星球大战 绝地少年武士
本书讲述了:绝地武士戴尔遭绑架衩囚于铁笼,奎刚·金和奥比旺决心尽一切力量救出她……。 -
星球大战 绝地少年武士
本书内容:十二岁的奥比旺·克诺比做梦都想成为一名绝地武士。他在绝地神殿里刻苦学习和训练多年,掌握了光剑的技巧,熟悉了神力的奥秘。但是他无法控制自己的愤怒和恐惧。因此,绝大师奎刚·金不愿意收他为弟子。 现在,奥比旺要第一次面对真正的邪恶。他必须对付突然出现的敌人,还要战胜自己内心的隐秘和愿望。 这个时候,他成为一位绝地武士的教育才真正开始了。 -
本书为科学幻想小说。科万是一个大姓,一代又一代的科万们在太空中建立了许多拓展性工程,并获得了很好的收益。他们的帝国渐渐凌驾与地球许多国家权利之上。但是随着一个被放逐的外星生物找到太阳系,意想不到的变化来了。科万家族最后一代有个私生子……。 -
在游侠骑士小说和歌特式小说没落的同时,科幻小说日渐繁荣起来,百余年和科幻历程,产生了众多的明星和奖项。其中,以雨果-根巴斯克命名的奖项最有公信力,雨果奖在科幻界的地位,相当于普利策奖之于新闻界,或奥斯卡奖之于好莱坞。 -
在游侠骑士小说和哥特式小说没落的同时,科幻小说日渐繁荣起业,百余年的科幻历程产生了众多的明星和奖项。 其中,以雨果·根巴斯命名的奖项最有公信力。雨果奖在科幻界的地位,相当于普利策奖之于新闻界,或奥斯卡奖于好莱坞。 -
Ender in Exile
The Exile’s Return: Orson Scott Card’s Ender in Exile By Beth Meacham, Executive Editor I have had a very long relationship with Ender Wiggin. I met him first in 1977, in an amazing novelette in Analog. I was working in a bookstore in those days, the Science Fiction Shop in New York City. A few years later, I started working for the Ace sf list—and was delighted to discover that among the authors who had books in inventory was Orson Scott Card. We worked together on turning Hot Sleep into The Worthing Chronicle, and got along pretty well. A few years later, Scott started talking about writing a sequel to Ender’s Game, about what happened to Ender after the war. I thought it was a great idea—Ender was a great character and the future that had been sketched in for the story was rich and deep. That book we were talking about became Speaker For The Dead. The novel Ender’s Game hadn’t been thought of yet. It took Tom Doherty, publisher of the competition, Tor Books, to spark that. He bought Speaker For The Dead out from under me and Ace, and then he suggested to Scott that it would be a great idea to flesh out “Ender’s Game” into a novel before writing the sequel. I guess so. At about the same time, Tom had been talking to me about coming to work for him at Tor. So a few months later, I got to phone Scott and tell him he couldn’t escape me so easily, and Ender and I made up. It’s been great. Ender got to spread out and be far more than just a character sketch at novel length. He grew up and left his identity behind in Speaker, though of course he was always what life had made him. In Xenocide and Children of the Mind (really meant to be one book, but it got out of hand), he finally made peace with his past, with the things he had done, with his conscience. Poor Ender, so hard to be lauded for doing something you know is wrong, and then reviled for doing something you had no choice but to do. But he found happiness at the end. When I told the sales people, and Tom, that Ender was dead at the end of Children of the Mind, they were not happy. But the boy and man had lived over 3,000 years! How much more could he take? Fortunately, there were more stories to tell. 3,000 years is a long time, and we haven’t seen all that much of it. First we went back to Battle School, and Bean’s story, in Ender’s Shadow. Earth got really interesting right after the War, even though Ender wasn’t there. And Peter…Scott always wanted to write The Hegemon, though sensibly he has never tried to write Ender’s version of that story. But then, when the Shadow series was wrapping up (there’s still one more, Shadows In Flight, to come) it started becoming clear that there was a really interesting story to be told in the settlement of the first human colonies on the Formic worlds. And it sent chills up everyone’s backs when we realized that the person best suited to be the viewpoint for that book was Ender. Scott hadn’t expected to ever return to Ender’s voice. I had never expected to visit that frightening, humane, wise-beyond-his-years viewpoint again. I could feel the novel taking shape in Scott’s mind as we talked. It had to happen. And so it did. Ender In Exile is being published this month. It’s not what you expect, but Ender never is. -
《灰烬之塔:从现在到永远》所选的是19世纪以前的作品。虽然严格意义上的科幻小说只可能在工业革命之后才能产生,但就这种文学样式而言,却绝不可能是无源之水,无本之木。《灰烬之塔》所选的这些处于萌芽阶段的作品孕育着现代科幻小说的因素,使我们从源头上认识科幻小说的发展轨迹。 《灰烬之塔:从现在到永远》选的是“作为科幻小说的文学”和“作为文学的科幻小说”作品,亦即一些艺术性较强的科幻小说,其中不乏深受现代主义思潮和写作手法影响的作品。收入的作品包括:《共同时间》、《第一首颂歌》、《无人烦扰格斯》、《昔日的光》、《暗无天日的地方》、《找寻自我》、《空中袭击》、《粒子理论、《雪人和底片》等。 詹姆斯·冈恩、郭建中主编的《科幻之路》系列图书是一套有代表性的世界科幻小说选本。它集中了世界科幻小说的经典之作,系统地介绍了科幻小说的性质、发展、演变及不同时期、不同国家的名家名作。每一部分都有编者撰写的长篇评述,不仅能使读者欣赏科幻小说带来的审美愉悦,同时能相对完整地领略一部系统的世界科幻小说史。 -
《半人半鱼之神:从威尔斯到海因莱恩》所选的作品追溯了科幻小说这一文学样式从其先驱威尔斯开始到海因莱恩时期出版的书籍和在杂志上刊登的作品的演变历史。具体包括《半人半鱼之神》《行人的反叛》《火星奥德赛》《最后和最早的人》《峡谷里的人》等。 詹姆斯·冈恩、郭建中主编的《科幻之路》系列图书是一套有代表性的世界科幻小说选本。它集中了世界科幻小说的经典之作,系统地介绍了科幻小说的性质、发展、演变及不同时期、不同国家的名家名作。每一部分都有编者撰写的长篇评述,不仅能使读者欣赏科幻小说带来的审美愉悦,同时能相对完整地领略一部系统的世界科幻小说史。 -
《过眼烟云:英国科幻小说》追溯了科幻小说在英国的发展历程。英国的科幻小说是在英国的条件下形成和发展的,表现了英国人对科幻小说的看法,因而有其英国特色。 詹姆斯·冈恩、郭建中主编的《科幻之路》系列图书是一套有代表性的世界科幻小说选本。它集中了世界科幻小说的经典之作,系统地介绍了科幻小说的性质、发展、演变及不同时期、不同国家的名家名作。每一部分都有编者撰写的长篇评述,不仅能使读者欣赏科幻小说带来的审美愉悦,同时能相对完整地领略一部系统的世界科幻小说史。 -
《时光永驻:非英语国家科幻小说》主要考察了非英语国家的科幻小说及其各自的民族特征,包括中国的科幻小说。 詹姆斯·冈恩、郭建中主编的《科幻之路》系列图书是一套有代表性的世界科幻小说选本。它集中了世界科幻小说的经典之作,系统地介绍了科幻小说的性质、发展、演变及不同时期、不同国家的名家名作。每一部分都有编者撰写的长篇评述,不仅能使读者欣赏科幻小说带来的审美愉悦,同时能相对完整地领略一部系统的世界科幻小说史。 -
故事发生在1864年。苏格兰贵族格雷那万爵士是邓肯号游船的船主。他从海上的漂流物里获得一份文件、从中得知两年前在海上遇难失踪的苏格兰航海家格兰特尚在人间,于是便毅然带着船长的女儿玛丽和儿子罗伯特等人驾驶自己的游船云寻找营救。他们到达南美洲并横穿美洲大陆,竟然发现船长遇难地点其实在澳大利亚海岸。他们又经过千辛万苦到达澳大利亚后,遇见船长原来的水手艾尔顿,上了这个海盗头子的当,在穿越澳洲大陆时,被土人俘获陷入绝境。接下来险象丛生,奇遇不断,他们逃脱后决定把艾尔顿丢弃在太平洋荒凉的塔博尔岛上,不断在岛上巧遇格兰特船长,于是一起胜利回到故乡苏格兰。 -
《气球上的五星期》是被世人誉为“科幻小说之父”的法国著名作家儒尔·凡尔纳的第一部科幻小说,亦是他的成名作。书中讲述的是19世纪上半叶,许多探险家、地理学家、旅行家对非洲进行了艰难而卓绝的探险;英国旅行家塞缪尔·弗格森核实前人探险的成果,乘坐自行设计的热气球,一路经历了无数艰难险阻,创造了人类的一个奇迹。书中对非洲大陆的风景描写十分生动细腻,融科技知识于有趣的故事之中。 -
探險家羅洛死後,他的好友衛斯理、樂生博士(探險家)、唐月海(人類學家)及阮耀(收藏家)處理他的遺物,要全燒掉。一張地圖飄了出來,阮耀拾起問地圖上的金色是什麼意思。因地圖標著一比四萬,也無任何地名,故衛遍查各地圖以求地圖所示地方,無功。在要燒地圖時,隱形墨水現形,發現比例是一比四百。後無意中發現地圖所示的竟是阮耀家的花園,眾人到他花園探險。 唐在標示危險的地方失常並掘起石板,翌日離奇地心臟病發死亡。阮耀家的牧羊狗也瘋狂挖掘,沒多久也狂吠至死。眾人到阮家圖書館查當年買地事,發現羅洛來過,並撕去廿九頁日記。阮耀找工人掘開地基,發現其下有二十層花崗石。圖書館突然大火,樂生被燒死。 傑克上校調查神秘大火,此時發現在二十層花崗石下有一金屬板,板下有超過三千碼的深洞。傑克要封洞,阮在封洞前下去,失蹤。衛再下去,到二千八百碼時與地面失去聯絡。在三千碼下發現是水井,找回阮耀,得悉此洞是當年外星人留落地球時形成的,兩人出洞後洞為水所淹沒。阮耀曾祖父阮勤也因而暴富買下這已變成平地的吳家塘。兩個月後吳子俊找衛,知道是吳找羅洛查其曾祖父吳慧一事。 -
Mostly Harmless
The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy has, in what we laughingly call the past, a great deal to say on the subject of parallel universes. Very little of this is, however, at all comprehensible to anyone below the level of Advanced God, and since it is now well-established that all known gods came into existence a good three millionths of a second after the Universe began rather than, as they usually claimed, the previous week, they already have a great deal of explaining to do as it is, and are therefore not available for comment at this time...VOLUME FIVE IN THE TRILOGY OF FIVE -
Life, the Universe and Everything
In consequence of a number of stunning catastrophes, Arther Dent is surprised to find himself living in a hideously miserable cave on prehistoric Earth. However, just as he thinks that things cannot possibly get any worse, they suddenly do. He discovers that the galaxy is not only mind-bogglingly big and bewildering, but also that most of the things that happen in it are straggeringly unfair. This is volum three in the trilogy of five. -
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
When all questions of space, time, matter and the nature of being have been resolved, only one question remains - "Where shall we have dinner?" "The Restaurant at the End of the Universe" provides the ultimate gastronomic experience, and for once there is no morning after to worry about. This is volume two in the Trilogy of five. -
编辑“年选”早已成为美国科幻的传统,选本很多,各有特色,我们之所以选择加德纳·多佐伊斯的选本,最重要的原因就是:这个选本最完整地展现了美国科幻的最新生态。 加德纳·多佐伊斯,是美国科幻界大名鼎鼎的传奇人物。他于1986年起任《阿西莫夫科幻小说》杂志主编,以兼收并蓄的编辑方针对这本传统科幻小说杂志进行改革,最终使它成为美国科幻的权威杂志。多佐伊斯因此十五次捧得世界科幻大奖雨果奖“最佳编辑奖”的奖杯! 多佐伊斯在《阿西莫夫科幻小说》的编辑工作上取得了巨大的成功,但他对科幻文学的贡献却不只是这本杂志,他从1984年起开始编辑的这套“年度美国最佳科幻小说选”,如今已经成为美国科幻中短篇创作年度收获的权威总结。 -
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友