

  • Den of Thieves

    作者:James B. Stewart

    有人认为投资市场的前很容易捞,只要你是「画饼」高手…… 股市大盗以虚设公司、交互持股等方式灌充公司业绩,拉台公司股价,诓骗法人、散户进行投资,再以内线交易出脱持股……本书以小说故事还原新闻原貌,重现华尔街四大天王共谋的数十亿内线交易案内幕。 本书作者荣获 1992 年普立兹奖,经过深入调查与锲而不舍的追踪探问,终于抽丝剥茧地,揭露了华尔街有史以来的最大宗内线交易的丑闻案,并一举起出由四大天王共谋的数十亿 违约交割的经过,卒令邪不胜正,应验了中国人的智慧警语:天网恢恢,疏而不漏。情节紧凑,剧力万钧,引人入胜,是一本读罢依然令你不舍得搁手的好书。
  • Monkey Business

    作者:John Rolfe,Peter Tro

    As eager-beaver business school students, Rolfe and Troob garnered job offers as junior associates at the elite Wall Street investment bank Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette, lured by dreams of wealth, glamour and power. Readers whose fascination with Wall Street shenanigans has been fueled by Michael Lewis's Liar's Poker will find this thorough rundown of an investment bank associate's daily routine sobering. By the time Rolfe and Troob were able to discern the key fact that the "investment banking community has long been an oligopoly, with only a handful of real players with the size and scale to drive through the big deals," they were already grappling with the gritty reality of performing grunt labor in an environment ruled by despotic senior partners who called innumerable meetings to set unrealistic deadlines and make superhuman demands on anybody within screaming distance. The authors' resulting disappointment and disaffection leaps off every page. Unfortunately, they take out their frustrations with indiscriminate potshots at such easy targets as word processors ("Christopher Street fairies"), copy center personnel ("a platoon of patriotic Puerto Ricans" they offhandedly refer to as "militants") and female research analysts (whom they describe as "under-sexed, eager-to-please"). Long before the hapless authors have stooped to expressing their fury at the bank by such puerile antics as urinating into a beer bottle while seated at a banquet table at the Christmas party, readers will have had enough. (Apr.) Copyright 2000 Reed Business Information, Inc.