Leviathan, The Matter, Forme and Power of a Common Wealth Ecclesiasticall and Civil, commonly called Leviathan, is a book written by Thomas Hobbes which was published in 1651. It is titled after the biblical Leviathan. The book concerns the structure of society and legitimate government, and is regarded as one of the earliest and most influential examples of social contract theory. -
有一类会议是为集体决策召开的,称为审议性会议,例如国会、会员大会、股东大会、社员大会、职工代表大会、董事会、理事会等等。开会须有一套规则、程序。美国工程兵团亨利·马丁·罗伯特将军(1837一1923)在总结英国议会、美国国会、市政委员会及民间社团的经验的基础上,写成《议事规则》一书,于 1876年出版。出版后不胫而走,并多次修订再版,最后一次修订是1907年。以后仍不断重印,至1943年累计销售已达125万册。在许多团体的章程中往往说明“如有未尽事宜,以罗伯特议事规则为准”。当选一个团体的主席后常花费几小时学习此书,以便主持好会议。考里尔出版社的百科全书1979年版第 18卷介绍此书时说,以容易理解的形式编辑的议事规则,有助于寻找会议中的疑难问题的答案。 -
“本书是近年来西方描绘阿以冲突和黎巴嫩内战的一部有影响的作品。作者托马斯·弗里德曼是美籍犹太人,通晓希伯来语和阿拉伯语,1979年作为合众国际社记者被派驻贝鲁特,两年后改任《纽约时报》驻贝鲁特办事处主任,1984年调任该报驻耶路撒冷办事处主任,直至1989年1月。本书即根据作者在中东现场的亲身经历和采访写成。……” ——摘自该书《出版说明》 -
《回忆录:1848年法国革命》是一本关于1848年法国二月革命的回忆录,《回忆录:1848年法国革命》作者以当事人、曾任第二共和国外交部长的身分回忆法国1848年二月革命后一系列重大事件,并对当时一些重要的政界人士发表评论,对其间许多人物(比如路易·菲力浦、路易·拿破仑、阿道夫·梯也尔、路易·勃朗等)的评述十分尖锐,用语几近刻薄。可能由于这个原因,该书在作者死后34年(1893年)才首次出版。 -
The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of the United States
The Declaration of Independence was the promise of a representative government; the Constitution was the fulfillment of that promise. On July 4, 1776, the Second Continental Congress issued a unanimous declaration: the thirteen North American colonies would be the thirteen United States of America, free and independent of Great Britain. Drafted by Thomas Jefferson, the Declaration set forth the terms of a new form of government with the following words: "We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness." Framed in 1787 and in effect since March 1789, the Constitution of the United States of America fulfilled the promise of the Declaration by establishing a republican form of government with separate executive, legislative, and judicial branches. The first ten amendments, known as the Bill of Rights, became part of the Constitution on December 15, 1791. Among the rights guaranteed by these amendments are freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, and the right to trial by jury. Written so that it could be adapted to endure for years to come, the Constitution has been amended only seventeen times since 1791 and has lasted longer than any other written form of government. -
本书为“汉译世界学术名著丛书”之一,作者鲍桑葵为英国哲学家、政治理论家和社会学家。本书系统地阐发了作者的政治观点,按他所说,他的理论是属于可以追溯到柏拉图和亚里士多德时代的所谓“传统的国家学说”的。他的思想可以说与康德、费希特、黑格尔等人一脉相承。他正是在阐释这些哲学家的政治学说的基础上以哲学的观点探讨了国家的性质、目的和作用。 -
The Rise and Decline of Nations
The years since World War II have seen rapid shifts in the relative positions of different countries and regions. Leading political economist Mancur Olson offers a new and compelling theory to explain these shifts in fortune and then tests his theory against evidence from many periods of history and many parts of the world. “[T]his elegant, readable book. . . sets out to explain why economies succumb to the ‘British disease,’ the kind of stagnation and demoralization that is now sweeping Europe and North America. . . . A convincing book that could make a big difference in the way we think about modern economic problems.”—Peter Passell, The New York Times Book Review “Schumpeter and Keynes would have hailed the insights Olson gives into the sicknesses of the modern mixed economy.”—Paul A. Samuelson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology “One of the really important books in social science of the past half-century.”—Scott Gordon, The Canadian Journal of Economics “The thesis of this brilliant book is that the longer a society enjoys political stability, the more likely it is to develop powerful special-interest lobbies that in turn make it less efficient economically.”—Charles Peters, The Washington Monthly “Remarkable. The fundamental ideas are simple, yet they provide insight into a wide array of social and historical issues. . . . The Rise and Decline of Nations promises to be a subject of productive interdisciplinary argument for years to come.”—Robert O. Keohane, Journal of Economic Literature “I urgently recommend it to all economists and to a great many non-economists.”—Gordon Tullock, Public Choice “Olson’s theory is illuminating and there is no doubt that The Rise and Decline of Nations will exert much influence on ideas and politics for many decades to come.”—Pierre Lemieux, Reason Co-winner of the 1983 American Political Science Association’s Gladys M. Kammerer Award for the best book on U.S. national policy -
英国思想史家以赛亚·伯林的著作,国内已经译介了许多种,重要的著作基本出齐了,再往下,就只能是补充性质的了。《自由及其背叛》原为1952年伯林在BBC第三套节目所做的系列讲演,由他的弟子哈代进行文字整理并于伯林身后出版,因此,它无疑属于“补充性质”的书。这本书的优点和缺点都非常明显。优点是,讲演的文字通俗流畅,而且伯林本人一向以口才著称,据说这个系列讲演在广播中播出时,许多对思想问题感兴趣的听众都听得如醉如痴。至于缺点,就是由于时间和形式限制,讲演时的探讨不可能太深入,有时只能有结论,不能保留过程了。此外,讲演当时刚好属于冷战时代,伯林的思想受这种背景的影响很大,现在看来,许多论断都不免意识形态化了。 -
1944—1946年间,国共两党关于联合政府与一党训政的争论,是两种对立的国家政体的争论,是争取一个怎么样的抗战结果的争论,因而也是国共两党政治对立全部历史关系的最高表现形态。本书对这一场长达两年的政争的发生、发展和终结,进行了全程的跟踪考察,集中论述了国共两党是如何由政争走向战争的。 -
循诸有清一代,派系连作舆政治发展之密切联系,其应该是1860年后的生物。自太平军興與对外关系愈见纷繁以降,中央与地方互动之此消彼长,参与决策之汉官僚渐易形以实,派系活动遂因专制君主决策主动权之外流而益见复起。由此中归纳,光绪十年(1884)甲申易枢前之权力面目,或可以“恭醇之争”与“南北之争”二线名之。在企图独操大权之慈禧太后运作下,终有光绪十年(1884)藉中法越南衡突,而衍生之朝局翻覆。本书即试图以这二十四年中,南北两派在做为决策核心的军机处,透过朝局中重大内外决策、事件的讨论、争论及政治角力,来呈现诸多史著或史料在提及此段历史时,常用“南黨北黨”等词,其真实面目及在晚清政局中所占有之地位。 本书以“辛酉事变”为起点,以“南北之争”的派系问题为主轴,探讨了1861-1884年清朝决策核心人事布局的内部变化。本书作者是台湾政治大学历史学系教授,书中不仅涉及了大量的清代档案史料、私家日记,而且还有作者鞭辟入里的观点。 -
《和平与战争》是一部研究过去350年中的战争起源与和平建设的重要著作,堪称外交史、战争与和平研究、国际关系、国际冲突以及政治学研究中的重要著作。 千百年来有无数的政治学家、哲学家和历史学家探讨过战争发生的原因问题,并产生了浩如烟海的著作,但这一问题仍然没有定论。霍尔斯蒂在这本书中从一个新的角度切入对该问题的研究。他提出了三个相互关联的问题:是什么样的争议问题引发了冲突?人们对待战争的态度是如何改变的?为了控制和预防国际冲突和危机,人们过去曾经做过什么样的努力,采取过什么样的措施? 霍尔斯蒂教授首先评价大量有关战争研究文献的成就与不足,并提出了自己研究国际政治的框架模式。然后,他详细考察了自1648年以来将近三个半世纪中欧洲和世界国家体系中的177次战争和大型的武装冲突,以及调停人在战争结束后所做出的几次阶段性的建立秩序的努力。 从方法上看,本书在叙述风格上体现为历史的描述与科学的分析相结合,既有历史学家对故事细节的敏感,又有政治学家对理论分析的缜密。一卷在手,读来毫无枯燥之感。 -
The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere
This is Jurgen Habermas's most concrete historical-sociological book and one of the key contributions to political thought in the postwar period. It will be a revelation to those who have known Habermas only through his theoretical writing to find his later interests in problems of legitimation and communication foreshadowed in this lucid study of the origins, nature, and evolution of public opinion in democratic societies. -
Discipline & Punish
In this brilliant work, the most influential philosopher since Sartre suggests that such vaunted reforms as the abolition of torture and the emergence of the modern penitentiary have merely shifted the focus of punishment from the prisoner's body to his soul. -
The Communist Manifesto (Penguin Classics)
Originally published on the eve of the 1848 European revolutions, The Communist Manifesto is a condensed and incisive account of the worldview Marx and Engels developed during their hectic intellectual and political collaboration. Formulating the principles of dialectical materialism, they believed that labor creates wealth, hence capitalism is exploitive and antithetical to freedom. This new edition includes an extensive introduction by Gareth Stedman Jones, Britain's leading expert on Marx and Marxism, providing a complete course for students of The Communist Manifesto, and demonstrating not only the historical importance of the text, but also its place in the world today. -
在线阅读本书 THE SEMINAL WORK ON FOREIGN POLICY AND THE ART OF DIPLOMACY Moving from a sweeping overview of history to blow-by-blow accounts of his negotiations with world leaders, Henry Kissinger describes how the art of diplomacy has created the world in which we live, and how America's approach to foreign affairs has always differed vastly from that of other nations. Brilliant, controversial, and profoundly incisive, Diplomacy stands as the culmination of a lifetime of diplomatic service and scholarship. It is vital reading for anyone concerned with the forces that have shaped our world today and will impact upon it tomorrow. -
我在伊朗长大3:捉迷藏 (平装)
在《我在伊朗長大3:捉迷藏》中,Marjane開始了她在維也納的生活。她住在奧地利由修女開設的宿舍中,與室友言語不通;孤獨的她設法融入學校生活,甚至作出崩妹打扮…… 一方面擔心戰亂的祖國,另一方面要面對愛情煩惱與被誤解的痛苦,反叛的Marjane如何面對種種衝擊? 「Persepolis 我在伊朗長大」在法國推出時大獲好評,更先後在法國、比利時、德國等地獲得了多個?項。此書是Amazon網站長期暢銷漫畫,並將以十多種語言在世界各地出版。 「Persepolis 我在伊朗長大」全系列共四冊書,香港三聯書店首先於2005年1月推出此系列的首兩冊──《我在伊朗長大1:面紗》及《我在伊朗長大2:安息日》,兩書皆獲得大眾喜愛,並深得傳媒好評。三聯將於今年5月推出此系列的餘下兩冊──《我在伊朗長大3:捉迷藏》及《我在伊朗長大4:回家》。 作者簡介 瑪贊.莎塔碧 (Marjane Satrapi)於1969年出生於伊朗的雷什特(Rasht)。她在德黑蘭長大,在那裡的法語公立學校學習,之後去維也納,後又到斯特拉斯堡學習插圖藝術。她寫過幾本兒童讀物,創作的插圖發表在世界各地的報刊雜誌上,包括《紐約人》和《紐約時報》。目前她住在巴黎。 所獲?項 2001年 法國安古蘭國際漫畫節 心動獎 最佳首版漫畫 2001年 比利時布魯塞爾 Lion大獎 最佳首版漫畫 2002年 法國安古蘭國際漫畫節 法國國家 Info電台 年度最佳漫畫獎 2002年 法國安古蘭國際漫畫節 最佳劇情獎 2004年 美國 Harvey 獎 美國最佳外國出版 2004年 德國法蘭克福書展 最佳漫畫獎 -
Common Sense
Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves and each other. They have inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution. They have enlightened, outraged, provoked and comforted. They have enriched lives and destroyed them. Now Penguin brings you the works of the great thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries whose ideas shook civilization, and helped make us who we are. -
在《海上自由论》一书中格劳秀斯抨击了葡萄牙对东印度洋群岛航线和贸易的垄断;他认为,“海洋是取之不尽,用之不竭的,是不可占领的;应向所有国家和所有国家的人民开放,供他们自由使用。”时至今日,格劳秀斯的“公海自由”已作为一项国际法原则,为全世界人民所接受,对于世界人民的交往和经济的交流有着积极的意义。 -
耶鲁大学历史学教授约翰·加迪斯是近20多年来最重要的美国外交史学家之一,也是一位杰出的战略史家乃至战略思想家。他精微和富有创见地贯彻了他与战略史同行保罗·肯尼迪的一项共同见识,即只有历史研究才产生为什么是大战略,大战略如何运用以及战略家在具体的环境中如何思考和行动的正确理解。1982年,他出版本书,成功地揭示和展现了多项在他看来超越时间和环境的战略逻辑和战略思维方式。本书无愧是一部具有经典水平的战略史杰作,并且做出了重要的大战略理论建树,一出版即成为名著。 本书连贯和统一地考察了从富兰克林·罗斯福末年到吉米·卡特为止十届美国政府的对苏战略和国家安全政策,发现和解释了其内在演变脉络,揭示了其中的战略机理,同时从大战略角度评价其理念、纲领、实施和成败得失。由于战后美国的对外政策档案文件解密和公布制度,关于这个主题可供使用的档案史实异常丰富和详密,从而使他能够比考察其他主题的战略史同行做得更加精细准确。他将充分利用大量原始史料的微观研究与恢宏潇洒的宏观思考结合起来,同时凭借卓越的机理洞察力和概念塑造才华,精彩地揭示了寓于遏制战略史中的许多精微复杂的战略机理。在这方面,他超过了任何其他著名的大战略阐释者。
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友