

  • 毛泽东早期文稿


  • Mao's China and After

    作者:Maurice Meisner

    In this much-anticipated revision, Maurice Meisner again provides piercing insight and comprehensive coverage of China's fascinating and turbulent modern history. In addition to new information provided throughout this classic study, the new Part Six, "Deng Xiaoping and the Origins of Chinese Capitalism: 1976-1998," analyzes the country's uneasy relationships with democracy, socialism, and capitalism. Meisner incisively displays the contrasts between China's speech and actions regarding these subjects. Retaining the elegance, lucidity, fairness, insightfulness, and comprehensiveness he is known for, Meisner moves far beyond his previous work to paint a never-before-seen portrait of the political and social realities of China on the brink of the millennium, and the global implications of its rise to economic and political power.
  • 毛泽东的诗词、人生和思想


    《毛泽东的诗词、人生和思想》分两部分:第一部分收进了竹内实的重要著作《毛泽东的诗与人生》,作者从分析研究毛泽东的诗词入手,对毛泽东的人生历程做了描述和分析;第二部分是研究毛泽东思想的部分。《毛泽东的诗词、人生和思想》是日本战后著名中国学家竹内实研究毛泽东主要成果的选译与汇总。《毛泽东的诗词与人生》一书是国外学者研究毛泽东诗词的唯一系统论著,其结合历史实际对毛泽东诗词的理解与阐释别开生面。 竹内实写有多种毛泽东传记,《毛泽东的诗词人生和思想》所选《毛泽东》一书简洁明快雅俗共赏。 《毛泽东的诗词、人生和思想》选译竹内实研究毛泽东著作与思想的代表性论文,其中既有正面论述和评价,也有对毛泽东错误的质疑与批评。历史证明作者的见解是经得起实践检验的。