悉達多的流浪,榮格的煉金術, 都象徵個體化的歷程。 悉達多的「苦」,榮格的「陰影」, 都是讓意識覺醒的催化劑。 榮格說:「我們的心理疾病裡,都藏著神性。」 就像幻象讓自性覺醒, 我們的心理障礙和情結, 也是我們看見佛性的因緣。 榮格的精神分析, 和佛法的覺, 原來有著同樣的根, 埋在我們的內心深處。 已經修行佛法有一陣子了,為甚麼還是有這麼多問題?我們所需的靈修觀點和心理觀點,有時候似乎並不一樣,這些觀點之間如何平衡?這本好書滿足了佛教徒目前的需要。 心理治療師兼禪修老師的普瑞斯,擷取其十八年治療及多年禪修經驗,探討心理上影響我們努力「覺醒」過程的種種因素。不論追求的是心理或靈性的健康,關鍵在於接受自己的缺點。 愛與慈悲心是因了解自己的弱點而生,而非因「圓滿」理想而生;智慧並不仰仗靈感而生,而是由緩慢且往往痛苦的經驗累積而成。本書從傳統的菩薩道背後的心理歷程著手,探討佛教徒的「個體化」歷程。 本書可視為原型心理學與密宗的對話。密宗的成佛嚮往實即榮格「個體化」的目標,佛性(空性)也可視為佛教版的「本我」(Self)原型。─—楊儒賓 清華大學中文系教授 本書最精彩和精闢之處,在於作者能夠同時進行區辨、分析、綜融佛法教義和心理治療裡,對於苦、創傷、情緒問題、靈修混亂、菩薩道、師生關係、權力、移情、陰影等議題的觀點和因應之道。─—趙慈慧 台北市立聯合醫院婦幼院區諮商心理師 「本書呈現了佛教修行與內在問題之間的平衡,十分具有啟發性。如果你搞不清楚自己為什麼始終在傷害明明很珍視的事物,這本書是給你看的。」─—史蒂芬?巴契勒(Stephen Batchelor),《與魔鬼同在》(Living with the Devil)作者 「本書用心而詳盡的探討了靈性/心理旅途開展的過程。作者擷取個人極深的體驗,提供了重要而極富洞見的觀點。」─—雪倫?薩爾茲保(Sharon Salzberg),《信賴:自己最深的體驗》(Faith: Trusting Your Own Deepest Experience)作者 -
《精神分析与宗教》集中讨论宗教与精神分析的关系问题,洋溢着强烈的人本主义精神。弗洛姆认为,精神分析既不是宗教的敌人,也不是它的盟友;而是与隐匿在宗教观念背后的人类真实经验及宗教理想中内含的人类价值的实现密切相关。问题不在于人是否要重新皈依宗教、信仰上帝,而是他是否热爱生活、追求真理。 -
该作者的思想体系总结性地综合了整个希腊文化时代东西方思想的精华,将一神论的犹太教义与希腊理性哲学或理性神学游记地结合起来。为后来基督教义与希腊哲学的融合预言了整合的一幕。作者是希腊化时代与罗马帝国时代之交最有代表性的犹太思想家,在他身上充分体现了犹太民族对希腊精神文化的汲取。 -
Religion in Human Evolution
Religion in Human Evolution is a work of extraordinary ambition—a wide-ranging, nuanced probing of our biological past to discover the kinds of lives that human beings have most often imagined were worth living. It offers what is frequently seen as a forbidden theory of the origin of religion that goes deep into evolution, especially but not exclusively cultural evolution. How did our early ancestors transcend the quotidian demands of everyday existence to embrace an alternative reality that called into question the very meaning of their daily struggle? Robert Bellah, one of the leading sociologists of our time, identifies a range of cultural capacities, such as communal dancing, storytelling, and theorizing, whose emergence made this religious development possible. Deploying the latest findings in biology, cognitive science, and evolutionary psychology, he traces the expansion of these cultural capacities from the Paleolithic to the Axial Age (roughly, the first millennium BCE), when individuals and groups in the Old World challenged the norms and beliefs of class societies ruled by kings and aristocracies. These religious prophets and renouncers never succeeded in founding their alternative utopias, but they left a heritage of criticism that would not be quenched. Bellah’s treatment of the four great civilizations of the Axial Age—in ancient Israel, Greece, China, and India—shows all existing religions, both prophetic and mystic, to be rooted in the evolutionary story he tells. Religion in Human Evolution answers the call for a critical history of religion grounded in the full range of human constraints and possibilities. -
本书是中国禅宗寺院(丛林)组织的规程和寺众(清众)日常行事的章则。内容包括:明代公文;元代公文;圣节;千秋节;善月等。 -
《世界宗教简史(注释插图版)》内容简介:宗教信仰萌生于何时?其萌生的景况如何?宗教信仰的初始情势及其演化状况如何?宗教礼仪的形成和演化状况怎样?宗教职业者(巫师、萨满、祭司等)集团是如何分离出来的?教会团体又是如何产生的宁您会在《世界宗教简史(注释插图版)》中找到答案。 《世界宗教简史(注释插图版)》对宗教演化与人类历史发展的关联作了深入的解读,是一本难得的了解世界各民族宗教的教科书。自问世以采,《世界宗教简史》已被翻译成西班牙文、匈牙利文、德文、罗马尼亚文、斯洛文尼亚文等欧洲文字。 -
本书研究范围,时间上,自全真道教南行之始,下迄1912年中华民国肇建,凡640余年,历元、明、清三代;空间上,截取苏州府、松江府、常州府、太仓州、杭州府、嘉兴府和湖州府等江南六府一州。江南六府一州既是江南地区社会、经济和文化的腹地,也是正一符箓道教的繁衍和鼎盛之地。 作为地方教派史的研究,本书主要处理江南六府一州地区的全真道教这一问题,旨在透过道观的兴衰、多寡,概见江南全真道教的盛衰景况。 此书2006年曾由香港中华书局出版繁体字版,现修订本不仅对原书论述中的不准确处、行文中的不通畅处,以及各种错误、瑕疵等一一予以修正,而且补充了大量原先研究时未曾注意到的文献资料,以及作者近些年的最新研究成果。 -
Religion and Ritual in Chinese Society
An outstanding compendium of fourteen papers, almost exclusively based on recent anthropological field research in Hong Kong and Taiwan on the diverse Confucian, Buddhist, and Taoist beliefs and practices of the Chinese peasant ... This collection is of great value in explicating the structure of the supernatural world as seen by the Chinese peasant, its similarity to the formal imperial bureaucracy, and the effect of economic conditions on the carrying out of related practices.'Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies This volume examines aspects of religion and ritual in China. Various topics are covered including the sociology of Chinese religion, religion and ritual in Lukang, religious organization in the history of a Taiwanese town, and village alliance temples in Hong Kong. -
The Reformation
National Book Critics Circle Award 2004 ---------- Wolfson History Prize 2003 ---------- From Publishers Weekly Many standard histories of Christianity chronicle the Reformation as a single, momentous period in the history of the Church. According to those accounts, a number of competing groups of reformers challenged a monolithic and corrupt Roman Catholicism over issues ranging from authority and the role of the priests to the interpretation of the Eucharist and the use of the Bible in church. In this wide-ranging, richly layered and captivating study of the Reformation, MacCulloch challenges traditional interpretations, arguing instead that there were many reformations. Arranging his history in chronological fashion, MacCulloch provides in-depth studies of reform movements in central, northern and southern Europe and examines the influences that politics and geography had on such groups. He challenges common assumptions about the relationships between Catholic priests and laity, arguing that in some cases Protestantism actually took away religious authority from laypeople rather than putting it in their hands. In addition, he helpfully points out that even within various groups of reformers there was scarcely agreement about ways to change the Church. MacCulloch offers valuable and engaging portraits of key personalities of the Reformation, including Erasmus, Luther, Zwingli and Calvin. More than a history of the Reformation, MacCulloch's study examines its legacy of individual religious authority and autonomous biblical interpretation. This spectacular intellectual history reminds us that the Reformation grew out of the Renaissance, and provides a compelling glimpse of the cultural currents that formed the background to reform. MacCulloch's magisterial book should become the definitive history of the Reformation. Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition. -
道教文物展由香港中文大学道教文化研究中心、香港中文大学文物馆、香港道教联合会策划,展示各种与道教文化相关的文物,展品包括:金石、书法及拓本、陶瓷、绘画、木雕、经籍科本等,既有书斋文人表达道教情操的书画作品,又有民间宗教玍中的道教神像,还有表现道教宗教关怀的喪葬用品与道场法器。揭示出道教文化丰富而多样的宗教与艺术内涵。也是了解道教道场、所行斎醮仪式中常用的神像、法器、经书、科本、石碑以及陪葬冥品等以及经籍科本等的最好书籍。 -
《中国民间崇拜:中国众神》是《中国民间崇拜》(Researches into Chinese Superstitions)丛书第六卷,从本卷开始进入本系列第二部分,论述在中国受到膜拜的男神和女神、文化英雄、神仙、妖怪(genii)、神秘性和神话性的人物,换句话,即“中国的万神殿”。到目前为止,很少有人科学而充分地对待这一主题,似乎是碍于其庞杂,也可能是由于其艰难,因为这需要进行极广的研究工作,需要全面具备在民间广泛流行的儒、释、道“三教”知识。 -
简·爱伦·哈里森(Jane Ellen Harrison,1850—1928)是英国古典学界具有开拓性的学者,著名的语言学家和女权主义者。她以其有关希腊艺术的讲座及其非传统且直言不讳的观点而享誉学林。 《古代的艺术与仪式》对古代各民族的宗教、道德、艺术、仪式以及戏剧等进行了深入浅出的论述,力图通过揭示仪式与艺术之间的密切联系,从而论证所有的神话都源于对仪式的叙述和解释,行为先于语言,神话源于仪式。《古代的艺术与仪式》出版后多次再版,广受欢迎,可以说是一本由专业学者以一种并非完全学院化的文字写作的严谨且具创意的学术论著。 -
《丝绸之路中国与欧洲宗教哲学交流研究》为丝绸之路研究丛书之一。丛书除了保留原有的几种选题之外,又从全国已出版或待出版的研究成果中,遴选了20余种有代表性的选题列入丛书,丛书以传统的草原丝绸之路和绿洲丝绸之路为主线,以西域研究为重点,注重突出学术著作的创新性和理论研究的系统性,内容涉及考古、历史、民族、宗教、文化、艺术等多学科领域。由于入选的研究成果在出版时间上跨度较大,此次再版前均由作者对书稿内容做了全面修订,有的甚至做了重大修改,补充了新的资料,借鉴了新的研究成果和观点。 为了使读者了解国内丝绸之路研究的进展情况,我们特邀请中西文化交流史著名学者、苏州大学教授沈福伟先生和清华大学教授张国刚先生为丛书撰写了序言。文中的精辟论述和真知灼见,是读者开启《丝绸之路研究丛书》的一把钥匙。 -
《1867年以前来华基督教传教士列传及著作目录》主要内容:宗旨确定以后,在实际工作中,却遇到一些具体的困难。荦荦大者有二:一是传记原著本身的不足。有的传教士很有名,但却没有人为他们写传记,如傅兰雅,如伟烈亚力,都是19世纪来华的鼎鼎大名的学者,而且对中国文化与中国人民有深厚感情,但在西方至今未有一本传记问世。傅兰雅,还有人为其做了一本类似年谱长编的未出版的稿本,而关于伟烈亚力,则只有一些纪念性文章而已,颇令人感到遗憾。二是难译。难译主要不体现在文的艰深,而是复原的难度。中国的人名、地名、职官名与其他专用名词从西文回译到中文,有时要费很多的时间与精力。如丁韪良在《花甲忆记》里头提到某天总理衙门的三位值班大臣时,说他们分别姓xu(阳平)、xu(上声)、xu(去声),乍一看,会以为丁是为了说明汉字四声读音之难而编出来的,未必真有其事,而且前两个音可以复原为“徐”与“许”,第三个拼音则颇费踌躇,后来查了当时的文献,才知道确有其人其事,第三位是蒙古族,其名字头一字是“续”。这查核文献之工夫有时比翻译本文的时间还要费得多。所以译者不但要精于西文,而且要熟悉中国史文献与历史事实,才能使传教士传记达到杰出的翻译水平。 -
作为一位政治哲学家,马克·里拉始终强调理智的清澄,他一贯坚持的反知性暴政态度在本书中成为一条隐含的线索,而明线则是通过剖析西方持续了四百年的政教论战来研究政治神学的逻辑。这段历史讲述的是早期现代政治哲学家对基督教政治神学悠久传统的违抗,以及随后的现代思想家对那些早期现代思想家的违抗,后者促发了政治神学的复兴。这些思想家发现他们自己参与了一场更大的思想斗争——关于政治的要求、神的主张,直至人的本性。 在这里重构的故事将会提醒我们,现今社会所面临的实际选择并非介于过去和现在之间,或西方和“其他地区”之间,而是介于两种丰要思想传统之间,即,两种面对人类状况的方式。 我们必须清楚地了解那些选项,在它们之间做出选择,并承受自己选择的后果。这就是人类的状况。 ——马克·里拉 -
全书以中国通史、西藏地方史为大背景,对佛教在西藏流传的进程作了理性的总结,论述了各教派的教义教制,揭示了佛教与西藏社会、政治、经济、文化、民俗等的密切关系。 -
Superstitious Regimes
We live in a world shaped by secularism - the separation of numinous power from political authority and religion from the political, social, and economic realms of public life. Not only has progress toward modernity often been equated with secularization, but when religion is admitted into modernity, it has been distinguished from superstition. That such ideas are continually contested does not undercut their extraordinary influence. These divisions underpin this investigation of the role of religion in the construction of modernity and political power during the Nanjing Decade (1927-1937) of Nationalist rule in China. This book explores the modern recategorization of religious practices and people and examines how state power affected the religious lives and physical order of local communities. It also looks at how politicians conceived of their own ritual role in an era when authority was meant to derive from popular sovereignty. The claims of secular nationalism and mobilizational politics prompted the Nationalists to conceive of the world of religious association as a dangerous realm of 'superstition' that would destroy the nation. This is the first 'superstitious regime' of the book's title. It also convinced them that national feeling and faith in the party-state would replace those ties - the second 'superstitious regime'. -
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友