Remaking the Chinese City
In China today skyscrapers tower over ancient temples, freeways deliver lines of cars and tour buses to imperial palaces, cinema houses compete with old theaters featuring Peking Opera. The disparity evidenced in the contemporary Chinese cityscape can be traced to the early decades of the twentieth century, when government elites sought to transform cities into a new world that would be at once modern and distinctly Chinese. Remaking the Chinese City aims to capture the full diversity of recent Chinese urbanism by examining the modernist transformations of China's cities in the first half of the twentieth century. Collecting in one place some of the most interesting and exciting new work on Chinese urban history, this volume presents thirteen essays discussing ten Chinese cities: the commercial and industrial center of Shanghai; the old capital, Beijing; the southern coastal city of Canton; the interior's Chengdu; the tourist city of Hangzhou; the utopian "New Capital" built in Manchuria during the Japanese occupation; the treaty port of Tianjin; the Nationalists' capital in Nanjing; and temporary wartime capitals of Wuhan and Chongqing. Unlike past treatments of early twentieth-century China, which characterize the period as one of failure and decay, the contributors to this volume describe an exciting world in constant and fundamental change. During this time, the Chinese city was remade to accommodate parks and police, paved roads and public spaces. Rickshaws, trolleys, and buses allowed the growth of new downtowns. Department stores, theaters, newspapers, and modern advertising nourished a new urban identity. Sanitary regulations and traffic laws were enforced, and modern media and transport permitted unprecedented freedoms. Yet despite their fondness for things Western and modern, early urban planners envisioned cities that would lead the Chinese nation and preserve Chinese tradition. The very desire for modernity led to the construction of a visible and accessible national past and the imagining of a distinctive national future. In their investigation of the national capitals of the period, the essays show how cities were reshaped to represent and serve the nation. To promote tourism, traditions were invented and recycled for the pleasure and edification of new middle-class and foreign consumers of culture. Abundantly illustrated with maps and photographs, Remaking the Chinese City presents the best and most current scholarship on modern Chinese cities. Its thoroughness and detailed scholarship will appeal to the specialist, while its clarity and scope will engage the general reader. -
本文集试图从都市大众文化角度来重新建构中国近现代史。 它的意义可从三个方面来说:1.都市大众文化研究,是一个非常重要的研究领域。在我国,由历史学界来组织,并从历史学的角度来研究都市大众文化,才刚刚开始, 但是进展很快。2.关于中国近现代文化史的研究,国内研究的内容到现在为止基本上是思想史和学术史,大众文化史的东西很少。但没有对近现代城市发展的研究,就不可能对中国近现代史有一个全面和深刻的认识。3. 都市大众文化史的研究也对传统的史学方法论提出了新的挑战。 本文集是上述领域之最新研究成果。 目录: 1. 导言 /周锡瑞 城市空间的建构 2. 从“休谈国事”到“茶馆政治家”——民国时期的成都茶馆与公共政治/王笛 3. 公共空间与大众文化:以近代成都少城公园为例 /李德英 4. 空间政治:道路与意识形态日常化——以民国城镇中山路及三民主义道路系统为考察中心 /陈蕴茜 城市与地缘社会 5. 清末粤商所建戏园/戏院初探 /程美宝 6. 李劼人1930年代“大河小说”中的成都历史记忆与想象 /吴国坤 7. 近代景德镇瓷业的经营环境及瓷都的演变 /罗苏文 城市生活、休闲与情感 8. 户外寻乐:二十世纪初年北京的休闲,社会空间及监控妇女 /程为坤 9. “世界亦舞台”:民初成都的戏剧与文人——以《娱闲录》(1914-1915)剧评为中心 /周鼎 10. 校园里的“闺阁”:一位成都女校学生日记中的情感世界(1931-1934) /王东杰 革命、战争与大众文化 11. 辛亥革命的生意——以上海为的讨论(1911-1913) /瞿骏 12. 川剧界对于抗战的反应(1937年7月-12月) /李贤文 13. 五十年代杭州的城市革命和文化磨合 /高峥 城市空间的社会主义重建 14. 从“非法堕胎”到“计划生育”——从建国前后性生殖言论的变迁看公私界线的重构 /小浜正子 15. 空间的生产与空间的转移——上海工人新村与社会主义城市经验/罗岗 16. A Community of the Dispersed: The Culture of Shanghai's Neighborhood Stock Markets /邵勤 评论 17. 追寻已逝的街头记忆——王笛著《街头文化:成都公共空间、下层民众与地方政治,1870-1930》 /马敏 18.都市文化史语境中的“海派”电影与文学关系 /张英进 19.从精英到大众:近年美国中国城市史研究的“从上到下”取向 /卢汉超 20.重读雷德菲尔德的城市论 /陈波 结论 21.中国近现代城市大众文化史研究问题 /姜进、李德英
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友