

  • 风雨六载


  • Managing My Life

    作者:Alex Ferguson

    1999 was an outstanding year for Alex Ferguson - not only did he lead Manchester United, the most glamorous club in the world, to a unique and outstanding treble triumph, but he was also awarded the highest honour for his sporting achievements; a Knighthood from the Queen. Universally respected for his tough, but caring managerial style, Ferguson is an unusually intelligent man with a fascinating life story. Covering his tough Govan upbringing through to his playing days and onto his shift into management, "Managing My Life" is told with the fine balance of biting controversy and human sensitivity which made it such an unprecedented success in hardback. Alex Ferguson is a legend in his lifetime.
  • 内马尔:无畏质疑


    他是巴西主教练斯科拉里最爱的球员,是罗纳尔多口中不可思议的足球天才。 10岁时,他就可以在球场上连过七人;19岁,他一人独揽“南美足球先生”、“巴西联赛最佳球员、最佳射手”;20岁,他在早于梅西和C罗的年纪打入第100个职业进球。 从有天赋到受人瞩目,这一切来得并不容易。他来自巴西一个地位低下的家庭,小时候穷到没有办法获得真正的训练。在他童年居住的大普拉亚,到处充斥着犯罪、吸毒和谋杀,在这个贫贱之地,有天赋并不一定就能出人头地。因为出众,从很小的时候开始,他就受到挑衅,招对手仇恨,被人质疑。但即便如此,他还是把成功和希望带给了那些信任他的人。 我们熟知他标志性的莫希干发型,他华丽的巴西球风,但在镜头之外,真实的他是什么样子?是谁成就了他?他还能走多远? 从陪伴他一路走来的家人和教练,到济科、罗纳尔多等巴西球坛的传奇人物,从他们的口中,我们读出他骨子里的严肃和敬业,他对足球的热爱,他性格的坚韧和耐心,他对友情的重视,他的开朗和嬉闹。40余次面访,让你读到真实的内马尔。
  • 我的太阳


    现在的中国足球愈加没法儿说了。身价上亿的投资人在要权益,某些官员在保利益。攻方的统帅是徐明,大连庄河人;守方的领袖是阎世铎,大连瓦房店人。两个大连人,代表不同的阵容和观念,在破败的足坛上杀伐攻略……这时候,我不由地想起另一个跟足球相关的大连人。我为他庆幸。他就是孙继海。   该书既是一部球星的自传,也是一个男子汉极为真实的自画像——孙继海。这个在绿茵场上魅力四射的名字,这位飞翔在英超的中国第一人,带给我们的不仅仅是骄傲和赫赫战绩,更多的是令人品味不尽的足球人生。在这部自传中,孙继海以一颗足球赤子之心,真实详尽地讲述了自己闪耀缅因路之前的足球生涯和国内及国外足球界诸多鲜为人知的感人故事。
  • I am Zlatan Ibrahimovic

    作者:Zlatan Ibrahimovic,D

    I Am Zlatan Ibrahimovic is the story of the football player known to fans around the world as Ibra. Get the inside story of his childhood on the wrong side of the tracks in Malmö, Sweden, and his fight against the odds. Here’s Ibra’s take on the clubs, the scandals, and on stars like Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Patrick Vieira and Lionel Messi. In his own words, Ibra tells us about his time on the Malmö FF youth squad, and about the dads from the nicer part of town who tried to get him kicked off the team. We get the full story about the conflicts in Ajax, the sale to Juventus, his successes in Italy and the scandal that almost ruined his career. He tells us about the wins with Inter Milan, about Mourinho, and about his most famous goals. He tells us about Helena, the kids, and his life off the pitch. And for the first time ever we get the whole truth about what really happened between him and Pep Guardiola in Barcelona. Zlatan Ibrahimovic’s autobiography is a thrilling look behind the scenes of top division football.
  • Michael Owen

    作者:Michael Owen

  • 世纪足球盛宴·拜仁慕尼黑俱乐部:1900-2006


    漫漫长路,我们希望从头开始,比赛艰辛,我们患难与共,胜利是唯一的回报。自始至终,我们全力以赴。   把握时机,胜者为王,第一名是我们永远的目标!众所周知,历史会被创造,不论是曾经,还是现在,只要齐心协力,我们永不言败,拜仁,永远的第一名,你们可以称呼我们世界冠军,拜仁,永远的第一名,我们卓尔不群!   热爱足球的你,想知道巴塞罗那队的传奇成长经历吗?本书为你一一道来。
  • Michael Ballack

    作者:Euan Reedie

    Equally competent with both his right and left feet, Ballack began his career with BSG Motor aged just seven. On signing his first professional contract with Chemnitzer FC, he earned the nickname 'Little Kaiser' and soon moved on to Kaiserslautern. A three-time winner of the German player of the year award, Ballack's three seasons at Bayer Leverkusen and four at Bayern Munich cemented his reputation as the attacking midfielder with an eye for a goal. But his journey from East German wunderkind to one of European football's most versatile players and a Stamford Bridge linchpin has been far from easy, with a suspension from the 2002 World Cup Final; losing the 2006 semi-final in the last minutes of extra time; and the ankle injury that kept him out of Chelsea's Champions League bid in his debut season.Sports journalist and football reporter Euan Reedie provides a fascinating insight into Ballack's return to form with this definitive story of one of Europe's most talented and entertaining footballers.
  • Keane

    作者:Roy Keane,Eamon Dunp

    在线阅读本书 A publishing phenomenon in hardcover, Roy Keane's autobiography was the biggest selling sports book of the year. Now in paperback it includes a new chapter covering Keane's vindication by the FAI report, and the punishment meted out by the FA and Mick McCarthy's resignation. Brilliantly reviewed, Roy Keane's riveting, brutally honest autobiography has the potential to be one of the year's biggest paperback bestsellers.
  • Red

    作者:Gary Neville

    No player has been more synonymous with the glory years of Manchester United Football Club over the past two decades than right-back Gary Neville. An Old Trafford regular since he attended his first match at the age of six, captain of the brilliant 1992 FA Youth Cup-winning team that became known as 'Fergie's Fledglings', outspoken representative of MUFC, Neville is the ultimate one-club man. He has been at the heart of it all and, at the end of an amazing career, is now ready to tell it all. Authoritative, insightful, fearless and never less than 100 per cent honest, no-one has better credentials for documenting the story of United under Sir Alex Ferguson. Neville reveals the behind-the-scenes secrets of his early days with the likes of Giggs, Scholes and his best mate David Beckham; what it was like to play with Cantona, Keane and Ronaldo; the Treble in 1999; and of course an entire career of playing for the greatest manager in the game. Then there are all his experiences with England, from being the youngest starter at Euro 96 when football came home, to the ups and downs of five major championships and seven managers - Venables, Hoddle, Wilkinson, Keegan, Eriksson, McClaren and Capello. There are opinions and analysis on Gazza, Rooney, WAGs and the true story of the FA and Rio Ferdinand. For twenty glorious years, Gary Neville has worn his heart on his sleeve. This is his story.
  • 西班牙斗牛士军团的三冠王朝

    作者:[英] 格拉汉姆.亨特

  • I think therefore I play

    作者:Andrea Pirlo with Al

  • 绝对C罗


  • 拉姆自传:差之毫厘


  • Moments

    作者:Cristiano Ronaldo

  • Stillness and Speed

    作者:Dennis Bergkamp,Davi

    In a team that included some famously heavy drinkers, and players who did not always set the highest standards in their behaviour, Dennis Bergkamp arrived at Arsenal and soon everything changed. Along with the likes of Thierry Henry, Robert Pires and Patrick Vieira, he provided an inspirational cutting edge to the Gunners' play and set them on the way to becoming one of the most formidable sides in the world, winning trophy after trophy. In 2003-04, Arsenal were quite literally unbeatable in the league. Now, with unique insight and eloquent recall, Bergkamp reveals how it was done and explains his footballing philosophy - a way of playing that has been handed down from Cruyff and the era of Dutch 'Total Football' via Arsene Wenger and on today to Pep Guardiola. But, now at Ajax, he is part of a team that is working to create a way of playing football that could take the game on to a whole new level. Whether you want to relive the glories of his past, or share his vision of the future, once you have read this book you will never see Bergkamp or football in the same way again.
  • Carlo Ancelotti

    作者:Carlo Ancelotti,Ales

    The entertaining, revealing, and controversial bestselling autobiography of one of the most respected figures in the world of soccer. Carlo Ancelotti is one of only six people to have won the Champions League European soccer s most coveted trophy as both player and coach. After a successful career playing for several of the most important teams in Italy and for the Italian national team Ancelotti went on to become one of the most acclaimed and outspoken coaches in European football, managing Italian giants Parma, Juventus, and Milan before moving to Chelsea, one of the Premier League s most successful clubs, in 2009. The book moves from anecdotes of his life growing up in Reggio Emilia to stories of his time playing among the best footballers in the world. With a characteristic mixture of sharp insight and humor, Ancelotti explores the differences between the Italian and the English games, shares his thoughts on soccer s future with the MLS in America, and reflects on the 2010 World Cup in South Africa. With a preface by the legendary former captain of the Italian national team, Paolo Maldini, this book is at once a tactician s bible from one of the world s most celebrated footballing minds, the fascinating story of an ordinary man reaching great heights, and in part a revealing tell-all from an outspoken insider in the cut-throat world of European soccer. The perfect book for anyone with a passion for the beautiful game.
  • 足坛第一教父:亚历克斯·弗格森爵士传奇

    作者:[英] 保罗·史密斯

  • 球王贝利自传


    我们腻烦了乌鸦嘴的贝利,也见惯了他政治家作派的演讲,当然,我们仍不曾忘记贝利当年球场上的骁勇……但,这远远不是全部。在世界杯开战之际,65岁的巴西球王贝利在伦敦出版了他的最新版自传《球王贝利自传》。这回,暂且扯下蒙住双眼的遮布,没有崇拜也不带偏见,走近一颗柔软的心灵,走近我们最熟悉的陌生人。追忆前尘往事,童年的梦想,青春的热情和足球的荣耀,贝利用素有的优雅和平易娓娓道来,坦诚地展露自己的内心世界,让读者看到了一位非凡的英雄本色。   一位传奇英雄的自述   即使不懂足球的人也都知道贝利。他那时代的巴西足球选手被公认为踢出了最赏心悦目的足球,而他又被公认为是其中最为出色者。他曾经三次举起了世界杯,并且始终是巴西的头号射手。   但他不过像许多人一样,只是一名运动员,一名足球选手,却怎样成了全世界的偶像人物呢?仅仅是因为他球踢得最好?还是因为他兼有其他品质呢?   贝利1940年10月23日出生于巴西特雷斯科拉桑斯一个贫苦家庭,从小在街头踢球,并得到了父亲的指点。他的父亲也曾是一名优秀的球员,但伤病却使他最终未成气候。为了贴补家用,贝利曾做过擦鞋童,当他15岁加盟桑托斯FC队时,母亲才为他做了第一条长裤,而此前他一直是只有短裤穿。他迅速地崭露头角,桑托斯俱乐部的官员们起初听他的启蒙教练瓦尔德马·德布里托说这孩子将成为世界上最优秀的足球选手时,还不大相信,但很快就认识到此言不谬。   贝利随之在俱乐部队和国家队创下了无数纪录。现在,这位世界最佳足球运动员亲口讲述他那神奇足球人生的全部故事了。以他素有的优雅和平易娓娓道来,但却涵盖了他在球场上和退役后作为政治家、国际体育大使和文化偶像的生活的方方面面。所有体育爱好者,所有崇尚精神的本真和非凡的人,都应该读一读这本自传。