在自然科学通过量子力学、基本粒子学、固态物理学和宇宙大爆炸模型获得了统一之际,社会科学,或者说人类行为科学却在很长的一段时间内呈现出分崩离析,相互冲突的态势。这显然不符合科学的逻辑性要求,也为学科之间的深入交叉平添了许多障蔽。 基于近年来深化博奕理论、理性人模型的可控实验方面的进展,我们似乎可以尝试着勾勒普世化的个体行为模型,搭建初步的统一框架,为整个社会科学确立基本的中心原则。 -
贝塔朗菲是现代著名理论生物学家、一般系统论的创始人,本书是他的主要代表作之一,闪现出哲学光辉和文学表现色彩。本书总结了20世纪上半叶生物学实验成果和思想成果,提出了超越机械论与活力论生命观的第三种生命观--机体论生命观的基本原理:整体原理、动态原理、自主原理。该理论认为有机体是一个独特的组织系统,遵循系统规律,具有调整和适应能力。贝塔朗菲在此基础上确立了适用于各学科领域、富有新世界观意义的“一般系 -
In a rented convent in Santa Fe, a revolution has been brewing. The activists are not anarchists, but rather Nobel Laureates in physics and economics such as Murray Gell-Mann and Kenneth Arrow, and pony-tailed graduate students, mathematicians, and computer scientists down from Los Alamos. They've formed an iconoclastic think tank called the Santa Fe Institute, and their radical idea is to create a new science called complexity. These mavericks from academe share a deep impatience with the kind of linear, reductionist thinking that has dominated science since the time of Newton. Instead, they are gathering novel ideas about interconnectedness, coevolution, chaos, structure, and order - and they're forging them into an entirely new, unified way of thinking about nature, human social behavior, life, and the universe itself. They want to know how a primordial soup of simple molecules managed to turn itself into the first living cell - and what the origin of life some four billion years ago can tell us about the process of technological innovation today. They want to know why ancient ecosystems often remained stable for millions of years, only to vanish in a geological instant - and what such events have to do with the sudden collapse of Soviet communism in the late 1980s. They want to know why the economy can behave in unpredictable ways that economists can't explain - and how the random process of Darwinian natural selection managed to produce such wonderfully intricate structures as the eye and the kidney. Above all, they want to know how the universe manages to bring forth complex structures such as galaxies, stars, planets, bacteria, plants, animals, and brains. There are commonthreads in all of these queries, and these Santa Fe scientists seek to understand them. Complexity is their story: the messy, funny, human story of how science really happens. Here is the tale of Brian Arthur, the Belfast-born economist who stubbornly pushed his theories of economic ch -
从鸡尾酒会到恐怖分子的巢穴,从远古的细菌到国际组织——所有这一切各自都是一种网络,都是一个令人惊讶的科学革新的一部分。21世纪初,有科学家发现,网络具有深层的秩序,依据简单而强有力的规则运行。这一领域的知识帮助我们了解时尚、病毒等的传播机制,了解生态系统的稳健性,以及经济体系的脆弱性——甚至是民主的未来。 一位致力于研究“链接和节点”的科学家将首次带领我们领略网络革新的内幕。在本书中,作者生动地讲述了相互联系的系统的历史:从瑞士数学家莱奥哈尔德·欧拉18世纪末对图论的开创性研究,至生物学家基于对细胞网络的了解而展开的治疗癌症药物的研究等。 本书叙事生动,充满真知灼见,它使我们认识了许多现代社会的“制图师”,这些人正在多个科学领域研究绘制网络地图,在超级计算机的帮助下,他们正一步步揭示出社会关系网络、企业和细胞等拥有的相似性其实超出了它们之间的差异。他们的发现为我们提供了了解自己周围相互连接的世界的重要的新视角。 -
《复杂》内容简介:蚂蚁在组成群体时为何会表现出如此的精密性和具有目的性?数以亿计的神经元是如何产生出像意识这样极度复杂的事物?是什么在引导免疫系统、互联网、全球经济和人类基因组等自组织结构?这些都是复杂系统科学尝试回答的迷人而令人费解的问题的一部分。 理解复杂系统需要有全新的方法.需要超越传统的科学还原论,并重新划定学科的疆域。借助于圣塔菲研究所的工作经历和交叉学科方法,复杂系统的前沿科学家米歇尔以清晰的思路介绍了复杂系统的研究,横跨生物、技术和社会学等领域,并探寻复杂系统的普遍规律,与此同时,她还探讨了复杂性与进化、人工智能、计算、遗传、信息处理等领域的关系。 -
本书由金迪斯等人发表的7篇前沿论文组成,旨在解释广泛存见于人类社会而不见于非人类社会的非亲缘个体之间的合作关系。文章的主要思路是综合行为博弈理论、实验经济学、人类学和生物学等学科,试图为各个社会科寻找一般性的理论基础。 收录于本书中的一系列论文旨在解释人类社会的一种超越普通动物界的现象一一非亲缘个体之间的合作关系。作者们的研究表明,完全自私的个体之间无法维持稳定的合作秩序,而他们建立的包括合作者、自私者、强互惠者三类人的合作与惩罚模型能在长期演化过程中表现出良好的稳健性。 -
协同学:大自然构成的奥秘,ISBN:9787532736379,作者:(德)赫尔曼·哈肯(Hermann Haken)著;凌复华译 -
本书是“当代最了不起的科学家作家”卡斯蒂讲述仿真学的力作。作为正在引发科学革命 的计算机仿真,不是基于直接观察实验,而是基于从真实空间向虚拟空间的射。从人工生命到缘政治游戏,从股市心理到总统提名悖论,《虚实世界》带领读者穿越硅化微世界,探索复杂自适应系统新疆域。计算机仿真世界世界是否“真实”和能达到何种程度的真实,回答这些饶有趣味的问题,将开辟21世纪科学发现的新天地。 -
Matthew Sobol was a legendary computer game designer--the architect behind half a dozen popular online games. His premature death from brain cancer depressed both gamers and his company's stock price. But Sobol's fans weren't the only ones to note his passing. He left behind something that was scanning Internet obituaries, too--something that put in motion a whole series of programs upon his death. Programs that moved money. Programs that recruited people. Programs that killed. Confronted with a killer from beyond the grave, Detective Peter Sebeck comes face-to-face with the full implications of our increasingly complex and interconnected world--one where the dead can read headlines, steal identities, and carry out far-reaching plans without fear of retribution. Sebeck must find a way to stop Sobol's web of programs--his Daemon--before it achieves its ultimate purpose. And to do so, he must uncover what that purpose is . . .
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友