

  • Authoring a PhD

    作者:Patrick Dunleavy

    Authoring a Ph.D. Thesis involves having creative ideas, working out how to organize them, writing up from plans, upgrading text, and finishing it speedily and to a good standard. It also involves being examined and getting work published. This book provides a huge range of ideas and suggestions to help Ph.D. candidates cope with both the intellectual issues involved and the practical difficulties of organizing their work effectively.
  • 学术写作手册


    《学术写作手册》为忙碌的学术人员提供了实用的建议,帮助他们将写作融入工作生活。它重新定义了学术写作,以及从开始到结束的整个过程。它所包含的主题有: • 如何获得动力; • 审读和修改 • 自我管理 • 坚持写作不辍 • 写作小组和“写作者之家” 学术写作对所有的学术人员和研究者而言都是一项必须面对的使命。在有些学科,会有如何成为一个高产的成功写作者的相关指导;但是在有的学科却缺乏此类训练、指引。这本书帮助上述两类学术写作者改进他们的写作技巧和写作策略,同时也帮助他们从经常并且高效的写作中获得满足。
  • Stylish Academic Writing

    作者:Helen Sword

    Elegant data and ideas deserve elegant expression, argues Helen Sword in this lively guide to academic writing. For scholars frustrated with disciplinary conventions, and for specialists who want to write for a larger audience but are unsure where to begin, here are imaginative, practical, witty pointers that show how to make articles and books a pleasure to read - and to write. Dispelling the myth that you cannot get published without writing wordy, impersonal prose, Sword shows how much journal editors and readers welcome work that avoids excessive jargon and abstraction. Sword's analysis of more than a thousand peer-reviewed articles across a wide range of fields documents a startling gap between how academics typically describe good writing and the turgid prose they regularly produce. "Stylish Academic Writing" showcases a range of scholars from the sciences, humanities, and social sciences who write with vividness and panache. Individual chapters take up specific elements of style, such as titles and headings, chapter openings, and structure, and close with examples of transferable techniques that any writer can master.
  • How to Write a Lot

    作者:Paul J. Silva

    All students and professors need to write, and many struggle to finish their stalled dissertations, journal articles, book chapters, or grant proposals. Writing is hard work and can be difficult to wedge into a frenetic academic schedule. In this practical, light-hearted, and encouraging book, Paul Silvia explains that writing productively does not require innate skills or special traits but specific tactics and actions. Drawing examples from his own field of psychology, he shows readers how to overcome motivational roadblocks and become prolific without sacrificing evenings, weekends, and vacations. After describing strategies for writing productively, the author gives detailed advice from the trenches on how to write, submit, revise, and resubmit articles, how to improve writing quality, and how to write and publish academic work.
  • 美国心理协会写作手册


    《美国心理协会写作手册》,在1928年就以论文的形式在美国心理协会(APA)的《心理学期刊》刊出,1952年以《心理学期刊》附刊的形式出版第1版,当时仅60页。此后陆续出版了1974年版、1983年版、1994年版,直到2001年的第5版。近百年来,本书作为社会科学学术论文写作的基本规范,深刻地影响了无数来自世界各地的心理学、教育学以及其他社会科学学者。 在我国日益强调学术规范及学术国际交流的今天,引进此书正当其时。她将为那些有志于放眼国际学术界的学者提供一个国际规范,以提高我们的规范化程度,促进学术的国际交流。 本书各章节的内容详尽而系统,且依照研究者撰写论文的顺序逐章编写,所以本书也是作为初涉学坛的硕士、博士研究生及青年学者向期刊投稿、撰写学位论文时必备的案头工具书。
  • 如何成为学术论文写作高手

    作者:史帝夫·华乐丝 (Steve Walla

    本书以轻松、易读的英语写成,全书共16章,清晰地阐述了学术论文写作的各个部分,如何撰写,华人作者常见的写作错误和改正方式,简短、基础的英语语法规则,如何培养良好的写作习惯以保持积极和高效的写作状态,一些向学术期刊投稿的小建议,每个学生都需要了解的重要词汇等内容。每一章对应一周的课程,安排了为期16周的课程(另外,期中、期末考试各占一周),让您在18周后顺利完成一篇专业的论文。 本书是立志在国外期刊发表论文之研究者的必备工具书! 是教授指导学生进行论文写作的最佳教科书! 本书为台湾地区28所大学的论文写作教材,特别针对华人而写,畅销台湾。
  • 大学生如何写毕业论文


    大学生如何写毕业论文,ISBN:9787801780683,作者:(意)翁贝托·埃科(Umberto Eco)著;高俊方[等]译