

  • Feminism

    作者:Margaret Walters

    This is an historical account of feminism, looking at the roots of feminism, voting rights, the liberation of the sixties, and analysing the current situation of women, across Europe and the United States, and elsewhere in the world (in particular in Third World countries). Walters examines the difficulties and inequities that women still face, more than forty years after the 'new wave' of 1960s feminism -- difficulties, particularly, in combining domesticity, motherhood and work outside the house. How much have women's lives really changed? In the West women still come up against the 'glass ceiling' at work, most earning considerably less than their male counterparts. What are we to make of the now commonplace insistence that feminism deprives men of their rights and dignities? And how does one tackle the issue of female emancipation in different cultural and economic environments - in, for example, Islam, Hinduism, the Middle East, Africa, and the Indian sub-continent?
  • Lipstick Jungle

    作者:Candace Bushnell

    The new novel that fans of the bestselling author have been waiting for, about three sexy, powerful career women who will do anything to stay at the top of their fieldsVictory Ford is the darling of the fashion world. Single, attractive, and iconoclastic, she has worked for years to create her own signature line. As Victory struggles to keep her company afloat, she learns crucial lessons about what she really wants in a relationship.Nico O+Neilly is the glamorous, brilliant editor of Bonfire Magazine-the pop-culture bible for fashion, show business, and politics. Considered one of the most powerful women in publishing, she seems to have it all. But in a mid-life crisis, she suddenly realizes this isn+t enough. Wendy Healy+s chutzpah has propelled her to the very top of the cut-throat movie industry. When it becomes clear that a competitor is trying to oust her, something has to give-and Wendy must decide between her career and her marriage.In Lipstick Jungle, Bushnell once again delivers an addictive page-turner of sex and scandal that will keep readers enthralled and guessing to the very last page.
  • Sexual Politics

    作者:Kate Millett

    "A book which must take its place at a single leap in the ranks of the best modern polemical literature" -Evening Standard
  • Bad Feminist

    作者:Roxane Gay

  • The Beauty Myth

    作者:Naomi Wolf

    The bestselling classic that redefined our view od the relationship between beauty and female identity. In today's world, women have more power, legal recognition, and professional success than ever before. Alongside the evident progress of the women's movement, however, writer and journalist Naomi Wolf is troubled by a different kind of social control, which, she argues, may prove just as restrictive as the traditional image of homemaker and wife. It's the beauty myth, an obsession with physical perfection that traps the modern woman in an endless spiral of hope, self-consciousness, and self-hatred as she tries to fulfill society's impossible definition of "the flawless beauty."
  • 女权主义理论读本


  • 女性自戀


    這是一本女人寫給女人的書,源自於作者在格稜巴哈身心症臨床醫院的治療工作,以暴食症(與厭食症)的理論為基礎,探討「女性自戀」的人格特質,例如非常容易受傷、無法承受拒絕與批評、對自己的感情和需求認識不清、貶抑自身願望、害怕被拋棄、擔心不受喜愛、擺盪在獨立與依賴之間…… 在強調青春美麗、苗條身材、個人媚力、傲人成就、物質生活、完美形象的今天,光鮮亮麗的外表下,女人遇到什麼樣的困境?說這是一個自我中心、自我為是的時代,也就是「自戀主義」的時代,不是沒有道理的。但是所謂自戀並非只是以自我為中心劃圈,更深層的解釋是:絕望地尋找自我、尋找界線。 同樣身為女性並長期與暴食症的患者接觸,本書作者認識到,不只是飲食疾症的女性缺乏自我認同或是自我價值感扭曲;表面上自信洋溢,但是內心充滿不安的女人難道不多嗎?事實上很多女性雖然有成就卻受自卑之苦,雖然長得好看卻常覺得自己其貌不揚,雖然渴望愛情卻無法有固定的關係……。這本書就是為這些女性寫的,旨在幫助情感上有困難、擁有很多但內心無所適從、對自己對世界缺乏信心飽受空虛之苦的女性。 本書藉由「女性自戀」這個概念描述女性特定的心理歷程,並說明以前未曾正面處理的陳年「老問題」,如何影響到女性未來的人生,以及更重要的是,如何將自己從內心的牢獄解放出來。
  • 性的政治


  • 她們,和她們的希望故事

    作者:Nicholas D. Kristof,

    這些女性,雖然沒有能力選擇自己的命運,但她們將絕望化為力量,勇敢為爭取生命的尊嚴而奮鬥,是一則又一則女性覺醒的生命故事。 ◆紐約時報“非文學類”暢銷排行榜 ◆BookSense 暢銷書單 ◆Amazon暢銷百大書單 ◆BORDERS 暢銷榜書單 ◆出版人週刊年度最佳非文學書單 ◆Amazon讀者最愛書單 多年來,紀思道和伍潔芳走過亞洲、非洲和拉丁美洲各國,發現在許多開發中國家,性別歧視、重男輕女、貧窮飢餓、種族屠殺、處女情節等現象,讓婦女猶如仍置身在十八、十九世紀的煉獄。 透過實地訪談,他們詳實紀錄了非洲、印度、中國、東南亞等開發中國家,女性被壓抑、遭受性虐待、暴力殘害、失去教育、社會地位不平等,甚至醫療落後導致高死亡率的種種真實而令人痛心的案例。 每一段採訪都是婦女血淚的見證,每一篇報導都是自身覺醒的產物。 書中主角雖然各面臨不同的悲慘命運,但憑著不服輸的意志與正面的態度,為自己找到一片天。看了這些女性的故事,你會為他們的遭遇心痛,同時也為她們的奮鬥感動。
  • 女权辩护 妇女的屈从地位

    作者:[英] 玛丽·沃斯通克拉夫特,[英] 约

    《女权辩护 妇女的屈从地位》是由两部为女权辩护的著作组成的,其中一部是十八世纪英国女作家、以争取妇女教育平等和社会平等而闻名的玛丽•沃斯通克拉夫特撰著的《女权辩护》;另一部是十九世纪英国杰出的政治学家、经济学家和哲学家约翰•斯图尔特•穆勒著述的《妇女的屈从地位》。这两部著作虽然出版的年代不同,前者为1792年,后者为1869年,相隔半个多世纪,但是它们论述的中心思想是一致的,即从资产阶级的民主主义立场出发,为当时英国妇女所处的无权地位大声疾呼,批评和抨击政治制度和社会制度,要求给予妇女同男人平等的受教育权、工作权和选举权。
  • The Woman That Never Evolved

    作者:Sarah Blaffer Hrdy

    This work argues that evolutionary theorists' emphasis on sexual competition among males for access to females overlooks selection pressures on females themselves. In an account of what female primates themselves actually do to secure their own reproductive advantage, Sarah Hrdy demolishes myths about sexually passive, "coy", compliant and exclusively nurturing females. Her account of the great range of behaviours in many species of primates, in many circumstances, expands the concept of female nature to include the range of selection pressures on females, and reminds the reader of the complexity and dynamism of the evolutionary story.
  • 女性的奥秘


  • 女性特质


  • 女权主义简史

    作者:Margaret Walters

    谁是最早的女权主义者?女权主义思潮到底真正改变了多少女性的生活?这种思潮在当今不同的文化背景下有何差异? 在这本《简史》中,玛格丽特•沃特斯着眼女权主义的发展历程,追根溯源,探究妇女选举权、20世纪60年代的妇女解放运动以及女权主义思想在今天是否依然有其价值等重大问题。她从欧洲讲到美国,再讲到第三世界,通过分析全球妇女的现状,向我们展示了女权主义研究的最新成果。
  • Half the Sky

    作者:Nicholas D. Kristof,

    Pulitzer Prize-winning reporting team, husband and wife Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn, take us on a journey through Africa and Asia to meet an extraordinary array of exceptional women struggling against terrible circumstances. More girls have been killed in the last fifty years, precisely because they are girls, than men were killed in all the wars of the twentieth century combined. More girls are killed in this routine 'gendercide' in any one decade than people were slaughtered in all the genocides of the twentieth century. In the nineteenth century, the central moral challenge was slavery. In the twentieth, it was totalitarianism. In the twenty-first, Kristof and WuDunn demonstrate, it will be the struggle for gender equality in the developing world. Fierce, moral, pragmatic, full of amazing stories of courage and inspiration, HALF THE SKY is essential reading for every global citizen.
  • Gender Trouble

    作者:Judith Butler

    Since its publication in 1990, Gender Trouble has become one of the key works of contemporary feminist theory, and an essential work for anyone interested in the study of gender, queer theory, or the politics of sexuality in culture. This is the text where Judith Butler began to advance the ideas that would go on to take life as "performativity theory," as well as some of the first articulations of the possibility for subversive gender practices, and she writes in her preface to the 10th anniversary edition released in 1999 that one point of Gender Trouble was "not to prescribe a new gendered way of life [...] but to open up the field of possibility for gender [...]" Widely taught, and widely debated, Gender Trouble continues to offer a powerful critique of heteronormativity and of the function of gender in the modern world.
  • The Second Sex

    作者:Simone de Beauvoir

  • "The Yellow Wallpaper (Dover Thrift)

    作者:Charlotte Perkins Gi

    Seven thought-provoking stories employ charm and humor to examine relations between the sexes from a feminist perspective. In addition to the title story, an 1892 classic that recounts a woman’s descent into madness, this collection includes "Cottagette," "Turned," "Mr. Peebles’ Heart," and more.
  • 女权主义


    本书是关于女权主义的概念探讨,但相比概念,作者更为关注的是女权主义的历史渊源及其发展。为了剖析女权主义的复杂性,作者并未驻足于女权主义的不同流派以及女权主义思想,而是重点探讨女权主义者对与妇女有关的问题所做的各种分析。这一做法既承认了当代女权主义讨论的分裂与多样性,又超越了不同的女权主义思想流派简单对立的立场。尽管作者相信女权主义可以成为 拥有独立思想、历史和实践的领域,但作者也认识到,女权主义的思想、历史和实践远非统一的,而是有待于不断的、更深入的讨论。