Telling True Stories
Inspiring stories and practical advice from America’s most respected journalists The country’s most prominent journalists and nonfiction authors gather each year at Harvard’s Nieman Conference on Narrative Journalism. Telling True Stories presents their best advice—covering everything from finding a good topic, to structuring narrative stories, to writing and selling your first book. More than fifty well-known writers offer their most powerful tips, including: • Tom Wolfe on the emotional core of the story • Gay Talese on writing about private lives • Malcolm Gladwell on the limits of profiles • Nora Ephron on narrative writing and screenwriters • Alma Guillermoprieto on telling the story and telling the truth • Dozens of Pulitzer Prize–winning journalists from the Atlantic Monthly, New Yorker, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post and more . . . The essays contain important counsel for new and career journalists, as well as for freelance writers, radio producers, and memoirists. Packed with refreshingly candid and insightful recommendations, Telling True Stories will show anyone fascinated by the art of writing nonfiction how to bring people, scenes, and ideas to life on the page. -
目录 家庭亲族类 子禀母 孙禀祖父母在外家情况 祖谕孙 夫寄妻 妻答夫 禀报学校情形 戒子不可浪费 戒子读书明理勤俭自持 与侄询营业状况 致表侄商捐慈善经费 祝颂庆贺类 贺新居落成 谢贺新居 贺迁居 贺开肆 贺开店兼荐友 贺营业开张 贺学者荣寿 贺友父寿 贺友寿 贺生子 贺生女 贺友新婚 贺娶媳 恳托荐聘类 恳友荐事 答荐事可成 促友早日来局 报病请假 介绍律师 介绍同学参观学校 推荐商店司帐 推荐商店伙友 推荐并愿切实担保 介绍谒见 答荐友 荐西席 馈赠唁慰类 通候约邀类 答允辞却类 诘责劝勉类 借贷索还类 论事婉辩类 商务市情类 商贸交易类 便条短札类 附录一、文言尺牍的源流 附录二、文言尺牍的格式 附录三、文言尺牍的用语 …… -
Practical English Usage
Teachers describe Michael Swan's book on English language problems as 'indispensable'. 600+ A-Z entries explain common problems with clear, concise information. -
《新闻写作与报道训练教程》(第3版)在我们生活于其中的这个“地球村”,信息传播技术飞速发展,日新月异,传媒在人们的社会生活中已经并将继续占据极其重要的地位。中国新闻与传播业在技术层面上用极短的时间走完了西方几近成熟的新闻传播界上百年走过的路程。然而,中国的新闻与传播学教育和研究仍然存在诸多盲点。要建立世界一流的大学,不仅在硬件上与国际接轨,而且在软件、教育上与国际接轨,已成为我们迫切的时代任务。有鉴于此,本套丛书书目与我国新闻传播学专业所开设的必修课、选修课相配套,特别适合新闻与传播学专业教学使用。如传播学引进了《大众传播效果研究的里程碑》,新闻采访学引进了《创造性的采访》、《全能记者必备》,编辑学引进了《编辑的艺术》等等。 -
Writers on Writing
Now in paperback, today's most celebrated writers explore literature and the literary life in an inspirational collection of original essays. By turns poignant, hilarious, and practical, Writers on Writing brings together more than forty of contemporary literature's finest voices. Pieces range from reflections on the daily craft of writing to the intersection of art's and life's consequential moments. Authors discuss what impels them to write: creating a sense of control in a turbulent universe; bearing witness to events that would otherwise be lost in history or within the writer's soul; recapturing a fragment of time. Others praise mentors and lessons, whether from the classroom, daily circumstances, or the pages of a favorite writer. For anyone interested in the art and rewards of writing, Writers on Writing offers an uncommon and revealing view of a writer's world. Contributors include Russell Banks, Saul Bellow, E. L. Doctorow, Richard Ford, Kent Haruf, Carl Hiaasen, Alice Hoffman, Jamaica Kincaid, Barbara Kingsolver, Sue Miller, Walter Mosley, Joyce Carol Oates, Annie Proulx, Carol Shields, Jane Smiley, Susan Sontag, John Updike, Kurt Vonnegut Jr., Alice Walker, and Elie Wiesel. -
王鼎鈞完成《作文七巧》後,再上層樓,以問答方式呈現《作文十九問》。 勤而好問:學而後問,問而後學,本書足以是勤學好問的朋友得到滿足,並提升作文的境界。 -
On Writing
"Long live the King" hailed Entertainment Weekly upon the publication of Stephen King's On Writing. Part memoir, part master class by one of the bestselling authors of all time, this superb volume is a revealing and practical view of the writer's craft, comprising the basic tools of the trade every writer must have. King's advice is grounded in his vivid memories from childhood through his emergence as a writer, from his struggling early career to his widely reported near-fatal accident in 1999 -- and how the inextricable link between writing and living spurred his recovery. Brilliantly structured, friendly and inspiring, On Writing will empower and entertain everyone who reads it -- fans, writers, and anyone who loves a great story well told. -
现在,报刊类的英语文章已成为中国英语学习者学习英语的主要渠道之一。这对有志于高考或考研或考博的学习者而言,有着不言而喻的重要意义。因此,了解有关报刊类英语文章的各种特点,不仅能帮助英语学习者们熟悉和了解最新英语词汇和当代各种热门话题,还可以在整体上提高英语学习者的英语水平和能力。全书共分十章:确定写作题材,收集相关信息,如何写引言,写作基础,句子与段落的写作,转换词语的使用,措辞、细节的描写的作用,引语的作用,结尾的写作和定稿。作者在全书中所使用的方法主要是举例法和定义法。定义法主要被用来对一些基本概念下定义,举例法主要被用来说明或解释作者的观点或建议。 -
The Elements of Style Illustrated
Every English-language writer knows Strunk and White's famous little writing manual, The Elements of Style. Many people between the ages of seventeen and seventy can recite the book's mantra--make every word tell--and still refer to their tattered grade school copy when in need of a hint on how to make a turn of phrase clearer, or a reminder on how to enliven prose with the active voice. Considering that millions of copies have been sold to millions of devotees, you might not think to ask what could enhance this (almost) perfect classic. In fact, the addition of illustrations allows readers to experience the book's contents in a completely new way, making the whole learning experience more colorful and clear, as well as adding a whimsical element that compliments the subtly humorous tone of the prose. The Elements of Style Illustrated will come to be known as the definitive, must-have edition. Maira Kalman is the offbeat and wildly talented illustrator of twelve children's books, numerous covers for The New Yorker magazine, fabrics for the fashion designers Isaac Mizrahi and Kate Spade, watches and accessories for the Museum of Modern Art, and a mural at the elegant Wavehill estate in Riverdale, among other projects. Her sophisticated and witty images that are yet bright and fanciful have won her a devoted following, especially among young urbanites. Maira Kalman is acknowledged by the E. B. White estate as the single artist trusted to illustrate the revered The Elements of Style. The Elements of Style Illustrated brings a fresh immediacy to the well-loved, much-valued, and still on-point work that has become an institution. While giving the classic work a jolt of new energy to appeal to contemporary readers, Kalman's illustrations are hemselves timeless, designed to sit alongside the ever-enduring manual for another fifty years and more. William Strunk and E. B. White's classic writing manual, The Elements of Style, has been enriched to include the vibrant, witty, and instantly recognizable images of Maira Kalman in a beautiful illustrated edition In her own words: "born. bucolic childhood. culture-stuffed adolescence. played piano. stopped. danced. stopped. wrote. discarded writing. drew. reinstated writing. married Tibor Kalman and collaborated at iconoclastic yet successful design studio. wrote and painted children's books. worried. took up Ping-Pong. relaxed. wrote and painted for many magazines. cofounded the Rubber Band Society. amused. children: two. dog: one." -
美国经典新闻评论写作教材,全书围绕如何把评论写得有冲击力展开论述,配有大量生动实例。优秀的社论有能力发动一场战争――或者是避免一场战争。如何才能写出合理、有力、负责任的、具有吸引力与可读性的评论呢?在这本书中,你可以看到:对特殊风格与技巧的审慎而实用的探讨在“硬新闻”议题、社会价值观与新闻原则之间取得平衡的方式如何确定评议议题、评论观点以及用尽可能具有影响力的方式为读者提供相关信息从社论和个人专栏一直到言论、幽默、艺术评论与批评等几个方面的评论写作建议对45份报纸评论写作的研究及大量实例如何避免诽谤与法律陷阱方面的建议可操作的实用练习、推荐阅读书目以及对于每一章要点的小结. -
Eats, Shoots & Leaves
"Eats, Shoots & Leaves" has sold over 3 million copies world-wide. This illustrated version for children shows how the humble comma can change the meaning of a sentence completely. You might want to eat a huge hot dog, but a huge, hot dog would run away pretty quickly if you tried to take a bite out of him. 'Children Drive Slowly' on a road-sign doesn't quite sum up what kids do in their spare time. And we all know now that the comma in 'Eats shoots and leaves' is a crucial one. Lynne Truss and Bonnie Timmons illuminate the hilarious confusion that one mere dot with a tail can cause, in this follow-up to the number one best-seller "Eats, Shoots & Leaves" - which this time features lively and subversive pictures by one of America's leading illustrators. This picture book is sure to elicit gales of laughter and better punctuation from all who read it. -
选一些好的文章给少年们读读……我在后面说些话……就普通文章的道理跟读者谈谈。 我要告诉读者,写文章也不是什么神秘的事儿,艰难的事儿。文章的材料是经验和意思,文章的依据是语言。只要有经验和意思,只要会说话,再加上能识字会写字,这就能够写文章了……所谓好文章,也不过材料选的精当一点,话说的确切一点周密一点儿罢了。 这本小书选录了二十四篇文章……我决不说这些文章以外再没有好文章,我只想给读者看看,这样的文章就是好文章了。要写好文章绝不是铺一张纸,拿一支笔,摇头晃脑硬想一阵就能办到的事儿:读了这二十四篇之后至少可以悟到这一点。 阅读和写作都是人生的一种行为,凡是行为必须养成了习惯才行……阅读和写作的知识必须化为习惯,在不知不觉之间受用它,那才是真正的受用。读者看这本小书,请不要忘了这一句:养成习惯。 -
本书切当地阐明了尺牍的各种行文诀窍及其修辞规范,入情入理,妙语联珠,言简意赅,易懂易行,浸透了作者亲自实践的切身体会。本着古为今用的原则,度其糟粕,取其精华,抑其八股,迪其创新。对其过时内容只作一般介绍,能懂即可,对其精华有用的表达修辞范例,则能详不简,尽力列举。 -
《作文杂谈》是一本关于如何写作的书,是一位与语文打了半个多世纪交道的行家对自已的经验和体会的倾囊传授,从“什么是作文”说起,到“作文批改”止,对有关作文的各个方面加以剖析和论证,语言亲切,道理平实,教者与学者均可从中获益。 -
《我是一支爱写作的铅笔》童书作家山姆·史沃普在美国纽约皇后区的一所小学开办写作工作坊,教小学三年级的孩子们写作。这是个极大的挑战,因为这个班级里的学生来自世界各地,28位小朋友来自21个不同国家,说着11种不同的母语! 史沃普老师陪伴着这群多元肤色、精力旺盛的孩子从三年级成长到五年级,为他们精心设计了各种教学计划:带他们到博物馆看盒子展,再让他们制作盒子,创作一本诉说盒子故事的“盒中书”;让他们把身体的轮廓画成一座小岛,写出自己的小岛故事;带他们到中央公园各自认养一棵树,观察树的变化,并写信给它……他耐心地诱导他们写出一个个故事,看着他们的才能开花、结果。 在史沃普老师的引导下,孩子们手里的铅笔成为开启写作魔法的钥匙——原来只要用对方法,点燃孩子的创作热情,他们就都拥有独特且令人期待的天赋与才能。 在《我是一支爱写作的铅笔》里,孩子们不是在学习写作,而是在享受写作的快乐! -
您想在写小说时少走弯路,少犯不必要的错误吗?您想把小说写得更有趣味性、更精彩吗?请您阅读著名作家龙一先生多年潜心研究小说创作奥秘而撰写的力作《小说技术》。剖析经典小说的文本,讲解小说技术的元素,传授小说创作的方法,揭示小说成功的奥秘……深入浅出而不故弄玄虚;通俗易懂而不艰深晦涩。这是一部难得的小说创作教科书。 -
Scientific Writing and Communication
Scientific Writing and Communication: Papers, Proposals, and Presentations covers all the areas of scientific communication that a scientist needs to know and to master to successfully promote his or her research and career. This unique "all-in-one" handbook begins with a discussion of the basics of scientific writing style and composition and then applies these principles to writing research papers, review articles, grant proposals, research statements, and resumes as well as to preparing academic presentations and posters. FEATURES: A practical presentation carefully introduces such basic writing mechanics as word choice and word location, sentence structure, and paragraph organization before moving into manuscript planning and organizational strategies. Extensive hands-on guidance for composing scientific documents and presentations then follows. Relevant and multi-disciplinary examples taken from real research papers and grant proposals by writers ranging from students to Nobel Laureates illustrate clear technical writing as well as common mistakes that one should avoid. Examples are drawn from a broad range of scientific disciplines including medicine, molecular biology, biochemistry, ecology, geology, chemistry, engineering, and physics. Extensive end-of-chapter exercise sets provide the opportunity to review style and composition principles and encourage readers to apply them to their own writing. Writing guidelines and revision checklists warn scientists against common pitfalls and equip them with the most successful techniques to revise a scientific paper, review article, or grant proposal. Annotated text passages bring the writing principles and guidelines to life by applying them to real-world, relevant, and multidisciplinary examples. Clear, easy-to-follow writing style is understandable to both native and non-native English speakers; special ESL features address problems faced by non-native English speakers. Eight chapters on grant writing demonstrate how to write successful grant applications and how to avoid the most common application mistakes. Covering all the facets of communication that scientists need to master, Scientific Writing and Communication: Papers, Proposals, and Presentations is ideal for a wide range of readers--from upper-level undergraduates and graduate students to postdoctoral fellows, faculty, and professional researchers--in the life sciences, medicine, psychology, chemistry, and engineering. -
The Elements of Eloquence
In an age unhealthily obsessed with substance, this is a book on the importance of pure style. From classic poetry to pop lyrics and from the King James Bible to advertising slogans, Mark Forsyth explains the secrets that make a phrase - such as 'Tiger, Tiger, burning bright', or 'To be or not to be' - memorable. In his inimitably entertaining and witty style he takes apart famous lines and shows how you too can write like Shakespeare or Oscar Wilde. Whether you're aiming for literary immortality or just an unforgettable one-liner, The Elements of Eloquence proves that you don't need to have anything to say - you simply need to say it well.
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友