Lonely Planet Europe On A Shoestring
This comprehensive guide to Europe covers 43 countries and assists travelers with effortless planning through easy-to-use language sections and more budget focus than ever before. of color. 174 maps. -
From Publishers Weekly The pre-eminent scholar of Polish history, Davies (God's Playground and Heart of Europe) expands his focus to all of Europe. While the book is bulky, its size is hardly adequate to a complete history of the continent from pre-history to the dismantling of the Soviet Union. In addition, as one might expect, Davies has taken great pains to treat countries other than England, France and Germany as legitimate parts of Europe?not just as the thresholds over which barbarians crossed. ("For some reason it has been the fashion among some historians to minimize the impact of the Magyars," Davies writes when discussing what would become central Europe. "All this means is that the Magyars did not reach Cambridge.") The book works because his subject is not the constituent countries but the continent as a whole. Thus, while Elizabeth I gets one brief mention in passing, Aristide Briand, the French foreign minister who tried to effect a Franco-German reconciliation until the Nazis won power, gets several paragraphs. Aside from defining what Europe is and giving all countries their due, Davies also tries to show the joys of an inclusive reading of historical subjects (he disparages excessive specialization and writes admiringly of the Annales school). A master of broad-brushstroke synthesis, Davies navigates through the larger historical currents with the detail necessary to a well-written engaging narrative. Copyright 1996 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. -
拉普兰的北极光、特兰西瓦尼亚的神秘城堡,地中海海滨风景如画的海滩,还有巴黎或伦敦五光十色的夜景,是否令你难以取舍呢?那就带上这本背包客为背包客所写的旅游指南去一一游览吧,它将使你走得更远,玩得更好,而花的钱却更少。 走自己的路——创意独特的路线设计和数以百计的出行地图可以帮你轻松做出欧洲观光旅行计划。 快乐吃住行——物美价廉的旅店,好吃不贵的餐馆、超酷超炫的酒吧和世界闻名的夜总会……书中列出了长长的名单,还提供了许多身体力行得来的旅途经验。 做个明白人——从古希腊文明到弗拉曼柯舞,本书详尽介绍了欧洲文化的各个方面。 世界真奇妙——芬兰的背老婆赛跑、英国的滚奶酪角逐,西班牙的西红柿大战……本书引导你观看一个个独具特色的节日。
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友