

  • 隐身新娘

    作者:[法] 儒勒·凡尔纳

  • Brave New World and Brave New World Revisited (Perennial Classics)

    作者:Aldous Huxley

    In 1958, Aldous Huxley wrote what might be called a sequel to his novel Brave New World, published in 1932, but it was a sequel that did not revisit the story or the characters, or re-enter the world of the novel. Instead, he revisited that world in a set of 12 essays. Taking a second look at specific aspects of the future Huxley imagined in Brave New World, Huxley meditated on how his fantasy seemed to be turning into reality, frighteningly and much more quickly than he had ever dreamed. That he had been so prophetic in 1931 about the dystopian future gave Huxley no comfort. He was a far more serious man in 1958 -- at the age of 64 -- and the world was a very different place, transformed by the catastrophe of World War II, the advent of nuclear weapons and the grip of the Cold War. Looking behind the Iron Curtain, where people were not free but dominated by totalitarian power, Huxley could only bow to the grim prophecy of his friend (and, briefly, his student at Eton) George Orwell in the novel 1984. In the free world, however, the situation seemed even more to be one for despair. For it seemed to Huxley that people were well on their way to giving up their freedom and the sanctity of their individualism, in exchange for the illusions of comfort and sensory pleasure -- just as they had in Brave New World. Huxley heard, in 1958, a world full of the noise of what he called singing commercials, flooding the mass media, much like the hypnopaedia that shaped conscious thought in the world of the novel. He saw people everywhere in greater numbers taking tranquilizer drugs, to surrender to the unacceptable aspects of modern life -- not unlike the drug called soma that everyone takes in the novel. The power of propaganda, he believed, had been validated by the rise of Hitler, and the postwar world was using it effectively to manipulate the masses. Overpopulation was already a critical issue in 1958, and Huxley saw the emergence of an overpopulated world in which the chaos was, more and more, being countered by centralized control -- closer, it seemed, to the future of Brave New World, where the ultimate controlling capitalist of Huxley´s early years, Henry Ford, had become the equivalent of God. In the end, Brave New World Revisited despairs of what has come to pass, primarily modern humankind´s willingness to surrender freedom for pleasure. Huxley quotes from the episode of the Grand Inquisitor in The Brothers Karamazov -- ´For nothing,´ the Inquisitor insists, ´has ever been more insupportable for a man or a human society than freedom.´ Huxley worried that the cry of "Give me liberty or give me death" could easily be replaced by "Give me television and hamburgers, but don´t bother me with the responsibilities of liberty." He saw hope in the form of education, even the most pious, orthodox and inefficient kind of education -- education that can teach people to see beyond the easy slogans, efficient ends and anesthetic influences of propaganda. Perhaps the forces that now menace freedom are too strong to be resisted for every long, Huxley concluded. It is still our duty to do whatever we can to resist them.
  • Dune

    作者:Frank Herbert

    This Hugo and Nebula Award winner tells the sweeping tale of a desert planet called Arrakis, the focus of an intricate power struggle in a byzantine interstellar empire. Dune is one of the most famous science fiction novels ever written, and deservedly so. The setting is elaborate and ornate, the plot labyrinthine, the adventures exciting. (from Amazon.com)
  • 猎物


    杰克曾在硅谷一家电子媒体公司担任程序设计部门的主管,他主要从事智能体程序的编写,并有小成就。杰克的妻子事业有成,她是艾克西莫斯技术公司的副总裁。这家公司正在研究一种运用于医疗实践的尖端纳米技术,如果这项技术成功,公司将会获得巨大的效益。朱丽亚负责这个项目,她野心勃勃,为此几乎付出了全部时间的精力,连家也顾不上了。渐渐地,杰克怀疑妻子有了外遇,而事实上问题在严重得多。 朱丽亚在一次车锅中受伤,艾克西莫斯技术公司邀请杰克去位于内华达州一个沙漠的秘密基地帮忙。原来朱丽亚负责的项目的试验出现了问题,一群纳米集群逃出了实验室,它们迅速进行智能进化,并按照杰克曾主持编写的“掠食猎物”程序成功运行。失去控制后,它们变成了现实世界中的可怕掠食者。纳米集群不仅在行动上像个掠食者,而且也不断地自复制,开始追求沙漠中的动物,当然它们对人也不放过。 当杰克发现纳米集群的强大能量时,他意识到它们的威胁远不限于沙漠中孤立的度验室。而且更可怕的是,杰克同时发现,这里的问题绝不仅仅是技术失控,事件的背后隐藏着更大的阴谋。危险随着时间的流逝正一步步逼近……
  • The Time Machine

    作者:H. G. Wells

    When the Time Traveller courageously stepped out of his machine for the first time, he found himself in the year 802,700 -- and everything has changed. In another, more utopian age, creatures seemed to dwell together in perfect harmony. The Time Traveller thought he could study these marvelous beings -- unearth their secret and then retum to his own time -- until he discovered that his invention, his only avenue of escape, had been stolen.   H.G. Well's famous novel of one man's astonishing journey beyond the conventional limits of the imagination first appeared in 1895. It won him immediate recognition, and has been regarded ever since as one of the great masterpieces in the literature of science fiction.
  • 神秘岛


    美国南北战争期间,工程师赛勒斯·史密斯、水手彭克罗夫·黑人纳布,还有年轻的哈伯特被南方军俘获。他们几人乘热气球逃离了俘虏营,降落在一个荒无人烟的孤岛。他们在这座孤岛上靠着自己的聪明才智与大自然展开了一场殊死博斗。最后,在内摩船长的帮忙下,他们终于逃离了这个行将毁灭的孤岛。 本书上儒勒·凡尔纳科幻三部曲中的第三部,又是一个独立的完整的故事。
  • 幽灵旅


    雅列·迪拉克,人类殖民防卫军“幽灵旅”中的另类——他来到人世的目的,只是为了充当叛徒查尔斯·鲍汀记忆的容器,揭开他不为人知的秘密。 然而,作为克隆体,迪拉克与自己的原型之间不可避免地产生了共鸣。他迫切地想了解鲍汀的一切,不光为了达成与生俱来的目的,更为了探寻存在的意义。 究竟是听从鲍汀的召唤,还是循着自己创造者的脚步走下去? 成熟后的迪拉克逐渐明白,即使身为“幽灵”,也没人能剥夺自己选择的权利。
  • 錯手


    航运业巨子哈山是白老大在少年时结识的朋友。哈山打赌白老大在他的大邮轮上无法找到自己,时限指定在八十日之内。如白老大找到他,就赢得该大邮轮,价值两亿英镑。若果白老大找不到合山,赌注竟是让卫斯理陪他八十日。 过了六十三天,白老大仍找不到哈山,于是找卫斯理及白素帮助。
  • 冲击参数

    作者:杰弗里 A 兰迪斯,Geoffrey A

  • 时间机器


  • 阿瓦隆之枪


    安珀是个神奇的国度,它是惟一的实体,其他一切世界都是它投射的影子。安珀异于其他一切影子世界。在这里,许多影子世界常见的物理、化学反应都无法生效——比如现代火器就无法运用于安珀的土地。 但在一次偶然的经历中,科温知道,有一种名为红粉的物质,即使在安珀仍旧能保持其爆炸反应。这种红粉的产地叫阿瓦隆。一个影子世界。 逃出牢笼的科温在影子世界中穿行,觅路前往阿瓦隆。一路上,一条黑路伴随着他,穿过不同的影子世界,像一个不祥的预兆。 科温利用阿瓦隆红粉,装备了一支拥有现代火器的部队,开始向安珀前进。但他发现,安珀正在遭到围攻,进攻者同样能够穿行影子世界,因为也有一条黑路引导着他们。
  • 八十天环游地球记


  • 不锈钢老鼠的宇宙冒险:不锈钢老鼠复仇记、不锈钢老鼠拯救世界


    《不锈钢老鼠复仇记》: 几个世纪以来,“战争”在祥和宁静的银河系几乎已经成了遥远的记忆。然而突兀生变,战火骤起,克里安德星在短时间内就迅速攻占了五个星球!他们为何能战无不胜?这场战争与克里安德星上穿灰白色制服的神秘人物有着怎样的关系?不锈钢老鼠临危受命,前往充满白色恐怖的克里安德星。在纷飞的战火中,他力挽狂澜,成为维护宇宙和平的无敌英雄。 . 《不锈钢老鼠拯救世界》: 野心勃勃的战争狂人发动了跨越数万年的时空战争,以英斯基普为首的特警队员纷纷中招,消失在时空交错中,特警队面临在历史中被完全抹去的险境。在这个危急关头,拥有传奇经历的不锈钢老鼠勇敢担负起拯救妻儿、拯救人类的重任,返回三万两千年前的地球,与战争狂人斗智斗勇,展开了一场殊死搏斗…… . “不锈钢老鼠”詹姆斯·狄格瑞兹,是美国著名科幻小说家哈里·哈里森笔下最深入人心的科幻角色。作为银河系最伟大的星际窃贼和犯罪艺术家,不锈钢老鼠在众多的星球上都留下了潇洒的身影,成功“窃取”了成千上万读者的心。面对无孔不入的“不锈钢老鼠”,威震宇宙的星际特警队也束手无策,只能把他招至帐下…… 收入《不锈钢老鼠的宇宙冒险》系列的几部科幻冒险小说,早已成为西方家喻户晓的经典之作。它们分别是:《不锈钢老鼠的诞生》、《不锈钢老鼠参军记》、《不锈钢老鼠高唱蓝调》、《不锈钢老鼠落入法网》、《不锈钢老鼠复仇记》和《不锈钢老鼠拯救世界》。
  • Speaker for the Dead

    作者:Card, Orson Scott

    In the aftermath of his terrible war, Ender Wiggin disappeared, and a powerful voice arose: The Speaker for the Dead, who told the true story of the Bugger War. Now, long years later, a second alien race has been discovered, but again the aliens' ways are strange and frightening...again, humans die. And it is only the Speaker for the Dead, who is also Ender Wiggin the Xenocide, who has the courage to confront the mystery...and the truth. "Speaker for the Dead" is the winner of the 1986 Nebula Award for Best Novel and the 1987 Hugo Award for Best Novel.
  • 招魂


  • 拼命


  • 在数难逃


    生命是否真有注定的命數?命數之謎一旦解開,會對生命本身造成怎樣的影響!?一名來歷不明的女嬰身上發現一塊油布,上面記載著一連串莫名數字,奇妙的是,它是由各國語言組合而成。這些數字的意涵竟是什麼?又到底從何而來? 層層謎團待解之際,衛斯理發現這些數字即是所謂的『生命之數』,令人詫異的是,它竟攸關全人類的歷史……
  • 前世


  • 瘟神


  • 运气

