

  • Dauntless

    作者:John G Hemry

    The Alliance has been fighting the Syndic for a century-and losing badly. Now its fleet is crippled and stranded in enemy territory. Their only hope is Captain John "Black Jack" Geary-a man who's emerged from a century-long hibernation to find he has been heroically idealized beyond belief. Now, he must live up to his own legend.
  • 幽灵旅


    雅列·迪拉克,人类殖民防卫军“幽灵旅”中的另类——他来到人世的目的,只是为了充当叛徒查尔斯·鲍汀记忆的容器,揭开他不为人知的秘密。 然而,作为克隆体,迪拉克与自己的原型之间不可避免地产生了共鸣。他迫切地想了解鲍汀的一切,不光为了达成与生俱来的目的,更为了探寻存在的意义。 究竟是听从鲍汀的召唤,还是循着自己创造者的脚步走下去? 成熟后的迪拉克逐渐明白,即使身为“幽灵”,也没人能剥夺自己选择的权利。