

  • 言不褻不笑


    一部有關近代中國男性心態史的專著 以明清以來的笑話書、俗曲、豔情小說 與民初報紙的醫藥廣告等史料 探究明末至民初之間男性的情緒、欲望、身體與私人生活 並分析其所反映之思想、文化意涵。 《言不褻不笑:近代中國男性世界中的諧謔、情慾與身體》 分為諧謔、情慾與現代轉型等三篇, 關懷的焦點是近代中國在傳統至現代的轉換中, 男性世界中幽默感、情慾表達與身體觀念之間的關係。 作者黃克武教授認為,明清諧謔書刊與豔情小說反映了男性中心的社會中,男性菁英分子對身體、情慾與兩性關係的看法。這些看法一方面狂野大膽、繽紛多彩,以「謔浪詼諧」之手筆書寫情慾活動與身體感受,另一方面則與儒家倫理、道家養生與佛教果報等理念交織在一起。清末民初報紙的醫藥廣告主要反映男子對性的恐懼與煩惱。這些醫藥廣告顯示在20世紀初年之後,傳統的身體觀、情慾觀在西方現代醫學、國族主義、跨國公司全球市場、新興媒體的衝擊之下所發生的變化。直至今日這些文本仍廣泛地流傳於中文世界,而其中所反映出來的「縈繞於心的性幻想與性恐懼」以及「言不褻不笑」等心態亦仍普遍地存在,構成中國文化圈中男性的性別認知、情慾表述與隱私觀念的重要基礎。 作者黃克武透過不同時期之文本,探索感官經驗的書寫,展現明清以來男性世界中身體與諧謔交織而成的世界。這些笑話書、豔情小說、俗曲等被視為特定時空之中作者(或編者)與讀者所共同營造的文化出產,因而表現出時代的性格。這些明清的文本除了反映中國歷史情境下不同時期男性的幽默感之外,還與身體與情慾等議題有密切的關係。 《言不褻不笑》的探索從十七世紀開始,上篇的三章以明清時期諧謔性質之文本為中心,探討傳統男子諧謔與身體、情慾之糾葛。第一章描寫與分析明清時期諧謔文本,及其與身體、情慾主題之關聯。第二章將焦點集中於最早在乾隆年間出版的《笑林廣記》中的性笑話。上述兩章所分析的諧謔文本中情慾表達可以讓讀者反省以「禮教─情慾」二元對立來觀察明清歷史的研究取向。傳統社會的幽默不限於情色笑話,而有更複雜的圖譜。第三章以道光年間出版李汝珍所著的《鏡花緣》為基本史料,探討鴉片戰爭前夕中國社會中不同型態的幽默,及其在中國近代社會史與思想史上的涵義。 中篇的第四章與第五章主要研究明清時期的豔情小說之情慾表達,以及其中所反映男性之情色意識。第四章指出明清的豔情文本以狂野的想像建構一個不以繁衍後代為目的的情色世界。第五章以三個不同的豔情小說探討明清豔情小說所展現的情慾世界與情色意識。作者黃克武以空間的觀念作為切入點,探討豔情作家如何透過空間安排與逾越來書寫情慾活動。 下篇的三章探討「現代轉型」。第六、七章將焦點從明清時期轉移到民國初年,從明末到民初中國男子對身體與情慾的看法有不少的連續性,但是另一方面隨著西力的衝擊與全球化的發展,傳統的觀念也發生了許多變遷。作者黃克武利用民初報紙的醫藥廣告來分析廣告內容所反映出男性的夢想與恐懼。第六章處理報紙醫藥廣告如何反映與形塑近代中國在中西論述交織之下的疾病觀與身體觀。第七章進一步地從腎、血、腦三類型的廣告,分析代理跨國公司藥品的廣告商如何一方面延續本土的文化傳承、語彙觀念,另一方面借助國外報章相同商品之廣告形象來行銷其商品,總之,全球化與地方化的過程是交織在一起的,全球化的部分展現科學論述與全球跨國資本主義對中國社會的影響,地方化則顯示依賴傳統語彙的身體想像在西力衝擊之下仍有強勁的延續性。第八章探討「私領域」觀念在近代中國之發展。 另一方面,本書所收錄的這幾篇文章使用了以往史學研究較少運用的文學素材,來探究明清至民初男性世界中的諧謔、情慾與身體。
  • 三个原始部落的性别与气质


  • Other Modernities

    作者:Lisa Rofel

  • Women, the Family and Peasant Revolution in China

    作者:Kay Ann Johnson

    Kay Ann Johnson provides much-needed information about women and gender equality under Communist leadership. She contends that, although the Chinese Communist Party has always ostensibly favored women's rights and family reform, it has rarely pushed for such reforms. In reality, its policies often have reinforced the traditional role of women to further the Party's predominant economic and military aims. Johnson's primary focus is on reforms of marriage and family because traditional marriage, family, and kinship practices have had the greatest influence in defining and shaping women's place in Chinese society. Conversant with current theory in political science, anthropology, and Marxist and feminist analysis, Johnson writes with clarity and discernment free of dogma. Her discussions of family reform ultimately provide insights into the Chinese government's concern with decreasing the national birth rate, which has become a top priority. Johnson's predictions of a coming crisis in population control are borne out by the recent increase in female infanticide and the government abortion campaign.
  • The Second Shift

    作者:Arlie Hochschild,Ann

    Fifteen years after its first publication, The Second Shift remains just as important and relevant today as it did then. As the majority of women entered the workforce, sociologist and Berkeley professor Arlie Hochschild was one of the first to talk about what really happens in dual-career households. Many people were amazed to find that women still did the majority of childcare and housework even though they also worked outside the home. Now, in this updated edition with a new introduction from the author, we discover how much things have, or have not, changed for women today.
  • 社会性别研究导论


  • On Female Body Experience

    作者:Iris Marion Young

    Written over a span of more than two decades, the essays by Iris Marion Young collected in this volume describe diverse aspects of women's lived body experience in modern Western societies. Drawing on the ideas of several twentieth century continental philosophers--including Simone de Beauvoir, Martin Heidegger, Luce Irigaray, Julia Kristeva, and Maurice Merleau-Ponty--Young constructs rigorous analytic categories for interpreting embodied subjectivity. The essays combine theoretical description of experience with normative evaluation of the unjust constraints on their freedom and opportunity that continue to burden many women. The lead essay rethinks the purpose of the category of "gender" for feminist theory, after important debates have questioned its usefulness. Young's classic essay, "Throwing Like a Girl," is reprinted here, along with a comment of the impact of that essay twenty years later. Newer essays include reflection on the meaning of being at home, and the need for privacy in old age residences. Other essays analyze aspects of the experience of women and girls that have received little attention even in feminist theory--such as the sexuality of breasts, or menstruation as punctuation in a woman's life story. Young describes the phenomenology of moving in a pregnant body and the tactile pleasures of clothing. While academically rigorous, the essays are also written with engaging style, incorporating vivid imagery and autobiographical narrative. On Female Body Experience raises issues and takes positions that speak to scholars and students in philosophy, sociology, geography, medicine, nursing, and education.
  • Bodies That Matter

    作者:Judith Butler

    In "Bodies That Matter," Judith Butler further develops her distinctive theory of gender by examining the workings of power at the most "material" dimensions of sex and sexuality. Deepening the inquiries she began in "Gender" "Trouble," Butler offers an original reformulation of the materiality of bodies, examining how the power of heterosexual hegemony forms the "matter" of bodies, sex, and gender. Butler argues that power operates to constrain "sex" from the start, delimiting what counts as a viable sex. She offers a clarification of the notion of "performativity" introduced in "Gender Trouble" and explores the meaning of a citational politics. The text includes readings of Plato, Irigaray, Lacan, and Freud on the formation of materiality and bodily boundaries; "Paris is Burning," Nella Larsen's "Passing," and short stories by Willa Cather; along with a reconsideration of "performativity" and politics in feminist, queer, and radical democratic theory.
  • You Just Don't Understand

    作者:Deborah Tannen

    Women and men live in different worlds...made of different words. Spending nearly four years on the New York Times bestseller list, including eight months at number one, You Just Don't Understand is a true cultural and intellectual phenomenon. This is the book that brought gender differences in ways of speaking to the forefront of public awareness. With a rare combination of scientific insight and delightful, humorous writing, Tannen shows why women and men can walk away from the same conversation with completely different impressions of what was said. Studded with lively and entertaining examples of real conversations, this book gives you the tools to understand what went wrong -- and to find a common language in which to strengthen relationships at work and at home. A classic in the field of interpersonal relations, this book will change forever the way you approach conversations.
  • Teachers of the Inner Chambers

    作者:Dorothy Ko

    Rejecting popular image and accepted scholarship on the status of women in premodern China, this pathbreaking work argues that literate gentrywomen in seventeenth-century Jiangnan were far from oppressed or silenced. As writers, readers, editors, and teachers, these women created a rich culture and meaningful existence from within the constraints of the male-dominated Confucian system. The author reconstructs the social, emotional, and intellectual worlds of these women from the interstices between ideology, practice, and self-perception. Born out of curiosity about how premodern Chinese women lived, this book proposes a new way to conceptualize China's past. This reconception rests on the premise that by understanding how women lived, we better grasp the dynamics of gender relations and gain a more complete knowledge of the values of Chinese culture, the functioning of Chinese society, and the nature of historical change. The book examines three types of women's communities that developed in this environment: domestic, social, and public. Women from different families, age groups, and social stations were brought together by their shared love of poetry and common concerns as women. Though important at the time, most of these ties proved fragile and transitory because of women's inherently ambivalent position. The author argues that the gender system identified women both by their shared gender, or women-as-same, and by their social station, or women-as-different. This contradiction accorded women freedoms within their own limited spheres, but these spheres were fragmented and often demarcated by the class of male kin. As a result, even the most mobile and articulate of women had noinstitutional means of launching fundamental attacks on the gender system.
  • Gender and Sexuality in Modern Chinese History

    作者:Susan L. Mann

    Gender and sexuality have been neglected topics in the history of Chinese civilization, despite the fact that there is a massive amount of historical evidence on the subject. China's late imperial government was arguably more concerned about gender and sexuality among its subjects than any other pre-modern state. How did these and other late imperial legacies shape twentieth-century notions of gender and sexuality in modern China? Susan Mann answers this by focusing on state policy, ideas about the physical body and notions of sexuality and difference in China's recent history, from medicine to the theater to the gay bars; from law to art and sports. More broadly, the book shows how changes in attitudes toward sex and gender in China during the twentieth century have cast a new light on the process of becoming modern, while simultaneously challenging the universalizing assumptions of Western modernity.
  • The Gender of Memory

    作者:Gail Hershatter

    What can we learn about the Chinese revolution by placing a doubly marginalized group--rural women--at the center of the inquiry? In this book, Gail Hershatter explores changes in the lives of seventy-two elderly women in rural Shaanxi province during the revolutionary decades of the 1950s and 1960s. Interweaving these women's life histories with insightful analysis, Hershatter shows how Party-state policy became local and personal, and how it affected women's agricultural work, domestic routines, activism, marriage, childbirth, and parenting--even their notions of virtue and respectability. The women narrate their pasts from the vantage point of the present and highlight their enduring virtues, important achievements, and most deeply harbored grievances. In showing what memories can tell us about gender as an axis of power, difference, and collectivity in 1950s rural China and the present, Hershatter powerfully examines the nature of socialism and how gender figured in its creation.
  • Gender Trouble

    作者:Judith Butler

    Since its publication in 1990, Gender Trouble has become one of the key works of contemporary feminist theory, and an essential work for anyone interested in the study of gender, queer theory, or the politics of sexuality in culture. This is the text where Judith Butler began to advance the ideas that would go on to take life as "performativity theory," as well as some of the first articulations of the possibility for subversive gender practices, and she writes in her preface to the 10th anniversary edition released in 1999 that one point of Gender Trouble was "not to prescribe a new gendered way of life [...] but to open up the field of possibility for gender [...]" Widely taught, and widely debated, Gender Trouble continues to offer a powerful critique of heteronormativity and of the function of gender in the modern world.
  • Gender Trouble

    作者:Judith Butler

    "For the most part, feminist theory has assumed that there is some existing identity, understood through the category of women, who not only initiates feminist interests and goals within discourse, but constitutes the subject for whom political representation is pursued."