

  • 身体、空间与后现代性


    ★ 知名学者、清华大学教授汪民安,广受读者喜爱的经典作品。

    ★ 和《现代性》一样优美、晓畅,让人如痴如醉的学术著作。


    ★ 身体,是个人最后一份私有财产,它与欲望、社会、权力有着怎样的纠葛?它该如何突破重重遮蔽,发出自己的声音?

    ★ 疫情危机下的封锁、都市中家园概念的缺失、对居住空间的激烈争夺、大型商场中物的牢笼……种种空间问题的本质是什么?又如何困扰着我们每个人?







    —— 江海一蓑翁(豆瓣网友)


    —— 二级发呆员(豆瓣网友)

  • 认识世界:古代与中世纪哲学
























  • The Philosophy of Andy Warhol

    作者:Andy Warhol

    在线阅读本书 In his autobiography, published in 1975, the private Andy Warhol talks about love, sex, food, beauty, fame, work, money, success; about New York and America; about himself - his childhood in McKeesport, Pennsylvania, good times and bad times in the Big Apple, the explosion of his career in the Sixties, and life among celebrities.
  • 中国古代哲学史(上下)

    作者:张汝伦 主编,复旦大学哲学系中国哲学教研

    本书系复旦大学哲学系建系五十年来第一次在中国哲学史专业领域编就的中国哲学通史,积累了几代复旦学人的研究成果,这也是上海、乃至华东地区,第一次编著如此规模的中国哲学史。是书作者包括复旦大学哲学系教授张汝伦、徐洪兴、林宏星、吴震等,他们都受过系统的学术训练,并有长期国外游学经历。因而本书的编撰,可以说是从中国哲学自身的思想资料出发,以西学为参照系,建构民族特色的哲学史体系。对自先秦至近代的中国哲学发展史,结合本学科目前的研究成果,重新作了系统的论述。特别是该项目主持人系原复旦大学哲学系专治西方哲学史的著名教授张汝伦先生,他以其深厚的中西哲学背景以及实践哲学观点对中国哲学史的全新梳理,与坊间其他各类中国哲学史著作强调以西方哲学史的架构谈论中国哲学不同,本书完全以中国哲学自身的特征为进路,探讨中国哲学的合法性问题,是在世界文化的背景中作民族性的体系建构。 导论 第一编 先秦时期哲学 第二编 秦汉时期哲学 第三编 魏晋玄学 第四编 汉唐佛教哲学 第五编 唐到南宋时期哲学 第六编 元明时期哲学 第七编 明末至清中后期哲学 后记
  • Philosophy as a Way of Life

    作者:Pierre Hadot

    This book presents a history of spiritual exercises from Socrates to early Christianity, an account of their decline in modern philosophy, and a discussion of the different conceptions of philosophy that have accompanied the trajectory and fate of the theory and practice of spiritual exercises. Hadot's book demonstrates the extent to which philosophy has been, and still is, above all else a way of seeing and of being in the world.
  • Plato


  • The Hedgehog and the Fox

    作者:Isaiah Berlin

    "The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing." This fragment of verse by the Greek poet Archilochus describes the central thesis of Isaiah Berlin's masterly essay on Tolstoy, in which he underlines a fundamental distinction between those people (foxes) who are fascinated by the infinite variety of things and those (hedgehogs) who relate everything to a central, all embracing system. Tolstoy longed for a unitary vision, Sir Isaiah observes, but his marvelous perception of people, things, and the moments of history was so acute that he could not stop himself from writing as he saw, felt, and understood. He was by nature a fox who wanted to be a hedgehog. Since its first publication in 1953 Sir Isaiah's long essay has acquired the status of a small masterpiece. In its distillation of his profound knowledge of Russian thought and more general political philosophy, The Hedgehog and the Fox is a triumph of erudition and a superb entryway into an understanding of Tolstoy's work. "This little book is so entertaining, as well as acute, that the reader hardly notices that it is learned too." Arnold Toynbee.
  • 知识表示

    作者:John F・Sowa

  • Meno


    "Fine translation, good notes - inexpensive, too!" -- D A Rohatyn, University of San Diego
  • 德国哲学十论


  • A Thousand Plateaus

    作者:Gilles Deleuze,Felix

  • 谁需要哲学


  • The End of History and the Last Man

    作者:Francis Fukuyama

  • The Republic


    First published in 2000, this translation of one of the great works of Western political thought is based on the assumption that when Plato chose the dialogue form for his writing, he intended these dialogues to sound like conversations - although conversations of a philosophical sort. In addition to a vivid, dignified and accurate rendition of Plato's text, the student and general reader will find many aids to comprehension in this volume: an introduction that assesses the cultural background to the Republic, its place within political philosophy, and its general argument; succinct notes in the body of the text; an analytical summary of the work's content; a full glossary of proper names; a chronology of important events; and a guide to further reading. The result is an accomplished and accessible edition of this seminal work, suitable for philosophers and classicists as well as historians of political thought at all levels.
  • Cinema 1: the Movement-Image

    作者:Gilles Deleuze

  • The Society of the Spectacle

    作者:Guy Debord

    For the first time, Guy Debord's pivotal work Society of the Spectacle appears in a definitive and authoritative English translation. Originally published in France in 1967, Society of the Spectacle offered a set of radically new propositions about the nature of contemporary capitalism and modern culture. At the same time it was one of the most influential theoretical works for a wide range of political and revolutionary practice in the 1960s. Today, Debord's work continues to be in the forefront of debates about the fate of consumer society and the operation of modern social power. In a sweeping revision of Marxist categories, the notion of the spectacle takes the problem of the commodity from the sphere of economics to a point at which the commodity as an image dominates not only economic exchange but the primary communicative and symbolic activity of all modern societies.Guy Debord was one of the most important participants in the activities associated with the Situationist International in the 1960s. Also an artist and filmmaker, he is the author of Memoires and Commentaires sur la societe du spectacle. A Swerve Edition, distributed for Zone Books.
  • Image-Music-Text

    作者:Roland Barthes

    These essays, as selected and translated by Stephen Heath, are among the finest writings Barthes ever published on film and photography, and on the phenomena of sound and image. The classic pieces "Introduction to the Structural Analysis of Narrative" and "The Death of the Author" are also included.
  • Two Treatises of Government

    作者:John Locke

    This is the revised version of Peter Laslett's acclaimed edition of Two Treatises of Government, which is widely recognised as one of the classic pieces of recent scholarship in the history of ideas, read and used by students of political theory throughout the world. This 1988 edition revises Dr Laslett's second edition (1970) and includes an updated bibliography, a guide to further reading and a fully reset and revised introduction which surveys advances in Locke scholarship since publication of the second edition. In the introduction, Dr Laslett shows that the Two Treatises were not a rationalisation of the events of 1688 but rather a call for a revolution yet to come.
  • The Pig That Wants to Be Eaten

    作者:Julian Baggini

    Both entertaining and startling, The Pig That Wants to Be Eaten offers one hundred philosophical puzzles that stimulate thought on a host of moral, social, and personal dilemmas. Taking examples from sources as diverse as Plato and Steven Spielberg, author Julian Baggini presents abstract philosophical issues in concrete terms, suggesting possible solutions while encouraging readers to draw their own conclusions: Lively, clever, and thought-provoking, The Pig That Wants to Be Eaten is a portable feast for the mind that is sure to satisfy any intellectual appetite.
  • The Principles of Mathematics

    作者:Bertrand Russell

    His ideas have had a profound influence on twentieth-century work on logic and the foundations of mathematics.