievement, which will, I am sure, lead its readers to explore realms of knowledge they thought were forbi