

  • The Cult of the Luxury Brand

    作者:Radha Chadha,Paul Hu

    "The Cult of the Luxury Brand" is the first book to explore how and why an amazing "luxeplosion" is rocking Asia, sweeping up not just the glitzy upper crust, but secretaries toting their Burberry bags, junior executives sporting Rolex watches, and university students in Ferragamo shoes. Hong Kong boasts more Gucci and Hermes stores than New York or Paris. China's luxury market is growing with such gusto that it will single-handedly be the biggest by 2014. Even India, the new kid on the luxury block, has three-month waiting lists for hot items, while in Tokyo, the epicenter of the cult, 94 per cent of women in their 20s own a Louis Vuitton bag. The cult of the luxury brand is so powerful that Asian consumers account for as much as half of the $80 billion global luxe industry. Radha Chadha and Paul Husband explain the paradox of simultaneously pumping up your product's status while pumping it out to the masses. They crack the code of the cult, offering a tried-and-tested approach to creating an explosive following for your brand. They outline a powerful model that explains the spread of luxury in developed markets such as Japan and Hong Kong, while predicting the future course for emerging markets such as China and India. They also examine the phenomenon of "geniune fakes", impossible to tell from the real thing but detracting from its sales. Written by world-leading experts in a highly accessible style, the book draws on over 150 interviews with industry experts, market studies in 10 countries, and the authors' collective experience across Asia. It offers a glimpse of the thriving retail scene, from glorious flagship stores in Tokyo to bustling local markets in Seoul, and compares the various consumer segments to understand the inner motives for their obsession. It demonstrates how the continent's massive economic and social transformation is dismantling centuries-old ways of defining your place in society, and how your spot on today's social totem pole is marked by your Chanel suit and your Cartier watch. Whether you are a business professional targeting the Asian consumer, a marketer interested in trend spotting, or a shopper fascinated by luxury brands, this book opens the door to success.
  • 定价战略与战术


    《定价战略与战术(第4版)》作者预计2008年11月底到北京为他的著作《定价战略与战术(第4版)》第4版作巡回宣传,包括在北大做学术讲座,电视台做节目及平面媒体采访等。《定价战略与战术(第4版)》的第3版曾在清华大学出版社出版,被多次重印。此次我社出的是该书的第4版,在这一版中,作者不仅加入了许多新的定价理念,同时还加入了许多本土的案例,这使《定价战略与战术(第4版)》不仅具有很强的理论价值,还具有很强的实践性。《定价战略与战术(第4版)》被业界、学术界视为定价方面的“圣经”,是一部极具有可读性、实用性的有关战略定价方面的经典著作。由被誉为“全球战略定价之父”的汤姆·纳格博士和约翰·霍根博士编写。同时,汤姆·纳格博士该还是战略定价集团(Strategy Pricing Group)的创始人。该书自1987年出版,现已是第4版,并被翻译成德语、西班牙语、葡萄牙语、俄语、韩语、日语、爱沙尼亚语等。根据亚马逊网站的统计,《定价战略与战术(第4版)》是自1988年以来关于定价方面最为畅销的书。该书在北美顶级的大学、商学院被作为教科书使用。《定价战略与战术(第4版)》共14章,分别从战略定价的含义、成本对宣传价策略的影响、赢利性定价的财务分析、消费者和竞争对手对企业定价策略的影响以及定价策略中的伦理与法律因素等方面探讨了赢利性定价的策略与 方法。总之,是从赢利性的角度系统地分析了影响定价策略的各种因素,并在此基础上提出企业如何才能制订出有利可图的定价策略的原则和方法。指导企业如何根据消费者对产品价值的判断以及竞争对手的情况来考虑定价问题。《定价战略与战术(第4版)》是一本操作性和可读性都很强的书籍。不仅适合企业界的相关人士,也可以作为管理专业的老师和学生参考用书。
  • 用脑拿订单经典案例实录


     唯一一本全部由真实销售案例组成的、真实销售实景展示的图书  萃选10个行业中10位高级销售顾问的亲身经历  案例涉及直销、广告业、工业品销售、通讯设备、IT、网络服务、金融、汽车、软件、装修等10个行业  案例涉及销售初期(2个)、中期(3个)、后期(5个)全时段。 《用脑拿订单》一书出版后,读者对书中的销售案例反响强烈,印象深刻。书中销售高手们的经典销售活动、销售手段极好地诠释和印证了全脑销售博弈模型,并“方法化”了全脑销售博弈的原理。 《用脑拿订单经典案例实录》试图通过“中国资深销售顾问全脑销售博弈研究”项目中另外10个案例来再次强化销售顾问的思考意识、分析本能和对销售活动的兴趣。这些案例都是真实案例。它们来自各行各业。在萃选案例时,除了照顾到不同行业的读者要求,同时还特意在案例的选择上照顾到销售的不同阶段。这10个案例所处的销售阶段及其涉及的行业如下: 案例1——销售初期,争取约见。失败的电话销售错在哪里? 关注问题:知道客户在怎么想吗? 案例2——销售初期,初次会面。媒体广告销售,无形产品,每秒钟几万元的广告时间。 关注问题:知道客户最在意什么吗? 案例3——销售中期,深度会谈。洗衣设备的销售。 关注问题:客户如何看待主动促销和降价? 案例4——销售中期,建立信任。通讯设备招标过程中销售顾问有什么机会? 关注问题:客户最担心的到底是什么? 案例5——销售中期,决策人利益制约。PC商用机客户团购。 关注问题:决策人犹豫不决的背后是什么? 案例6——销售后期,客户决策核心。图书馆网络建设项目的销售。 关注问题:是回扣有用还是CEO亲自出面有用? 案例7——销售后期,关键的无形产品展示。大笔资金的投资用途以及整体解决方案。 关注问题:用什么来证明资金的回报,以及用什么来赢得决策人最关键的信任? 案例8——销售后期,用智慧笑到最后。奔驰豪华轿车的团购。 关注问题:用价值取胜的具体细节是什么? 案例9——销售后期,透彻理解客户的动机。ERP的销售。 关注问题:ERP对客户来说到底是意味着先进的生产力,还是简单的财务数字? 案例10——销售后期,有效处理激烈竞争。企业豪华办公场所的内装修。 关注问题:如何看待以及处理客户感到为难的激烈竞争?
  • Brandwashed

    作者:Martin Lindstrom

  • Truth, Lies, and Advertising

    作者:Jon Steel

    在线阅读本书 Judging by all the press it's received lately, account planning must be the biggest thing to hit American advertising since Doyle Dane Bernbach's Volkswagen campaign. Agencies are falling over each other to establish account planning departments and arm themselves with what Jay Chiat of Chiat/Day once described as "the best new business tool ever invented." Despite this enthusiasm, account planning remains shrouded in mystery. Is it, as Chiat suggested, merely a tool for attracting new clients? Or is it, as many critics have suggested, no more than traditional consumer research dressed up in new clothes? In the first book devoted exclusively to the subject of account planning in the United States, Jon Steel, Vice Chairman and Director of Account Planning for San Francisco advertising agency Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, argues that it is neither of these things. Account planning exists for the sole purpose of creating advertising that truly connects with consumers. While many in the industry are still dissecting consumer behavior, extrapolating demographic trends, developing complex behavioral models, and measuring Pavlovian salivary responses, Steel advocates an approach to consumer research that is based on simplicity, common sense, and creativity—an approach that gains access to consumers' hearts and minds, develops ongoing relationships with them, and, most important, embraces them as partners in the process of developing advertising. A witty, erudite raconteur and teacher, Steel describes how successful account planners work in partnership with clients, consumers, and agency creatives. He criticizes research practices that, far from creating relationships, drive a wedge between agencies and the people they aim to persuade; he suggests new ways of approaching research to cut through the BS and get people to show their true selves; and he shows how the right research, when translated into a motivating and inspiring brief, can be the catalyst for great creative ideas. He draws upon his own experiences and those of colleagues in the United States and abroad to illustrate those points, and includes examples of some of the most successful campaigns in recent years, including Polaroid, Norwegian Cruise Line, Porsche, Isuzu, "got milk?" and others. The message of this book is that well-thought-out account planning results in better, more effective marketing and advertising for both agencies and clients. And also makes an evening in front of the television easier to bear for the population at large. "Jon Steel is one of the great practitioners in advertising today. This book captures the essence of how to understand and connect with other human beings—not just to sell them something, but to create strong, long-lasting brand connections. It should be required reading for all planners, creative people, and account people." — Lee Clow, Chairman of TBWA Chiat/Day, Chief Creative Officer, Worldwide "A very smart, very funny look at what works, what doesn't, and why, in the sometimes maddening, sometimes inspiring business of advertising. One of the brightest books about the subject in a long, long time." — Geoffrey Frost, Director of Global Advertising, Nike Inc. "Jon Steel is one of the top five account planners in the world. The depth and breadth of this book reflects his vast personal experience and exceptional talent. It's not just a great book about account planning, it's a great book about advertising." —Jane Newman, Partner, Director of Strategic Planning, Merkley, Newman, Harty. "The beauty of this book is that it discusses the theories and practice of one of the brightest minds in advertising today, yet never loses its irreverent tone. It's a great book for the advertising industry and a must read for planners." —Rob White, Director of Planning, Fallon McElligott ". . . I was glued to Jon's book. Best practice, common sense, and extraordinary intelligence throughout." —David Wheldon, President, BBDO Europe. "Jon Steel's book is the perfect insight into a discipline that for some time has been misunderstood, misused, and maligned by most agencies and clients in the U.S. So, run it up the flag pole, put it to groups, check it against the norms, the answer is the same—Truth, Lies, and Advertising should be read by anyone who has to make or approve advertising." —Rick Boyko, President, Chief Creative Officer, Ogilvy & Mather, New York.
  • Perfect Pitch

    作者:Jon Steel

    在线阅读本书 A professional “pitching coach” for one of the world’s largest marketing conglomerates, Jon Steel shares his secrets and explains how you can create presentations and pitches that win hearts, minds, and new business. He identifies the dos and don’ts and uses real–world examples to prove his points. If you make pitches for new business, this is the perfect book for you.
  • Contagious

    作者:Jonah Berger

  • 消费者行为学


    本书是消费者行为学领域中一本重要的、广为流传的教科书。它由微观到宏观,由个体到群体,从市场、个体、决策者、亚文化和文化五个角度逐层剖析消费者行为,突出多学科、综合性的研究视角,反映全球化、数字化背景下消费者行为的最新发展。   本书的改编在充分消化解构原作的基础上,遵循“保留为主、精简表达”的原则,尊重并保持原书的主体结构、基本内容和特色,同时对全书的内容及表达进行了简化、删减和精炼,对部分章节进行了局部的结构调整,以更适应国内教学的实际需要。   改编后本书篇幅更为紧凑,定价大大降低,非常适合作为我国高校本科双语教学教材,也可用作研究生、MBA教材,还可作为相关从业人员的参考书。
  • Priceless

    作者:William Poundstone

    Prada stores carry a few obscenely expensive items in order to boost sales for everything else (which look like bargains in comparison). People used to download music for free, then Steve Jobs convinced them to pay. How? By charging 99 cents. That price has a hypnotic effect: the profit margin of the 99 Cents Only store is twice that of Wal-Mart. Why do text messages cost money, while e-mails are free? Why do jars of peanut butter keep getting smaller in order to keep the price the “same”? The answer is simple: prices are a collective hallucination. In Priceless , the bestselling author William Poundstone reveals the hidden psychology of value. In psychological experiments, people are unable to estimate “fair” prices accurately and are strongly influenced by the unconscious, irrational, and politically incorrect. It hasn’t taken long for marketers to apply these findings. “Price consultants” advise retailers on how to convince consumers to pay more for less, and negotiation coaches offer similar advice for businesspeople cutting deals. The new psychology of price dictates the design of price tags, menus, rebates, “sale” ads, cell phone plans, supermarket aisles, real estate offers, wage packages, tort demands, and corporate buyouts. Prices are the most pervasive hidden persuaders of all. Rooted in the emerging field of behavioral decision theory, Priceless should prove indispensable to anyone who negotiates. 点击链接进入中文版: 无价:洞悉大众心理玩转价格游戏
  • 作者:(美)马丁·林斯特龙(Martin Li

    品牌营销专家林斯特龙是极富实战经验与创新精神的。在他的最新力作《买》中,给出了一系列令人震惊的结论:大多数时候,植入式广告毫无效果;品牌像习俗一样,控制着我们的生活;强势品牌和宗教都可以激活人们大脑中的同一区域;无处不在的潜意识广告比直接广告更加有效…… 对营销者来说,这样的结论可能是“违背传统”的,但事实是:完全遵循经典和一些“理所当然”的营销理论而投入的大量广告经费常常打了水漂;经过缜密的市场调研后推出的新产品仍屡遭失败。为了探寻消费者的心理,企业与营销者费尽心思,进行了太多的问卷调查、焦点小组与实验,其结果就是产生了更多的关于消费者购买心理与行为的结论。这些结论繁多复杂,有些甚至互相矛盾。它们的准确率有多高呢?看看当今那些迷茫的营销经理就知道了。现在营销界一个无奈的事实是——尽管大家知道现有的探究消费者心理的手段并不那么有效,但也无法找到更好的解决方法,所以就习惯于继续使用“普遍的”、“理所当然正确的”方法无休止地消耗金钱和资源。 这正是本书试图解决的问题,书中给出的结论或许令人震惊,却比以往所有的研究成果都更可信,因为它们是实验者与消费者“大脑”直接对话的结果。本书的价值正在于——用当今世界上最先进的大脑扫描技术fMRI(功能性磁共振成像)戳破关于消费者为什么购买的谎言,破解消费者心理的黑匣子,让你直达大脑中支配消费者购买行为的潜意识,寻找到所有营销经理和学者梦寐以求的购买“真相”。 《买》这本书为企业介绍了一个可能的解决方式——科学营销,这也是这本书对于中国企业的特殊意义所在。它提供的科学研究结论可以帮助企业重新审视过去“粗放型”的营销方式,转而用一种更加科学和严谨的态度看待营销。毕竟,管理是“科学与艺术的结合”,作为管理中的一个重要职能,营销亦是如此。变化越来越迅速的全球市场与购买心理日渐成熟与复杂的消费者要求中国企业掌握更加科学的预测方法。面对变革的挑战,我们需要改变的不仅是手段,更是态度。
  • Made to Stick

    作者:Chip Heath,Dan Heath

    Editorial Reviews From Publishers Weekly Starred Review. Unabashedly inspired by Malcolm Gladwell's bestselling The Tipping Point, the brothers Heath—Chip a professor at Stanford's business school, Dan a teacher and textbook publisher—offer an entertaining, practical guide to effective communication. Drawing extensively on psychosocial studies on memory, emotion and motivation, their study is couched in terms of "stickiness"—that is, the art of making ideas unforgettable. They start by relating the gruesome urban legend about a man who succumbs to a barroom flirtation only to wake up in a tub of ice, victim of an organ-harvesting ring. What makes such stories memorable and ensures their spread around the globe? The authors credit six key principles: simplicity, unexpectedness, concreteness, credibility, emotions and stories. (The initial letters spell out "success"—well, almost.) They illustrate these principles with a host of stories, some familiar (Kennedy's stirring call to "land a man on the moon and return him safely to the earth" within a decade) and others very funny (Nora Ephron's anecdote of how her high school journalism teacher used a simple, embarrassing trick to teach her how not to "bury the lead"). Throughout the book, sidebars show how bland messages can be made intriguing. Fun to read and solidly researched, this book deserves a wide readership. (Jan. 16) Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. From Booklist Based on a class at Stanford taught by one of the authors, this book profiles how some ideas "stick" in our minds while the majority fall by the wayside. Urban legends, conspiracy theories, and compelling advertising make up much of the intrinsically interesting examples that the Heaths profile that qualify for "stickiness." This book explores what makes social epidemics "epidemic" and, as the Heaths cite from Malcolm Gladwell's Tipping Point (2000), defines the secret recipe that makes an idea viral. The principles of stickiness are examined--an unexpected outcome, lots of concrete details that we remember, emotion, simplicity, and credibility--all packaged in an easily told story format. Taking these five stickiness attributes, the book offers numerous examples of how these properties make up the stories we are all familiar with--the urban legend about kidney theft and the razor blades supposedly lurking in Halloween candy. Exercises, checklists, and other tools are sprinkled throughout the book to help the reader understand and test how stickiness can be applied to their ideas, whether they are teachers, parents, or CEOs. Gail Whitcomb Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved
  • 卖轮子

    作者:杰夫 科克斯,霍华德 史蒂文斯

  • 广告与促销

    作者:[美]乔治·贝尔奇 等

  • 市场营销学


    《市场营销学(第7版)》为大家呈现了最新的营销思想,建立了一个营销学的框架,将营销简单地定位于为客户创造价值并从他们那里获得价值回报的科学和艺术。揭示了营销活动是如何与公司的其他部门——会计、信息技术、财务、运营和人力资源管理等——以及公司外部的营销伙伴一起为客户带来价值的。 《市场营销学(第7版)》是两位著名营销学者菲利普•科特勒和加里•阿姆斯特朗教授成功合作的代表作,也是一本极其畅销的教材,简明、实用、易懂而有趣。
  • 22条商规


  • 星巴克的感性营销


    星巴克自从1999年在韩国开张第一家店铺以来,在短短4年的时间里,迅速扩张到75家店铺,并且保持着每年30%-40%的发展速度。 在白热化的市场竞争中,星巴克何以取得如此巨大的成功?本书作者认为,巨大的成功背后隐藏着相应的营销体系,那就是其独特的感性营销策略。作者通过调查、采访和分析,总结出了星巴克的77条感性营销秘诀,每一和都是经过实践检验的真知灼见。这77条策略不仅对于服务行业有指导作用,对很多企业的管理都有所裨益。 本书分为三个部分。第一部分对消费者的需求和特点加以分析;第 二部分详细介绍了星马克如何将营销手段的5P原则运用到经营中;第三部分通过介绍星马克的员工管理理念,反映出星巴克优秀的企业文化。
  • Blue Ocean Strategy

    作者:W. Chan Kim,Renée Ma

    A landmark work that upends traditional thinking about strategy, and charts a new path to capture new market space that is ripe for growth. 点击链接进入中文版: 蓝海战略:超越产业竞争、开创全新市场(哈佛商学院系列)
  • 细节营销

    作者:柏唯良,Willem Burgers

    市场营销是爱客户呢,还是打败竞争对手?是爱情还是战争? 实际上,你对你的客户、竞争对手既有爱情又有战争。 本书第1版的面世给市场营销带来了一股清新的空气,其经验和思想令业界惊艳不已。几年过去了,新公司问世、老公司谢世或者合并,股市飙升又狂跌,新产品上市,新思想普及……在这个全新的营销环境下,作者对第1版的内容进行了扩充修改,超过40%的新思想和新案例能够帮助大家更好地实践市场营销。新书重新配画,而中欧国际工商学院首席翻译朱宇女士也尽得作者三昧,为读者再次奉上原汁原味的营销精华。 柏唯良教授是国际知名的市场营销学教授。他在中欧国际工商学院讲授市场营销课程已经15年,一直是最受同学们欢迎的教授之一……如果不信,请买一本读读看,如果不读,那一定会成为你的一大遗憾;如果读迟了,总有一天会拍腿叫悔:“要是早读了这本书,我那个项目(或者机会)就不会损失!”—— 中欧国际工商学院名誉院长 刘吉 柏先生是一个善于启发大家思维的人,他用了很多真实经历、企业案例等,告诉我们:“爱你的产品、爱你的客户、爱你的市场营销。” —— 内蒙古伊利集团实业股份有限公司董事长 潘刚 柏教授的书可以当小说读,但绝不是一笑了之,笑完让人深思,笑完让你开窍。我喜欢柏教授生动活泼的写作风格。良药未必要苦口,包上糖衣并不影响药效。我觉得,正儿八经的道理,可以用非正经的方式讲述,亦庄亦谐,便于理解和记忆。—— 红星美凯龙集团公司董事长兼CEO 车建新 大道希夷,何以传承? 柏唯良教授这本书化繁从简,复元还真,读来既有品茗之惬意,又有顿悟之快感。释手之间让人不禁感叹: 道亦可道。—— 陕西汽车集团有限责任公司董事长 方红卫 柏教授通过书中多个生动、有趣的案例把营销最根本的大原理通俗易懂地传授出来,书中的营销方法对公司经营的帮助直接有效,拿来可用!——真功夫餐饮集团总裁 蔡达标
  • 营销管理


    本书专为中国读者而写,其目的是引领读者以国际视野结合中国市场学习营销管理的知识和技能。作者立足于中国市场现实,在内容、结构和表现手法方面大胆创新,力图更加符合中国读者的学习需要。 •增加了“转型营销的管理”的章节,专门探讨“转型营销”这一重要主题; •重新组织了《营销管理》(第13版)的框架结构,更加适应中国实际,符合中国高校的课程设置; •遴选了最新营销案例,不仅包括中国公司的本土竞争和国际化案例,而且包括跨国公司在中国市场和全球市场的案例; •增加了“营销在中国”、“创新营销”、“营销视野”等特色专栏。 •在充分保留《营销管理》(第13版)的精华和最新内容的前提下,内容更简练,更适应中国读者的阅读和学习方式。
  • Positioning

    作者:Al Ries,Jack Trout

    在线阅读本书 Book Description It shook up the world of marketing with all the force of a 20-megaton bomb, and now, two decades later, Positioning is still as fresh and, perhaps, even more relevant, for advertisers in the New Economy. To commemorate the 20th anniversary of the classic book that changed an industry, McGraw-Hill has reunited mavens of marketing Al Ries and Jack Trout to make available to another generation of advertisers the book that forever changed the way advertising is done. The first book to deal with the problems of communicating to a skeptical public, Positioning describes a revolutionary approach to creating a "position" in a prospective customer's mind that reflects a company's own strengths and weaknesses as well as those of its competitors. Writing in their trademark witty, fast-paced style, Ries and Trout explain how to position an industry leader so that it gets into people's minds and stays there, how to position a follower so that it can occupy a space not claimed by the leader, and how to avoid letting a second product ride on the coattails of an established one. "Ries and Trout taught me everything I know about branding, marketing, and product management. When I had the idea of creating a very large thematic community on the Web, I first thought of "Positioning"..." - David Bohnett, Chairman and Founder of GeoCities. A handsome edition of the original 1981 text, this "20th Anniversary Edition" makes available to business and marketing professionals - including tens of thousands of Ries and Trout groupies, worldwide - the work that forever changed the way marketing strategy is done. This new edition features commentary from the authors that offers fresh insight into why "positioning" a product in a prospective customer's mind is still the most important strategy in business, and includes numerous examples of campaigns that followed, or didn't follow, Ries and Trout's thinking. Book Dimension Height (mm) 208 Width (mm) 188