

  • Game Theory

    作者:Ken Binmore

    Games are everywhere: Drivers manoeuvring in heavy traffic are playing a driving game. Bargain hunters bidding on eBay are playing an auctioning game. A firm negotiating next year's wage is playing a bargaining game. The opposing candidates in an election are playing a political game. The supermarket's price for corn flakes is decided by playing an economic game. Game theory is about how to play such games in a rational way. Even when the players have not thought everything out in advance, game theory often works for the same reason that mindless animals sometimes end up behaving very cleverly: evolutionary forces eliminate irrational play because it is unfit. Game theory has seen spectacular successes in evolutionary biology and economics, and is beginning to revolutionize other disciplines from psychology to political science. This Very Short Introduction introduces the fascinating world of game theory, showing how it can be understood without mathematical equations, and revealing that everything from how to play poker optimally to the sex ratio among bees can be understood by anyone willing to think seriously about the problem.
  • Logic

    作者:Graham Priest

    Logic is often perceived as having little to do with the rest of philosophy, and even less to do with real life. In this lively and accessible introduction, Graham Priest shows how wrong this conception is. He explores the philosophical roots of the subject, explaining how modern formal logic deals with issues ranging from the existence of God and the reality of time to paradoxes of probability and decision theory. Along the way, the basics of formal logic are explained in simple, non-technical terms, showing that logic is a powerful and exciting part of modern philosophy.
  • 动物权利


  • The Roman Empire

    作者:Christopher Kelly

    The Roman Empire was a remarkable achievement. It had a population of sixty million people spread across lands encircling the Mediterranean and stretching from drizzle-soaked northern England to the sun-baked banks of the Euphrates in Syria, and from the Rhine to the North African coast. It was, above all else, an empire of force - employing a mixture of violence, suppression, order, and tactical use of power to develop an astonishingly uniform culture. This Very Short Introduction covers the history of the Empire from Augustus (the first Emperor) to Marcus Aurelius, describing how the empire was formed, how it was run, its religions and its social structure. It examines how local cultures were "romanised" and how people in far away lands came to believe in the emperor as a god. The book also examines how the Roman Empire has been considered and depicted in more recent times, from the writings of Edward Gibbon, to the differing attitudes of the Victorians and recent Hollywood blockbuster films.
  • Kafka

    作者:Ritchie Robertson

    'When Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from troubled dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a monstrous insect ...' So begins Franz Kafka's most famous story Die Verwandlung or Metamorphosis. Franz Kafka is one of the most intriguing writers of the twentieth century; adjective 'kafkaesque' evokes his bizarre world in which characters grapple with faceless bureaucracy, find themselves turned into insects, or starve themselves to death in the name of art. This Very Short Introduction Ritchie Robertson provides the newcomer with an up-to-date and accessible examination of this fascinating author: beginning with an examination of Kafka's life, he then goes on to discuss some of the major themes that emerge in Kafka's work, using his short story Metamorphosis as a recurring example.
  • 牛津高阶英汉双解词典(第7版)


    本词典秉承“牛津进阶系列”英汉双解词典的特色,严谨、权威、实用,是非英语国家学习者的必备工具书。比第6版,收词量增加9000多条,全书内容增加20%。 第7版共收录单词、短语、释文183500条。收英汉对照示例85000条。此外还收2000条新词,以及44页彩页,130页研习专页,400项用法说明,700世界各地英语、2000图解词语、2600条文化词语、5000条百科词语(涵盖文理、工商、科技)、7000条同义词反义词、全面介绍英语应用知识。英美并重。 全书逾2500页,采用超薄字典纸,内容浩瀚,却体积轻巧,方便读者携带和使用。 目录 前衬页 本词典使用的缩写、符号和标识 动词用法模式 出版说明 顾问及编辑人员名单 陆谷孙序 金圣华序 余光中序 编译者序 英文版序言(附译文) 本词典词条用法 数字 符号 词典正文 地图 地球和太阳系 世界 不列颠群岛 加拿大、美国和加勒比海地区 澳大利亚和新西兰 彩色专题页 轿车 船 计算机信息处理技术 乐器 航空器 建筑物 烹饪 水果和蔬菜 服装 住宅 房子 健康 动物界 体育运动 极限运动 参考信息 语法 研习专页 其他参考信息 牛津3000词汇表 读音和音标
  • 牛津初阶英汉双解词典

    作者:Angela Crawley

    《牛津初階英漢雙解詞典》第二版是初學英語的人需要的第一本實用英漢詞典。編譯本詞典的目的是幫助初學者打好紮實的基礎,正確地理解和使用英語。本詞典精選英語基本詞語15 000個,提供正確拼寫方法、讀音、意義、詞類、搭配方式、用法舉例等重要項目。
  • A Very Short Introduction to Everything

    作者:Oxford University Pr

  • 牛津高阶英汉双解词典 (第六版)

    作者:[英] A. S. Hornby 原著,

    牛津高阶为世所公认的权威英语学习词典,出版50多年来,五经修订,畅销不衰,总发行量逾3000万册,广受全球读者欢迎.此全新英汉双解版融合英语教学与词典编篡的最新研究成果,充分满足英语汉双解版融合英语教学与词典编篡的最新研究成果,充分满足英语学习者在听、说、读、写方面的各种需要。 收词80000条,核心词汇与阅读词汇兼收并蓄。 较原文版增加2500条新词,以反映最新语言动态。 大量语法、用汉说明、解析语法难点、辨析易混淆词汇。 英美兼备,详列美国英语的拼法,读法和用法。 例证9000条,示范典型用法,言乞求有据。 40页研习专页,全面介绍英语应用知识。 插图1700项,给予词义充分形象的展示。
  • 董橋七十


    《董桥七十》编序 胡洪侠 董桥先生忽然七十岁了。他年近花甲时,我起念要编一套《董桥散文类编》为他贺寿。他答应了,我也编好了,谁知流年不利,出版社换了又换,合同签了又签,封面插图也都编配得差不多了,有一天北京的出版社一个电话打过来说不出就不出了。对此事我一直耿耿于怀,觉得既对不起董先生,也对不起当年闻讯后翘首以待新书的读者。好在董先生身体康健得很,花甲之后,古稀又来。我于是故伎重施,遂有《董桥七十》。 选“董桥七十”为书名,其含义有二:其一,这是为贺董先生七十岁编选的一本集子;其二,书中共选董先生文章七十篇。为什么不是八十篇或一百五十篇?其实也没多少道理好讲,或者说道理很简单:因为七十,所以七十。 自一九七七年香港版《双城杂笔》始,董先生迄今出版文集三十三种(只计初版本,不含各类各地重印本、选编本等等),共收文章一千八百篇。本书的七十篇即从这一千八百篇中选出。二十五、六篇中选一篇,是既难又苦的差事:难在常常犹豫不定,苦在往往忍痛割爱。我只好给自己订了几条规矩:因为是纪念版,所以选文要兼顾三十三种初版书,以见董先生文章风格的演变轨迹;因为是贺古稀之寿,所以只选董先生念事忆人、述己怀旧的文字,以方便读者读其文而见其人;因为董先生前十来种集子流传颇广,所以选文重点放在了近几年的新书上,有些“详今略古”的意思。 董先生写父执、写师友、写同辈的文字最合我编选此书的旨趣,因为“他传往往是自传”。我因此想把《董桥七十》编成一本略有“七十自述”格局的新书。董先生曾对我口传“总编辑秘诀”:一不要怕和别人不一样,二不要怕挨骂,三不要怕道歉。编他的这本新书,“三不要秘诀”也同样用得上:我自信《董桥七十》是个全新的董文选本,和任何一种选本都不一样,即使和我编的那本《旧时月色》相比在选目上也大为不同;如有择选不当之处,我乐于挨骂;果然挨骂而又有机会,我一定在修订版中道歉。 二〇一一年十一月十二日,深圳
  • English Literature

    作者:Jonathan Bate

    Sweeping across two millennia and every literary genre, acclaimed scholar and biographer Jonathan Bate provides a dazzling introduction to English Literature. The focus is wide, shifting from the birth of the novel and the brilliance of English comedy to the deep Englishness of landscape poetry and the ethnic diversity of Britain's Nobel literature laureates. It goes on to provide a more in-depth analysis, with close readings from an extraordinary scene in King Lear to a war poem by Carol Ann Duffy, and a series of striking examples of how literary texts change as they are transmitted from writer to reader. The narrative embraces not only the major literary movements such as Romanticism and Modernism, together with the most influential authors including Chaucer, Donne, Johnson, Wordsworth, Austen, Dickens and Woolf, but also little-known stories such as the identity of the first English woman poet to be honoured with a collected edition of her works. Written with the flair and passion for which Jonathan Bate has become renowned, this book is the perfect Very Short Introduction for all readers and students of the incomparable literary heritage of these islands.