

  • Metaphors We Live By

    作者:George Lakoff,Mark J

    People use metaphors every time they speak. Some of those metaphors are literary - devices for making thoughts more vivid or entertaining. But most are much more basic than that - they're "metaphors we live by", metaphors we use without even realizing we're using them. In this book, George Lakoff and Mark Johnson suggest that these basic metaphors not only affect the way we communicate ideas, but actually structure our perceptions and understandings from the beginning. Bringing together the perspectives of linguistics and philosophy, Lakoff and Johnson offer an intriguing and surprising guide to some of the most common metaphors and what they can tell us about the human mind. And for this new edition, they supply an afterword both extending their arguments and offering a fascinating overview of the current state of thinking on the subject of the metaphor.
  • 隐喻学研究


  • 我們賴以生存的譬喻

    作者:雷可夫(George Lakoff),詹

    本書奠定認知語言學研究的里程碑,開創譬喻研究的新紀元,啟迪我們重新思考心智研究中的基本觀點:意義(meaning)、真理(truth)、思維本質(the nature of thought),以及身體在心智成形過程中的作用。 譬喻思維無所不在,運用於詩學,也存在於時間、事件、因果、情感、道德,以及事業等通俗平凡的概念之中。我們的思維活動依存譬喻,譬喻便與我們如何生存息息相關。成書至今二十五年,其深遠的影響不限於語言學、認知科學與哲學,也遍及文學、政治、法律、臨床心理學、宗教,甚至數學以及科學哲學等領域。已譯為數十種語言流傳世界各國。