

  • 企鹅75

    作者:[美] 保罗·巴克利 编著

    ◆企鹅图书75款封面及其背后的设计历程 ◆作者、设计师与编辑直言不讳评点封面设计得失 作为全球最著名的出版品牌,企鹅图书以其高标准的封面设计引领风潮,不断颠覆我们的想象。 长久以来,“企鹅”几乎是“书籍设计”代名词…… 2010年,企鹅图书成立75周年之际,艺术总监保罗•巴克利从过去十年的作品中精选出75款极富代表性的封面案例,邀请作者、经纪人以及编辑对每一个封面进行评价,当然还包括设计师对作品的自评,妙趣横生又不失辛辣。这些鲜为人知的幕后故事,揭开了封面设计从诞生到成形的艰辛。
  • Penguin by Design

    作者:Phil Baines

    Ever since the creation of the first Penguin paperbacks in 1935, their jackets have become a constantly evolving part of Britain's culture and design history. Rich with stunning illustrations and filled with detail of individual titles, designers and even the changing size and shape of the Penguin logo itself, this book shows how covers become design classics. By looking back at seventy years of Penguin paperbacks, Phil Baines charts the development of British publishing, book cover design and the role of artists and designers in creating and defining the Penguin look.Coupling indepth analysis of designers - from Jan Tschichold to Romek Marber - with a wide-ranging look at the range of series and titles published - from early Penguins and Pelicans, to wartime Specials, fiction and reference, this is a distinctive picture of how Penguin has consistently established its identity through its covers, influenced by - and influencing - the wider development of graphic design and the changing fashions in typography, photography, illustration or printing techniques. Filled with inspiring images, "Penguin by Design" demonstrates just how difficult it is not to judge a book by its cover.
  • Brideshead Revisited

    作者:Evelyn Waugh

    The most nostalgic and reflective of Evelyn Waugh's novels, "Brideshead Revisited" looks back to the golden age before the Second World War. It tells the story of Charles Ryder's infatuation with the Marchmains and the rapidly-disappearing world of privilege they inhabit. Enchanted first by Sebastian at Oxford, then by his doomed Catholic family, in particular his remote sister, Julia, Charles comes finally to recognize only his spiritual and social distance from them.