

  • Algorithms For Interviews

    作者:Adnan Aziz,Amit Prak

  • 如何移动富士山


    互联网时代,如何拥有创新思维?畅销书《无价》作者威廉•庞德斯通遍寻世界一流企业考察和任用人才的“秘籍”,将其转化为《如何移动富士山?》中的一道道“思维测试题”,为你僵化的思维注入最新鲜的创新基因; 仅仅靠智商就可以摆平一切了吗?比尔•盖茨精挑细选的精英不仅仅聪慧敏捷更具有创新思维,他们思考问题的角度必定与你有所不同才能驰骋于互联网时代。“如何移动富士山?”代表一种创新思维; 互联网时代,优秀企业不断勇攀高峰的奥秘在于企业的创新基因。对于任何渴望培养创新思维的人来说,这都是一本不可不读的佳作。“如何移动富士山?”印证了无数顶尖企业不断创新的秘密。
  • 程式之美-微軟技術面試心得


    書內容分為以下幾個部分: ▓ 遊戲之樂:從遊戲和其他有趣問題出發,化繁為簡,分析總結。 ▓ 數字之魅:程式設計的過程實際上就是和數字及字元打交道的過程。這一部分收集了一些這方面的有趣探討。 ▓ 結構之法:彙集了常見的對字串、鏈表、佇列,以及樹進行操作的題目。 ▓ 數學之趣:列舉了一些不需要寫具體程式的數學問題,鍛煉讀者的抽象思考能力。 ▓ 書中絕大部分題目都提供了詳細的解說。每道題目後面還有一至兩道延伸問題,供讀者進一步鑽研。 ▓ 書中還講述了面試的各種小故事,告訴讀者微軟需要什麼樣的技術人才,重視什麼樣的能力,如何甄選人才,並回答了讀者關於IT業面試、招聘、職涯發展的疑問。這本書的很多題目會出現在IT行業的各種筆試和面試中,但本書更深層的意義在於引導讀者思考,和讀者分享思考問題的樂趣,體驗程式設計之美。 本書特色 本書收集了60餘道演算法和程式設計的題目,這些題目大部分曾在微軟招募員工的測驗中出現過。作者希望能藉由本書引導讀者思考與分析問題,尋找更優的解法。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 目錄 面試雜談 第1章|遊戲之樂——遊戲中碰到的題目 1.1 讓CPU佔用率曲線聽你指揮 1.2 中國象棋將帥問題 1.3 一疊蔥油餅的排序 1.4 買書問題 1.5 快速找出故障機器 1.6 飲料供貨 1.7 光影切割問題 1.8 小飛的電梯調度演算法 1.9 高效率地安排說明會 1.10 雙執行緒高效下載 1.11 NIM(1)一排石頭的遊戲 1.12 NIM(2)遊戲分析 1.13 NIM(3)兩堆石頭的遊戲 1.14 連連看遊戲設計 1.15 構造數獨 1.16 24點遊戲 1.17 俄羅斯方塊遊戲 1.18 踩地雷遊戲 第2章|數位之魅——數位中的技巧 2.1 求二進位數字中1的個數 2.2 不要被階乘嚇倒 2.3 尋找貼文“灌水王” 2.4 1的數目 2.5 尋找最大的K個數 2.6 精確表達浮點數 2.7 最大公約數問題 2.8 找符合條件的整數 2.9 費伯納西(Fibonacci)數列 2.10 尋找陣列中的最大值和最小值 2.11 尋找最近點對 2.12 快速尋找滿足條件的兩個數 2.13 子陣列的最大乘積 2.14 求陣列的子陣列之和的最大值 2.15 子陣列之和的最大值(二維)
  • 如何移动富士山


    如何移动富士山? 全美国有多少加油站? 全世界有多少钢琴调音师? …… 经由此类试题选拔出来的人才,成就了微软霸业,也创造出硅谷奇迹。 如今,使用此类测试的企业已经不限于高科技领域,从广告圈到金融业,很多应聘者必须解答这类“刁钻”的考题,才能证明自己是真正的人才。 本书坡露了微软和其他大公司面试中所使用的难题,同时提供了详细的答案。书中分别针对求职者和招聘者给出的应对难题面试的实用建议,让难题面试不再那么深不可测! 渴望求得好职位的人一定要读读本书,它将助你掌握解答面试难题的诀窍,找到一份一生倾心的工作。渴望贤才的公司经理也要读读本书,从中可以获取组织有效难题面试的策略。想要通过解答这些难题,与商业世界中最聪明的头脑一比高下的人,通过阅读本书,也会找到无穷乐趣!
  • 公司会雇用你的44个秘密

    作者:辛西娅·夏皮罗(Cynthia Shap

    《公司会雇用你的44个秘密》为亚马逊全球好评书。 献给正在找工作、准备换工作、想升职加薪的人 “提问不当”让你像个危险人物 “你还有什么问题吗?”你很有可能被告知在参加面试时最好准备一些问题,便那样做会有危险为了预防被问到有关公司的问题,你需要做准备。但你自己不要去提这样的问题。 讲故事是你最佳的防卫手段 行为面试的关键,或者任何诸如此类面试的关键,就是用你的故事来武装自己。当你发现自己被逼到面试的死胡同,不知道该说什么时,那就讲讲你精心准备的个人成功故事,它能让你回到正确轨道上来,并且犹如一颗闪烁的明星。 牢记你就是一件商品,你的目的就是要表现自己 避开垃圾箱。把你的简历视作充满诱惑力的广告,而不是干巴巴的历史文献。学会如何从一大堆人选中脱颖而出,促使你的顾客——人事经理——拿起听筒拨通你的电话。 你的肢体语言会出卖你 你的肢体语言在传递什么信息?注重这一点是让面试官建立对你的良好印象的关键所在。肢体语言将决定你面试的进程、你会被问到的问题,要是处理不当,你将失去赢得工作的机会。 职场环境日益残酷,可为什么仍有人加薪、升职、跳槽?因为他们了解人事经理的想法,知晓企业不愿告诉你的隐秘!《公司会雇用你的44个秘密》作者为美国人力资源专家、全球500强资深招聘顾问,她把二十多年身临招聘一线的经验与读者们分享,揭示了求职升迁的44个秘密、以及应对面试的实用战术。 微软·Google·IBM·联邦快递·华纳兄弟·AT&T·迪斯尼·思科·Inter等资深招聘顾问辛西娅·夏皮罗
  • The Google Resume

    作者:Gayle Laakmann McDow

    The Google Resume is the only book available on how to win a coveted spot at Google, Microsoft, Apple, or other top tech firms. Gayle Laakmann McDowell worked in Google Engineering for three years, where she served on the hiring committee and interviewed over 120 candidates. She interned for Microsoft and Apple, and interviewed with and received offers from ten tech firms. If you’re a student, you’ll learn what to study and how to prepare while in school, as well as what career paths to consider. If you’re a job seeker, you’ll get an edge on your competition by learning about hiring procedures and making yourself stand out from other candidates. Covers key concerns like what to major in, which extra-curriculars and other experiences look good, how to apply, how to design and tailor your resume, how to prepare for and excel in the interview, and much more Author was on Google’s hiring committee; interned at Microsoft and Apple; has received job offers from more than 10 tech firms; and runs CareerCup.com, a site devoted to tech jobs Get the only comprehensive guide to working at some of America’s most dynamic, innovative, and well-paying tech companies with The Google Resume. Q&A with Author Gayle Laakmann McDowell Author Gayle Laakmann McDowell What should you major in? Ideally, one should major in a field that's directly applicable to your desired profession: marketing for a marketer, accounting for an accountant, computer science for a software engineer, etc. However, many jobs don't correspond to an exact major. In these cases, a curriculum that is rigorous and demonstrates strong quantitative and analytical skills will prove useful. Economics, statistics, and physics are three great choices. What can you do outside of work to make yourself stand out? One of the strongest things a candidate can do is something that shows initiative or leadership. Imagine a candidate who tutors under-privileged children on the side. That's a wonderful thing to do. But, the candidate who launched their own tutoring program and built up a team of twenty fellow tutors will have a much stronger application. Your efforts need not be "feel goody," though. Entrepreneurial endeavors are greatly respected, and can earn you a bit of cash too. How do you perform well at work -- and have it show in your next application? The key here is to think about your application well before you're writing it, as your entire job will be boiled down to just a few bullet points. Seek out projects that will lend themselves to short, concrete, understandable bullet points. Projects with an external impact are often ideal. Remember that while revamping some internal system may have an enormous impact on your company, the impact is usually unclear to those outside the company. How should you design your resume? Make it short and sweet. Remember that people don't really "read" resumes - they glance. Your resume should be bulleted (no bulky paragraphs) with specific, tangible accomplishments. And stick to one page, or two pages if absolutely necessary and only if you have more than ten years of experience. How much technical expertise do you need? Outside of engineering, truly technical (i.e., coding) experience isn't necessary, though it's certainly nice to have and can set you apart. What's more important is to be able to demonstrate knowledge of and passion for technology. You should understand how the big and the small companies are shaping the tech field, and how trends like cloud computing, security, and mobile technologies are affect businesses and consumers. How should you prep for the interview? Interview preparation should include a mix of company research, skill-based preparation and resume preparation. The latter is especially important, and often overlooked. You need to prepare for specific questions on every "project" on your resume. One way to ensure that you have good coverage of the key questions is by diagramming your Interview Preparation Grid, as discussed in the The Google Resume. Thorough preparation will give you a big leg up on other candidates!
  • 谁是谷歌想要的人才


     你被缩小到一枚硬币大小,扔进搅拌机。你的质量减少,密度不变。搅拌机片60秒内就会开始搅拌。你会怎么办?  有6个数字:10,9,60,90,70,66,接下来该出现什么数字?  请代拟一份合同,内容是“把谷歌联合创始人谢尔盖•布林的灵魂卖给魔鬼”,合同必须在30 分钟内发到布林的邮箱。  刽子手让100名囚犯排成一列,并让每名囚犯戴上一顶红色或蓝色的帽子。每名囚犯都可以看到自己前面人头上戴的帽子,但它看不见自己的,也看不见身后其他人的。刽子手从队列最末尾的地方开始,询问最后一名囚犯他所戴帽子的颜色。他只能回答“红”或“蓝”。如果回答正确,他就能活下来。如果他给了错误的答案,那就立刻被无声无息地杀掉。(人人都听得到身后人的回答,但没人知道答案是对是错。)列队行刑的前一天晚上,囚犯们要琢磨出一套能够自救的策略来。他们应该怎么做? 这样的题目在书中随处可见,这些不是脑筋急转弯,而是世界最挑剔公司谷歌的面试题。【本书堪称2013年大公司面试第一书】。 十年前,一本《如何移动富士山》因其揭秘微软人才观,引领了世界大公司的招聘潮流,一举成为求职者的必读书、世界范围超级畅销书。十年后,敏锐的威廉•庞德斯通却在他的新作《谁是谷歌想要的人才?》中唱衰微软,发出振聋发聩的声音:微软的工程师思维已经过时了,谷歌、苹果等一系列世界最挑剔公司的人才哲学正在引领潮流。 哈佛面试录取率为1/14,谷歌面试录取率为1/130人,更有甚者,苹果即使是面试专卖店员工,录取率也仅仅为1/5000。《谁是谷歌想要的人才?》正是展现了:在人才竞争越来越激烈的今天,世界500强公司人才战略如何屡出奇招。棘手的面试题看似穿着俏皮的外衣,但其背后却蕴藏了深刻的招聘哲学。 麻省理工大学的学术背景为作者庞德斯通的写作打下了深刻的烙印,其作品《无价》等畅销书均以挑战读者的思维极限著称。庞德斯通在政治、经济、心理、管理等领域的颇深造诣在本书中再次得到淋漓尽致的展现。深厚的底蕴、妙趣横生又不乏真知灼见的行文,以及丰富的真实案例,使得《谁是谷歌想要的人才?》不仅是一本大公司面试必读书,更是面对21世纪思维变革的航海图。
  • Cracking the Coding Interview

    作者:Gayle Laakmann McDow

  • 程序员面试金典(第5版)

    作者:[美] Gayle Laakmann M

    本书是原谷歌资深面试官的经验之作,层层紧扣程序员面试的每一个环节,全面而详尽地介绍了程序员应当如何应对面试,才能在面试中脱颖而出。第1~7 章主要涉及面试流程解析、面试官的幕后决策及可能提出的问题、面试前的准备工作、对面试结果的处理等内容;第8~9 章从数据结构、概念与算法、知识类问题和附加面试题4 个方面,为读者呈现了出自微软、苹果、谷歌等多家知名公司的150 道编程面试题,并针对每一道面试题目,分别给出了详细的解决方案。 本书适合程序开发和设计人员阅读。
  • 剑指Offer


  • Cracking the Coding Interview: 150 Programming Questions and Solutions(5th edition)

    作者:Gayle Laakmann McDow

    Now in the 5th edition, Cracking the Coding Interview gives you the interview preparation you need to get the top software developer jobs. This is a deeply technical book and focuses on the software engineering skills to ace your interview. The book is over 500 pages and includes 150 programming interview questions and answers, as well as other advice. The full list of topics are as follows: The Interview Process This section offers an overview on questions are selected and how you will be evaluated. What happens when you get a question wrong? When should you start preparing, and how? What language should you use? All these questions and more are answered. Behind the Scenes Learn what happens behind the scenes during your interview, how decisions really get made, who you interview with, and what they ask you. Companies covered include Google, Amazon, Yahoo, Microsoft, Apple and Facebook. Special Situations This section explains the process for experience candidates, Program Managers, Dev Managers, Testers / SDETs, and more. Learn what your interviewers are looking for and how much code you need to know. Before the Interview In order to ace the interview, you first need to get an interview. This section describes what a software engineer's resume should look like and what you should be doing well before your interview. Behavioral Preparation Although most of a software engineering interview will be technical, behavioral questions matter too. This section covers how to prepare for behavioral questions and how to give strong, structured responses. Technical Questions (+ 5 Algorithm Approaches) This section covers how to prepare for technical questions (without wasting your time) and teaches actionable ways to solve the trickiest algorithm problems. It also teaches you what exactly "good coding" is when it comes to an interview. 150 Programming Questions and Answers This section forms the bulk of the book. Each section opens with a discussion of the core knowledge and strategies to tackle this type of question, diving into exactly how you break down and solve it. Topics covered include Arrays and Strings Linked Lists Stacks and Queues Trees and Graphs Bit Manipulation Brain Teasers Mathematics and Probability Object-Oriented Design Recursion and Dynamic Programming Sorting and Searching Scalability and Memory Limits Testing C and C++ Java Databases Threads and Locks For the widest degree of readability, the solutions are almost entirely written with Java (with the exception of C / C++ questions). A link is provided with the book so that you can download, compile, and play with the solutions yourself. Changes from the Fourth Edition: The fifth edition includes over 200 pages of new content, bringing the book from 300 pages to over 500 pages. Major revisions were done to almost every solution, including a number of alternate solutions added. The introductory chapters were massively expanded, as were the opening of each of the chapters under Technical Questions. In addition, 24 new questions were added. Cracking the Coding Interview, Fifth Edition is the most expansive, detailed guide on how to ace your software development / programming interviews.
  • 编程之美

    作者:《编程之美》小组 编

    这本书收集了约60道算法和程序设计题目,这些题目大部分在近年的笔试、面试中出现过,或者是被微软员工热烈讨论过。作者试图从书中各种有趣的问题出发,引导读者发现问题,分析问题,解决问题,寻找更优的解法。本书的内容分为下面几个部分: (1)游戏之乐:从游戏和其他有趣问题出发,化繁为简,分析总结。 (2)数字之魅:编程的过程实际上就是和数字及字符打交道的过程。这一部分收集了一些好玩的对数字进行处理的题目。 (3)结构之法:汇集了常见的对字符串、链表、队列,以及树等进行操作的题目。 (4)数学之趣:列举了一些不需要写具体程序的数学问题,锻炼读者的抽象思维能力。 书中绝大部分题目都提供了详细的解说。 每道题目后面还有一至两道扩展问题,供读者进一步钻研。 书中还讲述了面试的各种小故事,告诉读者微软需要什么样的技术人才,重视什么样的能力,如何甄别人才。回答读者关于IT业面试,招聘,职业发展的疑问。这本书的很多题目会出现在IT 行业的各种笔试、面试中,但这本书更深层的意义在于引导读者思考,和读者共享思考之乐,编程之美。
  • 这些道理没有人告诉过你


    这是一本迄今为止最实用的求职工具书,很多大学生和白领纷纷感叹:“要是大一大二看到这本书就好了”,确实如此。 比如:它提供N种方法慎重择业,帮你避开“频繁跳槽”的弯路。 它剖析HR审核简历的法则,帮你避开“简历海投”的弯路。 它解析上百个面试问题,帮你避开“面试没底”的弯路。 …… 有关求职面试最基本的道理,这本书通通告诉你,而不走弯路就是捷径。 所以如此,是因为这本书的作者们都是过来人,曾咨询上万学生及职场案例,自己也都实现了职业成长与成功。这些咨询与经验使这本书呈现巨大的信息量,百试不爽的实战经验与方法,娓娓道来的知识与智慧……从这里,看到从求职前、求职中和求职后的道理与准备,让你提前透视求职面试全过程,面试求职一本通。