

  • Country Driving

    作者:Peter Hessler

  • Peter Pan

    作者:J. M. Barrie

  • 彼得潘英文版 Peter pan

    作者:M.-J.朗德優吉庸姆•波 著/ .羅竹

    彼得潘(Peter pan)是一部充滿想像與冒險的經典兒童故事。描述一位不願長大的男孩彼得潘,與一群孩子在夢幻島上的生活。他們脫離成人世界的狡詐與複雜,以最自然純真的方式生活,帶領我們走進一個成人永遠觸摸不到的夢幻島,一圓孩童時期的美夢。無論是兒童或成人,閱讀本書都能獲得最單純的快樂。Children are gay and innocent and heartless. 孩子們總是天真、快樂、又無情的。《彼得潘:一個不願長大的孩子》,是英國作家J. M. Barrie(巴利)最著名的作品。書中的夢幻島是類似桃花源的理想國度,那裡的孩子永遠不會長大,居住在地底下的小屋,生活中充滿了驚奇與冒險,而為他們帶來這一連串冒險的正是書中的主角彼得潘。 彼得潘是個拒絕長大的小男孩,他唾棄成人世界的嚴肅與複雜,決定永遠保有孩童無憂的生活方式。在本書中,他帶著溫蒂和一群小孩,在夢幻島上展開一段不凡的冒險生活。島上有印地安人、陰險的海盜、驕傲的人魚、各種野獸、性格的夢幻鳥、各式各樣的仙子、吞下鬧鐘的鱷魚,兒童世界的一切想像,都能在這裡被滿足。 彼得潘是每個人成長過程必讀的經典故事,一部富有深刻哲理的兒童文學,不僅喚醒我們成長過程的種種記憶,也讓我們重返兒時生活的純真與快樂。
  • Peter Pan

    作者:J.M. Barrie

    Considered a masterpiece since its first appearance on stage in 1904, Peter Pan is J. M. Barrie's most famous work and the greatest of all children's stories. While it is a wonderful fantasy for the young, Peter Pan, particularly in the novel form Barrie published in 1911, says something important to all of us. Here "the boy who wouldn't grow up" and his adventures with Wendy and the lost boys in the Neverland evoke a deep emotional response as they give form to our feelings about parents, boys and girls, the unknown, freedom, and responsibility. Humorous, satiric, filled with suspenseful cliff-hangers and bittersweet truths, Peter Pan works an indisputable magic on readers of all ages, making it a true classic of imaginative literature. “Barrie wrote his fantasy of childhood, added another figure to our enduring literature, and thereby undoubtedly made one of the boldest bids for immortality of any writer. . . . It is a masterpiece.”—J. B. Priestley