

  • 民主理论的前言

    作者:达 尔

  • 现代政治分析

    作者:罗伯特•A•达尔(Robert A. D

  • 论民主

    作者:[美] 罗伯特·A. 达尔

    《当代世界学术名著·政治学系列:论民主》为人们全面理解民主提供了一个指南:第一部分着重论述了民主的起源;第二部分重点论述了理想民主的状态,包括什么是民主、为什么需要民主以及政治平等的相关问题;第三部分着重介绍现实民主的状态,包括大型民主所需的政治制度以及不同规模的民主所需的宪法、政党和选举制度等;第四部分重点阐述了民主的有利与不利条件。 《当代世界学术名著·政治学系列:论民主》是罗伯特·A·达尔对自己多年来民主理论研究总结的一部力作,也是试图以精练的语言将复杂的民主理论通俗化的尝试。要了解民主的历史、现状和未来,本书是最好的选择之一。
  • Who Governs?

    作者:Dahl, Robert Alan/ R

    In this now-classic work, one of the most celebrated political scientists of the twentieth century offers a powerful interpretation of the location of political power in American urban communities. For this new edition, Robert A. Dahl has written a new Preface in which he reflects on Who Governs? more than four decades after its publication. And in a new Foreword, Douglas W. Rae offers an assessment of Dahl’s achievement in this, Dahl’s greatest and most influential book. “Dahl is never dogmatic, and never imagines that the world stands still to accommodate either the democratic ideal or his own pluralistic theory of city politics. . . .Who Governs? is Dahl’s liveliest and most remarkable book.”—Douglas W. Rae, from the Foreword From reviews of the first edition: “A book that no one interested in politics can afford to ignore.”—Lewis A. Coser, Commentary “Anyone seriously concerned with current systematic political theory or with urban politics should read Who Governs?”—Hugh Douglas Price, Political Science Quarterly “A sophisticated and undogmatic treatise on democratic politics.”—Heinz Eulau, American Political Science Review “Dahl has illuminated a central question in political science, the problem of how men can govern themselves in complex societies. . . . Who Governs? will become a classic.”—from the citation of the Woodrow Wilson Foundation Award
  • 查理和大玻璃升降机

    作者:(英)罗尔德·达尔 著,(英)昆廷·布莱

    查理和大玻璃升降机,ISBN:9787533259600,作者:(英)达尔 著,任溶溶 译