

  • 西方政界要人谈和平演变


  • 论人类不平等的起源


  • 毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论(2009年修订版)


  • 国际关系分析


    本书为国家精品课程教材、北京市精品课程教材,也是2007年北京市高等教育精品教材立项项目。 这是一本内容丰富且简明实用的国际关系分析教科书,主要介绍了国际关系的基本概念和原理,并以大量实例向读者演示如何运用这些概念和原理分析纷繁复杂的国际关系现实。作者在写作过程中注重概念的明确、原理的应用和语言的通俗,论证详略得当,深入浅出。 本书适合作为国际关系、国际政治、外交学、公共管理等专业大学本科教材,也适合高校大学生选作通识课教材和读物,还可供在职人员学习和培训使用。
  • 攻坚


  • Who Sings the Nation-State?

    作者:Judith Butler,Gayatr

  • 龙象之争


  • 共产主义ABC


  • 国际政治


  • 經濟人的末日


    本書於1939年首度出版,被公認為彼得.杜拉克思想基礎的重要著作。這本書出版後不久,在邱吉爾擔任首相時,就把它列為英國的年輕人必讀的書籍。 書中對於二次大戰後的社會、政治變革做了許多預言,包括希特勒將會屠殺猶太人、史達林和希特勒簽署協定……等等。之後這些預言果然成為事實。杜拉克還試圖探討歐洲極權主義的源起,並追溯資本主義、社會主義、馬克思主義這些歷史上重要的信仰,對大眾帶來的影響。 不管從政治、歷史或社會的角度看來,本書都可稱得上是難得一見的經典鉅著。由現在的讀者來看,除了可以想見兩次大戰期間的政治社會情勢,也能透過杜拉克具有洞察力的社會性分析,反思如「納粹主義」、「法西斯主義」這些大家熟悉卻知之甚少的名詞背後的問題。 推薦序──許士軍 推薦序──劉大年 序──一九六九年版 前言 第一章 反法西斯主義的錯覺 第二章 群眾的絕望 第三章 惡魔再現 第四章 基督教會的落敗 第五章 極權主義的神話 第六章 法西斯主義下的非經濟社會 第七章 是神話還是妄想? 第八章 未來情勢:東西對抗?
  • An Introduction to Political Philosophy

    作者:Jonathan Wolff

    The revised edition of this highly successful text provides a clear and accessible introduction to some of the most important questions of political philosophy. Organized around major issues, Wolff provides the structure that beginners need, while also introducing some distinctive ideas of his own.
  • 中國處在十字路口


    自由市場原教旨主義能否防止爆發「中國金融危機」?能否緩解中國日趨加劇的社會不平等?能否解決中國農業經濟問題和環境危機?能否讓中國大型企業具有國際競爭能力?能否為中國建立和諧社會提供倫理基礎? 這不僅是中國的十字路口,也是全球發展的十字路口。
  • 生态政治


    环境危机的罪责究竟该由谁来承担:是人口繁衍过滥?消费者贪得无厌?还是技术胡作非为?我们这颗星球的拯救之道又路在何方:是生育节制?适用技术?回收利用?还是生态消费?   人们一般把环境危机的根源及其化解之道落实到个人行为上,而科尔曼却说:请再思量,当我们过多地追究个人的责任时,我们反让政府和公司溜之大吉,我们做一些改变自已的生活方式的环保小事固然有其价值,但决计不可因此漠视环境灾难的深层原因,真正的原因深深扎根于人类事务的政治之中,化解之道自然也存乎其中。他认为我们可以让环境破坏的过程发生逆转,通过确立生态责任、参与型民主、环境正义、社区行动等价值观,生态型政治战略是可以行之有效的。无数事例表明,可持续社会决非虚无飘渺、无从实现。
  • 大国的博弈


    1919年的巴黎是世界的首都。举世瞩目的巴黎和会正在这里召开,和谈者都是举足轻重的国际要人,美国总统伍德罗·威尔逊,英国首相劳合·乔治,以及法国总理克雷蒙梭成了和会的“三巨头”。在这里各国政要互做交易、制订条约,创建新国家和组织,甚至一起吃饭,一起去剧院看戏,他们一起上演了近代世界发燕尾服的悲喜剧。从1月到6月的半年中,巴黎一跃成为世界政府,上诉法庭和国会,同时也是人们恐惧和希望的所在。   这是非同寻常的180天,大国在这里展开了一场博弈,它们终结那些破产的帝国,同时创造着全新的国家。书中为我们塑造了和谈者们栩栩如生的形象。他们的个性、理想与偏见表现得淋漓尽致。他们将俄国赶出局,孤立中国,又驳回了阿拉伯人的主张。同时他们还艰难地为犹太人家园等问题而努力。然而和谈者们无奈地失败了,最重要的是,他们没能阻止另一场战争的爆发。   大国政要们试图公正无私,但是他们的目标——让战败国在不被摧毁的前提下进行赔款,满足不可能的民族主义梦想,阻止布尔什维主义的蔓延,同时创建一个在民主与理性基础上的世界新秩序——这一切单靠外交绝对无法实现。他们本想制造和平,可是令人匪夷所思的是,他们制造了另一场更大规模的战争。   本书犹如一部电影,再现了大国政要们极富戏剧色彩的个性和曲折回环的利益之争,因此又深具娱乐性。它为我们描绘了一幅五光十色的景色,让我们看到了当代世界初诞时的草图。   本书是了解当代世界形成和世界新秩序发展历程的一部经典之作。
  • 韩国政治转型研究


  • China Dreams

    作者:William A. Callahan

    After celebrating their country's three decades of fantastic economic success, many Chinese are now asking, "What comes next?" How can China convert its growing economic power into political and cultural influence around the globe? William Callahan's China Dreams gives voice to China's many different futures by exploring the grand aspirations and deep anxieties of a broad group of public intellectuals. Stepping outside narrow politics of officials vs. dissidents, Callahan examines what a third group - "citizen intellectuals" - think about China's future. China Dreams eavesdrops on fascinating conversations between officials, scholars, soldiers, bloggers, novelists, film-makers and artists to see how they describe China's different political, strategic, economic, social and cultural futures. Callahan also examines how the PRC's new generation of twenty- and thirty-somethings is creatively questioning "The China Model" of economic development. The personal stories of these citizen intellectuals illustrate China's zeitgeist and a complicated mix of hopes and fears about "The Chinese Century", providing a clearer sense of how the PRC's dramatic economic and cultural transitions will affect the rest of the world. China Dreams explores the transnational connections between American and Chinese people, providing a new approach to Sino-American relations. While many assume that 21st century global politics will be a battle of Confucian China vs. the democratic west, Callahan weaves Chinese and American ideals together to describe a new "Chimerican dream".
  • 白宫密谈


  • China's Superbank

    作者:Henry Sanderson,Mich

    China's rise as a global economic superpower, the success of its top companies, and its continuing domestic boom is intricately tied to China Development Bank (CDB). This less-than-transparent institution, which is wholly owned by the Chinese government, has become the financial enabler of this nation's growth and is arguably the most powerful bank in the world. While development banks have long existed to finance political projects, infrastructure, and other initiatives, nothing comes close to CDB in scope. In China's Superbank, authors Henry Sanderson and Michael Forsythe—both Bloomberg journalists working in Beijing—combine on-the-scene reporting and interviews from across the world with numbers crunched from Chinese bond prospectuses to put CDB in perspective, and help you understand the economic phenomenon that is China. Along the way, you'll not only become familiar with the growing accomplishments and influence of CDB, but you'll also gain valuable insights into the darker side of this political-financial institution—one that has never had to answer to anyone apart from its state shareholders. You'll also discover how China's seemingly unstoppable banking system could potentially be saddled with bad debt from trillions of yuan invested in projects with questionable economic value both at home and abroad. Throughout the book, the authors: Explore CDB's hallmark innovation—the system of local government finance—which has transformed China's landscape in just over a decade by pumping trillions of yuan into various domestic projects Profile Chen Yuan, the Chairman of CDB since 1998, and discuss how he's been instrumental in reasserting the Communist Party in China's economy, while managing to preserve enough independence from the government to make decent investment decisions and function as a commercially driven institution Analyze CDB's China-Africa Development Fund—China's largest private equity fund investing in Africa—and its attempts to stimulate manufacturing in Ethiopia, and CDB's lending to Ghana Address CDB's work to secure a steady flow of oil and gas to China through loans-for-energy deals around the world, particularly to Venezuela Examine CDB's lines of credit that have helped new Chinese firms in telecom and alternative energy win significant global projects, as well as how the bank is developing a new form of private equity financing through CDB Capital. As China's influence continues to grow around the world, many people are asking how far it will extend. China's Superbank addresses this vital question, looking at the institution at the heart of its growth. Praise for China's Superbank "The phenomenal economic rise of China and its growing global role have been driven by a unique mix of political and economic actors. China Development Bank has been at the center of much of this growth especially as the principal banker in China's overseas commodity investments. Henry and Michael's timely book, China's Superbank, details for the first time the role that CDB has played under the focused leadership of its Chairman Chen Yuan. This book is essential reading for anyone wanting to understand how China funds its growth but it also raises important questions as to whether CDB's strategy will be sustainable over the long term." —Fraser Howie, Managing Director, CLSA Singapore and co-author of Red Capitalism "Combining in-depth knowledge of China with hard-nosed economic analysis and first-rate journalism, Sanderson and Forsythe have written an astonishingly detailed yet lively portrait of China's muscular state capitalism. This important work tells us in concrete terms how China is expanding its influence around the world, not through military force, but through writing checks. This is a must-read for all those who take an interest in China's rising influence in the world—and its increasingly vulnerable financial system." —Victor Shih, Associate Professor, Northwestern University "In China's Superbank Henry and Michael shed a much-needed light on the operations and people behind China Development Bank, an apparent policy bank that in a brief decade has in many ways surpassed the power and functions of the country's Ministry of Finance. The tale of how this formerly moribund institution ignited China's local debt crisis while financing China's foreign policy initiatives is a must for anyone seeking to understand China's opaque financial system." —Carl Walter, former COO of JP Morgan China, independent consultant and co-author of Red Capitalism "American Cabinet members say the global reach and growth of China Development Bank keeps them up at night. After reading this book, they might not go to sleep at all. For all the tsunami of news about China's rise in recent years, the country's political and financial institutions remain vastly undereported and little understood. Mike Forsythe and Henry Sanderson's book helps correct that with remarkable detail and insights about the bank that laid the financial foundations for China's economic miracle at home, before then finding a formula to spread its money abroad." —Richard McGregor, Financial Times reporter and author of The Party
  • 回歸十五年以來香港特區管治及新政權建設


    Governance and New Regime Building in the Hong Kong SAR since the Handover

    作者:James McGregor

    In the past three decades, China has risen from near collapse to a powerhouse -- upending nearly every convention on the world stage, whether policy or business. China is now the globe’s second largest economy, second largest exporter, a manufacturing machine that has lifted 500 million of its citizens from poverty while producing more than one million US dollar millionaires. Then why do China’s leaders describe the nation’s economic model as “unstable and unsustainable”? Because it is. James McGregor has spent 25 years in China as a businessman, journalist and author. In this, his latest highly readable book, he offers extensive new research that pulls back the curtain on China’s economic power. He describes the much-vaunted “China Model” as one of authoritarian capitalism, a unique system that, in its own way, is terminating itself. It is proving incompatible with global trade and business governance. It is threatening multinationals, which fear losing their business secrets and technology to China’s mammoth state-owned enterprises. It is fielding those SOEs – China’s “national champions” -- into a global order angered by heavily subsidized state capitalism. And it is relying on an outdated investment and export model that’s running out of steam. What has worked in the past, won’t work in the future. The China Model must be radically overhauled if the country hopes to continue its march toward prosperity. The nation must consume more of what it makes. It must learn to innovate. It must unleash private enterprise. And the Communist Party bosses? They must cede their pervasive and smothering hold on economic power to foster the growth, and thus social stability, that they can’t survive without. Government must step back, the state-owned economy must be brought to heel, and opportunity must be freed. During the Tang Dynasty, an official in the imperial court observed: “No ancient wisdom, no followers.” He was lamenting that regime was headed alone into dangerous and uncharted waters without any precedent for guidance. Again today – as McGregor makes clear – this is China’s greatest challenge.