

  • 为什么欧洲会领跑21世纪?


    马克·伦纳德是最年轻有为的外交政策思想家之一。凭借《为什么欧洲会领跑21世纪?》,他对跨大西洋两岸的、所有那些认为欧洲的日子已经一去不复返的欧洲怀疑论者发起了强有力的挑战。无论你是否同意他的观点,你都不能忽略这本书。 ——约瑟夫·奈,著有《软实力——世界政治的成功之道》 有关欧洲的书,没几本是好看的,但本书却令人兴致盎然。讲述欧洲的政治故事,据我所知,没有人能比马克·伦纳德做得更好。 ——罗伯特·库珀,欧盟理事会对外经济关系和共同外交与安全政策总司总司长 马克·伦纳德做了一件宝贵的事情,他重塑了我们看世界的方式。《为什么欧洲会领跑21世纪?》是一本清新、有说服力的书,最重要的是,它是一本乐观的书,将把有关欧洲的争论推向新起点。英国的欧洲怀疑论者可要当心哦! ——威尔·赫顿,英国工作基金会首席执行官,著有《我们生活的国家》 马克·伦纳德,英国最具影响力的年轻人之一。 ——《每日快报》 学术支持:上海金融与法律研究院 凤凰网读书频道推荐、试读
  • 技术年代的政党


  • 常识


  • The Coming China Wars

    作者:Peter Navarro

    China's breakneck industrialization is placing it on a collision course with the entire world. Tomorrow's China Wars will be fought over everything from decent jobs, livable wages, and leading-edge technologies to strategic resources such as oil, copper, and steel...even food, water, and air. In The Coming China Wars, best-selling author Peter Navarro previews all these potential conflicts—and reveals the urgent, radical decisions that must be made to avoid catastrophe.

    You'll learn how China's thirst for oil is driving nuclear proliferation in Iran, genocide in the Sudan, even Japan's remilitarization. You'll discover China's shocking role in the drug trade and how its reborn flesh trade may help trigger tomorrow's worst AIDS crisis. Navarro also reveals how China has become the world's most ruthless imperialist...how it is promoting global environmental disaster... and, perhaps most terrifying of all, how this nuclear superpower and pirate nation may be spiraling toward internal chaos.

    The threat is real. We all must come to understand it and then act! Start here and now by arming yourself with the information and insights of The Coming China Wars.

    The "China Price": Conquering the world's export markets

    The real story behind China’s “weapons of mass production”

    China versus U.S.: The "blood for oil" flashpoints

    The coming U.S./China showdown over oil

    Pirate Nation: China's state-sanctioned thievery

    How China's counterfeit drugs and products can literally kill you

    Triggering tomorrow's worst AIDS crisis

    China's 21st century flesh trade: The seeds of a global health disaster

    "Peter Navarro has captured the breadth of areas where China and the United States have fundamental conflicts of business, economic and strategic interests. He puts this into a global context demonstrating where China's current development course can lead to conflict. His recommendations for nations to coalesce to respond to the challenges posed by China are practical. This book should be in the hands of every businessperson, economist and policy-maker."

    –Dr. Larry M. Wortzel, Chairman, US-China Economic and Security Review Commission

    "The Coming China Wars is a gripping, fact-filled account of the dark side of China's rise that will be of interest to anyone interested in this complex and fascinating country. Navarro makes no pretense toward searching for the middle ground in the China debate. He issues a call to arms for China and the rest of the world to act now to address the country's mounting problems–pollution, public health, intellectual property piracy, resource scarcity and more–or risk both serious instability within China and military conflict between China and other major powers."

    –Elizabeth C. Economy, C.V. Starr Senior Fellow and Director of Asia Studies, Council on Foreign Relations

    "What Al Gore does for climate change, Peter Navarro does for China. This book will hit you right between the eyes. A gargantuan wake-up call."

    –Stuart L. Hart, S.C. Johnson Chair of Sustainable Global Enterprise, Cornell University, Author of "Capitalism at the Crossroads"

    "The Coming China Wars has a wealth of fascinating information about the impact of China on the world and the perils it creates.

    Because of China's great importance, this is a book we should all read."

    –D. Quinn Mills, Alfred J. Weatherhead Jr. Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School

    "This is a well researched and illuminating book and is a necessary counter to a large body of opinion that posits an inevitable and even peaceful rise of China and chooses to ignore most of the author's message."

    –Richard Fisher, Vice President, International Assessment and Strategy Center

  • 正义的两面


  • 从城邦世界到世界城市


  • 状告美国


    谈笑之间把脉美国人运国运,真枪实弹写就美国资治通鉴。著名华裔律师,深谙美国社会,六年倾力奉献,以一个中国人的睿智揭开超级美国的巍巍面纱。 读者拿着我的书,如同钻入了美国的被窝,绝对可以搞明白美国到底是怎么回事,看到美国的器官不多也不少,它们又如何分配,如何动作,如何和谐,又如何失调。《状告美国》,它不是学位论文,也不为评职称,更不为稻粱谋。它只是我对美国国运人运的把脉小结。白天黑地里,纸墨键盘间,洞察美国的人事和兽事,捞摸这个法治社会。我力求我的文章迥异于中国大学里研究美国的教授,也和美国大学里的“中国通”划清界线。——黄笑生 《状告美国》,为你呈现一个全景美国;《状告美国》,他告遍美国各级政府机构;《状告美国》,真正看透美国的民主与法制。 他在美国工作生活多年,游走于美国政治法律两极,在美国中产阶级中自由穿梭,打过无数穷人及富人的官司。深谙美国社会各个阶层,对超级大国的皮里洞若观火。幽默的语言配以大量真实的案例,于调侃中剥析美国的光荣与丑陋,展现美国人的自豪与悲哀,透视美国的前世与今生。
  • 政府太累


    本书所论,几乎为一代人的身边事,人人均有以经验为支持的观念和看法。作者以极为谨慎的适度抽象,解析人人心中有、人人笔下无的事和理,通过解释政府责任来探究中国近四分之一世纪以来社会制度结构的变化。 从计划转向市场,支撑一个社会制度结构的序参量就从一个增加到两个。支撑一个社会结构的全部压力从原先只依靠政府公共权利一个因素,转为兼有政府和市场两个因素――双轮车总比轮车更稳定和易驾驭。
  • 像政治家一样思考


    《像政治家一样思考》内容简介:历史即人生,人生即历史。历史的重要意义在于,它为我们展现了超越我们能想象的无穷的生活方式,极大地拓展了我们的视野,让我们得以从中学习、思考、领悟。庞大的历史对于个体的人来讲,是一座取之不尽,用之不竭的智慧宝库,历来善于从历史中获得经验的人都无一例外地成为他所在的时代中的强者,所以,有位名人曾经说过:“历史是强者的生存课本。”这句话值得咀嚼,细细品味。 作者善于把浩瀚的、错综复杂的历史以极其深入浅出的方式条分缕析,带领读者一步步、一层层深入到历史智慧中去,渐渐让读者开拓自己的思维,从历史中真正地受益,而不仅仅是了解一些历史知识和掌握一些历史的时间线索。 历史从来不是枯燥的史实和时间数字,是人们生存的智慧库,是人生可以获得精神力量的不竭源泉。
  • 资本主义为什么会自我崩溃?

    作者:(日) 中谷岩

  • 走出政府總部


    每 張 正 義 的 選 票 , 每 次 民 主 示 威 得 到 正 義 市 民 的 默 默 讚 許 , 都 顯 示 香 港 爭 取 民 主 的決 心 。 好 好 地 讀 書 、 看 報 , 以 完 整 的 句 子 傳 情 達 意 , 蔑 視 親 政 府 的 宣 傳 , 幽 默 地 嘲笑 民 主 的 敵 人 , 做 個 快 樂 的 抗 爭 者 。 不 論 爭 到 政 治 民 主 與 否 , 都 要 盡 量 在 日 常 生 活實 踐 民 主 和 寬 容 。 ─ ─ 陳 雲
  • Hammer & Tickle

    作者:Ben Lewis

    Hammer & Tickle*: A History of Communism Told Through Communist Jokes. 《红旗下的谈笑–政治笑话中的苏联史》 JOKES under communism were not just a welcome contrast to the dreariness of everyday life; they also helped undermine it. For example. “How do you deal with mice in the Kremlin?” “Put up a sign saying ‘collective farm’. Then half the mice will starve and the others will run away.” 苏联的共产主义社会中,政治笑话不仅是民众在无聊生活中找的乐子,它们也帮助民众化解苦难。比如这个:”如何赶跑克里姆林宫里的老鼠?”"在里面放个标牌,写上‘集体农场’四字,不多久大半老鼠会饿死,剩下的都逃之夭夭了。” Ben Lewis has collated some of the best, and best-known, jokes that were told under more than seven decades of communist rule. His work is based on more than 40 previously published collections ranging from underground selections, to those published by anti-communist émigrés, and a large sprinkling that appeared after 1989, once it was safe to air them. Ben Lewis的《红旗下的谈笑》收录并校订了一些优秀的政治笑话,它们在苏联七十多年统治下广为人知。这本书取材来自市面上四十多册的笑话集子,从当时地下流传的选集,到反共移民出版的著作,乃至1989年之后涌现的一大批书(那时候已经可以安全传播这些笑话了)。 Most make you giggle and groan in equal measure. It is worth remembering that in some countries and some eras, being overheard telling or laughing at just one of these jokes could mean you died in a labour camp; there are plenty of jokes about that too. “Who built the White Sea canal [Stalin’s single most murderous slave-labour project]?” “The left bank was built by those who told the jokes, and the right bank by those who listened.” 书中大部分笑话令人笑过之后掩卷叹息。需知在某些国家、某些历史时期,讲笑话者若被有心人偷听或者仅仅无意谈笑之间就意味着你可能招来杀身之祸。书中就收录了许多有关于此的笑话–”是谁建了白海运河(斯大林草菅人命,下令劳改犯修建的一项工事)?”"说笑话的人建了左岸,听笑话的人建了右岸。” But the aim of “Hammer & Tickle” is not just to be amusing and poignant, but also to instruct. The author makes the (to him) rather depressing discovery that most communist-era jokes were just recycled versions of older ones. Take this example, which is told twice in the book: a flock of sheep approaches the Finnish border in a panic, pleading to be allowed entry. “Beria [Stalin’s secret police chief] has ordered the arrest of all elephants,” they explain. “But you’re not elephants,” reply the Finnish border guards in puzzlement. “Yes, but try explaining that to Beria.” That sounds spot-on for the Soviet Union in the 1930s. But it can be traced to a Persian poet in 12th-century Arabia, where it involves a fox running away from a royal ordinance that in theory applies only to donkeys. 但《红旗下的谈笑》一书并非简单陈述这些可笑可叹之事,作者还立意于说教。他发现大部分共产主义时代的笑话都仅仅是过去说法的翻版,这让他很失落。比如这个在书中出现两次的笑话:一群惊慌的羊来到芬兰边界,请求进入对方国境,说:”贝利亚(斯大林的秘密警察头子)下令逮捕所有的大象。”芬兰边防士兵惊道:”可你们不是大象呀!”"没错,不过你得跟贝利亚解释。”这个笑话产生于1930年代的苏联,但可以追根溯源至12世纪一位波斯诗人的著作,它就讲到只针对猴子的忠诚诫令导致狐狸逃亡的故事。 Unfortunately, Mr Lewis is not content to laugh and remember. He wants a “serious comparative study” of the subject. It is tempting to think that he is joking, and that his theoretical elaborations about the true significance of communist-era jokes are a subtle parody of the way that modern literary critics so often miss the point of the texts they write about. It is almost comical to read his po-faced but pointless consideration of whether jokes about Stalin predated Stalin’s own jokes-almost comical, but not quite. 可惜Lewis先生并不满足于记录,他弄巧成拙,想对这些笑话做”严肃的比较学研究”。如果他只是开玩笑那也罢了,大家会以为他这么说只是想假模假样的构建复杂的理论,用来阐述这些笑话的重大意义,借此巧妙地嘲讽当下的某些批评家——他们通常对自己研究的文本一窍不通。然而当他一本正经要考证关于斯大林的笑话是否出现在斯大林之前时,那种不得要领的劲儿让人喷饭,却多少有点无趣。 If Mr Lewis is indeed joking, he pushes it too far. The potted histories of communism he provides as context are leaden and sometimes sloppy. The travelogue of his meetings with jokesters across the Eastern block is fun at first but then becomes dull. In particular, the conceit of linking his research to the ups and downs of his relationship with a tiresomely pro-communist (and humourless) girlfriend from East Germany is jarringly intrusive and self-referential. 如果Lewis先生真是在开玩笑,那他未免矫枉过正了。他阐释笑话,给出的却是模糊乃至粗糙的历史语境。他的旅行见闻讲座,描述了他与来自东欧各个共产主义国家的笑话提供者会面的场景,一开始引人发噱,之后却变得无聊。此外,他还认为自己的研究历程伴随着他与女友感情的起起落落——他说女朋来自东德,是一名支持共产主义的讨厌鬼(并且没有幽默感)——这样的描写与全书非常不协调,并且过于私人化了。 No matter: rather than worrying about whether humour was ultimately a safety-valve for communism or subversive of it, the reader can skip ruthlessly and concentrate on the jokes, and the remarks people have made about them. “Jokes against the Party constitute agitation against the Party,” raged Matvei Shkiriatov, a zealous Stalinist, at a Central Committee Meeting in January 1933. That was echoed by Hitler’s propaganda chief, Josef Goebbels, in 1939, when he wrote: “We will eradicate the political joke.” But they didn’t. 不过没关系,读者没有必要关心这些笑话究竟是不是民众不满共产主义的出气筒或颠覆政权的炮弹,你大可跳过这部分,并专注政治笑话本身及政客对它们的评论。狂热的斯大林主义者Matvei Shkiriatov就在1993年1月的一次中央委员会上盛怒咆哮:”取笑我党就是反党!”1939年,这咆哮在希特勒的宣传部长约瑟夫•戈培尔那儿激起回声,他写道:”要奋力消灭政治笑话。”他最终未能成功。 Many of the jokes told about past Soviet leaders are now told about Vladimir Putin (Stalin appears to him in a dream and says: “I have two bits of advice for you: kill your opponents and paint the Kremlin blue.” Putin asks, “Why blue?”). The world would be a poorer place without the jokes sparked by ridiculous yet ruthless rulers. But Russia would be a lot happier. 如今,许多笑话中的苏联领导人换成了普京(有一个是这么说的:斯大林托梦普京:”我给你两条小小的建议:整死你的对手并把克里姆林宫漆成蓝色。”普京问:”为何是蓝色?”*)这些笑话产生于荒诞而粗暴的社会,世界如果没有了它们将会很无趣,不过现在的俄罗斯人好歹开心许多。
  • The Spirit of Chinese Politics

    作者:Lucian W. Pye

  • 常识

    作者:[英]托马斯•潘恩 Thomas Pai

    《常识:影响世界历史进程的书》作者托马斯·潘恩(Thomas Paine)1737年出生于英格兰,1774年在富兰克林的帮助下到达北美大陆,投身于北美的独立事业,并在1776年以“一个英国人”的名义发表了《常识》,《常识:影响世界历史进程的书》成为北美人民的斗争纲领,其思想被随后的《独立宣言》所吸收。中译本对该书评价为“全世界第一本真正的畅销书”,“在1776年的北美大陆,几乎人手一本《常识》。在当时的英国,它是《圣经》之后影响力最大,流传范围最广的一本书。整个世界、整个的现代政治文明都从这本书里得到启蒙。”
  • 美国不民主的宪法


    宪法是美国政治生活中最受尊敬的文献之一。但是,它是这样一个文件,即使那些事实上并没有获得大众的绝大多数选票支持的白宫候选人,也会按部就班地摆弄它。它给予怀俄明州投票的权重与加利福尼亚州的一样多,而不顾加利福尼亚这个由牛仔组成的州的人口数是怀俄明州的七倍之多这个事实。它赋予美国总统根据他的政治见解就可以否决国会两院的立法议案的权力。对于一个共和政制来说,这是反映了当下美国人的制度需求和制度匮乏的良方吗? 桑福德·列文森对这部广受尊敬的宪法投下了严肃的目光,他争辩说,这部宪法的绝大多数条款促成了一个既不公正也无效率的政府。按照既有的蓝图,我们既不可能由我们自己来处置这个不胜任的总统,也无法保证政府在灾难性的袭击后还能保持政策的连续性。可能不太重要,但是毫无疑问问题丛生的是最高法院法官们的终生任职的提名。更为灾难性的是,美国宪法是当今世界既存的宪法当中最难修改或更新的宪法。 民主辩论没有留下几个没有翻动的硬石头,但是,我们倾向于想当然地来看待我们的宪政结构。列文森大胆地敦促美国人民,要他们承担一项长期以来未曾完成的公共讨论,即他们应当怎样采取最好的措施来改革这个最为空洞的文献,制定一部足以容纳美国民主价值的宪法。 http://www.ideobook.com/989/levinson-our-undemocratic-constitution/
  • 美国自由主义的历史变迁


  • The Third Wave

    作者:Samuel P. Huntington

    Between 1974 and 1990 more than thirty countries in southern Europe, Latin America, East Asia, and Eastern Europe shifted from authoritarian to democratic systems of government. This global democratic revolution is probably the most important political trend in the late twentieth century. In The Third Wave, Samuel P. Huntington analyzes the causes and nature of these democratic transitions, evaluates the prospects for stability of the new democracies, and explores the possibility of more countries becoming democratic. The recent transitions, he argues, are the third major wave of democratization in the modem world. Each of the two previous waves was followed by a reverse wave in which some countries shifted back to authoritarian government. Using concrete examples, empirical evidence, and insightful analysis, Huntington provides neither a theory nor a history of the third wave, but an explanation of why and how it occurred. Factors responsible for the democratic trend include the legitimacy dilemmas of authoritarian regimes; economic and social development; the changed role of the Catholic Church; the impact of the United States, the European Community, and the Soviet Union; and the "snowballing" phenomenon: change in one country stimulating change in others. Five key elite groups within and outside the nondemocratic regime played roles in shaping the various ways democratization occurred. Compromise was key to all democratizations, and elections and nonviolent tactics also were central. New democracies must deal with the "torturer problem" and the "praetorian problem" and attempt to develop democratic values and processes. Disillusionment with democracy, Huntington argues, is necessary to consolidating democracy. He concludes the book with an analysis of the political, economic, and cultural factors that will decide whether or not the third wave continues. Several "Guidelines for Democratizers" offer specific, practical suggestions for initiating and carrying out reform. Huntington's emphasis on practical application makes this book a valuable tool for anyone engaged in the democratization process. At this volatile time in history, Huntington's assessment of the processes of democratization is indispensable to understanding the future of democracy in the world.
  • 美国教科书里的中国


  • 空间就是权力


    空間是身體的延伸、自我認同的象徵,更是社會文化與政治權力的角力場。為了保護青少年,就該實施青少年宵禁?我們要讓孩子在什麼樣的校園空間中學習成長?馬路的設計為汽車族而服務,行人理應辛苦的上天橋下地下道?同志的愛情理應隱身於公共舞台之後?家園的意義…許多既久成俗的空間規則,其實值得我們重新審視。 回到個人身體與環境的實踐,其實每個人都有能力創造與改造空間,在我們認識空間的同時應該嘗試去改善空間,讓空間更適合我們的行動與想像。從周圍的環境做起,改善家庭中的個人空間、消除都市中黑暗危險的死角、創造社區中鄰居聚集相互學習的空間角落,每個人都可以成為俗民建築師。改變每日生活空間的行動本身,就是賦予自己界定自我的機會,形塑我們的空間就是在形塑我們的未來。
  • 一个国家的自杀

    作者:(美)迪内希·德·索萨(Dinesh D

    全景式解剖当代美国社会的思想纷争 诠释复兴美国的危机来源 身为美国人还那么值得骄傲吗?或者像进步主义人士所宣称的是一种耻辱?美国人的生活是否建立在一个充斥着盗窃、征服、镇压和谋杀的国家计划基础上? 针对美国国内进步主义人士提出的观点,索萨在《一个国家的自杀》中逐一给予尖锐、激昂且不乏逻辑的反驳。你将了解到: ★ 进步主义人士是如何散播谣言,指控美国政府的势力正在进行不公扩张并将“魔爪”伸向纳税人之手的? ★ 为什么他们必须警惕进步主义人士所谓的“改革”主张,而那实际上恰是集权主义抬头的契机? ★ 美国政局右派当道,但他们万万想不到,在他们当中隐藏着两位即将颠覆美国的左派领袖——奥巴马和希拉里 ! ★ 奥巴马政府致力于缩减美国在全球的影响力,并将权力重新分配给其他国家。 ★ 为什么说美国是在主动选择衰落?