

  • 亲爱的阿道夫

    作者:[美] 雷·布拉德伯里

    激情杀人之后,凶手洁癖发作,他还要在现场停留多久? 扮演希特勒的演员入戏太深,纽伦堡的闹剧该如何收场? 时间旅人的预言成真,一百年之后,他能否与年轻的自己相遇? 幻想文学大师雷•布拉德伯里回顾自己六十年创作生涯,亲自挑选出100个最喜爱的短篇故事汇集成册。这些曾发表在《纽约客》《花花公子》《时尚》等知名杂志上的短篇小说,以奇诡的想象力和惊人的叙事技巧,勾画出一个个异彩纷呈的幻想世界。
  • 中国科幻小说经典


    我们存在的空间被称为第三空间,又称为三维空间。因为我们看到的物体都具有长度、宽度、高度。有人也称我们的空间为四维空间,前面所述再加上时间。根据爱因斯坦的相对论,相对我们的空间是否还存在另一个空间呢?如果它存在,那这一个空间是由什么组成的呢? 借科技演绎人生变幻、喜怒袁乐,给故事插上想象的翅膀、让情感超越时空的限制,可读性与想象力的完美结合!自1904年中国作家创作第一部科幻小说至今,中国科幻小说走过了漫漫百年之路,精选百年来中国科幻小说的代表性作家和代表作,不仅能够使你读到中国科幻小说的百年精品,呈现出科幻小说创作的另一面,而且还可以从中领略中国科幻小说的发展之路。
  • Flatland

    作者:Edwin Abbott Abbott

    Over a hundred years ago, Edwin Abbott Abbott wrote a mathematical adventure set in a two-dimensional plane world, populated by a hierarchical society of regular geometrical figures-who think and speak and have all too human emotions. Since then Flatland has fascinated generations of readers, becoming a perennial science-fiction favorite. By imagining the contact of beings from different dimensions, the author fully exploited the power of the analogy between the limitations of humans and those of his two-dimensional characters.

    A first-rate fictional guide to the concept of multiple dimensions of space, the book will also appeal to those who are interested in computer graphics. This field, which literally makes higher dimensions seeable, has aroused a new interest in visualization. We can now manipulate objects in four dimensions and observe their three-dimensional slices tumbling on the computer screen. But how do we interpret these images? In his introduction, Thomas Banchoff points out that there is no better way to begin exploring the problem of understanding higher-dimensional slicing phenomena than reading this classic novel of the Victorian era.

  • Endymion

    作者:Dan Simmons

    The multiple-award-winning science fiction master returns to the universe that is his greatest triumph--the world of "Hyperion" and "The Fall ofHyperion" --with a novel even more magnificent than its predecessors. Dan Simmons's "Hyperion" was an immediate sensation on its first publication in 1989. This staggering multifaceted tale of the far future heralded the conquest of the science fiction field by a man who had already won the World Fantasy Award for his first novel ("Song of Kali") and had also published one of the most well-received horror novels in the field, "Carrion Comfort." "Hyperion" went on to win the Hugo Award as Best Novel, and it and its companion volume, "The Fall of Hyperion," took their rightful places in the science fiction pantheon of new classics. Now, six years later, Simmons returns to this richly imagined world of technological achievement, excitement, wonder and fear. "Endymion" is a story about love and memory, triumph and terror--an instant candidate for the field's highest honors.
  • Ringworld

    作者:Larry Niven

    A new place is being built, a world of huge dimensions, encompassing millions of miles, stronger than any planet before it. There is gravity, and with high walls and its proximity to the sun, a livable new planet that is three million times the area of the Earth can be formed. We can start again!
  • 混沌宫廷


    邪恶似乎终于占了上风。安珀即将毁灭。 安珀诸王子陷入绝望之中,但不知为什么,安珀之王奥伯龙却命令诸王子抢先向混沌宫廷发起进攻。 科温却没有加入进攻的行列。奥伯龙命令他携带安珀的镇国之宝仲裁石,绕道前往战场。一方面,奥伯龙本人将竭力修复被破坏的安珀之源,试炼阵;另一方面,仲裁石将压倒黑暗,发挥决定作用。 但是,修复试炼阵的尝试失败了。仲裁石也落到安珀的叛徒手中。 安珀毁灭了。 毁灭的风暴追逐着科温,一路卷过无数影子世界,吞没了它们,将它们化为混沌。战场上的安珀大军与统帅这支大军的安珀王子们也将化为乌有。 重建安珀的重担落在科温肩上。只有重建安珀,才能拯救安珀的王子们,被毁灭的影子世界才能复苏……
  • 海底两万里


    《海底两万里》是法国作家、“科幻小说之父”凡尔纳著名的科幻三部曲的第二部。小说描写的是法国博物学家阿罗纳克斯教授应邀登上一艘驱逐舰,参与追捕当时盛传的海上“怪物”,不幸被“怪物”俘获。而所谓的“怪物”竟是一艘当时无人知晓的潜水艇。潜水艇艇长尼摩邀请阿罗纳克斯教授一行三人作海底旅行。沿途他们饱览了海底变幻无穷的奇异景观和形形色色的生物,经历了种种危险。最后,当潜水艇到达挪威海岸时,阿罗纳克斯等三人不辞而别,将他们所知道的海底秘密公诸于世。 ">海底两万里 英文版>>

    作者:Mary Wollstonecraft

    Book Description The Wordsworth Classics covers a huge list of beloved works of literature in English and translations. This growing series is rigorously updated, with scholarly introductions and notes added to new titles. This novel is the deeply disturbing story of a monstrous creation which has terrified and chilled readers ever since its first publication in 1818. The novel is the outcome of reflection on Gothic horror, galvanism, the then theories concerning the origin of life and the myth of Prometheus. Amazon.com Frankenstein, loved by many decades of readers and praised by such eminent literary critics as Harold Bloom, seems hardly to need a recommendation. If you haven't read it recently, though, you may not remember the sweeping force of the prose, the grotesque, surreal imagery, and the multilayered doppelg?nger themes of Mary Shelley's masterpiece. As fantasy writer Jane Yolen writes of this (the reviewer's favorite) edition, "The strong black and whites of the main text [illustrations] are dark and brooding, with unremitting shadows and stark contrasts. But the central conversation with the monster--who owes nothing to the overused movie image … but is rather the novel's charnel-house composite--is where [Barry] Moser's illustrations show their greatest power ... The viewer can all but smell the powerful stench of the monster's breath as its words spill out across the page. Strong book-making for one of the world's strongest and most remarkable books." Includes an illuminating afterword by Joyce Carol Oates. From 500 Great Books by Women; review by Jesse Larsen After being rescued from an iceberg, Dr. Frankenstein relates his autobiography to the ship's captain, complete with vivid descriptions of his idyllic childhood and passionate cries of regret that not even his love for Elizabeth could control his fanatic ambition. Dr. Frankenstein has been consumed by his desire to create a fully-grown living creature. When he reaches his goal, he perceives his creation as a monster, immediately regrets his work, and promptly abandons it. We also hear the poignant voice of the monster as he describes the spurning and physical attacks he has endured because of his ugliness; his desolate pain and loneliness; how he learns to love; how he finally finds and tries, unsuccessfully, to make peace with his maker; how he learns to hate. A story within a story, Frankenstein is a subtle and ironic prophecy that raises the question of who exactly is the real monster in this story. From Booklist Part of the Whole Story series, this is the full text of Mary Shelley's classic gothic story, which was first published in 1818 and has been a wild success ever since. Philippe Munch's illustrations have none of the power of Barry Moser's unforgettable woodcuts that evoke the loneliness of the grotesque outsider (in the Pennyroyal edition published by the University of California Press in 1984). The design here is crowded, and the type is small. However, the many period prints and maps in color and in black and white, with long, detailed captions, do provide the historical setting for the story, its geography, customs, and ideas. Teens enthralled by pop versions of the myth as well as science fiction fans will be interested in going back to the full version of what has been called the first science fiction novel and learning about the circumstances under which it was written by a woman, just 18 years old, 170 years ago.                               Hazel Rochman From School Library Journal Grade 9 Up-Full-color drawings, photographs, and reproductions with extended captions have been added to the unedited text of Shelley's novel, thus placing the work in the context of the era in which it was written. The artwork faithfully represents the text and makes this edition appealing to reluctant readers. Unfortunately, many of the captions provide tangential information that, although interesting, interrupts the flow of the story. However, readers will quickly learn that it is not necessary to read every caption and appreciate this volume for its many quality illustrations.                                 Michele Snyder, Chappaqua Public Library, NY From AudioFile With so many poor adaptations of Mary Shelley's classic work in all forms of media, it's refreshing to come across a production that retains the quality, premise, and themes of the original book. As the title and principal character, Dr. Frankenstein has an affected voice that suits his tragically ambitious character. The supporting cast works well in a full range of emotions. The script and vocal characterizations de-emphasize Shelley's vision of an intelligent and cunning monster, but this is a quibble. This production is a boon for students new to the book, teachers looking for supplemental classroom materials, and fans of classic literature. A.F. About Author Mary Shelley was born Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin on August 30, 1797 in London, the daughter of William Godwin--a radical philosopher and novelist, and Mary Wollstonecraft--a renowned feminist and the author of Vindication of the Rights of Woman. She eloped to France with Shelley in 1814, although they were not married until 1816, after the suicide of his first wife. She began work on Frankenstein in 1816 in Switzerland, while they were staying with Lord Byron, and it was published in 1818 to immediate acclaim. She died in London in 1851. Book Dimension : length: (cm)19.8                 width:(cm)12.6
  • 世界之战


    一百年来《世界之战》不断以各种方式被搬演。1938年,《世界之战》被改编为本土故事在美国的电台播出,由于小说描写太逼真,听众以为真有火星人入侵,引起了大恐慌。此事成为美国历史上一大离奇笑话。2005年,好莱坞大导演斯皮尔伯格圆了他少年时代的梦想,把《世界之战》搬上银幕,拍成同名科幻史诗巨片,著名影星汤姆·克鲁斯主演并担任制片人。该片耗资2.5亿美元,迄今为止全球投资最高的影片。      《世界之战》这部电影的出炉多少和“9.11”恐怖事件存在一定关系。这是和平宁静的世界吗?们生存的世界其实面临种种变数,这种不确定性让人们的神经如此脆弱。面对危险的挑战类只有团结起来才能勇敢地战胜困难。                           ——斯皮尔伯格   我记得以前就在想,如果我有机会拍《世界之战》,我不会把它拍成一部科幻片,而是一部刻画人性心理或者是反映社会现象的电影,描述一个大难临头的文明世界,该如何拯救全人类的生命。威尔斯非常有远见,他预见了坦克、空中轰炸、化学战、激光武器以及工业机器人的出现。他也是一个人道主义者,1897年全世界有四分之一在大英帝国的统治下,但是他们对居住在澳洲南部塔斯玛尼亚原住民的种族屠杀,却让他提笔表达愤怒,并警告大英帝国:没有任何国家能够完全避免被征服的危机。我拍这部电影不是出于愤怒,也不是为了批评某个政府,我只知道威尔斯痛恨殖民主义,他写的这个故事描述的是世界末日。                           ——斯皮尔伯格
  • 小兵传奇。7,前进地球


    原创论坛3000万网迷,狂热期待的玄幻佳作!小兵传奇——2004年搜索引擎最热文学关键词、Google点击率继“刀郎”、“周杰伦”之后排名第三、多家权威中文网点击爆棚之超人气置顶小说。唐龙以中州星为根据地,抓住有利时机,一举夺得乌兰,温特,欧德,红狮四个星球,威名震撼宇宙。二号星零为他建造了庞大的军备基地,生产最先进的白鲸占舰。唐龙与遥远的地球星结盟,达成互惠互利的条约,为自己将来的扩张做好了准备。同时,与机器人手下前往武莱共和国的首都组建黑帮势力,达到渗透到宇宙第一强国的目的。唐龙的势力飞速扩张,引起了宇宙各方势力的注意。 《小兵传奇》的主人公唐龙原本是个家境富裕的高中毕业生,因巧妙机缘成为军人,以一介小兵的身份崛起于混沌的宇宙中,由此展开了绚丽的人生传奇。 本书作者的想像力极为丰富,好似引领读者遨游于浩渺的宇宙,但整部作品又并非一味地天马行空,处处可见人类社会的缩影,尤其是对阿谀媚上、恃强凌弱、营私舞弊、官僚作风等弊病的嘲讽,更显得痛快淋漓。 这部小说情节跌宕起伏,语言诙谐幽默,并且加入了时下流行的网络游戏元素,具有很强的可读性,这也是该作品得以在网上广为流传的重要原因。
  • 叶永烈科幻故事


  • 2003年度中国最佳科幻小说集


    目录 序言:光谱的偏移——2003年的中国科幻 伤心者(何夕) 评论:科幻内核之惑 诗云(刘慈欣) 评论:文学的末日 真空跳跃(拉拉) 评论:文本的审美 天倾西北(天衣居士) 评论:直面现实有胆量 自由附落(北星) 评论:伪科幻的魅力 地铁惊变(韩松) 评论:非主流 你眼里有条虫(阿豚) 评论:独到的意象 星星的阶梯(潘海天) 评论:开壁新天地 魂系四海(星河) 评论:全球化电子时代的失范 T-MAIL(柳文杨) 评论:科钆为什么 黑钻石(王晋康) 评论:科学的终结 寄生之魔(罗隆翔) 评论:不好评说 思想者(刘慈欣) 评论:主流毕竟是主流 地球大炮(刘慈欣) 评论:非凡的技术想象
  • 美国年度最佳科幻小说集.2003


  • 物竞天择


    一本出色的小说,描述了一位要在战争遗害后重建文明,并愿为此而付出生命代价的勇士。“物竞天择”是这个时代冒险故事片的经典范例。闪耀着能量的火花、迸发出感染力的撞击……对我们时代所作的令人恐惧的预言。 这部小说讲的是一个曲折的战斗故事,有许多兵不血刃、以谋略取胜的细节,但它最感人的地方却在于那为保存自己民族文化所体现出的真诚。邪恶势力不管有多大,可那狡妄的嘴脸,极力想将自我包藏起来的用心,却使之在道义上显得格外渺小。中尉一方尽管武器装备原始、落后,可他们那雄军浑的气魄却震撼着天地,他们不凡的气魄来自
  • 玄侠凌渡宇 (4本)


    本书前言 随着民主社会的发展、宗教衰落、思想愈趋自由、科幻的领域不断扩阔,内容日新月异,题材千变万样:异星生物、未来社会、奇幻的得外世界、超时间超空间、人类进化等等,无远弗至,使人眼界大开。神思飞越。小说家不再局限在科学的层面上,大胆地跨越了物质世界的屏障,进军“玄之双玄”的人类精神境界,探索事物的本源和极致、再生与毁灭。糅合科学与玄学的创作,终于登场,在人类思想的舞台上演出好戏。这种倾向表现在今日的科幻电影中也是非常明显,例如“二零零一年太空漫游”便描写人类智能的发展,是基于外生物的导引;“星球大战”说及一种超越科学的精神力量,是为胜败的关键;“宇宙天魔”写一种能吸取人类生命能的外来凶物;“星际奇兵”强调心灵传感和预觉将来的精神异力。凡此种种,可以看出科幻中玄幻发展的趋势。
  • 超脑


  • 星球大战 绝地少年武士


    本书讲述了:奥比旺跟着奎刚·金学徒时,还是个小孩。现在,他即将长大成人,踏上了一条将指引他成为绝地武士的道路……也将成为主宰自己命运的大师。 奥比旺和奎刚在调查一场奇怪的星球破坏活动时,他们发现他们的关系正在悄悄地改变——有时候朝着危险的方向发展。他们发现事情发展到最后将导致可怕的结果,而他们的生活也不会再回到从前。
  • 星球大战 绝地少年武士


  • 星球大战 绝地少年武士


    奥比旺·克诺比不再是一名绝地战士。他选择了梅利达/达恩星球上的革命事业。他的师父奎刚·金回到了考路斯坎星球,而绝地神殿里的麻烦接踵而至。 奥比旺和这次革命的其他领导人成了朋友,并从他们那里得到了安慰。他们共同拥有权力——或许是太大的权力。随着革命的深入,朋友变成了敌人。奥比旺前面的路变得越来越难以预料。奎刚不再在他身边帮助他。奥比旺只有依靠自己去面对一切……
  • 星球大战 绝地少年武士
