

  • The Invisible Man (Signet Classics)

    作者:H.G. Wells

  • 世界之战


    一百年来《世界之战》不断以各种方式被搬演。1938年,《世界之战》被改编为本土故事在美国的电台播出,由于小说描写太逼真,听众以为真有火星人入侵,引起了大恐慌。此事成为美国历史上一大离奇笑话。2005年,好莱坞大导演斯皮尔伯格圆了他少年时代的梦想,把《世界之战》搬上银幕,拍成同名科幻史诗巨片,著名影星汤姆·克鲁斯主演并担任制片人。该片耗资2.5亿美元,迄今为止全球投资最高的影片。      《世界之战》这部电影的出炉多少和“9.11”恐怖事件存在一定关系。这是和平宁静的世界吗?们生存的世界其实面临种种变数,这种不确定性让人们的神经如此脆弱。面对危险的挑战类只有团结起来才能勇敢地战胜困难。                           ——斯皮尔伯格   我记得以前就在想,如果我有机会拍《世界之战》,我不会把它拍成一部科幻片,而是一部刻画人性心理或者是反映社会现象的电影,描述一个大难临头的文明世界,该如何拯救全人类的生命。威尔斯非常有远见,他预见了坦克、空中轰炸、化学战、激光武器以及工业机器人的出现。他也是一个人道主义者,1897年全世界有四分之一在大英帝国的统治下,但是他们对居住在澳洲南部塔斯玛尼亚原住民的种族屠杀,却让他提笔表达愤怒,并警告大英帝国:没有任何国家能够完全避免被征服的危机。我拍这部电影不是出于愤怒,也不是为了批评某个政府,我只知道威尔斯痛恨殖民主义,他写的这个故事描述的是世界末日。                           ——斯皮尔伯格
  • The Island of Dr Moreau (Penguin Classics)

    作者:H.G. Wells,Steve Mac

    Adrift in a dinghy, Edward Prendick, the single survivor from the good ship Lady Vain, is rescued by a vessel carrying an unusual cargo—a menagerie of savage animals. Nursed to recovery by their keeper Montgomery, who gives him dark medicine that tastes of blood, Prendick soon finds himself stranded upon an uncharted island in the Pacific with his rescuer and the beasts. There, he meets the sinister Dr. Moreau—a brilliant scientist whose notorious experiments in vivisection have caused him to abandon the civilized world. It soon becomes clear that he has continued to develop these experiments with truly horrific results. -Includes a newly established text, a full biographical essay on Wells, a list of further reading, and detailed notes -Margaret Atwood's introduction explores the social and scientific relevance of this influential work
  • The Invisible Man

    作者:H.G. Wells

    Spine-tingling and entertaining, The Invisible Man is a science fiction classic–and a penetrating, unflinching look into the heart of human nature. To its author, H. G. Wells, the novel was as compelling as “a good gripping dream.” But to generations of readers, the terrible and evil experiment of the demented scientist, Griffin, has conveyed a chilling nightmare of believable horror. An atmosphere of ever-increasing suspense begins with the arrival of a mysterious stranger at an English village inn and builds relentlessly to the stark terror of a victim pursued by a maniacal invisible man. The result is a masterwork: a dazzling display of the brilliant imagination, psychological insight, and literary craftsmanship that made H. G. Wells one of the most influential writers of his time.
  • The Time Machine

    作者:H. G. Wells

    When the Time Traveller courageously stepped out of his machine for the first time, he found himself in the year 802,700 -- and everything has changed. In another, more utopian age, creatures seemed to dwell together in perfect harmony. The Time Traveller thought he could study these marvelous beings -- unearth their secret and then retum to his own time -- until he discovered that his invention, his only avenue of escape, had been stolen.   H.G. Well's famous novel of one man's astonishing journey beyond the conventional limits of the imagination first appeared in 1895. It won him immediate recognition, and has been regarded ever since as one of the great masterpieces in the literature of science fiction.