

  • Awaken the Giant Within

    作者:Tony Robbins

    在线阅读本书 Wake Up and Take Control of Your Life! Anthony Robbins, the nation's leader in the science of peak performance, shows you his most effective strategies and techniques for mastering your emotions, your body, your relationships, your finances, and your life. The acknowledged expert in the psychology of change, Anthony Robbins provides a step-by-step program teaching the fundamental lessons of self-mastery that will enable you to discover your true purpose, take control of your life and harness the forces that shape your destiny.
  • 享受独身生活


    作者芭芭拉在一次婚姻关系破裂后,过起了独居生活。那时,刚刚落单的寂寞,心中充满的恐惧,曾使她的自信心落到谷底,然而自由的空间与新生活的融入,让她重新审视了自己,发现了自己,她没有想到这会成为她生命中最有质量、最快乐的一段。 本书难能可贵的是,芭芭拉并无意为独居人群做单身示范,也没有偏激地提倡单身模式。她只是以亲切而充满智性的叙述,让我们在轻松的阅读中分享她独自生活的经历以及爱上这种方式的秘密。她认为每一个人都能寻找到适合自己的生活方式,处于独身而又期待着爱情的男女,如果能更好地充实与把握这一段空巢期,那么,有一天当爱情来临的时候,它们会为其生活添彩。