

  • If This Is a Man / The Truce

    作者:Primo Levi

    'With the moral stamina and intellectual pose of a twentieth-century Titan, this slightly built, duitful, unassuming chemist set out systematically to remember the German hell on earth, steadfastly to think it through, and then to render it comprehensible in lucid, unpretentious prose. He was profoundly in touch with the minutest workings of the most endearing human events and with the most contempible. What has survived in Levi's writing isn't just his memory of the unbearable, but also, in THE PERIODIC TABLE and THE WRENCH, his delight in what made the world exquisite to him. He was himself a magically endearing man, the most delicately forceful enchanter I've ever known' PHILIP ROTH
  • 滅頂與生還

    作者:Primo Levi 普利摩.李維

    義大利最具知識分子良心的天才作家李維最後遺作。藉著對集中營的白描陳述,吟唱對生命最大的禮讚。融合微觀歷史、詩人心靈告白與對納粹罪行的見證,了解二十世紀人類心性的獨特遭遇必讀。 其實對大多數人來說,解放的一刻既不欣喜也不輕鬆。 解放發生在毀壞、屠殺和痛苦的悲劇背景下,當他們感覺自己再度成為人時,也就是必須為自己的言行負責時,身為人的悲哀就回來了,家人離散或死亡的哀傷,身邊一切的苦痛,自己似乎無藥可醫,永不休止的筋疲力竭,必須在廢墟中重頭開始的人生問題。只有少數幸運兒,或只有在短短的剎那,或只有非常單純的靈魂,才能享受到把痛苦丟在腦後的快樂;在此同時,創痛卻幾乎一定相伴而來。