

  • The Spy Who Came In from the Cold

    作者:John le Carre

    In this classic, John le Carré's third novel and the first to earn him international acclaim, he created a world unlike any previously experienced in suspense fiction. With unsurpassed knowledge culled from his years in British Intelligence, le Carré brings to light the shadowy dealings of international espionage in the tale of a British agent who longs to end his career but undertakes one final, bone-chilling assignment. When the last agent under his command is killed and Alec Leamas is called back to London, he hopes to come in from the cold for good. His spymaster, Control, however, has other plans. Determined to bring down the head of East German Intelligence and topple his organization, Control once more sends Leamas into the fray -- this time to play the part of the dishonored spy and lure the enemy to his ultimate defeat.
  • 史迈利的告别

    作者:[英] 约翰·勒卡雷

    ◆英国国宝级作家 张爱玲、王朔激赏推崇的文学大师 ◆约翰•勒卡雷 献给“失意”间谍的时代挽歌 ◆传奇间谍 乔治•史迈利 谢幕之作 ◆背叛需要两个条件:恨某个人,同时爱那个人。 ◆这导致背叛的“恨”,竟可以使激发忠诚的信仰不堪一击。 《史迈利的告别》(The secret pilgrim)是一部洋溢着回忆忧伤的间谍小说。 “我们的理想是自由,但为了这个目标我们已经放弃了太多的自由。” 柏林墙被推倒,一个时代就此完结。即将退休的英国情报官员内德邀请自己的导师史迈利为年轻的学员们演讲。伴随着史迈利的讲述,内德也陷入了记忆中……胜利时的意气风发、危急时的扣人心弦早已淡漠,失败后的消沉与被背叛的痛楚却久久无法抹除。 我们打败了对手,却只剩下人性的残缺。 【评论】 勒卡雷就是间谍小说家的第一人,而且第二名可能还没有出生。他的规格、视野、深度和情感完全超越了所有间谍小说书写者甚至这个类型小说基本框架所能拥有的。 ——唐诺 ……风格?这个词经常叫我困惑。老实说我不太想这事,这是非人力所能左右的,我倒想要约翰•勒卡雷那种冷淡的英国风格,可是学不来。 ——王朔《无知者无畏》