

  • 尋夢‧珍藏版


    杨立群从小开始就时常做着同一个梦,而且愈来愈频密,令他精神崩溃。在梦中,他是一个名叫小展的年青人,被三个人逼问他一些东西的下落,并打了他一顿后才离去。然后,一名叫翠莲的女士出现,抱住了他。小展对她说不会泄露秘密,甚至愿意为她而死,突然心口一凉,梦就醒了。而杨立群的胸口有一道看来像是刀痕的红色印记。 卫斯理不久前听到一个女士也是发着同一个梦,而她梦见自己是翠莲……
  • Children of the Mind

    作者:Orson Scott Card

    The planet Lusitania is home to three sentient species: the Pequeninos; a large colony of humans; and the Hive Queen, brought there by Ender. But once against the human race has grown fearful; the Starways Congress has gathered a fleet to destroy Lusitania.Jane, the evolved computer intelligence, can save the three sentient races of Lusitania. She has learned how to move ships outside the universe, and then instantly back to a different world, abolishing the light-speed limit. But it takes all the processing power available to her, and the Starways Congress is shutting down the Net, world by world.Soon Jane will not be able to move the ships. Ender's children must save her if they are to save themselves.
  • 科幻之路(第二卷)

    作者:[美] 詹姆斯·冈恩

  • Blade Runner

    作者:Philip K. Dick

    It was January 2021, and Rick Deckard had a license to kill. Somewhere among the hordes of humans out there, lurked several rogue androids. Deckard's assignmet--find them and then..."retire" them. Trouble was, the androids all looked exactly like humans, and they didn't want to be found!
  • Prelude to Foundation

    作者:Isaac Asimov

    It is the year 12,020 G.E. and Emperor Cleon I sits uneasily on the Imperial throne of Trantor. Here in the great multidomed capital of the Galactic Empire, forty billion people have created a civilization of unimaginable technological and cultural complexity. Yet Cleon knows there are those who would see him fall - those whom he would destroy if only he could read the future. Hari Seldon has come to Trantor to deliver his paper on psychohistory, his remarkable theory of prediction. Little does the young Outworld mathematician know that he has already sealed his fate and the fate of humanity. For Hari possesses the prophetic power that makes him the most wanted man in the Empire... the man who holds the key to the future - an apocalyptic power to be know forever after as the Foundation.
  • Xenocide (Ender, Book 3)

    作者:Orson Scott Card

    The war for survival of the planet Lusitania will be fought in the hearts of a child named Gloriously Bright. On Lusitania, Ender found a world where humans and pequininos and the Hive Queen could all live together; where three very different intelligent species could find common ground at last. Or so he thought. Lusitania also harbors the descolada, a virus that kills all humans it infects, but which the pequininos require in order to become adults. The Startways Congress so fears the effects of the descolada, should it escape from Lusitania, that they have ordered eh destruction of the entire planet, and all who live there. The Fleet is on its way, a second xenocide seems inevitble.
  • 2001

    作者:Arthur C. Clarke

    2001: A Space Odyssey is the classic science fiction novel that changed the way we looked at the stars and ourselves....2001: A Space Odyssey inspired what is perhaps the greatest science fiction film ever made -- brilliantly imagined by the late Stanley Kubrick....2001 is finally here....
  • The Time Traveler's Wife

    作者:Audrey Niffenegger

  • 活跳尸:弗兰肯斯坦


    这是英国伟大诗人雪莱的夫人在一百八十多年前讲述的一个关于人造生命的故事,一个伟大的科学家弗兰肯斯坦用死尸拼凑了一个灵魂善良而相貌奇丑的“活跳尸”,由于不容于人类而转向疯狂报复……这个悲伤而恐怖的故事拍成的电影林比世界上由任何其他故事拍成的电影都要多,至今仍有人称它是“有史以来最伟大的恐怖作品之一”。小说中的许多恐怖场面,会让读者产生相当强烈的恐怖感。 具有十分深刻的思想,深远的影响广达哲学、科学、文学和影视等众多领域。 他有着炼金术士般的诡谲和莫测,科学家的冷静和疯癫,他可以制造生命,却不幸被创造物反噬;他有着丑陋而高壮的原生命,残忍而嗜杀的本性,他是类人,却只能在人类世界里东奔西走…… 古堡里的一场实验,却成了最最惊悸的游戏……弗兰肯斯坦是位科学家,他通过实验利用不同的尸体,拼凑成一个「活跳尸」。于是创造者成了猎物,创造者与「活跳尸」之间相互制造死亡,让各自笼罩在神秘的死亡阴影里。谎言和猎杀,复仇和漂泊,拒绝与蹂躏,被践踏的尊严,最后终于换成不顾一切的复仇,他们只能以血还血……
  • 瓦利斯


  • Speaker for the Dead (Ender, Book 2)

    作者:Orson Scott Card

    In the aftermath of his terrible war, Ender Wiggin disappeared, and a powerful voice arose: The Speaker for the Dead, who told the true story of the Bugger War. Now, long years later, a second alien race has been discovered, but again the aliens' ways are strange and frightening...again, humans die. And it is only the Speaker for the Dead, who is also Ender Wiggin the Xenocide, who has the courage to confront the mystery...and the truth. "Speaker for the Dead" is the winner of the 1986 Nebula Award for Best Novel and the 1987 Hugo Award for Best Novel.
  • 2005中国年度科幻小说


  • K-Pax

    作者:Gene Brewer

    Psychiatrist Gene Brewer doesn't have a diagnosis for the mysterious new patient who calls himself "prot" (rhymes with goat). But this strange and likeable man cannot be--as he claims--from the planet K-PAX. Or can he? Prot knows facts about space that are confounding the experts. He is soon revealing Dr. Brewer's own deepest pains and most sublime longings. And his tales of K-PAX have other patients competing to go along with him when he heads "home". Now the doctor is racing the clock to find prot's true identity before he losses a man whose "madness" might just save them all. . . Published in a dozens countries with movie rights sold to the producer of Field of Dreams, K-PAX has touched the hearts and expanded the horizons of readers around the world. It promises to join Robert Heinlein's classic Stranger in a Strange Land as a moving, thought-provoking masterpiece of modern-day fiction.
  • 气球上的五星期

    作者:[法国] 儒勒·凡尔纳

  • 米歇尔·斯特罗哥夫


    米歇尔·斯特罗哥夫,ISBN:9787500748700,作者:(法)儒勒·凡尔纳(Jules Verne)著;周恬,周幸译
  • 2000年度美国最佳科幻小说选


    出版最佳科幻小说年度选集是美国出版界的传统,很多编辑都在从事这一工作,而在众多版本的年度选中,由《阿西莫夫科幻小说》杂志主编加德纳·多佐伊斯编辑的年度选是最畅销,也是最权威的。多佐伊斯浸淫科幻世界多年,阅读量极丰,眼光专业而独到,其选本所收录的科幻小说代表着每一年使用英语进行创作的科幻小说家的整体水平,从各个侧面全面勾勒出科幻文坛的整体风貌。 多佐伊斯的年度选将拉近您与世界科幻最新潮流的
  • 星球大战 绝地少年武士


    奎刚·金与奥比旺在执行“和平卫士”任务时,落入哈纳托斯的圈套。 哈纳托斯奎刚的前弟子,曾因现父阻止他获取非法财富而背叛绝地。奎刚·金认为他永远离他而去。 如今他出现了,并且要报仇。
  • 星球大战 绝地少年武士


    女王的生命危在旦夕,她心怀嫉恨的儿子为维护自己的统治地位企图密谋阻挠这个星球的民主选举。但他可能不是女王惟一的继承人,还有另外一个配得上皇冠上的隐秘标记的人。 奎刚·金和年轻的奥比旺·克诺比作为和平卫士来到了伽拉星球上,他们面对的是攫取权力与争夺王位的生死之争。 一定要找到真正的王位继承人。 绝地武士重任在肩,义不容辞。
  • 星球大战 绝地少年武士


    本书内容:没有人知道她的名字。没有人知道她什么时候出击。他们只知道她是一个致命的女杀手——她为了完成一项使命,来到考路斯坎星球——来到绝地人的大本营。 她的目标:奎刚·金的一位老朋友。 奎刚和弟子奥比旺试图擒获她……却没有成功。 现在他们也成了她的目标。
  • 星球大战 绝地少年武士


    克冈星球的多数居民不想与星系中其他星球进行交往。可是克冈星球发现了一个年轻的潜在的绝地人,奎刚·金及其弟子不得不前去打探这个陌生隔绝的世界。 他们成为不受欢迎的人,接边受骗上当,被关进一所学校,而且是一所专制、专横、无期关押人的学校。 在这个星球上,绝地人必须为真理而战……