

  • 政治义务:证成与反驳

    作者:毛兴贵 编

  • An Introduction to Political Philosophy

    作者:Jonathan Wolff

    The revised edition of this highly successful text provides a clear and accessible introduction to some of the most important questions of political philosophy. Organized around major issues, Wolff provides the structure that beginners need, while also introducing some distinctive ideas of his own.
  • Max Weber and German Politics, 1890-1920

    作者:Wolfgang J. Mommsen

    A major work of German historiography, this comprehensive account of Weber's political views and activities reveals that, paradoxically, Weber was at once an ardent liberal and a determined German nationalist and imperialist. Wolfgang J. Mommsen shows the important links between these seemingly conflicting positions and provides a critique of Weber's sociology of power and his concept of democratic rule. First published in German in 1959, "Max Weber and German Politics" appeared in a revised edition in 1974 and became available in an English translation only in 1984. In writing this work, Mommsen drew extensively on Weber's published and unpublished essays, newspaper articles, memoranda, and correspondence.
  • Politics and Vision

    作者:Sheldon S. Wolin

    This is a significantly expanded edition of one of the greatest works of modern political theory. Sheldon Wolin's "Politics and Vision" inspired and instructed two generations of political theorists after its appearance in 1960. This new edition retains intact the original ten chapters about political thinkers from Plato to Mill, and adds seven chapters about theorists from Marx and Nietzsche to Rawls and the postmodernists. The new chapters, which show how thinkers have grappled with the immense possibilities and dangers of modern power, are themselves a major theoretical statement. They culminate in Wolin's remarkable argument that the United States has invented a new political form, 'inverted totalitarianism,' in which economic rather than political power is dangerously dominant.In this new edition, the book that helped to define political theory in the late twentieth century should energize, enlighten, and provoke generations of scholars to come. Wolin originally wrote "Politics and Vision" to challenge the idea that political analysis should consist simply of the neutral observation of objective reality. He argues that political thinkers must also rely on creative vision. Wolin shows that great theorists have been driven to shape politics to some vision of the good that lies outside the existing political order. As he tells it, the history of theory is thus, in part, the story of changing assumptions about the good. In the new chapters, Wolin displays all the energy and flair, the command of detail and of grand historical developments, that he brought to this story forty years ago. This is a work of immense talent and intense thought, an intellectual achievement that will endure.
  • 公共性与公民观


    本书以“公共性与公民观”为主题,收入中国两岸三地的学者以及国外学者的论文(译文)共14篇。这些文章从思想史与政治哲学的路径来探讨“公共”与公民的观念,在整体上构成了比较的视野——既是古今之比较,又是中西之比较,为我们提供了有关现代性政治之关键问题的丰富论述。可以从三个部分来概观这些文章的主要内容。 如果说对中西思想史上公民观念的疏理呈现出一种复杂多样的图景,那么当代“标准版本”(以个人权利为核心)的自由主义公民观在意识形态中的支配性地位就不应该是自明的,而是值得批判反思的。实际上,西方政治哲学在自由主义传统的内部与外部,都发展出了超越传统自由主义对公民与公民政治的理解。 目录 编者:本辑导读 Part 1 中外思想史上的公共与公民观念/The Concept of“Public”and Citizenship in History of Thought 陈弱水:中国历史上“公”的观念及其现代变形 黄克武:从追求正道到认同国族——明末至清末中国公私观念的重整 蔡英文:公民身份的多重性——政治观念史的阐述 萧高彦:施米特与阿伦特公民观念的比较研究 Part 2公民与国家:超越自由主义的视野/Citizen and State:Beyond Liberal ism 昆廷·斯金纳:国家与公民自由 菲利普·佩迪特:城市的自由:一种共和主义的理想 !哈格·帕塔潘:朋友与公民:转变中的现代共同体基础 刘训练:当代共和主义的复兴 周保松:道德平等、分配正义与差异原则 Part 3 公民政治的实践维度/The Practice of Citizen PoIitics 钱永祥:民粹政治、选举政治与公民政治 张福建:参与和公民精神的养成 陈淳文:公民、消费者、国家与市场 徐责:从三种公民观看两种全球化:自由市场时代的公民政治 江宜桦:公民理念与公民的教育
  • 汉娜·阿伦特


    阿伦特和克里斯蒂瓦加到一块,是两名女思想家,而且是两名顶尖的女思想家,虽然她们活跃的时期分别在上世纪四五十年代和七八十年代。汉娜·阿伦特是美国现代最有名的政治哲学家,她的许多作品都译成了中文, 也有好几本关于她的传记及评传出版了,但恐怕以前出版的那些都比不上克里斯蒂瓦的这一本。毕竟除了同样作为女性之外,克里斯蒂瓦的优势在于她对阿伦特的思想能产生共鸣,她本人的哲学修养也不在话下。
  • Political Thought and Political Thinkers

    作者:Judith N. Shklar,Sta

    This is the second volume of Judith Shklar's work and brings together essays on a number of themes, including the place of the intellect in the modern political world and the dangers of identity politics. Editor Stanley Hoffman provides a guide to Shklar's thought, complemented by George Kateb's comprehensive introduction to her work.
  • 论人类不平等的起源

    作者:(法)卢梭(RousseauJ. )

    《论人类不平等的起源》是法国大革命的灵魂。在本书中,卢梭指出人类每向前发展一步,不平等的程度就加深一步。本书阐发了卢梭的政治哲学思想,为《社会契约论》奠定了基础,同时也是他整个政治学说的导言。  这是一本充盈着智慧的书。它的每行,都渗透着作者苦苦的求索。卢梭的思辨如蛟龙,从各个角度逻辑清晰地阐释为什么人类的进步史就是人类的堕落史。读着它,就像走一条蜿蜒的路,即使他不告诉你结果,下一个拐角出现时,也往往应验你的想象,于是思路渐渐明晰,海阔天空的世界呈现在眼前,与顾影自怜相异,与日常细碎不同……
  • 罗尔斯政治哲学导论


  • 保守主义


  • Contemporary Chinese Political Thought

    作者:Fred Dallmayr,Zhao T

    Westerners seem united in the belief that China has emerged as a major economic power and that this success will most likely continue indefinitely. But they are less certain about the future of China's political system. China's steps toward free market capitalism have led many outsiders to expect increased democratization and a more Western political system. The Chinese, however, have developed their own version of capitalism. Westerners view Chinese politics through the lens of their own ideologies, preventing them from understanding Chinese goals and policies. In Contemporary Chinese Political Thought: Debates and Perspectives, Fred Dallmayr and Zhao Tingyang bring together leading Chinese intellectuals to debate the main political ideas shaping the rapidly changing nation. Investigating such topics as the popular "China Model", the resurgence of Chinese Confucianism and its applications to the modern world, and liberal socialism, the contributors move beyond usual analytical frameworks toward what Dallmayr and Zhao call "a dismantling of ideological straitjackets." Comprising a broad range of opinions and perspectives, Contemporary Chinese Political Thought is the most up-to-date examination in English of modern Chinese political attitudes and discourse.
  • 柏拉图的次好政制

    作者:程志敏,方旭 选编

  • Liberalism, Constitutionalism, and Democracy

    作者:Russell Hardin

    This groundbreaking book develops a new theory of constitutional democracy. Leading political philosopher Russell Hardin shows how social coordination rather than mutual advantage lies at the heart of liberal constitutionalism.
  • Natural Right and History

    作者:Leo Strauss

    The problem of natural right is one of the most controversial and important issues in contemporary political and social philosophy. In this classical work, Leo Strauss examines the status of the issue in contemporary thought and argues that there is a firm foundation in reality for the distinction between right and wrong in ethics and politics. On the centenary of Strauss's birth and the fiftieth anniversary of the Charles R. Walgreen Lectures at the University of Chicago, where Strauss first presented the work, the book remains as controversial and essential as ever.
  • 偏颇的宪法


    美国宪法正位于一个十字路口,凯斯·桑斯坦在一条崭新的宪法解释进路中,清楚地记述了我们当下的困境,告诉我们可以去哪里。 桑斯坦主张,按照当下的解释,美国宪法是偏颇的。首先,它是有偏见的。当下的宪法把现状看成是中立的、公正的,任何对现状的背离都被看作是派系私见。但桑斯坦指出,当现状既非中立也非公正时,这样的推理就会导致不公正。从另外一层意义上宪法也是偏颇的:只能求诸最高法院的决定才能确证宪法的意义。如桑斯坦所表明的,并非总是如此,这也不是合众国缔造者们的意图所在。相反,宪法常常作为对于宪法的一般条款和热望进行公共审议的催化剂——而桑斯坦为了复兴如是对宪法作用的更广阔理解,做了有力的论证。 根据这样的分析,桑斯坦对今天我们争论最为火爆的一些问题,给出了自己的解决方案,这包括纠正歧视行动、性别歧视、色情文学、“憎恨言论”、政府对宗教学校和艺术的资助。在一个非常引人注目的论述中,他主张是第十四修正案的平等保护条款一而非隐私权——保护了妇女选择堕胎的权利。桑斯坦将这些争论以及其他争论,同宪法上关于要求政治对手之间进行公共审议的历史承诺联系起来。这样,他对我们许多最为基本的宪法权利进行重新思考,例如言论自由和法律之下的平等。他主张对宪法含义的公共讨论,应该免于以现状为基础的中立原则的束缚。他将美国宪法过程看作是审议民主的运行,这具有历史上的合理性,但却是一项全新的理解。
  • 论政府


    论政府,ISBN:9787221065605,作者:(德)马丁·路德(Martin Luther),(法)约翰·加尔文(John Calvin)著;吴玲玲编译
  • 我们的敌人

    作者:[美] 艾尔伯特·杰伊·诺克

    现代国家越来越显现为数百年来哲学试图诊断出的、宪法系统试图防范的顽疾。令人不禁生疑:国家的存在,它对强力的垄断性的、自利的运用,除了一轮又一轮的战争、萧条、经济失调以及其他形式的群体矛盾和混乱以外,还意味着什么?今年年轻一代的头脑渴望了解现实而非一厢情愿的某种政治理论,因此,他们在接触诺克等创立的立基于良性的实用主义上的对国家主义的分析后,怎能抗拒探寻他们的理论? 在1930年代,诺克一直是罗斯福新政最坚持不懈的批评者之一。在“国家是我们的敌人”一文中,诺克认为新政仅仅是联邦政府强化对社会控制的借口。他对总统能得到没有先例可循的强大权力感到十分失望,把当时的形势称为彻头彻尾的政变。诺克批评那些相信对经济的严格控制是暂时手段的人士,认为历史会证明这是一个持续性的转变。他相信1920年代在美国共和党主政下的通胀性货币政策是大萧条的起因,而新政则要为延长这场萧条负责。 诺克也强烈反对战争和他所说的美国政府的侵略性外交政策。他相信战争只会给社会带来坏东西,认为战争必然会导致集体主义和军事主义,并且“巩固对暴力的普遍信仰;它发起了无尽的帝国主义冒险和无尽的民族主义野心”,同时却以牺牲无数人的宝贵生命为代价。在第一次世界大战期间,诺克为《国家》杂志撰写文章,这份杂志因反战倾向而遭到了威尔逊当局的审查。尽管对共产主义极为厌恶,诺克还是毫不留情的批评了美国对俄国的入侵行为,当时在俄国发生了布尔什维克革命后,美国出兵进行了干涉。在第二次世界大战以前,诺克撰写了一系列的文章,强烈反对罗斯福在国际上玩弄小动作和干涉主义外交政策,认为这必然会导致美国卷入战争。在整个二战期间,诺克一直旗帜鲜明的反对战争,这在当时是极为罕见的。 虽然在生命的最后岁月里诺克越来越离群索居,他还是对下一代美国思想家有着重大的影响,包括自由意志主义者如穆瑞·罗斯巴德、弗兰克·乔多洛夫,还有伦纳德·里德,以及保守主义者如小威廉·巴克利都受到了他的影响。诺克的保守主义社会观在冷战时期帮助了古典保守主义运动的崛起,以对抗当时出现的新保守主义。诺克一直认为国家本身是罪恶之源,他的思想是无政府资本主义的主要来源之一。
  • 世俗时代

    作者:[加拿大] 查尔斯·泰勒,Charles

  • 实践中的古希腊政治思想

    作者:(英) 保罗·卡特莱奇

  • 从非常政治到日常政治

