The Master
Like Michael Cunningham in "The Hours, " Colm Toibin captures the extraordinary mind and heart of a great writer. Beautiful and profoundly moving, "The Master" tells the story of a man born into one of America's first intellectual families who leaves his country in the late nineteenth century to live in Paris, Rome, Venice, and London among privileged artists and writers.In stunningly resonant prose, Toibin captures the loneliness and the hope of a master of psychological subtlety whose forays into intimacy inevitably failed those he tried to love. The emotional intensity of this portrait is riveting. -
Westlife - Our Story
The biggest pop band in the world celebrate 10 years at the top -- telling their full story in their own words for the very first time. 40 million albums 14 UK number 1 singles 7 UK number 1 albums Westlife have had more number ones than any other artist apart from The Beatles and Elvis and with songs that have become modern classics like Flying without Wings, they have ensured their place in the annals of pop history. Westlife -- The Autobiography will chart the highs and lows of their phenomenonal career and a unique friendship that has seen them endure as a band for an extraordinary ten years. The book will chronicle the band's story from the grass-roots of Sligo, Ireland to multi-platinum records, celebrity collaborations and chart achievements. But bubbling under this public face is a private and unseen story never before recorded, crammed with candid personal revelations, including of course the departure of Brian McFadden. Westlife have been a staple part of British entertainment for years, yet the public has no idea of the astounding life they have led -- and still live -- behind the headlines and soundbites.Here, for the first time, Westlife will take us into their confidence and reveal their lives and amazing ten year journey as the UK's biggest pop band as never before. -
《叶芝》描述叶芝丰富的一生,他的诗歌创作,他的神秘经历,他在情感上的苦恋与升华,他参与并指导艾比剧场与爱尔兰文学剧场的经过以及从政生涯等。 -
艺术史学家马克斯•默顿回到了他儿时的海滨小村。如今的他,既要逃避人生新的离愁,又同时要面对往昔记忆的折磨。多年前的那个夏天,格雷斯一家仿佛来自另一个世界。马克斯被格雷斯家的双胞胎姐弟克洛伊和迈尔斯深深吸引,很快卷入了他们的生活——既充满诱惑,却又狂躁不安。接下来的故事却困扰了马克斯的余生…… “《海》运用了约翰•班维尔精准而优美的散文体语言,既包含着对人生确实的妥协,也有对记忆和认知的非同寻常的反思。它完全令人信服,又有着深刻的感动与阐述,毫无疑问,是伟大的语言大师最好的作品之一。《海》对悲痛、记忆和冷静的爱进行了精妙的探讨。在班维尔的作品中,你可以清晰地感觉到乔伊斯、贝克特和纳博科夫的影子。” ——英国布克奖评委会 -
海格迪家族是一个生养了十二个子女的大家庭,故事由其中一个素来不羁的儿子黎安的自杀而揭幕。尚存的九个子女为给黎安守灵而聚会在爱尔兰首都都柏林。酗酒并没有直接导致黎安的死亡——尽管是一个诱因——但真正的根源还要追溯到1968年的冬天,在他尚且年幼之时发生在外婆家的可怕经历。女主人公薇罗妮卡是黎安最亲近的妹妹,她短暂地陪伴着逝去的哥哥走完这最后一程,正如当初的不幸遭遇发生的时候她也在场一样。 -
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
Lines may divide us, but hope will unite us ...Nine-year-old Bruno knows nothing of the Final Solution and the Holocaust. He is oblivious to the appalling cruelties being inflicted on the people of Europe by his country. All he knows is that he has been moved from a comfortable home in Berlin to a house in a desolate area where there is nothing to do and no one to play with. Until he meets Shmuel, a boy who lives a strange parallel existence on the other side of the adjoining wire fence and who, like the other people there, wears a uniform of striped pyjamas. Bruno's friendship with Shmuel will take him from innocence to revelation. And in exploring what he is unwittingly a part of, he will inevitably become subsumed by the terrible process. -
本书为爱尔兰作家、现代文学巨匠乔伊斯的书信选集,共收录近三百封书信。以乔伊斯漂泊一生所停留的几座城市为标志,结合他在文学上创作上取得的阶段性成果,分为五部分。 这些书信的主要内容有:给家人尤其是弟弟斯坦尼斯劳斯倾吐心中苦闷、生活拮据的家书,给赞助人解释说明《尤利西斯》、《芬尼根守灵》等作品创作缘由的信函,给叶芝、艾略特等同时代伟大作家的信件等等。悲愤主义者乔伊斯以几乎没有人读得懂的作品来抗衡黑暗,他洞烛幽微又倾情投入的生活、他高洁理想又污秽肉欲的爱情、他视若珍宝又心怀芥蒂的友谊、他只有面对家人才能完全放松的爱、他流着眼泪也要给儿女家人以庇护的执著,一封封信中都有详尽的倾诉。 -
本书是包慧怡客居爱尔兰期间的见闻札记。如同晃动圣科伦基尔的水晶魔眼,作者引我们观看这座旧称“冬境”(Hibernia)的翡翠岛无人注视的背光面。在埋葬着法登默圣诗集的泥沼深处,在淙淙泠泠的盖尔语诗节中,在千年墓葬石和凯尔经羊皮上盘旋的螺纹里,在乔伊斯圆塔、贝克特桥与王尔 德故居的角落里,在叶芝和格列高里夫人洒落的塔罗牌中,在托宾与琪根反复描摹的无人海岬边——爱尔兰大地遍布着化身为矮妖和精灵的秘密,它们并非有意躲开人群,只是在等待一个波德莱尔式的迷路者,或者一双慢下来的眼睛。 -
《苇间风》是一部爱的诗集,它由80首诗歌组成,是从叶芝1 889年到1 939年十二部诗集中精选而出的。所选诗歌有的节奏低缓,犹如一曲从长巷里飘出的大提琴曲;有的明亮欢快,宛如爱尔兰草原上一曲优美的风笛。 -
鲁道夫出生贫穷,热爱舞蹈,天赋异禀的他刻苦努力,进入了基洛夫芭蕾舞团,一路扶摇直上。在舞蹈生涯鼎盛之时,他在巴黎脱逃,宣布奔向了自由。之后,他更加星光璀璨,以无比性感的能量和无与伦比的高超技巧,重新赋予传统芭蕾角色生命力,振作了芭蕾的当代地位,成为了一代芭蕾巨星。而与此同时,他的私生活却混乱无度,负面新闻层出不穷,其特立独行的自大性格也不断受到舆论的热议。 从乌法贫穷的农家少年,到炙手可热的芭蕾明星,蜕变了的不仅是他的外表,更是他历经坎坷的心灵。他的一生快速、精彩,且令人炫目。在惊人的舞蹈专业成就背后,有着不为人知的心酸往事。麦凯恩用细腻精妙的笔触,刻画出一个舞蹈家多姿多彩又充满争议的人生。 -
这部恐怖小说以15世纪神秘的瓦拉几亚公国的领主弗拉德三世为原型创作出集高贵、智慧、邪恶与柔情于一身的暗夜之王。布拉姆·斯托克由此成为吸血鬼小说鼻祖,他影响了后世几代作家,其作品被不断翻拍,成为经典电影。以其姓名命名的布拉姆·斯托克奖,是恐怖小说界的最高奖。美国当代著名作家斯蒂芬·金等都曾获该奖。 -
《牛虻(普)》由上海译文出版社出版。 -
《莫菲》是贝克特满意的第一部长篇小说,原因是显而易见的。……在《莫菲》这部小说中,贝克特发现了自己第一个也是最紧迫的主题,说得更准确些,就是发现了处理自己深陷其中的困境的最初方法。该小说取材于贝克特在伦敦的生活经历,以及他早期在阅读中留意的或起草过的材料。然而,此时他是带着特定的意图,为新的任务而阅读的——如伊丽莎白时代和詹姆士一世时代的戏剧、菲尔丁的小说、斯宾诺莎和海林克斯的哲学——阅读的方法强化了他的设想,而没有使之混淆。 该书是出于困境意识写成的,那种困境既是个人的,也是群体的:他半推半就地自诩为困境的主宰,这既是笑话,同时严肃地说来,也是这一首要困境的一个形象。 ——J.C.C. 梅斯 -
独生女杰玛遭遇了老父亲私奔,母亲因而歇斯底里的倒霉事,却无意间得到了出书的机会,她对被好朋友莉莉夺走的旧情人安东难以忘怀,又必须在两个男人之间作出选择;乔乔是美女文学代理人,捧红了莉莉等多名作家,有望晋升,不过与已婚老板马克的秘密恋情让她十分苦恼;新作家莉莉和男朋友安东一见钟情后很快生下了一个女儿,但内心始终怀着对杰玛的负罪感,没有稳定收入的两人把希望都寄托在莉莉的下一本小说上,还一时冲动成了房奴……三人的事业和爱情将何去何从? -
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
The Wordsworth Classics covers a huge list of beloved works of literature in English and translations. This growing series is rigorously updated, with scholarly introductions and notes added to new titles. A classic novel which follows Stephen Dedalus as he progresses from boyhood to his coming of age in Ireland at the beginning of the 20th century, describing his sexual awakening, his intellectual development and his rebellion against Roman Catholicism. From the author of Dubliners, Ulysses and Finnegan's Wake. Perhaps Joyce's most personal work, A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man depicts the intellectual awakening of one of literature's most memorable young heroes, Stephen Dedalus. Through a series of brilliant epiphanies that parallel the development of his own aesthetic consciousness, Joyce evokes Stephen's youth, from his impressionable years as the youngest student at the Clongowed Wood school to the deep religious conflict he experiences at a day school in Dublin, and finally to his college studies where he challenges the conventions of his upbringing and his understanding of faith and intellectual freedom. James Joyce's highly autobiographical novel was first published in the United States in 1916 to immediate acclaim. Ezra Pound accurately predicted that Joyce's book would "remain a permanent part of English literature," while H.G. Wells dubbed it "by far the most important living and convincing picture that exists of an Irish Catholic upbringing." A remarkably rich study of a developing young mind, A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man made an indelible mark on literature and confirmed Joyce's reputation as one of the world's greatest and lasting writers. A masterpiece of subjectivity, a fictionalized memoir, a coming-of-age prose-poem, this brilliant novella introduces Joyce's alter ego, Stephen Daedelus, the hero of Ulysses, and begins the narrative experimentation that would help change the concept of literary narrative forever. It describes Stephen's formative years in Dublin; as Stephen matures, so does the writing, until it sparkles with clarity. The style presents numerous, almost insurmountable, problems for the oral interpreter, particularly one with the limited vocal range of John Lynch. But Lynch pays no attention to the problems. Instead, he identifies so completely with Daedelus, throws himself so lustily into the book, that it is as if the passionate young artist himself is bursting out of your speakers. Y.R. Winner of AUDIOFILE Earphones Award Autobiographical novel by James Joyce, published serially in The Egoist in 1914-15 and in book form in 1916; considered by many the greatest bildungsroman in the English language. The novel portrays the early years of Stephen Dedalus, who later reappeared as one of the main characters in Joyce's Ulysses (1922). Each of the novel's five sections is written in a third-person voice that reflects the age and emotional state of its protagonist, from the first childhood memories written in simple, childlike language to Stephen's final decision to leave Dublin for Paris to devote his life to art, written in abstruse, Latin-sprinkled, stream-of-consciousness prose. The novel's rich, symbolic language and brilliant use of stream-of-consciousness foreshadowed Joyce's later work. The work is a drastic revision of an earlier version entitled Stephen Hero and is the second part of Joyce's cycle of works chronicling the spiritual history of humans from Adam's Fall through the Redemption. The cycle began with the short-story collection Dubliners (1914) and continued with Ulysses and Finnegans Wake (1939). James Joyce was born on February 2, 1882, in Rathgar, Dublin. He was one of ten children. He was educated at Jesuit schools and at University College, Dublin. A brilliant student of languages, Joyce once wrote an admiring letter in Norwegian to Henrik Ibsen. He went to Paris for a year in 1902, where he discovered the novel Les Lauriers Sont Coupes by Edouard Dujardin, whose stream-of-consciousness technique he later credited with influencing his own work. Following his mother's death, he returned to Ireland for a brief stay, and then left with Nora Barnacle, with whom he spent the rest of his life. They had two children, George and Lucia Anna, the latter of whom suffered in later years from schizophrenia. (Joyce and Nora were formally married in 1931.) Joyce lived in voluntary exile from Ireland, although Irish life continued to provide the raw material for his writing. In Trieste, he taught English and made the acquaintance of the Italian novelist Italo Svevo. His first book, the poetry collection Chamber Music, appeared in 1907. The publication of the short story collection Dubliners was delayed repeatedly, and eventually the Irish publisher destroyed the proofs for fear of libel action; this prompted Joyce's final visit to Ireland in 1912. The book was eventually published in 1914 and greeted with acclaim by Ezra Pound, whose enthusiastic support helped Joyce establish a literary career. In 1915 Joyce and Nora moved to Zurich, and at the end of World War I they settled in Paris. His only play, Exiles, was published in 1918 and staged in Munich the same year without success. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, an autobiographical novel (developed from the embryonic, posthumously published Stephen Hero) tracing the artistic development of Stephen Dedalus, was published in 1916. By this time Pound and W. B. Yeats had succeeded in obtaining for Joyce some financial support through the Royal Literary Fund, but he continued to be in need of money for most of his life. Joyce began to suffer from serious vision difficulties due to glaucoma; he would eventually be forced to undergo many operations and long periods of near-blindness. Ulysses, the epic reconstruction of the minutiae of a single day in Dublin--June 16, 1904--was serialized in The Little Review starting in 1918, and published in Paris (by the American Sylvia Beach through her bookstore Shakespeare & Company) in 1922, on his fortieth birthday. Due to censorship it remained unavailable in the United States until 1934 and in the United Kingdom until 1936. Except for a small volume of verse, Pomes Penyeach (1927), Joyce published nothing thereafter except extracts from the enormous work in progress that emerged as Finnegans Wake in 1939. In his later years he was closely associated with the young Samuel Beckett, whom he had met in 1928. After the German invasion of France, Joyce and Nora moved back to Zurich, where he died on January 13, 1941. length: (cm)19.8 width:(cm)12.6 -
Written over a seven-year period, from 1914 to 1921, this book has survived bowdlerization, legal action and controversy. The novel dea ls with the events of one day in Dublin, 16th June 1904, now known as "Bloomsday". The principal characters are Stephen Dedalus, Leopold Bloom and his wife Molly. "Ulysses" has been labelled dirty, blasphemous and unreadable.In a famous 1933 court decision, Judge John M. Woolsey declared it an emetic book - although he found it not quite obscene enough to disallow its importation into the United States - and Virginia Woolf was moved to decry James Joyce's "cloacal obsession". None of these descriptions, however, do the slightest justice to the novel. To this day it remains the modernist masterpiece, in which the author takes both Celtic lyricism and vulgarity to splendid extremes. It is funny, sorrowful, and even (in its own way) suspenseful. And despite the exegetical industry that has sprung up in the last 75 years, "Ulysses" is also a compulsively readable book. -
《凯尔特乡野叙事--一八八八(精)》是凯尔特乡野神话传说合集。爱尔兰民间传说的搜集者们有一个巨大的优点,他们的作品更多地是文学而不是科学的,向我们展示的更多的是爱尔兰农夫们的故事,而不是什麽人类的原始宗教,或者民俗学者们一心追究的那类东西。他们记下了人民的声音、生命的脉 动,每个故事都表明了当时的人最关注的东西。克罗克和洛佛尔,出于对爱尔兰仙人浮皮潦草的理解,用幽默的眼光看待一切。克罗克的作品中,处处美轮美奂——娇柔的世外桃源之美。而卡尔顿,一个农民出身的人,在他的许多故事——我只能收录最简单的几则——尤其是鬼故事里,虽然也不乏幽默,却有着一种严肃得多的态度。肯尼迪,一位都柏林的老书贩子,他对仙人似乎有着真正的信仰。论文学才能,他远不如前者,但他的记录非常精确,经常直接採用说故事人的辞彙。最出色的还要数怀尔德夫人的《古代传说集》。 在W.B.叶芝的《凯尔特乡野叙事--一八八八(精)》这本书里,幽默被痛苦和温柔全盘取代。这裡我们可以听到凯尔特人的真正心声:忍受多年迫害之后,他朝着爱成长,用梦想充盈周身,在微光中倾听仙人的歌谣,思考灵魂和死亡。这就是凯尔特,只不过是做着梦的凯尔特。 -
这本书不需要多余的广告词,只需要你亲自一读! 囊括“爱伦坡奖”、“安东尼奖”、“麦可维提奖”、“巴瑞奖”等4项大奖! 全球热卖突破500,000册!荣登纽约时报、出版家周刊等全美9大畅销排行榜! 荣获国际视觉传播协会IVCA Clarion Award最佳小说奖! 入选亚马逊网路书店“年度编辑推荐选书”! 入围海滨杂志最佳处女作奖、洛杉矶时报好书奖! 只要错过了,就找不回来,人生就是如此。 没那么多巧合,也不是每个问题都有答案。 ————————————————————————— 亚当回神之后的第一眼,注意到自己的袜子上有血迹,和脑中记忆的一大片空白! 12岁的亚当和两个好朋友进入爱尔兰乡间的森林玩耍,这是他们无比熟悉的森林,在那个夏日的午后,森林里阳光点点,他们穿行林间,玩捉迷藏,一切都很完美。然而,当父母意识到孩子们有可能是在森林里失踪了时,恐慌蔓延。搜救队只找到了惊吓过度并失去记忆的亚当…… 多年之后,亚当隐姓埋名,变换口音,彻底远离当年事发地所在的小镇,成了都柏林警局的重案组警探罗布,还有了一位个性爽直的女搭档凯西。一起扑朔迷离的女童命案又将罗布带回了当年的事发地,被弃置于石头祭坛的12岁少女,案发地点的线索与疑问,都不经意地与当年的悬案产生了神秘的关联,为了触及真相,他只有再次回到森林中…… -
威廉·特雷弗编著的《纸牌老千》构建得几近完美,堪比契诃夫——两者间比较是不可避免的——他们总是给读者留有沉思的空间。 如同伦勃朗,特雷弗总是热切而仁慈地凝望着他笔下的人物……他对人性的理解是精确的……他的故事无不体现着一种平静的睿智。一起来翻阅《纸牌老千》吧!
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友