

  • Visual Thinking

    作者:Colin Ware

    Increasingly, designers need to present information in ways that aid their audiences thinking process. Fortunately, results from the relatively new science of human visual perception provide valuable guidance. In Visual Thinking for Design, Colin Ware takes what we now know about perception, cognition, and attention and transforms it into concrete advice that designers can directly apply. He demonstrates how designs can be considered as tools for cognition - extensions of the viewers brain in much the same way that a hammer is an extension of the users hand. Experienced professional designers and students alike will learn how to maximize the power of the information tools they design for the people who use them. Presents visual thinking as a complex process that can be supported in every stage using specific design techniques. Provides practical, task-oriented information for designers and software developers charged with design responsibilities. Includes hundreds of examples, many in the form of integrated text and full-color diagrams. Steeped in the principles of active vision, which views graphic designs as cognitive tools.
  • 艺术与视知觉


  • 艺术与视知觉


    《艺术与视知觉(新编)》是一本完全重新编写过的书,它采用一种不受羁绊的写作风格来系统地陈述艺术与视知觉。 书中力图将那些潜在的原则清晰地陈述出来,阐述了视觉所具有的倾向于最简洁结构的趋势、视觉图式细分的发展阶段、知觉的动力特性及其他各种适用于所有视觉现象的基本原则,以使读者能够更清楚地看到形状、颜色、空间和运动等要素都可以作为一个统一的媒介呈现在艺术作品中。 艺术似乎正在面临着一种危险,那就是被大量空泛的理论探讨所淹没。这使得公众形成一种印象:艺术飘忽不定,很难把握。这是因为那些人太多得使用理性思考和理论探讨的方式对待与艺术有关的问题。