

  • Collected Poems

    作者:W. H. Auden

    Between 1927 and his death in 1973, W. H. Auden endowed poetry in the English language with a new face.Or rather, with several faces, since his work ranged from the political to the religious, from the urbane to the pastoral, from the mandarin to the invigoratingly plain-spoken. This collection presents all the poems Auden wished to preserve, in the texts that received his final approval. It includes the full contents of his previous collected editions along with all the later volumes of his shorter poems. Together, these works display the astonishing range of Auden's voice and the breadth of his concerns, his deep knowledge of the traditions he inherited, and his ability to recast those traditions in modern times.
  • Selected Poems

    作者:W. H. Auden,Edward M

  • 学术涂鸦

    作者:[英] 奥登 著,亓兵 图

    奥登(W.H.Auden,1907—1973),是二十世纪最伟大的诗人之一。有关他的杰出成就,布罗茨基、希尼、沃尔科特等数位诺贝尔文学奖获奖者都有过长达数万字的论述,并已成为经典。近十年来,奥登的诗歌作品与学术批评,不仅对中文诗歌的书写者,而且对知识分子,有着越来越深远的影响,研究他的文字更是层出不穷。   由于奥登诗歌的精深和广博,翻译难度较大,穆旦、卞之琳、王佐良、杨宪益等大家都有精彩的散译,但到目前为主,奥登的诗集和其他著作在国内还没有正式出版过。这是一个耀眼的空白。本书是国内正式出版的第一本奥登诗歌集。   《学术涂鸦》是奥登晚年的一本关于名人的幽默讽刺诗集,属于轻体诗。轻体诗是英诗传统中一个非常重要的诗体类型,近年开始被中国诗歌界和批评界所关注。   《学术涂鸦》,奥登从1952年开始书写,1970年完成,次年出版。诗集里写了很多名人,如但丁、布莱克、歌德、勃朗宁、布里奇斯、格雷维尔、哈代、赫伯特、马拉美、弥尔顿、蒲柏、瓦雷里、王尔德、叶芝、艾略特等。此外来写了一些作家、政客、女王、音乐家、医生、哲学家、主教等,涉及对象,均是世界级的著名人物。   智慧、幽默和诗意结合,奥登的《学术涂鸦》,不仅韵脚严谨,而且修辞手法也多种多样,双关语尤其多,很多隐含的意思需要阅读的时候用心体会。领会妙处,不仅需要阅读者的语言修养、诗歌修养,也需要某种悟性。