

  • 儒教与道教(最新修订版)


    韦伯是历来登上学术舞台的角色中最有影响的一个。 ——著名经济学家熊彼特 韦伯就像几乎和他同时代的迪尔凯姆一样,在任何一套论及重要社会学家的丛书中,都应占有一席之地。不论在哪里讲授社会学,他的名字总是跟迪尔凯姆和马克思结合在一起,被奉为社会学的三位现世神明。 ——英国社会学家、哲学家弗兰克•帕金 从某个观点来说,韦伯是个历史主义者,韦伯开始的着眼点是把社会学视为史学,对他而言,所有人类的实相都可以在时间的向度里及史家的方法论中被理解。 ——英国学者麦克雷 韦伯的脑袋是一个能够容纳多种矛盾思想的神经系统。总的看来,韦伯既是一个激进的民族主义者,又是一个学术上的民主主义者;既是一个不受传统宗教观念束缚的自由学者,又是一个对宗教传统抱有浓厚兴趣的社会学家;既是一个批判社会主义的理论家,又是一个十分敬重马克思及其学说的思想家。 ——哈佛大学的历史学教授休斯 本书收录了《世界宗教的经济伦理》的前三篇:《导论》《儒教与道教》和《过渡研究》。《儒教与道教》是韦伯在宗教社会学上的第二本主要著作。韦伯专注于探索中国社会里那些和西欧不同的地方,尤其是与西方新教的相比较,并试图去寻找资本主义在中国为什么没能发展起来的原因。
  • 中观今论


  • 佛法即活法


    《佛法即活法》:“众生皆为佛”,参禅求佛,其实是在参悟和反省我们自身。作者果宁法师将带领我们进入山门,游历天王殿、钟鼓楼、大雄宝殿等佛家圣地,独眼禅观人生真谛,闲坐妙解天下禅机:唯有参透无常、放下执著,所有烦恼都将烟消云散,我们的生活才会更加快乐;学会理性做事、感性做人,让头脑与心灵完美结合,我们的生命才会更加和谐。 心中有佛,处处是佛。将佛法融入生活,在生活中进行禅修,将会带领我们进入一个和谐而智慧的灵性境界,慰藉心灵的疲惫,笑对生活中的压力与困境。
  • 上帝死了,神学何为?


  • 印度教


  • 指月录(上下)


  • 金刚经 心经

    作者:洪华志 编

  • 神话思维


  • God's Debris

    作者:Scott Adams

    In God's Debris, best-selling author and creator of Dilbert Scott Adams fashioned a thought-provoking exploration of life's great mysteries (everything from quantum physics and God to psychic phenomena and dating) that quickly captured the attention and imaginations of readers everywhere. The intriguing story of a deliveryman who meets the world's smartest person and learns the secret of reality is threaded with a variety of hypnosis techniques that Adams, a certified hypnotist, used to induce a feeling of euphoric enlightenment in readers to mirror the main character's feelings as he discovers the true nature of the universe.Launched to coincide with the hardcover publication of its sequel, The Religion War (see opposite page), this first paperback edition of God's Debris will soon make the leap to a broader audience. As Adams designed it, the book will "make your brain spin around inside your skull" and drive readers toward The Religion War as they seek to confirm or deny the dizzying impressions and chaotic memories of reading God's Debris.The book provides one of the most compelling visions of reality ever experienced on the printed page. Along the way, readers will enjoy the Thought Experiment: Trying to discover what's wrong with the sage's explanation of reality. This is a book, as Adams says, to be shared and savored with smart friends.
  • The Satanic Bible

    作者:Anton Szandor Lavey

    Called "The Black Pope" by many of his followers, Anton La Vey began the road to High Priesthood of the (lurch of Satan when he was only 16 years old and an organ player in a carnival: "On Saturday night I would see men lusting after halfnaked girls dancing at the carnival, and on Sunday morning when I was playing the organ for tent-show evangelists at the other end of the carnival lot, I would see these same men sitting in the pews with their wives and children, asking God to forgive them and purge them of carnal desires. And the next Saturday night they'd be back at The carnival or some other place of indulgence. "I knew then that the Christian Church thrives on hypocrisy, and that man's carnal nature will out!" From that time early in his life his path was clear. Finally, on the last night of April, 1966 -- Walpurgisnacht, the most important festival of the believers in witchcraft -- LaVey shaved his head in the tradition of Ancient executioners and announced the formation of The Church Of Satan. He had seen the need for a church that would recapture man's body and his carnal desires as objects of celebration. "Since worship of fleshly things produces pleasure," he said, "there would then be a temple of glorious indulgence . . ."
  • 日本文化中的恶与罪


    本书从阐述日本文化自身特点与揭示现代日本社会的症结入手,深入分析了日本奥姆真理教从形成到发展直到最终酿成耸人听闻的“东京地铁沙林事件”整个过程的根本原因。作者从对日本耻感文化中的“罪”“恶”的分析,揭示了融合“佛教”、“儒教”、“道教”的日本文化的特征与奥姆真理教产生之间的必然联系,指出了现代日本宗教与日本人宗教精神上存在的盲点。 本书见解独到,论证精辟,无论对于研究日本文化的专业人士,还是对日本文化感兴趣的一般读者,都可以通过该书加深对日本文化的理解。
  • 听南怀瑾讲佛学


  • 汉译佛教经典哲学(上下)


  • 儒教与道教


  • The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying

    作者:Sogyal Rinpoche

    In this major and comprehensive work, Buddhist meditation master and international speaker Sogyal Rinpoche brings together the ancient wisdom of Tibet with modern research on death and dying and the nature of the universe. With unprecedented scope, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying clarifies the majestic vision of life and death that underlies The Tibetan Book of the Dead. Sogyal Rinpoche presents simple yet powerful practices from the heart of the Tibetan tradition that anyone, whatever their religion or background, can do to transform their lives, prepare for death, and help the dying. Rinpoche shows the hope there is in death: how we can go beyond denial and fear to discover what it is in us that survives death and is changeless. He presents a lucid, inspiring, and complete introduction to the practice of meditation, to karma and rebirth, and to the trials and rewards of the spiritual path. He gives advice on how to care for the dying with love and compassion and offer them spiritual assistance. Rinpoche presents his own vision of the near-death experience from the Tibetan perspective. He explains in detail the "bardos," those states of consciousness after death that have fascinated and tantalized Western artists, psychologists, scientists, doctors, and philosophers ever since the publication of The Tibetan Book of the Dead in 1927. The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying is not only a spiritual masterpiece but also a manual, a guide, a work of reference, and a source of sacred inspiration. It has been written to inspire all who read it to begin the journey to enlightenment and so become "servants of peace," working in the world with joy, wisdom, and compassion to take part in safeguarding the future of humanity.
  • Atheism

    作者:Julian Baggini

    Atheism is often considered to be a negative, dark, and pessimistic belief which is characterized by a rejection of values and purpose and a fierce opposition to religion. Atheism: A Very Short Introduction sets out to dispel the myths that surround atheism and show how a life without religious belief can be positive, meaningful, and moral. It also confronts the failure of officially atheist states in the Twentieth Century. The book presents an intellectual case for atheism that rests as much upon positive arguments for its truth as on negative arguments against religion.
  • 佛法概论


  • 当代西方宗教哲学


  • 天国在你心中


  • 达尔文主义者可以是基督徒吗?


    《达尔文主义者可以是基督徒吗?:科学与宗教的关系》(作者迈克尔·鲁斯)探讨的问题,是当今围绕科学与宗教之间关系的争论的核心,尤其是进化生物学的某一形式(即人们所称的达尔文主义)与基督教信仰的基本教义之间的关系争论的核心。这一问题就是一个接受达尔文自然选择理论的人,能否同时接受基督教的根本论断?在这一论题上,作者迈克尔·鲁斯采取了一个平衡的视角,对达尔文主义以及基督教二者都给予了严肃认真的审视。《达尔文主义者可以是基督徒吗?:科学与宗教的关系》涵盖的内容广泛,包括斯科普斯猴子审判以及围绕外星人存在的宗教意义这样的论断。作者分析了当今科学与宗教之争中的主要人物.包括代表科学一方的理查德道金斯、斯蒂芬杰伊·古尔德和E.O.威尔逊,以及代表宗教一方的阿瑟·皮科克、罗伯特J.罗素和基思·沃德。鲁斯细致分析了新创造论中的论断,并且揭示了达尔文唯物主义者与圣奥古斯丁等传统思想家之间某些令人惊讶的相似之处。鲁斯的论点是:有的时候,达尔文主义者很难欣然接受基督教信仰,尽管如此,达尔文主义者欣然接受基督教信仰绝对不是不可思议的事情。同时,鲁斯提出了很多途径,借助这些途径,基督教信徒应该毫无难度地接受一般的进化论,尤其是达尔文主义。 鲁斯文笔活泼,避免了专业术语。对于所有那些关注进化论与基督教的关系问题,甚至有时候被这些问题所困扰,同时寻求有理有据、睿智的引导的人来说,鲁斯的作品为进化论与基督教之间有时白热化的争论作出了重要贡献。